section 1-end. section 2-preview religion has several functions. it legitimates the structure of...

Post on 20-Jan-2016






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Section 1-End

Section 2-Preview

Religion has several functions. It legitimates the structure of society, promotes social unity, and provides a sense of meaning and belonging. Marx argues that religion is used to justify and maintain the group in power. Weber believed that religion could promote social change. He connected the protestant ethic and the rise of capitalism.

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Section-Polling Question

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Which of the following serves as a function of religion?

A. Legitimizes the structure of society

B. Promotes social unity

C. Provides a sense of meaning and belonging

D. All of the above

Section 2

Functionalism and Religion

– Religion exists in some form in virtually all societies and the earliest evidence of religious customs and taboos has been traced as far back as 50,000 B.C.

– Emile Durkheim, first sociologist to examine religion scientifically.

Section 2

Functionalism and Religion

• Emile Durkheim believed that the essential function of religion was to provide, through sacred symbols, a mirror for members of society to see themselves.

Section 2

Functionalism and Religion (cont.)

• Social functions of religion:

– Religion gives formal approval to existing social arrangements.

– Religious doctrine and scripture legitimate the status quo.

Division of World Population by Religions

Section 2

Functionalism and Religion (cont.)

– Religion encourages a sense of unity but can also cause fragmentation within a society.

– Religion provides a sense of understanding.

– Religion promotes a sense of belonging.

• Interactive Map World Religions

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Section 2

0% 0%0%0%

Which animal did early Hebrews believe was unclean?

A. Horse

B. Cow

C. Pig

D. Sheep

Section 2

Conflict Theory and Religion

• Conflict theory focuses on how religion works to either inhibit or encourage social change.

Gender Inequality in Religion

World View 2

Gender Inequality in Religion

Adapted from The State of Religion Atlas, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1993.

Figure 14.2

Major World Religions

Source: World Almanac and Book of Facts, 2005.

Section 2

Conflict Theory and Religion (cont.)

• Marx’s view:– Religion is the opiate of the masses

– He believed that once people have created a unified system of sacred beliefs and practices, they act as if it were something beyond their control.

– View it as a binding force to which they must conform

– Religion gives people a sense that all is the way it should be.

• Do 14-1 Interactive 2

Section 2

Conflict Theory and Religion (cont.)

• Weber’s view:

– Unlike Marx, he believed that religion could encourage social change.

– He saw a link between capitalism and Protestantism.

Section 2

• The spirit of capitalism—work is a moral obligation; investment for the future is more important than immediate consumption.

• Protestant ethic—a cluster of values, norms, beliefs, and attitudes that stressed virtue of hard work, thrift and self discipline.

• Often associated John Calvin

Conflict Theory and Religion (cont.)

Section 2

• Protestant/Calvinistic beliefs:

– God identifies his chosen people by rewarding them in this world.

– Consumption beyond necessity is considered sinful.

– There is an underlying purpose to life: glorification of God on earth through one’s occupation.

Conflict Theory and Religion (cont.)

• Do Interactive 14-2 (need to make this!)

A. A

B. B

C. C

Section 2

Do you think the dominant religion of a country influences the economy of that country?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Not sure

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Section 2

Symbolic Interactionism and Religion

• Peter Berger believes that humans create from their religious traditions a canopy of symbolic meanings to “lay” over the secular world.

• These meanings provide stability and security in a changing and uncertain existence.


Figure 14.3

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Section 2

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What is the name of the book sociologist Peter Berger wrote?

A. Religious Ideas

B. The Sacred Canopy

C. Insecurity and Uncertainty

D. None of the above

Section 4-End

Section 2-Key Terms

• legitimate

• spirit of capitalism

• Protestant ethic

World View 1

Religions of the World

Adapted from The State of Religion Atlas, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1993.



to justify or give official approval to


spirit of capitalism

the obligation to reinvest money in business rather than to spend it


Protestant ethic

a set of values, norms, beliefs, and attitudes stressing hard work, thrift, and self-discipline

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