sdrc teambuilding 2012 documentation

Post on 14-Nov-2014






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Social Developdment Research Center Teambuilding 2012 Eartheaven San Mateo Rizal


  • 1. Team LALA D Explorer

2. Team RRCC 3. Tower Making Each group shall form a tower using plastic straw andunlimited supply of masking tape. Three of the members have incapabilities. One as the blind, the other as the mute, the third is incapable of handling materials andtheres only one normal member. 4. Group RRCC while making a tower. Ms.Rely as the mute; Ms.Cath was the one with crippled arms; Mr.Rey as blind and Ms.Conie as the normal. 5. The group Lala D Explorerwhile making a tower. Ms.Gee as the blind; Ms.Lyndia as the Mute, Ms.Ailene was the one withcrippled arms and Dr. Rhodwas the normal 6. Unity WalkEach team should have a good teamwork for them to be able to walk with the unity walker 7. If everyone helps to hold up thesky, then one person does notbecome tired. Askhari Johnson Hodari, Team RRCC 8. Unity is strength... when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved. Mattie StepanekTeam LALA DExplorer 9. The Seven ObstaclesEach group should finish the sevenkind of obstacles. Teamwork is the mainingredient here. 10. Team RRCCEach group hastheir own way of helping each otherto have an effective teamwork.Team LALA D Explorer 11. Filling the Pail Wise strategy, controlled energy and fast task delivery is neededto fill the pail with the use of large basin with a lot of holes. 12. The Rope Works Each group member should passthrough the four stages of different rope challenges. Physicalstrength, courage, and co-members moral support is needed. 13. Team RRCC FEAR is thegreatestenemy in thisactivity. Each group membershould know how toencouragetheir co- members to finish thecourse andhelp them to overcome their fear as well. 14. COURAGEis not the absence of fear. Courage isthe mastery of it.Team Lala D Explorer 15. Unmasking the Self 16. Blind Mans TrailIn each pair one person is blind folded and should be guided by the other. The partner with blind foldsshould trust his/her partner and follow his/herinstructions diligently in order to reach and the finish course safely. This activity will test how much trust they have for each other. 17. Remember teamworkbegins by building trust. And the only way to do that is to overcome ourneed for invulnerability. Patrick Lencioni 18. The best way to find out if youcan trust somebody is to trustthem.- Ernest Hemingway 19. Dinner Time! After all the activities, each needs toregain their strength. They eat dinner together --organic food prepared by Earth Heaven staff. 20. - Bonfire Group Night Presentation and Awarding 21. Thank you!

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