secessionfamous people compromisesdaily life political partiesgrab bag

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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Secession Famous People

Compromises Daily Life

Political Parties Grab Bag

Secession PeopleGrab Bag

Political Parties

Daily LifeCompro-


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Secession (200)

This was the first state to secede from the Union.

Secession (400)

The official name of the “country” formed by the states that seceded from the Union.

Secession (600)

An attack on this fort marked the start of the Civil War.

Secession (800)

The senator who first proposed secession over the Tariff of 1832.

Secession (1000)

He was chosen to be the president of the Confederacy.

People (200)

Abolitionist who murdered five people at Pottawatomie Creek, Kansas in 1856.

People (400)

He debated Lincoln several times during the Illinois senate race in 1858.

People (600)

Her book Uncle Tom’s Cabin inspired many people to become abolitionists.

People (800)

The senator from Massachusetts who was beaten until he was unconscious on the Senate floor.

People (1000)

He escaped from slavery and became a leader in the abolition movement.

Compromises (200)

As part of the Compromise of 1850, this territory entered the Union as a free state.

Compromises (1000)

The 1857 Supreme Court case that stated Congress could not pass laws regarding slavery in new territories.

Compromises (600)

This unpopular law forced northerners to return runaway slaves.

Compromises (800)

This 1854 law allowed residents to vote on the slavery issue in a territory previously set aside as free.

Compromises (400)

This 1820 agreement divided land from the Louisiana Purchase into free and slave territories.

Grab Bag (200)

This “bleeding” state served as an early battle ground for the Civil War.

Grab Bag (400)

John Brown raided the federal arsenal in this Virginia town in 1859.

Grab Bag (600)

Women’s rights advocates held a convention in this New York town in 1848.

Grab Bag (800)

These temporary settlers moved into Kansas to make sure the territory voted pro-slavery.

Grab Bag (1000)

This candidate won most of the southern states in the presidential election of 1860.

Political Parties (200)

This party formed in 1854 and had a president in the White House by 1860.

Political Parties (400)

This party split into northern and southern factions over the slavery issue.

Political Parties (600)

John Bell represented this political party in the Election of 1860.

Political Parties (800)

This party opposed immigration and tried to limit voting rights for immigrants.

Political Parties (1000)

Millard Fillmore was the last president from this party, which disappeared in the 1850’s.

Daily Life (200)

These farmers, with at least 20 slaves, formed the highest social class in the South.

Daily Life (400)

Most immigrants to the U.S. came from these two European nations.

Daily Life (600)

These laws were designed to prevent slaves from running away or rebelling.

Daily Life (800)

These organizations tried to improve wages and work conditions in factories.

Daily Life (1000)

The goal of this reform movement was to make alcohol illegal.

Final Jeopardy

These seven states seceded from the Union before Lincoln was inaugurated as the 16th president.

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