section 2 – rise of militarism

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Section 2 – Rise of Militarism. Different Ideologies. Capitalism – An economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately or corporately owned and development is proportionate to the accumulation and reinvestment of profits gained in a free market. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Section 2 – Rise of Militarism

Different Ideologies Capitalism – An economic system in which the means of production and

distribution are privately or corporately owned and development is proportionate to the accumulation and reinvestment of profits gained in a free market.

Fascism – Centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.

Socialism – Planning, producing, and distributing goods is controlled by a central government that seeks equitable distribution of property and labor.

Communism – The state plans and controls the economy and a single - often authoritarian - party holds power; state controls are imposed with the elimination of private ownership of property or capital. (ex: a classless society).

Different Ideologies – Cow Example Capitalism – You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull.

Fascism – You have two cows. You give them to the Government, and the Government then sells you some milk.

Socialism – You have two cows. The government takes one and gives it to your neighbor.

Communism – You have two cows. You give them to the Government, and the Government then gives you some milk.

Mussolini in ItalyBenito Mussolini:

il Duce (Title)Centralizes PowerFascist Dictator Italy (1922-1943)

Leader of Fascist Party Italian Empire

Rise to Power Fascism:

System of Government: Centralization of Authority under a Dictator Stringent Socioeconomic Controls

Suppression of Opposition: Through Terror & Censorship Policy of Belligerent Nationalism & Racism

Fascisti: Armed Squads: (Political) Terrorize Socialists

Fascist Party: Mussolini Forms in 1921 Supported by Liberals in Parliament

Introduces Strict Censorship

Fascist Party Blackshirts:

Mussolini Army Color of Uniforms

March on Rome October 1921 Occupy City

Supported by Nationalists Strengthen Italy

Businesspeople Opposed Socialists & Communists

Power by Force Prime Minister:

Appointed by King Limits

Freedom of Speech Arrested Political Opponents Restricted Voting

Imperial Power: 1935

Forces sent into Ethiopia Poorly Equipped No Match

Lack of Support: U.S. pass Neutrality Act Fascist Countries Aggression would go Unpunished

Propaganda il Popolo d'Italia: (The People of Italy)

Mussolini founded in 1914 Fascist Movement Foundation

Propaganda: Supervises:

Press Radio Education

Films Legend of "Duce":

Man who is always Right Could solve all Problems of Politics & Economics

Dictatorial Powers: 1926 Dissolves Political Parties

USSR – Bid for Power Vladimir Lenin:

Leader of Bolshevik Revolution 1917

Red Army vs. White Army

Assassination Attempt Leaves Bullet Lodged in Neck

Dies January 1924 Suffered 4th Stroke

Body put on display in Red Square

Work with Capitalist Societies Wanted to eliminate this Bureaucracy

Wanted Trotsky(Red Army Leader) Not Stalin

Leon Trotsky Exiled to Siberia by Nicholas II

Introduced to Marxism Allied himself with Lenin during Bolshevik Revolution

Lenin’s 2nd in Command Leader of Red Army which recaptured territory from White Army

Outmaneuvered by Stalin Exiled to Kazakhstan Soon exiled from entire Soviet Union Fled to Mexico

Stalin sends hitmen to kill Trotsky Shoot up house (survives) Ice Pick

Not the Man: "Big Headed” Missed Lenin Funeral

Wanted World Revolution

Stalin Emerges Achieving Power:

Underhanded Tactics: Secret, Sly, or Deceitful Told Trotsky Wrong Funeral Date Covers up Lenin's Will Advocates 'Socialism in one Country' then World Revolution

Argued Opponents were Non-Communist Got them Dismissed Assassinates Enemies

Great Purges 30 Million People Die Kills own military leaders Peasants Communists Threats

Josef Stalin Totalitarian State:

Government has Complete Control 1927 Government Seizing Private Lands

Reorganize into Large State-Run Farms Labor camps 15 million sent by 1933

Results: Decreased Food Production Widespread Famine

Crushed Opposition: Red Army & Police = NVKD Used to Impose Will

Hirohito Emperor of Japn

Assumed position after father’s death in 1926

Approved war in China Invasion of Manchuria (1931) Pearl Harbor (1941)

Appointed Hideki Tojo Prime Minister

Militarists in Japan Expansion in Asia:

Military Leaders Gaining Power During 1920's

Military Leaders: Lesson Reliance on Foreign Imports Reduce Western Influence Japanese Expansion in Asia & Pacific

Japanese Empire: Control Areas Producing Resources

Iron Petroleum Rubber Timber

Economy: Struggling Strengthens Militarists Position

Japanese Expansions Manchuria:

Japan Invades 1931 Signals Imperialist Ambitions

Washington Conference: Begin Rapid Naval Buildup 1934-1935 Violates Pledge

Nanking Massacre Nanking Massacre: 1937 & 1938 Massacre 300,000 Civilians

Chinese Soldiers Disgraceful

Japan Soldiers "Toughen Up” Future Battles Bayonet Practice Decapitations Machine Gun Fire Soaked with Gasoline...Burnt

Civilians: Women Young & Old Gang raped then murdered Men murdered

Response: Condemned Actions Focused on Hitler in Europe

Germany German Economy:

Vulnerable Built on Foreign Capitol

Loans (America) Depended on Foreign Trade

German Industry: Production Levels Fall Workers Laid Off Banks Fail Savings...Gone Inflation

Depression German People:

Struggling to Survive Billions for Necessities Cast into Poverty & Misery

Look for a Solution...Any Solution

Nazi Party Before Depression:

Slow Growth Under 100,000 of 60,000,000

Tightly Controlled Very Disciplined Fanatics

Flag of our struggle

Adolf Hitler Beer Hall Putsch:

Forcibly take Power Overthrow Young Democracy Failed (Epic Fail)

Hitler: Changes Tactics

Overthrow it Legally Get Elected Building Nazi "Shadow Government” Replace Democracy

Mein Kampf Mein Kampf: (My Struggle)

Written in Prison Restore Germany to Power Militaristic & Anti-Semitic

Twin Evils: Communism & Judaism

Three Stages: 1st Stage: Re-Armament & Form Alliances

Britain & Italy 2nd Stage: Fight France & Eastern Europe Allies 3rd Stage: Destroy Soviet Union

New Order Third Reich: (Third Empire)

1st = Holy Roman Empire (962-1806) 2nd = German Empire (1871-1918) Nazis Government (1933-1945)

"Coordination": Alignment to Nazis Control

Culture Economy Education Law

Heil Hitler

Reichstag Reichstag Fire:

Hitler is Chancellor (January 1933) February 27, 1933

Reichstag Delegate Powers to Hitler Deal with Crisis

Enabling Act: Dictator of Germany

Freed of: Legislative Constraints Constitutional Constraints

Storm Troopers Brownshirts: (SA)

Nazis Storm Troopers (Crush opposition) Hitler's Private Army Crush Political Opposition

Ernst Roehm - First Leader 1931: 70,000 1934: 4.5 million Replace Regular Army

Night of Long Knives: 1934 Purge of SA No Longer Needed Military & Businessmen

Himmler Spreading Rumors Roehm & Officers

Start Socialist Revolution Arrested & Killed

SS under Himmler Replaces SA Gruppenfuhrer Answers only to Hitler

Hitler Takes Power Hitler Achieves Power: Fuehrer (Head of Nazis Party) Dictator of Germany (Emergency Powers)

Reichstag Fire President Position Eliminated (Hindenberg Dies 1934) Reich Chancellor (Head of Gov't)

Army Swore Oath of Personal Loyalty Title: Fuehrer & Reich Chancellor

1936 Olympics Chance to promote racial supremacy Did not think that blacks and jews should participate

Jewish Hatred Anti-Semitism:

Discrimination & Hatred of Jews Becomes Official Government Policy

Nuremberg Laws: Passed Nazis Party Rally in 1935

Deprive Jews German Citizenship

Prohibits Marriage Between Jews & other German's

Classified People German = 4 German Grandparents One or two Jewish "Mixed Blood”

Kristallnacht: Night of Crystal Night of Broken Glass

Reflection Which 2 of the 4 groups are the worst? Why?

Josef Stalin - Japanese Militarism

Benito Mussolini - Adolf Hitler

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