scientific revolution. bellwork list 2 of galileo’s scientific discoveries

Post on 30-Dec-2015






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Scientific Revolution


• List 2 of Galileo’s scientific discoveries

Middle Ages

• Scientific Thought– Religious teachings -

Catholic Church• Earth was flat• Geocentric view

–Magic– Superstition– Ancient Writings (Galen,

Ptolemy, Aristotle)– Barber Surgeon


• New Technology and different ways to seek knowledge

• These scientific discoveries severally weaken the Catholic Church because they stressed using science and reason…could be a threat faith in God

• They felt they were the lone source of truth

Geocentric View vs. Heliocentric View

Catholic Church Copernicus

Geocentric View• Challenged the churches teachings that the earth was the

center of the universe– Copernicus

• Heliocentric view – sun is center of the universe; earth revolves around sun.

• Fear of punishment from Church – not published until after death

• Kepler • Uses math to prove earth revolved around sun moving in ellipses• Protestant – doesn’t fear punishment from Catholic Church

• Galileo– Invented telescope; proved Copernicus– Catholic Church - obstacle to spread of ideas

• New ideas challenged Church’s traditional teachings and authority• Church refused to accept any alternative to the theory that God

created earth as the center of the universe• forced to recant views or face death

Trial of Galileo

• Movie clip

• How do you think Galileo felt about science and reason versus the Catholic Church?

Fathers of the Enlightenment

• Francis Bacon – scientific method – Observation, hypothesis, test,

conclusion = Scientific law if holds true

• Rene Descartes – truth reached through reason and logic…I think therefore I am

Scientific Revolution

• Use of Scientific Method-Francis Bacon– Ideas that are unproven should be

discarded– Ideas should be tested– Truth comes through investigation– Enlightenment thinkers will alsouse these ideas when questioninghuman nature and the responsibilityof citizens


• Gravity• Calculus• Universe held together by gravity of the sun


• Dissected human body• Discovered Anatomy

Harvey• Blood circulates throughout the body• Pumped by the heart and returned through

the veins

Hooke, Boyle, and Priestly

• Hooke-cell• Boyle-Father of Modern Chemistry• Priestly-carbonation

Lavosier• Antoine-combustion• Marie-translated books

Impact of Scientific Revolution

• Ideas would challenge church authority

• Ideas would challenge traditional beliefs about nature and the universe

• Ideas would be based on reason and observation in the future

• Led people to question their governments

Catholic Church’s Reaction

• Resented the challenge to church authority

• Banned books• Convicted supporters of heresy

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