secrets to lasting change

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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Secrets to lasting change by M.J Ryan


Keeping Your

New Year’s

Resolution: The

Secrets to

Lasting Change

M.J. Ryan Presents

It’s not you, it’s your brain

Why is Change So Hard?

Your Two Brains

Thinking Brain: Neocortex

Feeling Brain: Limbic System

Your brain is wired to do what you are already doing.

NeoCortexHow did

I get here?

Creating New Pathways

The brain cells that fire together wire together so you’ve got to PRACTICE--a lot!

Your Emotional Brain

The mammalian brain only tracks safety/danger, pain/pleasure.

Is this fun?

Is this easy?

Focus People!

•Pick 1 thing

•Start small so you can experience success

D.I.P. for Change

Desire:Desire: I WANT to do it.

Intent:Intent: I am going to do it NO MATTER WHAT.

Persistence:Persistence: I am going to keep on doing it.

Create a SMART Goal

• Time-Bound

• Relevant

• Achievable

• Measurable

• Specific

What’s your feeling reason for this change?

Remember the Bunny

Keeping Your Promise to Yourself

Create a reminder system. You WILL forget!

Don’t turn goof ups into give ups. Strive for persistence, not perfection.

Getting Support

The question is not do you need support, but what kind of support do you need?

Announce what you are working on and ask others to look for it.

It IS going to feel awkward, weird or uncomfortable at first!

When You Try Something

Think Like a Baby Track Success, Discard Failure


Isn’t That Interesting

Success Formula

Success = Practice - Interference



Act quickly

Admire yourself for restarting

When Off Course, Apply the 4As

Look at how far you have come, not how far you have to go.

Learn from Athletes

Celebrate Success!

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