scmad chapter04

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SCMAD Chapter 04- MIDP UI


By Marcel Caraciolo

Chapter 04 – MIDP: User Interface

SCMAD Certification 45mm



Agenda•MIDP User interface API’s•API’s: High level, low level, game•Displayable•Command•CommandListener•Ticker•Classes•TextBox•List•Alert•Form

MIDP : User Interface API’s

•AWT is too resource-consuming and complex to fit inside MIDP, so it defines its own user interface API: LCDUI (Limited Connected Device UI)•Packages:•javax.microedition.lcdui: Low and High-Level API• Game API

•Every MIDlet has a Display linked to it: •Found by calling Display.getMIDlet(midlet)

•This Display instance will be valid through all the MIDlet life, so it may be kept as instance attribute in the MIDlet •Every “full screen window” extends Displayable

MIDP : User Interface API’s

•Display has one Displayable set to it (current).• Navigation” between screens is done changing the current Displayable.

• All UI operations are thread-safe. No synchronization or specific thread needs to be used by the developer to update the UI.• Display methods:•isColor: if the device support colours•numColors: Number of colours or gray tones supported•flashBacklight(milliseconds): Flashes the device’s “backlight”•vibrate(milliseconds): Vibrates the device•getColor(colorSpecifier): Returns the colour of an UI component (e.g. background color, border color, etc.)

MIDP : Displayable

• Every Displayable (either low level or high level) may have:• Zero or more commands associated (user operations that will be executed on a screen).• A single commandListener to execute operations from commands on a screen • A title• A Ticker (Scrolling text)

MIDP : Command

• Commands are operations to be executed on a screen, usually linked to a soft key on the phone.

• Every command has a type and a priority. These attributes define where the command will be placed. For instance, “Back”, “Cancel” or “Exit” buttons are placed on the right button. Priority defines how easy it is to call the operation. This is only a hint to the system, since the real position is defined by the device.

• Commands also have a label and a short label. Again, which label will be used is up to the device. Command type, priority and label are all set on the constructor.

MIDP : Command

• Command types:• SCREEN: Concerns all the fields on the screen (e.g. save, submit).• BACK: On navigation screens, go to the previous• CANCEL: Cancels the operation• OK: Confirms the operation• HELP: Help• STOP: Cancels a running operation• EXIT: Exits the application• ITEM: Concerns only the currently selected item, not all the items on the screen. This command is only shown when the item is selected.

MIDP : Command

MIDP : CommandListener

• Executes a command operation• A displayable may have several commands, but will have a single CommandListener.• Defines only one method: commandAction(command, displayable).• Execution must return immediately. If a time-consuming operation will be executed by the command (like a network call) then the execution shall be done on a separated thread.

MIDP : Ticker

• Shows a scrolling banner on the top of the screen.• It receives a message on the constructor, and is then placed on a Displayable.

MIDP – User Interface : Classes

MIDP – High level User Interface

•Based on Screen (Displayable sub class).•As any Displayable, only one Screen is shown at time and it fill the whole screen.•The components “look-and-feel” is controlled by the device. Some very limited customizations are allowed.

Screen Types: TextBox

•Shows a input screen.•The Constructor is called with:•Title and contents•Maximum size (UI will prevent the user from entering more characters than allowed. If the application tries to set a bigger string an exception will be thrown).•Constraints (from TextField class).

Screen Types: TextBox

Screen Types: TextBox

•All the input operations (like converting two presses on the 2 button to a ‘b’) is managed by the device and is not visible to the developer. Text is generated according to the constraints.

•Text is obtained by the getString() method and can be changed using setString(String string), insert and delete. The displayed value does not need to be equal to the returned value (some values may be formatted, e.g. 1234567--> 123-4567 for phone numbers and 1234.56 --> 1.234,56 for floating point numbers).

Screen Types: TextBox

•Constraints (some can be combined with pipe (OR operator)):•ANY: Allow any text•EMAILADDR: Email address. Might not be validated.•NUMERIC: Numbers only, no commas or dots.•PHONENUMBER: Phone number. The contact list may be used for lookup in some devices.•URL: URL. Might not be validated.•DECIMAL: Decimal numbers (the contents is parseable by Double.valueof, and the value may be shown according to the device’s locale).

Screen Types: TextBox

•Constraints (continued):•PASSWORD: Shows a string of ‘*’ instead of typed characters. •UNEDITABLE: Blocks the input.•SENSITIVE: Data cannot not be kept on any “history” on the device (e.g. credit card).•NON_PREDICTIVE: Device shall not guess the input.•INITIAL_CAPS_WORD: Every word is capitalized (e.g. person name).•INITIAL_CAPS_SENTENCE: Every sentence is capitalized.

Screen Types: List

•Shows a list with options to be chosen.• Three types are available:•Multiple Choice: Several items can be chosen (show checkboxes).•Exclusive: Only one item can be chosen (show radiobuttons).•Implicit: Only one item can be chosen. When a choice is done, an event is triggered (on a command listener). Useful for creating menus. Default command is List.SELECT_COMMAND. This can be changed with setSelectCommand.

Screen Types: List

•Items are added/removed from the list with the following methods (icon may be null):•insert(elementNum, stringPart, imagePart)•set(elementNum,stringPart,imagePart)•append(stringPart,imagePart)•delete( elementNum)•deleteAll()

•Except for the Implicit lists, it might not be possible to notify the application when a item is selected. This verification is usually performed when a command is executed.•You can change the font for a specific item with setFont(elementNum, Font)

Screen Types: List

•When the item description is too wide, you may call setFitPolicy() with:

•TEXT_WRAP_DEFAULT•TEXT_WRAP_ON (break lines)•TEXT_WRAP_OFF (don’t break lines, labels may be truncated).

Screen Types: Alert

•Show errors and short messages.•On mobile phones they usually like any other screen, but on PDA’s they may look like a JavaScript alert(small “modal” screen)•It can show:•A title•A message (optional)•An image (optional)•A progress indicator (optional)

•May be displayed during a specific time, or wait for a user “dismiss” with: •setTimeout(timeout) •setTimeout(Alert.FOREVER)

Screen Types: Alert

•Is show by:•Display.setCurrent(alert): When closed, displaying returns to the current screen.•Display.setCurrent(alert, nextDisplayable): When closed, displaying goes to nextDisplayable.

•AlertType sets the type of the alert: INFO,WARNING, ERROR, ALARM, CONFIRMATION.•AlertType also has the playSound method. Sound is chosen by the device. When an alert is shown, sound is played automatically.•AlertType.INFO.playSound(display) : can be used to play sounds without displaying the Alert dialog.

Screen Types: Alert

•May receive commands, for instance to creating “Ok/Cancel” screens:•When alerts receive commands, they lose the “dismiss” command: The next screen to be displayed must be controlled by a new CommandListener.•When two or more commands are added, the alert is automatically modal.

•A Gauge may be set as an indicator. This will be discussed on the next chapter.

Screen Types: Form

•Shows a screen with several components:•Labels•Text fields•Date fields•“Gauge” (e.g. Volume Control)•Radio buttons and checkboxes•Images

•It will be discussed on the next chapter.

Screen Types: Form

Example Codes

• Some examples and MIDlets samples are available for reference and studying at this link:•

•The source codes include:•AlertMIDlet•TextBoxMIDlet•ListMIDlet•TickerMIDlet•DisplayableMIDlet

Future Work

• Next Chapter:

• MIDP –User interface - Form• Form• Item Types• Classes• Other topics about High level UI


• ALVES F. Eduardo. SCMAD Study Guide, 27/04/2008.

• JAKL Andreas, Java Platform, Micro Edition Part 01 slides, 12/2007.

• Sun Certification Mobile Application Developer Website: [].

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