sec updates and developments - pwc · december 9 – 11, 2013 in washington d.c. representatives...

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  • SEC Updates and Developments Marc Rosenbaum December 2013

  • PwC

    SEC Leadership


    SEC Commissioners

    Mary Jo White


    Daniel Gallagher (R)


    Luis Aguilar (D)


    Kara Stein(D)


    Michael Piwowar (R)


    Office of the Chief Accountant

    Division of Corporation


    Division of Enforcement

    Paul Beswick, Chief Accountant Keith Higgins, Director George Canellos and Andrew Ceresney , Co-directors

    Daniel Murdock . Deputy Chief Accountant – Accounting

    Brian Croteau, Deputy Chief Accountant Professional Practice

    Julie Erhardt, Deputy Chief Accountant International

    Mark Kronforst Chief Accountant

    Craig Olinger, Deputy Chief Accountant,

    Nili Shah, Deputy Chief Accountant

    Open, Chief Accountant

  • PwC 3

    $14 million

  • PwC

    Division of Enforcement

    • Whistleblower

    • Three new task forces

    Financial Reporting and Audit Task Force (FRAud Task Force)

    Microcap Fraud Task Force

    Center for Risk and Qu antitative Analytics

    • Use of technology

    • Trends in FCPA violations


  • PwC

    Speeches by the Chair

    • The Importance of Independence

    • Deploying the Full Enforcement Arsenal

    • Remarks at the Securities Enforcement Forum

    • The Path Forward on Disclosure

    • The Importance of Trials to the Law and Public Accountability


  • PwC

    Overview and themes of the AICPA Conference

    December 9 – 11, 2013 in Washington D.C.

    Representatives from A ICPA, SEC, PCAOB, FASB and IASB

    Qu al ity

    - Financial reporting

    - A u diting


    - Regu latory practices

    - A u dits

    - Disclosures


  • PwC

    Foreign Private Issuers

    945 foreign registrants

    Foreign private issuers:

    Canada 335

    Islands 245

    Europe 110

    Asia Pacific 85

    Israel 70

    South Am. 55

    Other 45


  • PwC

    Solving Global Social Issues by Disclosure

    • Office of Global Security Risk

    • Mine Safety

    • Disclosure of Payments by Resource Extraction Issuers

    • Recent Cou rt Ruling

    • Confl ict Minerals (first filings due May 31, 2014)

    • Recent court ruling

    • Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act of 2012

    • Execu tive compensation: CEO pay ratio disclosure proposal


  • PwC

    Executive compensation: CEO pay ratio

    • In September 2013, the SEC voted to propose the long-awaited rule that would require public companies to calculate and disclose its CEO compensation as a multiple of the median employee’s pay

    • A company would be requ ired to provide the new pay ratio disclosures with respect to compensation for i ts first fiscal year commencing on or after the effective date of the final rule


    I dentifying median employee Determining total compensation

    I dentification of employees

    cov ered by rule

    Dis closure of methodology and

    as s umptions

  • PwC

    Use of social media

    • Regulation Fair Disclosure (“FD”) requires

    that companies disseminate material i nformation in a way that ensures that

    i nvestors and the public learn of the

    dev elopment on an equal footing and

    si multaneously

    • SEC cl arified that reporting entities can use soci al media outlets such as Facebook and

    Tw i tter to announce key information in

    compliance with Regulation FD

    • Inv estors must be alerted about which outlet

    the company will use to disseminate material i nformation

    • August 2008 release on use of company

    w ebsites

    “… Specifically, in light of the direct and immediate

    communication from issuers … through social

    media channels, such as

    Facebook and Twitter, we expect issuers to

    examine rigorously the factors indicating

    whether a particular

    channel is a ‘recognized channel of distribution'

    for communicating with investors.”

    April 2013 SEC release


  • PwC

    PCAOB Leadership

    PCAOB Board Members

    James R. Doty


    Jay D. Hanson Lewis H. Ferguson Steven Harris Jeanette Franzel

    Office of the Chief Auditor Division of Registration and Inspections

    Division of Enforcement and Investigations

    Martin Baumann, Chief Auditor & Director of Professional Standards

    Helen Munter, Director Claudius Modesti, Director


  • PwC

    Proposal to Change Auditor’s Report

    • Critical Audit Matters

    • Other changes to report

    • A ffirmative statement on independence

    • State the year the auditor started serving the company

    • N ame of the audit partner

    • N ames of other firms involved in the audit

    • A u ditor’s responsibility regarding other information in the annual report

    • Other information includes MD&A

    • Evaluate other information for material misstatement or material inconsistency with financial statements

    • Impl ications


  • PwC

    PCA OB a dopts audit committee communications standard

    Other PCAOB headlines

    PCA OB concept release on auditor independence and a u dit firm rotation

    PCA OB re-proposes amendments to PCAOB auditing standards to improve the transparency of audits


    PCA OB proposes related party auditing standard

  • PwC

    Disclosure framework discussion paper

    Background and objectives

    • “Disclosure overload” is a longstanding complaint of users

    • Primary objective of project is to increase disclosure effectiveness

    - Secondary objective is to reduce volume of disclosure

    • Scope of project is limited to the notes to financial statements (i.e., does not include the MD&A or other requ ired filings)


  • PwC

    Disclosure framework discussion paper

    • Discu ssion Paper does not provide conclusions; rather i t explores several methods to achieve objectives including:

    - Decision qu estions to consider what disclosures could be relevant to u sers

    - Improvements to standard setting by including an objective of disclosures and making clear preparers do not have to provide all potential disclosures

    - Providing preparers flexibility to determine what disclosures are relevant and a judgment framework to assess relevance

    - Organization and formatting enhanced

    - Evaluating interim disclosure requirements


  • PwC

    Disclosure framework discussion paper

    Next steps

    - Exposu re Draft expected in Q1 2014 for potential addition to a Concept Statement that the Board can use for setting future disclosure requ irements, including:

    ◦ Establish a purpose for notes to make clear ‘forward looking’ information is not appropriate for notes

    ◦ Incorporate decision qu estions into a Concept Statement to assist the Board determine what could be relevant for future standard setting

    ◦ The board requested the staff to develop an approach to help the board determine which annual disclosures should be required in interim statements


  • PwC

    Caterpillar Use of Graphs


  • PwC

    Risk Factors – Item 503 of Regulation S-K

    … a discussion of the most

    significant factors that make an

    offering speculative or one of high risk. … Do not present risks that

    could apply to any issuer or any offering.


  • PwC

    Examples of Risk Factor Disclosure

    So-called acts of God such as earthquakes, hurricanes, f loods or f ires could adversely impact us.

    The popularity of the Company’s products is difficult to predict, can change rapidly and could lead to f luctuations in the Company’s revenues, and low public acceptance of the Company’s products may adversely affect its results of operations.

    Slide 19

  • PwC

    SEC comment letter trends

    Recurring themes

    Conti ngencies



    Segment reporting

    Income taxes

    Certifications & signed audit

    report Non-


    Guarantor Info

    Fair value

    Acquisitions &




  • PwC 21

    Inaugural technology publications on SEC comment letter trends

    #2 - “Stay informed – 2013 technology SEC comment letter trends”

    #1 - “Preparing for success – 2013 technology IPO SEC comment letter trends”

  • PwC 22

    Inaugural technology publications on SEC comment letter trends (cont’d) “Preparing for success – 2013 technology IPO SEC comment letter trends”

    SEC comments issued by the staff between Janu ary 1, 2011 thru March 31, 2013

    Over 4,100 comments issued to 60 companies

    A verage deal size approximated $468 mil lion ($150 million excluding Facebook)

    Technology industry accounted for about 25% of pu blicly filed EGC IPOs

    Available at:

  • PwC 23

    Inaugural technology publications on SEC comment letter trends (cont’d)

    SEC comments issued by the staff between Ju ly 1, 2012 thru June 30, 2013

    N early 2,100 comments issued to 254 technology companies

    2013 versus 2012:

    −27% overall increase in the number of comments

    −Average number of comments by registrant is down

    −Computers and networking resulted in the largest

    increase (nearly doubled)

    Available at:

    “Stay informed – 2013 technology SEC comment letter trends”

  • PwC

    Financial Reporting Executive Committee (FinREC)

    Nonauthoritative guides for use by preparers, auditors & valuation specialists:

    Testing of Goodwill for Impairment, which provides examples to aid in performing a goodwill impairment assessment and drafting related disclosures;

    Assets Acquired to Be Used in Research and Development Activities , which covers the initial and subsequent accounting for, valuation of and disclosures related to acquired in-process research and development assets. The guide also clarifies differences in accounting when such assets are acquired through a business combination versus an asset acqu isition; and

    Valuation of Privately-Held Company Equity Securities Issued as Compensation, which focuses on valuation methods for a range of complex capital structures.

    Slide 24

  • © 2013 Kesselman & Kesselman. All rights reserved. In this document, “PwC Israel” refers to Kesselman & Kesselman, which is a member firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, each member firm of which is a separate legal entity. PwC Israel helps organisations and indiv iduals create the value they’re looking for. We’re a member of the PwC network of firms in 157 countries with more than 184,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, tax and advisory services. Tell us what matters to you and find out more by vis iting us at This publication has been prepared for general guidance on matters of interest only, and does not constitute professional advice. You should not act upon the information contained in this publication without obtaining specific professional advice. No representation or warranty (express or implied) is given as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this publication, and, to the extent permitted by law, Kesselman & Kesselman, its members, employees and agents do not accept or assume any liability , responsibility or duty of care for any consequences of you or anyone else acting, or refraining to act, in reliance on the information contained in this publication or for any decision based on it.

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