screen shots

Post on 23-Dec-2015






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Magic Wand tool:

In order to remove backgrounds from things such as titles, I used the magic wand tool. First I selected it from the tools menu and used my cursor (now in magic wand mode) and clicked on the negative white space around the writing and this selected anything that was white. I then hit delete and all the white area was gone, I was left with just the text on a transparent background. To get rid of the selection and complete this ask I went to select > deselect or alternatively Ctrl+D.

Adding Tattoos:

Tattoos are an important part of denoting the rock music genre and as my artist did not have them I had to add them to her via photoshop. First I acquired the tattoo I desired her to have from and got rid of the background with the magic want tool so only the design was visible. I then used the Ctrl+T function to position it how I wanted before switching the layer to multiply so it would blend on top of her skin and adjusting the opacity until it looked natural.

Background clean-up:

I wanted a plain background as this was one of the codes and conventions of a magazine cover but there was the edge of a window in the left had side of the picture. To get rid of this I used the stamp/close tool to take a section on the plain wall (done by holding Alt and clicking on the plan area in the stamp/clone mode) and “painting” the copied area over the undesired one to hide it.

Red/Blue effect:

I used the cover of Gerard Way’s Hesitant Alien album as a style model so I needed to create the red/blue space effect it has. To achieve this I duplicate my base layer, then went to image > Adjustments > Levels, and then on one layer turned the red levels all the way down to make it blue and on the other turned the green and blue levels all the way down to make it red. Then I set these two layers to screen mode and placed the red layer a couple of pixels to the left over the original and the blue layer a couple of pixels to the right. This is how I got the red/blue 3D effect.

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