sclc leader and planner of the montgomery bus boycott

Post on 18-Dec-2015






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SCLC leader and planner of the Montgomery Bus Boycott

Former SNCC member that helped start the Black Power Movement

Malcolm X

• Little• Teacher• Nation of Islam• Violence• Mecca• Death

He shot MLK

Person who refused to give her seat on a Montgomery bus to a white man.

1st black man allowed into the University of Mississippi.

Lawyer in Brown v Board of Education and 1st black Supreme Court justice.

He signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 into


This person married Martin Luther King Jr.

He called in the Army to admit the Little Rock 9

Influential preacher from the Nation of Islam. His teachings helped convert

Malcolm X

There were no riots in Indianapolis on the night MLK was shot because of his


This says that everyone born in the U.S. is a citizen.

This outlawed all forms of slavery

This guaranteed all males of legal age the right to vote regardless of race.

This ruling stated that segregation was legal as long as the facilities were equal.

This outlawed segregation in public schools.

How did the Little Rock Nine prove to Americans that the government would

enforce desegregation laws?

Nonviolent protest group made up of college students

Protest group made up of southern Christian African Americans

Northern based protest group made up of both blacks and whites

African Americans refused to give up their seats at segregated lunch counters. These were

known as _________ _________

What were Freedom Riders protesting?

What does NAACP stand for?

This outlawed all forms of discrimination in public places.

Why were the protests in Birmingham Alabama successful while the ones in

Albany Georgia were not?

Who was used for the protests in Birmingham? Why would you use

these people?

Name 3 ways to prevent African Americans from voting:

What did the 24th Amendment do?

Define Freedom Summer

During Freedom Summer, Chaney, Goodman and Schwerner were murdered. Why did

these murders get so much attention?

Which state was the worst when it came to voting rights.

Why was voting so important to African Americans during the Civil

Rights Movement?

Protesters were beaten in this Alabama city after they crossed the Edmund Pettus Bridge on a march to Montgomery.

How did the event in the previous question influence Lyndon Johnson?

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 put ___________ under federal control

How were the Black Panther Party and SCLC different?

President Johnson appointed the ______ _______ to investigate race riots in the north. They said that white

racism was to blame for the riots.

Why did MLK oppose the Vietnam War?

How did many white Americans react to the Black Power movement? Why?

Many of the “violent” protest groups advocated black separatism. What

does that mean?

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