scientists and explorers think they’re close to finding the€¦ · what happened on...

Post on 14-Sep-2020






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• Who was Sir Ernest Shackleton?

• What happened on Shackleton’s expedition?

• Where is the Antarctic?

Scientists and explorers think they’re close to finding the lost ship of Sir Ernest Shackleton.

A team of scientists have been exploring the Antarctic seas learning about ice shelves.

They also think they can find the wreck of the Endurance, Shackleton’s lost ship. They’ll use an icebreaker to reach the ship and then robot submarines to explore it.

This was the ship of Ernest Shackleton, a famous explorer. He led an expedition to walk across Antarctica. This started going wrong when the Endurance became trapped in ice.

Eventually, Ernest Shackleton and five other men sailed 800 miles in a tiny lifeboat to get help. All the crewwere rescued.

Finding the ship will allow us to learn more about the explorers’ courage.

Read the full article online here.

Daily News

Photo: The Endurance trapped in ice.

30th January 2019History x World News x

Illnesses, freezing weather and difficult conditions meant they had to turn back.

Ernest Shackleton was one of the most importantexplorers of the 20th



Who Was Sir Ernest Shackleton?

Read more about Ernest Shackleton here.

Are you inspired by Shackleton? Why?

He was born in Ireland in 1874 and grew up in London, in the UK.

He wanted to explore the world. In 1901, he joined famous explorer Robert Scott on an expedition to the South Pole.

Shackleton wasn’t put off. He tried again in 1908. This time they ran out of food and had to race back to the ship to avoid starving.

However, Shackleton always had a positive mindset. He said “difficulties are just things to overcome.”

However, things didn’t go to plan. The Endurance got trapped in ice and the crew had to survive for nearly two years.

The Endurance was the ship Shackleton used on the third expedition.


What Happened on Shackleton’s Expedition?

Write a quote from one of Shackleton’s crew.

Why do you think people went exploring around the world?

Shackleton decided to save the crew. He set off with a small team and travelled in a tiny lifeboat 800 miles to find help.

They used their compasses to find their way to South Georgia, the nearest island. Everyone survived.

A Norwegian team had been the first to reach the South Pole.

Shackleton wanted to lead the first group to walk across the Antarctic, from one side to the other.

Various animals live in the area, such as penguins and seals.

The Antarctic and Antarctica aren’t exactly the same thing!


Where Is the Antarctic?

Find Antarctica in an atlas. Which countries are near?

What do you know about Antarctica?

Antarctica is the continent the South Pole is on. The Antarctic is the area which includes Antarctica, the ice shelves and the islands in the Southern Ocean.

Almost all of the area is covered in snow and ice.

However, climate change seems to be affecting the area. Ice shelves are breaking off from the land.

Some scientists spend months living on Antarctica! They’re doing experiments to find out more about global warming.


Word Definition

ice shelves A floating sheet of ice attached to a land mass.

icebreaker A special ship designed to break through ice and travel through.

expedition A journey taken by a group for a purpose, usually research, war or exploration.

crew A group of people who work on and run a ship.

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