section 2.understanding and describing community

Post on 05-Jul-2018






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  • 8/16/2019 Section 2.Understanding and Describing Community










    For those of us who wor !" #o$$u"!t% he&'th &"( (e)e'o*$e"t+ !t,s

    !$*ort&"t to u"(erst&"( #o$$u"!t% -- wh&t & #o$$u"!t% !s+ &"( the

    s*e#!.# "&ture of the #o$$u"!t!es we wor !"/ A"%th!"0 we (o !" &#o$$u"!t% re1u!res us to 2e f&$!'!&r w!th !ts *eo*'e+ !ts !ssues+ &"( !ts

    h!stor%/ C&rr%!"0 out &" !"ter)e"t!o" or 2u!'(!"0 & #o&'!t!o" &re f&r $ore

    '!e'% to 2e su##essfu' !f the% &re !"for$e( 2% the #u'ture of the

    #o$$u"!t% &"( &" u"(erst&"(!"0 of the re'&t!o"sh!*s &$o"0 !"(!)!(u&'s

    &"( 0rou*s w!th!" !t/

     T&!"0 the t!$e &"( e3ort to u"(erst&"( %our #o$$u"!t% we'' 2efore

    e$2&r!"0 o" & #o$$u"!t% e3ort w!'' *&% o3 !" the 'o"0 ter$/ A 0oo( w&%

    to #o$*'!sh th&t !s to #re&te & #o$$u"!t% (es#r!*t!o" -- & re#or( of %oure4*'or&t!o" &"( ."(!"0s/ It,s & 0oo( w&% to 0&!" & #o$*rehe"s!)e

    o)er)!ew of the #o$$u"!t% -- wh&t !t !s "ow+ wh&t !t,s 2ee" !" the *&st+

    &"( wh&t !t #ou'( 2e !" the future/ I" th!s se#t!o"+ we,'' (!s#uss how %ou

    $!0ht &**roh e4&$!"!"0 the #o$$u"!t% !" so$e (et&!' &"( sett!"0

    (ow" %our ."(!"0s !" & #o$$u"!t% (es#r!*t!o"/


    Wh!'e we tr&(!t!o"&''% th!" of & #o$$u"!t% &s the *eo*'e !" & 0!)e"

    0eo0r&*h!#&' 'o#&t!o"+ the wor( #&" re&''% refer to &"% 0rou* sh&r!"0

    so$eth!"0 !" #o$$o"/ Th!s $&% refer to s$&''er 0eo0r&*h!# &re&s -- &

    "e!0h2orhoo(+ & hous!"0 *ro5e#t or (e)e'o*$e"t+ & rur&' &re& -- or to &

    "u$2er of other *oss!2'e #o$$u"!t!es w!th!" & '&r0er+ 0eo0r&*h!#&''%-

    (e."e( #o$$u"!t%/

    These are often dened by race or ethnicity, professional oreconomic ties, religion, culture, or shared background or interest:

    •  The C&tho'!# #o$$u"!t% 6or f&!th #o$$u"!t%+ & ter$ use( to refer to

    o"e or $ore #o"0re0&t!o"s of & s*e#!.# f&!th7/

  • 8/16/2019 Section 2.Understanding and Describing Community


    •  The &rts #o$$u"!t%

    •  The Afr!#&" A$er!#&" #o$$u"!t%

     The e(u#&t!o" #o$$u"!t%

    •  The 2us!"ess #o$$u"!t%

    •  The ho$e'ess #o$$u"!t%

    •  The 0&%+ 'es2!&"+ 2!se4u&'+ &"( tr&"s0e"(ere( #o$$u"!t%

    •  The $e(!#&' #o$$u"!t%

    •  The H&!t!&" #o$$u"!t%

    •  The e'(er'% #o$$u"!t%

     These )&r!ous #o$$u"!t!es ofte" o)er'&*/ A" Afr!#&" A$er!#&" &rt

    teher+ for e4&$*'e+ $!0ht see herse'f 6or 2e see" 2% others7 &s &

    $e$2er of the Afr!#&" A$er!#&"+ &rts+ &"(8or e(u#&t!o" #o$$u"!t!es+ &s

    we'' &s of & *&rt!#u'&r f&!th #o$$u"!t%/ A" It&'!&" wo$&" $&% 2e#o$e &"

    !"te"se'% !")o')e( $e$2er of the eth"!# &"( #u'tur&' #o$$u"!t% of her

    N!0er!&" hus2&"(/ Wh!#he)er #o$$u"!t% (e."es %our wor+ %ou w!'' w&"t

    to 0et to "ow !t we''/


    U"(erst&"(!"0 the #o$$u"!t% e"t&!'s u"(erst&"(!"0 !t !" & "u$2er of

    w&%s/ Whether or "ot the #o$$u"!t% !s (e."e( 0eo0r&*h!#&''%+ !t st!'' h&s

    & 0eo0r&*h!# #o"te4t -- & sett!"0 th&t !t e4!sts !"/ Gett!"0 & #'e&r se"se of

    th!s sett!"0 $&% 2e e% to & fu'' u"(erst&"(!"0 of !t/ At the s&$e t!$e+ !t,s

    !$*ort&"t to u"(erst&"( the s*e#!.# #o$$u"!t% %ou,re #o"#er"e( w!th/

     You h&)e to 0et to "ow !ts *eo*'e -- the!r #u'ture+ the!r #o"#er"s+ &"(

    re'&t!o"sh!*s -- &"( to (e)e'o* %our ow" re'&t!o"sh!*s w!th the$ &s we''/

    • Physical aspects/ E)er% #o$$u"!t% h&s & *h%s!#&' *rese"#e of so$e

    sort+ e)e" !f o"'% o"e 2u!'(!"0/ Most h&)e & 0eo0r&*h!# &re& or &re&s

    the% &re e!ther (e."e( 2% or &tthe( to/ It,s !$*ort&"t to "ow the

    #o$$u"!t%,s s!9e &"( the 'oo &"( fee' of !ts 2u!'(!"0s+ !ts

    to*o0r&*h% 6the '&% of the '&"( -- the h!''s+ )&''e%s+ r!)ers+ ro&(s+ &"(

    other fe&tures %ou,( ."( o" & $&*7+ &"( eh of !ts "e!0h2orhoo(s/

  • 8/16/2019 Section 2.Understanding and Describing Community


    A'so !$*ort&"t &re how )&r!ous &re&s of the #o$$u"!t% (!3er fro$

    o"e &"other+ &"( whether %our !$*ress!o" !s o"e of #'e&"+ we''-

    $&!"t&!"e( houses &"( streets+ or o"e of sh&22!"ess+ (!rt+ &"(


    If the #o$$u"!t% !s o"e (e."e( 2% !ts *o*u'&t!o"+ the" !ts *h%s!#&'

    *ro*ert!es &re &'so (e."e( 2% the *o*u'&t!o": where the% '!)e+

    where the% 0&ther+ the *'es th&t &re !$*ort&"t to the$/ The

    #h&rter!st!#s of those *'es #&" te'' %ou & 0re&t (e&' &2out the

    *eo*'e who $&e u* the #o$$u"!t%/ The!r se'f-!$&0e+ $&"% of the!r

    &tt!tu(es+ &"( the!r &s*!r&t!o"s &re ofte" re;e#te( !" the *'es

    where the% #hoose -- or &re for#e( 2% #!r#u$st&"#e or (!s#r!$!"&t!o"

    -- to '!)e+ wor+ 0&ther+ &"( *'&%/

    • Infrastructure/ Ro&(s+ 2r!(0es+ tr&"s*ort&t!o" 6'o#&' *u2'!#

    tr&"s*ort&t!o"+ &!r*orts+ tr&!" '!"es7+ e'e#tr!#!t%+ '&"( '!"e &"( $o2!'e

    te'e*ho"e ser)!#e+ 2ro&(2&"( ser)!#e+ &"( s!$!'&r

  • 8/16/2019 Section 2.Understanding and Describing Community


    • History / The 'o"0-ter$ h!stor% of the #o$$u"!t% #&" te'' %ou &2out

    #o$$u"!t% tr&(!t!o"s+ wh&t the #o$$u"!t% !s+ or h&s 2ee"+ *rou( of+

    &"( wh&t res!(e"ts wou'( *refer "ot to t&' &2out/ Re#e"t h!stor%

    #&" &3or( )&'u&2'e !"for$&t!o" &2out #o";!#ts &"( ft!o"s w!th!"

    the #o$$u"!t%+ !$*ort&"t !ssues+ *&st &"( #urre"t re'&t!o"sh!*s&$o"0 e% *eo*'e &"( 0rou*s -- $&"% of the ftors th&t #&" tr!* u*

    &"% e3ort 2efore !t st&rts !f %ou (o",t "ow &2out &"( &((ress the$/

    • Community leaders, formal and informal/ So$e #o$$u"!t% 'e&(ers

    &re e'e#te( or &**o!"te( -- $&%ors+ #!t% #ou"#!'ors+ (!re#tors of

    *u2'!# wors/ Others &re #o"s!(ere( 'e&(ers 2e#&use of the!r

    t!)!t!es or the!r *os!t!o"s !" the #o$$u"!t% -- #o$$u"!t% t!)!sts+

    #or*or&te CEO,s+ #o''e0e *res!(e"ts+ (o#tors+ #'er0%/ St!'' others &re

    re#o0"!9e( &s 'e&(ers 2e#&use+ the% &re truste( for the!r *ro)e"

    !"te0r!t%+ #our&0e+ &"(8or #&re for others &"( the 0oo( of the


    • Community culture, formal and informal/ Th!s #o)ers the s*oe" &"(

    u"s*oe" ru'es &"( tr&(!t!o"s 2% wh!#h the #o$$u"!t% '!)es/ It #&"

    !"#'u(e e)er%th!"0 fro$ #o$$u"!t% e)e"ts &"( s'o0&"s -- the

    2'ess!"0 of the .sh!"0 ;eet+ the

  • 8/16/2019 Section 2.Understanding and Describing Community


    • Economics/ Who &re the $&5or e$*'o%ers !" the #o$$u"!t%? Wh&t+

    !f &"%+ 2us!"ess or !"(ustr% !s the #o$$u"!t%,s 2&se? Who+ !f

    &"%o"e+ e4er#!ses e#o"o$!# *ower? How !s we&'th (!str!2ute(?

    Wou'( %ou #h&rter!9e the #o$$u"!t% &s *oor+ wor!"0+ #'&ss+

    $!(('e #'&ss+ or &ue"t? Wh&t &re the e#o"o$!# *ros*e#ts of the*o*u'&t!o" !" 0e"er&' &"(8or the *o*u'&t!o" %ou,re #o"#er"e( w!th?

    • Government/Politics/ U"(erst&"(!"0 the stru#ture of #o$$u"!t%

    0o)er"$e"t !s o2)!ous'% !$*ort&"t/ So$e #o$$u"!t!es $&% h&)e

    stro"0 $&%ors &"( we& #!t% #ou"#!'s+ others the o**os!te/ St!''

    other #o$$u"!t!es $&% h&)e "o $&%or &t &''+ 2ut o"'% & tow"

    $&"&0er+ or $&% h&)e & (!3ere"t for$ of 0o)er"$e"t e"t!re'%/

    Wh&te)er the 0o)er"$e"t stru#ture+ where (oes *o'!t!#&' *ower '!e?

    U"(erst&"(!"0 where the re&' *ower !s #&" 2e the (!3ere"#e

    2etwee" & su##essfu' e3ort &"( & )&!" o"e/

    • Social structure/ M&"% &s*e#ts of so#!&' stru#ture &re !"te0r&te( !"to

    other &re&s -- re'&t!o"sh!*s+ *o'!t!#s+ e#o"o$!#s -- 2ut there &re &'so

    the 1uest!o"s of how *eo*'e !" the #o$$u"!t% re'&te to o"e &"other

    o" & (&!'% 2&s!s+ how *ro2'e$s &re 6or &re",t7 reso')e(+ who

    so#!&'!9es or (oes 2us!"ess w!th who$+ et#/ Th!s &re& &'so !"#'u(es

    *er#e*t!o"s &"( s%$2o's of st&tus &"( res*e#t+ &"( whether st&tus

    #&rr!es e"t!t'e$e"t or res*o"s!2!'!t% 6or 2oth7/

    •  ttitudes and values/ A0&!"+ $u#h of th!s &re& $&% 2e #o)ere( 2%

    !")est!0&t!o" !"to others+ *&rt!#u'&r'% #u'ture/ Wh&t (oes the

    #o$$u"!t% #&re &2out+ &"( wh&t (oes !t !0"ore? Wh&t &re res!(e"ts,

    &ssu$*t!o"s &2out the *ro*er w&% to 2eh&)e+ to (ress+ to (o

    2us!"ess+ to tre&t others? Is there w!(e'% #e*te( (!s#r!$!"&t!o"

    &0&!"st o"e or $ore 0rou*s 2% the $&5or!t% or 2% those !" *ower?

    Wh&t &re the "or$s for !"tert!o" &$o"0 those who w!th (!3ere"t

    o*!"!o"s or (!3ere"t 20rou"(s?

    We'll discuss all of these aspects of community in greater detail

    later in the section.

     There &re o2)!ous'% $&"% $ore &s*e#ts of #o$$u"!t% th&t #&" 2ee4*'ore(+ su#h &s he&'th or e(u#&t!o"/ The &ssu$*t!o" here !s th&t &s*&rt of &" &ssess$e"t+ %ou,'' &!$ for & 0e"er&' u"(erst&"(!"0 of the#o$$u"!t%+ &s (es#r!2e( !" th!s se#t!o"+ &"( &'so &ssess+ w!th & "&rrowerfo#us+ the s*e#!.# &s*e#ts %ou,re !"tereste( !"/

  • 8/16/2019 Section 2.Understanding and Describing Community


    O"#e %ou,)e e4*'ore( the re'e)&"t &re&s of the #o$$u"!t%+ %ou,'' h&)e the

    !"for$&t!o" to #re&te & #o$$u"!t% (es#r!*t!o"/ De*e"(!"0 o" %our "ee(s

    &"( !"for$&t!o"+ th!s (es#r!*t!o" $!0ht 2e &"%th!"0 fro$ & two-or three-

    *&0e out'!"e to &" !"-(e*th *ortr&!t of the #o$$u"!t% th&t e4te"(s to te"s

    of *&0es &"( !"#'u(es #h&rts+ 0r&*hs+ *hoto0r&*hs+ &"( other e'e$e"ts/ The *o!"t of (o!"0 !t !s to h&)e & *!#ture of the #o$$u"!t% &t & *&rt!#u'&r

    *o!"t !" t!$e th&t %ou #&" use to *ro)!(e & #o"te4t for %our #o$$u"!t%

    &ssess$e"t &"( to see the resu'ts of wh&te)er t!o"s %ou t&e to 2r!"0

    &2out #h&"0e/

    A #o$$u"!t% (es#r!*t!o" #&" 2e &s #re&t!)e &s %ou,re #&*&2'e of $&!"0!t/ It #&" 2e wr!tte" &s & stor%+ #&" !"#or*or&te *hotos &"( #o$$e"t&r%fro$ #o$$u"!t% res!(e"ts 6see hoto)o!#e7+ #&" 2e (o"e o"'!"e &"(!"#'u(e &u(!o &"( )!(eo+ et#/ The $ore !"terest!"0 the (es#r!*t!o" !s+ the

    $ore *eo*'e &re '!e'% to tu&''% re&( !t/


     You $&% &t th!s *o!"t 2e th!"!"0+

  • 8/16/2019 Section 2.Understanding and Describing Community


    • E"sur!"0 the se#ur!t% of %our or0&"!9&t!o",s st&3 &"( *&rt!#!*&"ts/

     There $&% 2e "e!0h2orhoo(s where st&3 $e$2ers or *&rt!#!*&"ts

    shou'( 2e #o$*&"!e( 2% others !" or(er to 2e s&fe+ &t 'e&st &t

    "!0ht/ K"ow!"0 the #h&rter of )&r!ous &re&s &"( the !")!s!2'e

    2or(ers th&t e4!st &$o"0 )&r!ous 0rou*s &"( "e!0h2orhoo(s #&" 2ee4tre$e'% !$*ort&"t for the *h%s!#&' s&fet% of those wor!"0 &"(

    '!)!"0 !" the #o$$u"!t%/

    • H&)!"0 e"ou0h f&$!'!&r!t% w!th the #o$$u"!t% to &''ow %ou to

    #o")erse !"te''!0e"t'% w!th res!(e"ts &2out #o$$u"!t% !ssues+

    *erso"&'!t!es &"( 0eo0r&*h%/ K"ow!"0 th&t %ou,)e t&e" the t!$e

    &"( e3ort to 0et to "ow the$ &"( the!r e")!ro"$e"t #&" he'* %ou

    to est&2'!sh trust w!th #o$$u"!t% $e$2ers/ Th&t #&" $&e 2oth &

    #o$$u"!t% &ssess$e"t &"( &"% t!o"s &"( t!)!t!es th&t resu't

    fro$ !t e&s!er to #o"(u#t/

    • Be!"0 &2'e to t&' #o")!"#!"0'% w!th the $e(!& &2out the #o$$u"!t%/

    • Be!"0 &2'e to sh&re !"for$&t!o" w!th other or0&"!9&t!o"s or

    #o&'!t!o"s th&t wor !" the #o$$u"!t% so th&t %ou #&" #o''&2or&te or

    so th&t e)er%o"e,s wor #&" 2e"e.t/

    • ro)!(!"0 20rou"( &"( 5ust!.#&t!o" for 0r&"t *ro*os&'s/

    • K"ow!"0 the #o"te4t of the #o$$u"!t% so th&t %ou #&" t&!'or

    !"ter)e"t!o"s &"( *ro0r&$s to !ts "or$s &"( #u'ture+ &"( !"#re&se

    %our #h&"#es of su##ess/


    • Whe" %ou,re &2out to '&u"#h & #o$$u"!t% &ssess$e"t/ The .rst

    ste* !s to 0et & #'e&r se"se of the #o$$u"!t%+ 2efore $ore

    s*e#!.#&''% &ssess!"0 the &re&6s7 %ou,re !"tereste( !"/

    • Whe" %ou,re "ew to & #o$$u"!t% &"( w&"t to 2e we'' !"for$e(

    2efore 2e0!""!"0 %our wor/ If %ou,)e 5ust st&rte( wor!"0 !" &

    #o$$u"!t% -- e)e" !f !t,s wor %ou,)e 2ee" (o!"0 for %e&rs -- %ou w!''

    *ro2&2'% ."( th&t t&!"0 the t!$e to wr!te & #o$$u"!t% (es#r!*t!o"

    e"r!#hes %our wor/

  • 8/16/2019 Section 2.Understanding and Describing Community


    • Whe" %ou,)e 2ee" wor!"0 !" & #o$$u"!t% for &"% 'e"0th of t!$e

    &"( w&"t to t&e sto#/ Co$$u"!t!es &re #o$*'e4+ #o"st&"t'%-

    #h&"0!"0 e"t!t!es/ B% *er!o(!#&''% sto**!"0 to wr!te & (et&!'e(

    (es#r!*t!o" of %our #o$$u"!t%+ %ou #&" &ssess wh&t &**rohes

    h&)e wore( &"( wh&t h&)e",t "ew "ee(s th&t h&)e (e)e'o*e(o)er t!$e &"( o'( #o"#er"s th&t "o 'o"0er re1u!re %our e3ort &"(

    e"er0% &"( other !"for$&t!o" to he'* %ou 2etter (o %our wor/

    • Whe" %ou,re fee'!"0 '!e %ou,re stu# !" & rut &"( "ee( & fresh

    *ers*e#t!)e/ Or0&"!9&t!o"s h&)e to re$&!" (%"&$!# !" or(er to ee*

    $o)!"0 forw&r(/ Ree4&$!"!"0 the #o$$u"!t% -- or *erh&*s

    e4&$!"!"0 !t #&refu''% for the .rst t!$e -- #&" !"fuse &" or0&"!9&t!o"

    w!th "ew !(e&s &"( "ew *ur*ose/

    • Whe" %ou,re #o"s!(er!"0 !"tro(u#!"0 & "ew !"!t!&t!)e or *ro0r&$ &"(

    w&"t to &ssess !ts *oss!2'e su##ess/As!(e fro$ whe" %ou .rst #o$e

    to & #o$$u"!t%+ th!s !s *ro2&2'% the $ost )!t&' t!$e to (o &

    #o$$u"!t% (es#r!*t!o"/

    • Whe" & fu"(er &ss %ou to+ ofte" &s *&rt of & fu"(!"0 *ro*os&'/

    Wh!'e rese&r#h!"0 &"( wr!t!"0 & #o$$u"!t% (es#r!*t!o" #&" t&e t!$e+

    %our wor #&" &'$ost &'w&%s 2e"e.t fro$ the !"for$&t!o" %ou 0&ther/


    Mu#h of %our 2est &"( $ost !"terest!"0 !"for$&t!o" $&% #o$e fro$

    #o$$u"!t% $e$2ers w!th "o *&rt!#u'&r #re(e"t!&'s e4#e*t th&t the%,re

    *&rt of the #o$$u"!t%/ It,s es*e#!&''% !$*ort&"t to 0et the *ers*e#t!)e of

    those who ofte" (o",t h&)e & )o!#e !" #o$$u"!t% (e#!s!o"s &"( *o'!t!#s --

    'ow-!"#o$e *eo*'e+ !$$!0r&"ts+ &"( others who &re ofte" e*t out of the

    #o$$u"!t% (!s#uss!o"/ I" &((!t!o"+ howe)er+ there &re so$e s*e#!.#

    *eo*'e th&t !t $!0ht 2e !$*ort&"t to t&' to/ The%,re the !"(!)!(u&'s !" e%

    *os!t!o"s+ or those who &re truste( 2% & '&r0e *&rt of the #o$$u"!t% or 2%

    & *&rt!#u'&r *o*u'&t!o"/ I" & t%*!#&' #o$$u"!t%+ the% $!0ht !"#'u(e:

    • E'e#te( o#!&'s

    • Co$$u"!t% *'&""ers &"( (e)e'o*$e"t o#ers

    • Ch!efs of *o'!#e

  • 8/16/2019 Section 2.Understanding and Describing Community


    • S#hoo' su*er!"te"(e"ts+ *r!"#!*&'s+ &"( tehers

    • D!re#tors or st&3 of he&'th &"( hu$&" ser)!#e or0&"!9&t!o"s

    He&'th *rofess!o"&'s

    • C'er0%

    • Co$$u"!t% t!)!sts

    • Hous!"0 &()o#&tes

    • res!(e"ts or #h&!rs of #!)!# or ser)!#e #'u2s -- Ch&$2er of

    Co$$er#e+ )eter&"s, or0&"!9&t!o"s+ L!o"s+ Rot&r%+ et#/

    • eo*'e w!thout t!t'es+ 2ut !(e"t!.e( 2% others &s

  • 8/16/2019 Section 2.Understanding and Describing Community


    • Don#t assume that the information people give you is necessarily

    accurate/ There &re & "u$2er of re&so"s wh% !"for$&"ts $&% te''

    %ou th!"0s th&t &re !"#ur&te/ eo*'e,s *er#e*t!o"s (o",t &'w&%s

    re;e#t re&'!t%+ 2ut &re #o'ore( !"ste&( 2% wh&t the% th!" or wh&t

    the% th!" the% "ow/ I" &((!t!o"+ so$e $&% !"te"t!o"&''%e4&00er&te or (ow"*'&% *&rt!#u'&r #o"(!t!o"s or !ssues for the!r ow"

    *ur*oses or for wh&t the% see &s the 0re&ter 0oo(/ 6The Ch&$2er of

    Co$$er#e or 'o#&' 0o)er"$e"t o#!&'s $!0ht tr% to $&e e#o"o$!#

    #o"(!t!o"s 'oo 2etter th&" the% &re !" the ho*es of &ttrt!"0 "ew

    2us!"ess to the #o$$u"!t%+ for !"st&"#e/7 Others $&% s!$*'% 2e

    $!st&e" &2out wh&t the% te'' %ou -- the 0eo0r&*h!#&' 2ou"(&r!es of 

    & *&rt!#u'&r "e!0h2orhoo(+ for e4&$*'e+ or the %e&r of &" !$*ort&"t

    e)e"t/ Get !"for$&t!o"+ *&rt!#u'&r'% o" !ssues+ #o"(!t!o"s+ &"(

    re'&t!o"sh!*s fro$ $&"% sour#es !f %ou #&"/ As t!$e 0oes o"+ %ou,''

    'e&r" who the &'w&%s-re'!&2'e sour#es &re/

    • !e"are of activities that may change people#s $ehavior / It,s we''

    "ow" th&t *eo*'e 6&"( &"!$&'s &s we''7 #&" #h&"0e the!r "or$&'

    2eh&)!or &s & resu't of "ow!"0 the%,re 2e!"0 stu(!e(/

    Ne!0h2orhoo( res!(e"ts $&% #'e&" u* the!r %&r(s !f the%,re &w&re

    th&t so$eo"e !s t&!"0 the $e&sure of the "e!0h2orhoo(/

    Co$$u"!t% $e$2ers $&% tr% to &**e&r &s the% w!sh to 2e see"+r&ther th&" &s the% re&''% &re+ !f the% "ow %ou,re w&t#h!"0/ To the

    e4te"t th&t %ou #&"+ tr% "ot to (o &"%th!"0 th&t w!'' #h&"0e the w&%

    *eo*'e 0o &2out the!r (&!'% 2us!"ess or e4*ress the$se')es/ Th&t

    usu&''% $e&"s 2e!"0 &s u"o2trus!)e &s *oss!2'e -- "ot 2e!"0 o2)!ous

    &2out t&!"0 *!#tures or $&!"0 "otes+ for !"st&"#e/ I" so$e

    #!r#u$st&"#es+ !t #ou'( $e&" tr%!"0 to 0&!" trust &"( !"s!0ht throu0h

    *&rt!#!*&"t o2ser)&t!o"/

    &rt!#!*&"t o2ser)&t!o" !s & te#h"!1ue th&t &"thro*o'o0!sts use/ It e"t&!'s2e#o$!"0 *&rt of &"other #u'ture+ 2oth to ee* *eo*'e !" !t fro$ 2e!"0!";ue"#e( 2% %our *rese"#e &"( to u"(erst&"( !t fro$ the !"s!(e/ So$erese&r#hers 2e'!e)e !t &((resses the *ro2'e$ of #h&"0!"0 the #u'ture2% stu(%!"0 !t+ &"( others 2e'!e)e th&t !t $&es the *ro2'e$ worse/

    • %a&e advantage of the information and facilities that help shape the

    "orld of those "ho have lived in the community for a long time/

    Re&( the 'o#&' "ews*&*er 6&"( the &'ter"&t!)e *&*er+ too+ !f there !s

    o"e7+ '!ste" to 'o#&' r&(!o+ w&t#h 'o#&' T+ '!ste" to #o")ers&t!o" !"

    #&fes &"( 2&rs+ !" 2&r2ersho*s &"( 2e&ut% sho*s/ You #&" 'e&r" &0re&t (e&' &2out & #o$$u"!t% 2% !$$ers!"0 %ourse'f !" !ts !"ter"&'

  • 8/16/2019 Section 2.Understanding and Describing Community


    #o$$u"!#&t!o"/ The Ch&$2er of Co$$er#e w!'' usu&''% h&)e & '!st

    of &re& 2us!"esses &"( or0&"!9&t!o"s+ &'o"0 w!th the!r #o"tt

    *eo*'e+ wh!#h shou'( 0!)e %ou 2oth *o!"ts of #o"tt &"( & se"se of

    who the *eo*'e &re th&t %ou $!0ht w&"t to 0et !" tou#h w!th/ Go to

    the '!2r&r% -- 'o#&' '!2r&r!&"s &re ofte" tre&sure tro)es of !"for$&t!o"+&"( the!r *rofess!o"&' 0o&' !s to s*re&( !t &rou"(/ Che# out 2u''et!"

    2o&r(s &t su*er$&rets &"( '&u"(ro$&ts/ E)e" 0r&t! #&" 2e &

    )&'u&2'e sour#e of !"for$&t!o" &2out #o$$u"!t% !ssues/

    • 'et"or&, net"or&, net"or& / E)er% #o"tt %ou $&e !" the

    #o$$u"!t% h&s the *ote"t!&' to 'e&( %ou to $ore #o"tts/ Whether

    %ou,re t&'!"0 to o#!&' or u"o#!&' #o$$u"!t% 'e&(ers or to *eo*'e

    %ou 5ust $et o" the street+ &'w&%s &s who e'se the% wou'(

    re#o$$e"( th&t %ou t&' to &"( whether %ou #&" use the!r "&$es

    whe" %ou #o"tt those *eo*'e/ Est&2'!sh!"0 re'&t!o"sh!*s w!th &

    )&r!et% of #o$$u"!t% $e$2ers !s *ro2&2'% the $ost !$*ort&"t th!"0

    %ou #&" (o to e"sure th&t %ou,'' 2e &2'e to 0et the !"for$&t!o" %ou

    "ee(+ &"( th&t %ou,'' h&)e su**ort for wor!"0 !" the #o$$u"!t%

    whe" %ou ."!sh %our &ssess$e"t &"( 2e0!" %our e3ort/


     To ."( out &2out )&r!ous &s*e#ts of the #o$$u"!t%+ %ou,'' "ee( & "u$2erof (!3ere"t $etho(s of 0&ther!"0 !"for$&t!o"/ We,)e &'re&(% (!s#usse(

    so$e of the$+ &"( $&"% of the re$&!"!"0 se#t!o"s of th!s #h&*ter (e&'

    w!th the$+ 2e#&use the%,re the s&$e $etho(s %ou,'' use !" (o!"0 & fu''

    #o$$u"!t% &ssess$e"t/ Here+ we,'' s!$*'% '!st the$+ w!th short

    e4*'&"&t!o"s &"( '!"s to se#t!o"s where %ou #&" 0et $ore !"for$&t!o"

    &2out eh/

    • Pu$lic records and archives/ These !"#'u(e 'o#&'+ st&te+ &"( fe(er&'

    0o)er"$e"t st&t!st!#s &"( re#or(s+ "ews*&*er &r#h!)es+ &"( there#or(s of other or0&"!9&t!o"s th&t the%,re w!''!"0 to sh&re/ M&"% of

    the *u2'!# (o#u$e"ts &re &)&!'&2'e &t *u2'!# &"(8or u"!)ers!t%

    '!2r&r!es &"( o" '!"e &t 0o)er"$e"t we2s!tes/ Most #o$$u"!t!es

    h&)e the!r ow" we2s!tes+ wh!#h ofte" #o"t&!" )&'u&2'e !"for$&t!o"

    &s we''/

    • Individual and group intervie"s/ I"ter)!ews #&" r&"0e fro$ #&su&'

    #o")ers&t!o"s !" & #&fe to stru#ture( for$&' !"ter)!ews !" wh!#h the

    !"ter)!ewer &ss the s&$e s*e#!.# 1uest!o"s of & "u$2er of#&refu''% #hose" e% !"for$&"ts/ The% #&" 2e #o"(u#te( w!th

  • 8/16/2019 Section 2.Understanding and Describing Community


    !"(!)!(u&'s or 0rou*s+ !" &'' !"(s of (!3ere"t *'es &"(

    #!r#u$st&"#es/ The%,re ofte" the 2est sour#es of !"for$&t!o"+ 2ut

    the%,re &'so t!$e-#o"su$!"0 &"( !")o')e ."(!"0 the r!0ht *eo*'e

    &"( #o")!"#!"0 the$ to #o"se"t to 2e !"ter)!ewe(+ &s we'' &s ."(!"0

    6&"( so$et!$es tr&!"!"07 0oo( !"ter)!ewers/

    I"ter)!ews $&% !"#'u(e e"'!st!"0 &s sour#es of !"for$&t!o" others who,)es*e"t t!$e 'e&r"!"0 &2out the #o$$u"!t%/ U"!)ers!t% rese&r#hers+ st&3&"( &($!"!str&tors of he&'th &"( hu$&" ser)!#e or0&"!9&t!o"s+ &"(t!)!sts $&% &'' h&)e (o"e #o"s!(er&2'e wor to u"(erst&"( the #h&rter&"( !""er wor!"0s of the #o$$u"!t%/ T&e &()&"t&0e of the!r ."(!"0s !f%ou #&"/ It $&% s&)e %ou $&"% hours of e3ort/

    • Surveys/ There &re )&r!ous t%*es of sur)e%s/ The% #&" 2e wr!tte" or

    or&'+ #o"(u#te( w!th & se'e#te( s$&'' 0rou* -- usu&''% & r&"(o$!9e(s&$*'e th&t re*rese"ts & '&r0er *o*u'&t!o" -- or w!th &s $&"%

    #o$$u"!t% $e$2ers &s *oss!2'e/ The% #&" 2e se"t throu0h the

    $&!'+ &($!"!stere( o)er the *ho"e or !" *erso"+ or 0!)e" to s*e#!.#

    0rou*s 6s#hoo' #'&sses+ f&!th #o"0re0&t!o"s+ the Rot&r% C'u27/

     The%,re ofte" f&!r'% short+ &"( &s for &"swers th&t &re e!ther %es-"o+

    or th&t r&te the sur)e%-t&er,s o*!"!o" of & "u$2er of *oss!2!'!t!es

    6t%*!#&''% o" & s#&'e th&t re*rese"ts

  • 8/16/2019 Section 2.Understanding and Describing Community


    Now 'et,s #o"s!(er wh&t %ou $!0ht e4&$!"e to u"(erst&"( &"( (es#r!2e

    the #o$$u"!t%/ You wo",t "e#ess&r!'% 'oo for th!s !"for$&t!o" !" the or(er

    0!)e" here+ &'thou0h !t,s & 0oo( !(e& to st&rt w!th the .rst two/

    The community's physical characteristics.

    Get & $&* of the #o$$u"!t% &"( (r!)e &"(8or w&' &rou"(/ 6If the

    #o$$u"!t% !s",t (e."e( 2% 0eo0r&*h%+ "ote &"( o2ser)e the &re&s where

    !ts $e$2ers '!)e+ wor+ &"( 0&ther/7 O2ser)e 2oth the 2u!'t &"( the

    "&tur&' e")!ro"$e"t/ I" the 2u!'t e")!ro"$e"t+ so$e th!"0s to *&%

    &tte"t!o" to &re:

    • %he age, architecture, and condition of housing and other $uildings/

    So$e sh&22% or *oor'%-$&!"t&!"e( hous!"0 $&% o##u*% 0oo(

    2u!'(!"0s th&t #ou'( 2e .4e( u*+ for e4&$*'e -- th&t,s !$*ort&"t to

    "ow/ Is there su2st&"(&r( hous!"0 !" the #o$$u"!t%? Loo for "ew

    #o"stru#t!o"+ &"( "ew (e)e'o*$e"ts+ &"( t&e "ote of where the%

    &re+ &"( whether the%,re re*'!"0 e4!st!"0 hous!"0 or 2us!"esses or

    &((!"0 to !t/ 6You $!0ht w&"t to ."( out $ore &2out these/ Are the%

    #o"tro)ers!&'? W&s there o**os!t!o" to the$+ &"( how w&s !t

    reso')e(? Does the #o$$u"!t% o3er !"#e"t!)es to (e)e'o*ers+ &"(+ !f 

    so+ for wh&t?7 Is hous!"0 se*&r&te( 2% !"#o$e or other ftors+ so

    th&t &'' 'ow-!"#o$e res!(e"ts+ for !"st&"#e+ or &'' North Afr!#&"

    !$$!0r&"ts see$ to '!)e !" o"e &re& &w&% fro$ others? Are 2u!'(!"0s

    0e"er&''% !" 0oo( #o"(!t!o"+ or &re the% (!rt% &"( ru"-(ow"? Are

    there 2u!'(!"0s th&t 'oo '!e the% $!0ht h&)e h!stor!# s!0"!.#&"#e+

    &"( &re the% e*t u*? Are $ost 2u!'(!"0s #ess!2'e to *eo*'e w!th


    • Commercial areas/ Are there stores &"( other 2us!"esses !" w&'!"0

    (!st&"#e of res!(e"t!&' &re&s or of *u2'!# tr&"s*ort&t!o" for $ost

    $e$2ers of the #o$$u"!t%? Do #o$$er#!&' 2u!'(!"0s *rese"tw!"(ows &"( (!s*'&%s or 2'&" w&''s to *e(estr!&"s? Is there foot

    tr&# &"( t!)!t% !" #o$$er#!&' &re&s+ or (o the% see$ (eserte(?

    Is there & 0oo( $!4 of 'o#&' 2us!"esses+ or "oth!"0 2ut #h&!" stores?

    Are there the&ters+ *'es to he&r $us!#+ & )&r!et% of rest&ur&"ts+

    &"( other t%*es of e"tert&!"$e"t? Do $&"% 2u!'(!"0s !"#'u(e *u2'!#

    s*es -- !"(oor or out(oor *'&9&s where *eo*'e #&" s!t+ for

    e4&$*'e? I" 0e"er&'+ &re #o$$er#!&' &re&s &"( 2u!'(!"0s &ttrt!)e

    &"( we''-$&!"t&!"e(?

  • 8/16/2019 Section 2.Understanding and Describing Community


    • %he types and location of industrial facilities/ Wh&t !"( of !"(ustr%

    e4!sts !" the #o$$u"!t%? Does !t see$ to h&)e & 'ot of

    e")!ro"$e"t&' !$*t -- "o!se+ &!r or w&ter *o''ut!o"+ s$e''s+ he&)%

    tr&#? Is !t 'o#&te( #'ose to res!(e"t!&' &re&s+ &"(+ !f so+ who '!)es

    there? Is there so$e e3ort to $&e !"(ustr!&' f!'!t!es &ttrt!)e --'&"(s#&*!"0+ $ur&'s or !$&0!"&t!)e #o'or s#he$es o" the outs!(e+


    • Infrastructure/ Wh&t #o"(!t!o" &re streets !"? Do $ost streets+ &t

    'e&st !" res!(e"t!&' &"( #o$$er#!&' &re&s+ h&)e s!(ew&'s? B!e

    '&"es? Are *e(estr!&"s sh!e'(e( fro$ tr&# 2% trees+ 0r&ss str!*s+

    &"(8or *'&"t!"0s? Are ro&(s &(e1u&te for the tr&# the% 2e&r? Are

    there foot 2r!(0es ross 2us% h!0hw&%s &"( r&!'ro&( trs+ or (o

    the% se*&r&te &re&s of the #o$$u"!t% &"( *ose (&"0ers for

    *e(estr!&"s? Is there &(e1u&te *u2'!# tr&"s*ort&t!o"+ w!th f!'!t!es

    for *eo*'e w!th *h%s!#&' (!s&2!'!t!es? Does !t reh &'' &re&s of the

    #o$$u"!t%? C&" $ost *eo*'e 0&!" #ess to the I"ter"et !f the%

    h&)e the e1u!*$e"t 6!/e/+ #o$*uters or *ro*er'% e1u!**e( #e''


     Th!s !s & to*!# th&t !s r!*e for e4&$!"&t!o"/ I" $&"% rur&' &re&s+ *&rt!#u'&r'%!" (e)e'o*!"0 #ou"tr!es+ 2ut ofte" !" the (e)e'o*e( wor'( &s we''+ there !s

    )er% '!tt'e !"fr&stru#ture/ Ro&(s &"( 2r!(0es $&% 2e !$*&ss&2'e &t #ert&!"6or $ost7 t!$es of %e&r+ *ho"e ser)!#e &"( T re#e*t!o" "o"e4!ste"t+I"ter"et #ess & (!st&"t (re&$/ u2'!# tr&"s*ort&t!o" !" $&"% *'es+ !f !te4!sts &t &''+ $&% t&e the for$ of & *!#u* tru# or -%e&r-o'( )&" th&tt&es &s $&"% *&sse"0ers &s #&" s1uee9e !"to or o"to the 2e(+ *&sse"0er#o$*&rt$e"t+ &"( roof/ Is &"% of th!s o" the 0o)er"$e"t,s or &"%o"ee'se,s r&(&r &s & s!tu&t!o" th&t "ee(s to 2e &((resse(? Wh&t !s the0e"er&' *o'!#% &2out ser)!#es to rur&' &"(8or *oor *o*u'&t!o"s? A"swersto these &"( s!$!'&r 1uest!o"s $&% 2oth e4*'&!" the s!tu&t!o" 6&"( the&tt!tu(es of the 'o#&' *o*u'&t!o"7 &"( h!0h'!0ht & "u$2er of *oss!2'e#ourses of t!o"/

    In the category of natural features, we can include both areas

    that have been largely left to nature, and "natural" spaces

    created by human intervention.

    • %opography / A" &re&,s to*o0r&*h% !s the sh&*e of !ts '&"(s#&*e/ Is

    the #o$$u"!t% '&r0e'% h!''%+ '&r0e'% ;&t+ or (oes !t !"#or*or&te &re&s

    of 2oth? Is w&ter -- r!)ers+ #rees+ '&es &"( *o"(s+ #&"&'s+ se&shore

    -- & "ot!#e&2'e or !$*ort&"t *&rt of the *h%s!#&' #h&rter of the

    #o$$u"!t%? Who '!)es !" wh&t &re&s of the #o$$u"!t%?

  • 8/16/2019 Section 2.Understanding and Describing Community


    • (pen space and greenery) Is there o*e" s*e s#&ttere( throu0hout

    the #o$$u"!t%+ or !s !t '!$!te( to o"e or & few &re&s? How $u#h

    o*e" s*e !s there? Is !t $ost'% $&"-$&(e 6*&rs+ #o$$o"s+

    #&$*uses+ s*orts .e'(s7+ or !s there w!'(er"ess or se$!-w!'(er"ess?

    Does the #o$$u"!t% 0!)e the !$*ress!o" of 2e!"0 0ree" &"( 'e&f%+w!th 'ots of trees &"( 0r&ss+ or !s !t $ost'% #o"#rete or (!rt?

    •  ir and "ater / Is the &!r re&so"&2'% #'e&r &"( #'e&"+ or !s there &

    2'&"et of s$o0? Does the &!r 0e"er&''% s$e'' fresh+ or &re there

    !"(ustr!&' or other u"*'e&s&"t o(ors? Do r!)ers+ '&es+ or other

    2o(!es of w&ter &**e&r #'e&"? Do the% see$ to 2e use( for

    re#re&t!o" 62o&t!"0+ sw!$$!"0+ .sh!"07?

     There !s &" o)er'&* 2etwee" the #o$$u"!t%,s *h%s!#&' &"( so#!&'#h&rter!st!#s/ Does the '&% of the '&"( $&e !t (!#u't to 0et fro$ o"e*&rt of the #o$$u"!t% to &"other? 6B!!"0+ or !" so$e #&ses e)e" w&'!"0+!s (!#u't !" S&" Fr&"#!s#o+ for e4&$*'e+ 2e#&use of the 'e"0th &"(stee*"ess of the h!''s/7 Are there #'e&r so#!&' (!)!s!o"s th&t $!rror the'&"(s#&*e -- &'' the f&"#% houses !" the h!''s+ &'' the 'ow-!"#o$e hous!"0 !"the ;&ts+ for !"st&"#e?

    Stu(%!"0 the *h%s!#&' '&%out of the #o$$u"!t% w!'' ser)e %ou "ot o"'% &s

    !"for$&t!o"+ 2ut &s & 0u!(e for ."(!"0 %our w&% &rou"(+ "ow!"0 wh&t

    *eo*'e &re t&'!"0 &2out whe" the% refer to )&r!ous &re&s &"("e!0h2orhoo(s+ &"( 0&!"!"0 & se"se of the '!)!"0 #o"(!t!o"s of &"%

    *o*u'&t!o"s %ou,re #o"#er"e( w!th/

    ommunity demographics.

    De$o0r&*h!#s &re the fts &2out the *o*u'&t!o" th&t %ou #&" ."( fro$

    #e"sus (&t& &"( other s!$!'&r st&t!st!#&' !"for$&t!o"/ So$e th!"0s %ou

    $!0ht '!e to "ow+ 2es!(es the "u$2er of *eo*'e !" the #o$$u"!t%:


    • R!&' &"( eth"!# 20rou"(

    • A0e/ Nu$2ers &"( *er#e"t&0es of the *o*u'&t!o" !" )&r!ous &0e


    • M&r!t&' st&tus

    • F&$!'% s!9e

  • 8/16/2019 Section 2.Understanding and Describing Community


    • E(u#&t!o"

    • I"#o$e

    E$*'o%$e"t - Both the "u$2ers of *eo*'e e$*'o%e( fu'' &"( *&rt-t!$e+ &"( the "u$2ers of *eo*'e !" )&r!ous t%*es of wor

    • Lo#&t!o" - K"ow!"0 wh!#h 0rou*s '!)e !" wh!#h "e!0h2orhoo(s or

    &re&s #&" he'* to re#ru!t *&rt!#!*&"ts !" & *ote"t!&' e3ort or to

    (e#!(e where to t&r0et t!)!t!es

    I" the U/S/+ $ost of th!s &"( other (e$o0r&*h!# !"for$&t!o" !s &)&!'&2'e

    fro$ the U/S/ Ce"sus+ fro$ st&te &"( 'o#&' 0o)er"$e"t we2s!tes+ or fro$

    other 0o)er"$e"t &0e"#!es/ De*e"(!"0 o" wh&t !ssues &"( #ou"tr!es%ou,re #o"#er"e( w!th+ so$e sour#es of !"for$&t!o" $!0ht 2e the U/S/

    Ce"ters for D!se&se Co"tro'+ the U/S/ De*&rt$e"t of He&'th &"( Hu$&"

    Ser)!#es+ s!$!'&r we2s!tes !" other #ou"tr!es+ &"( the )&r!ous &0e"#!es of

    the U"!te( N&t!o"s/

    O" $&"% of these we2s!tes+ "ot&2'% the U/S/ Ce"sus+ )&r!ous #&te0or!es

    #&" 2e #o$2!"e(+ so th&t %ou #&"+ for e4&$*'e+ ."( out the !"#o$e 'e)e's

    !" %our #o$$u"!t% for Afr!#&" A$er!#&" wo$e" &0e( -@ w!th & h!0h

    s#hoo' e(u#&t!o"/ If the we2s!te wo",t (o !t for %ou+ !t,s f&!r'% e&s% to tre

    the *&tter"s %ourse'f+ thus 0!)!"0 %ou & $u#h #'e&rer *!#ture of who

    #o$$u"!t% res!(e"ts &re &"( wh&t the!r '!)es $!0ht 2e '!e/

    A"other e4tre$e'% usefu' resour#e !s Cou"t% He&'th R&"!"0s J

    Ro&($&*s+ wh!#h *ro)!(es r&"!"0s for "e&r'% e)er% #ou"t% !" the "&t!o"/

     The Cou"t% He&'th R&"!"0s $o(e' !"#'u(es four t%*es of he&'th ftors:

    he&'th 2eh&)!ors+ #'!"!#&' #&re+ so#!&' &"( e#o"o$!#+ &"( the *h%s!#&'

    e")!ro"$e"t/ The Cou"t% He&'th R&"!"0s !''ustr&te wh&t we "ow whe" !t

    #o$es to wh&ts $&!"0 *eo*'e s!# or he&'th%+ &"( the "ew Cou"t%

    He&'th Ro&($&*s show wh&t we #&" (o to #re&te he&'th!er *'es to '!)e+

    'e&r"+ wor &"( *'&%/ These re*orts #&" he'* #o$$u"!t% 'e&(ers see th&t

    our e")!ro"$e"t !";ue"#es how he&'th% we &re &"( how 'o"0 we '!)e+ &"(

    e)e" wh&t *&rts of our e")!ro"$e"t &re $ost !";ue"t!&'/

    ommunity history.

     Th!s #&" 2e & #o$*'e4 to*!#/ The

  • 8/16/2019 Section 2.Understanding and Describing Community


    &rt!#'es wr!tte" for & '&r0er &u(!e"#e/ The 'ess #o$fort&2'e *&rts of th&t

    h!stor%+ es*e#!&''% re#e"t h!stor% -- (!s#r!$!"&t!o"+ #o";!#t+ e#o"o$!#

    &"(8or *o'!t!#&' (o$!"&t!o" 2% & s$&'' 0rou* -- &re $&% "ot 2e !"#'u(e(+

    &"( &re $ore '!e'% to 2e fou"( 2% t&'!"0 to t!)!sts+ 5our"&'!sts+ &"(

    others who &re #o"#er"e( w!th those !ssues/ You $!0ht &'so 0&!"!"for$&t!o" 2% re&(!"0 2etwee" the '!"es of o'( "ews*&*er &rt!#'es &"(

    tr!"0 (ow" *eo*'e who were *&rt of *&st #o";!#ts or e)e"ts/

    If th!s &'' sou"(s & 'ot '!e !")est!0&t!)e re*ort!"0+ th&t,s 2e#&use !t !s/ You$&% "ot h&)e the t!$e or s!''s to (o $u#h of !t+ 2ut t&'!"0 to t!)!sts&"( 5our"&'!sts &2out re#e"t h!stor% #&" 2e #ru#!&'/ Ste**!"0 !"to &#o$$u"!t% w!th &" !"ter)e"t!o" or !"!t!&t!)e w!thout u"(erst&"(!"0 the(%"&$!#s of #o$$u"!t% h!stor% #&" 2e & re#!*e for f&!'ure/

    ommunity government and politics.

     There are a number of ways to learn about the structure and

    operation of local government:

    • Go to o*e" $eet!"0s of the #!t% #ou"#!'+ tow" 2o&r(s+ 2o&r( of

    se'e#t$e"+ or other 2o(!es+ &s we'' &s to *u2'!# foru$s o" *ro*ose(

    t!o"s+ '&ws+ &"( re0u'&t!o"s/ Su#h $eet!"0s w!'' 2e &""ou"#e( !"

    the 'o#&' *&*er/

    I" $ost of the U/S/+ these $eet!"0s &re *u2'!# 2% st&te '&w+ &"( $ust 2e&""ou"#e( !" s*e#!.# w&%s &t 'e&st two (&%s &he&(/

    • Co$$u"!t% 2%'&ws &"( re0u'&t!o"s &re ofte" &)&!'&2'e &t the *u2'!#


    • M&e &" &**o!"t$e"t to t&' to o"e or $ore 'o#&' 0o)er"$e"t

    o#!&'s/ M&"% ho'( re0u'&r o#e hours+ &"( $!0ht tu&''% t&e

    *'e&sure !" e4*'&!"!"0 the wor!"0s of the 'o#&' 0o)er"$e"t/

    •  T&' to #o$$u"!t% t!)!sts for & )!ew of how the 0o)er"$e"t

    tu&''% o*er&tes+ &s o**ose( to how !t,s su**ose( to o*er&te/

    • Re&( the 'o#&' "ews*&*er e)er% (&%/

    Re&(!"0 the "ews*&*er e)er% (&% !s & 0oo( !(e& !" 0e"er&' !f %ou,re tr%!"0to 'e&r" &2out the #o$$u"!t%/ It w!'' "ot o"'% h&)e stor!es &2out how the#o$$u"!t% o*er&tes+ 2ut w!'' 0!)e %ou & se"se of wh&t,s !$*ort&"t to !tsre&(ers+ wh&t !"(s of t!)!t!es the #o$$u"!t% e"0&0es !" &"( )!ews &ss!0"!.#&"t+ wh&t the *o'!#e (o -- & *!#ture of & '&r0e *&rt of #o$$u"!t%'!fe/ Re&' est&te &(s w!'' te'' %ou &2out *ro*ert% )&'ues &"( the (e$&"( forhous!"0+ &(s for ser)!#es #&" he'* %ou !(e"t!f% the $&5or 2us!"esses !"

  • 8/16/2019 Section 2.Understanding and Describing Community


    tow"+ &"( the &0es &"( e(u#&t!o" 'e)e's of the *eo*'e !" the $&rr!&0e &"(2!rth &""ou"#e$e"ts #&" s*e& )o'u$es &2out #o$$u"!t% )&'ues/News*&*er &r#h!)es #&" &'so re)e&' the stor!es th&t he'* %ou u"(erst&"(the e$ot!o"s st!'' surrou"(!"0 e)e"ts &"( !ssues th&t (o",t see$ #urre"t/ The "ews*&*er !s &" e"or$ous reser)o!r of 2oth (!re#t &"( 2etwee"-the-

    '!"es !"for$&t!o"/

    As we &'' "ow+ 0o)er"$e"t !s",t o"'% &2out the ru'es &"( stru#tures th&t

    ho'( !t to0ether/ It,s &2out *eo*'e &"( the!r !"tert!o"s///*o'!t!#s+ !" other

    wor(s/ The *o'!t!#&' #'!$&te+ #u'ture+ &"( &ssu$*t!o"s !" & *&rt!#u'&r

    #o$$u"!t% ofte" (e*e"( $ore o" who e'e#te( &"( &**o!"te( o#!&'s &re

    th&" o" the '!$!ts or (ut!es of the!r o#es/

     The *o'!t!#s of $&"% #o$$u"!t!es e$2o(% the !(e&' of 0o)er"$e"t

    wor!"0 for the *u2'!# 0oo(/ I" other #o$$u"!t!es+ *o'!t!#s t&es & 2

    se&t to e#o"o$!#s+ &"( *o'!t!#!&"s '!ste" '&r0e'% to those w!th e#o"o$!#

    *ower -- the CEO,s+ ow"ers+ &"( (!re#tors of '&r0e 2us!"esses &"(

    !"st!tut!o"s/ I" st!'' others+ the e$*h&s!s !s o" *ower !tse'f+ so th&t *o'!t!#&'

    (e#!s!o"s &re $&(e s*e#!.#&''% to ee* & *&rt!#u'&r *&rt%+ 0rou*+ or

    !"(!)!(u&' !" #o"tro'/

    O2)!ous'%+ o"'% !" the .rst #&se !s the *u2'!# we'' ser)e(/ I" the other

    s!tu&t!o"s+ f&!r"ess &"( e1u!t% te"( to 0o out the w!"(ow &"( (e#!s!o"s

    f&)or the *owerfu'/ U"(erst&"(!"0 the *o'!t!#s of the #o$$u"!t% -- who

    h&s *ower+ who the *ower 2roers &re+ who tu&''% !";ue"#es the sett!"0

    of *o'!#%+ how (e#!s!o"s &re $&(e &"( 2% who$+ how $u#h (!3ere"#e

    *u2'!# o*!"!o" $&es -- !s fu"(&$e"t&' to &" u"(erst&"(!"0 of the

    #o$$u"!t% &s & who'e/

     There,s "o for$&' w&% to 0et th!s !"for$&t!o"/ Go)er"$e"t o#!&'s $&%

    h&)e )er% (!3ere"t !"ter*ret&t!o"s of the *o'!t!#&' s#e"e th&" t!)!sts or

    other #o$$u"!t% $e$2ers/ You,'' h&)e to t&' to & )&r!et% of *eo*'e+ t&e

    & 0oo( 'oo &t re#e"t *o'!t!#&' #o"tro)ers!es &"( (e#!s!o"s 6here,s where

    "ews*&*er &r#h!)es #&" #o$e !" h&"(%7+ &"( 5u00'e so$e #o"tr&(!#t!"0stor!es to 0et &t the re&'!t%/


    Co$$u"!t% !"st!tut!o"s+ u"'ess the% &re (%sfu"#t!o"&'+ #&" 0e"er&''% 2e

    )!ewe( &s &ssets/ F!"(!"0 the$ shou'( 2e e&s%: &s $e"t!o"e( &2o)e+ the

    Ch&$2er of Co$$er#e w!'' *ro2&2'% h&)e & '!st of the$+ the '!2r&r% w!''

    *ro2&2'% h&)e o"e &s we''+ the 'o#&' "ews*&*er w!'' ofte" '!st the$+ &"(

    the%,'' 2e !" the *ho"e 2oo/

    They cover the spectrum of community life, including:

  • 8/16/2019 Section 2.Understanding and Describing Community


    • O#es of 'o#&'+ st&te+ &"( fe(er&' 0o)er"$e"t &0e"#!es 6We'f&re+

    De*t/ of A0r!#u'ture+ O#e of I$$!0r&t!o"+ et#/7

    • u2'!# '!2r&r!es/

    • Re'!0!ous !"st!tut!o"s/ Chur#hes+ s%"&0o0ues+ $os1ues/

    • Cu'tur&' !"st!tut!o"s/ Museu$s+ the&ters+ #o"#ert h&''s+ et#/ &"( the

    #o$*&"!es the% su**ort/ These $&% &'so e"#o$*&ss #o$$u"!t%

    the&ter &"( $us!# #o$*&"!es ru" &"( st&3e( 2% #o$$u"!t%

    )o'u"teer 2o&r(s &"( *erfor$ers/

    • Co$$u"!t% #e"ters/ Co$$u"!t% #e"ters $&% *ro)!(e &th'et!#+

    #u'tur&'+ so#!&'+ &"( other 6%o0&+ su**ort 0rou*s7 t!)!t!es for &)&r!et% of &0es/

    •  YMCA,s &"( s!$!'&r !"st!tut!o"s/

    • Se"!or #e"ters/

    • Hos*!t&'s &"( *u2'!# he&'th ser)!#es/

    • Co''e0es &"( u"!)ers!t!es/

    • u2'!# &"( *r!)&te s#hoo's/

    • u2'!# s*orts f!'!t!es/ These $!0ht 2e 2oth f!'!t!es for the (!re#t

    use of the *u2'!# -- #o$$u"!t% *oo's &"( &th'et!# .e'(s+ for e4&$*'e

    -- or st&(!u$s &"( &re"& where s#hoo'+ #o''e0e+ or *rofess!o"&'

    te&$s *'&% &s e"tert&!"$e"t/

    roups and organi#ations.

     The 0rou*s &"( or0&"!9&t!o"s th&t e4!st !" the #o$$u"!t%+ &"( the!r

    re'&t!)e *rest!0e &"( !$*ort&"#e !" #o$$u"!t% '!fe+ #&" #o")e% )&'u&2'e

    #'ues to the #o$$u"!t%,s &ssu$*t!o"s &"( &tt!tu(es/ To so$e e4te"t+ %ou

    #&" ."( the$ !" the s&$e w&%s th&t %ou #&" ."( !"st!tut!o"s+ 2ut the 'ess

    for$&' o"es %ou $&% 2e $ore '!e'% to 'e&r" &2out throu0h !"ter)!ews &"(


    These groups can fall into a number of categories:

    • Health and human service organi*ations/ K"ow" o" the wor'( st&0e

    &s NGO,s 6No"-Go)er"$e"t&' Or0&"!9&t!o"s7+ these &re the

  • 8/16/2019 Section 2.Understanding and Describing Community


    or0&"!9&t!o"s th&t wor '&r0e'% w!th 'ow-!"#o$e *eo*'e &"(

    *o*u'&t!o"s &t r!s/ The% e"#o$*&ss free or s'!(!"0-s#&'e he&'th

    #'!"!#s+ f&$!'% *'&""!"0 *ro0r&$s+ $e"t&' he&'th #e"ters+ foo(

    *&"tr!es+ ho$e'ess she'ters+ tee" *&re"t *ro0r&$s+ %outh outreh

    or0&"!9&t!o"s+ )!o'e"#e *re)e"t!o" *ro0r&$s+ et#/

    •  dvocacy organi*ations/ These $&% &'so *ro)!(e ser)!#es+ 2ut

    0e"er&''% !" the for$ of 'e0&' he'* or &()o#% w!th &0e"#!es to

    *rote#t the r!0hts of s*e#!.# 0rou*s or to *ush for the *ro)!s!o" of

    s*e#!.# ser)!#es/ B% &"( '&r0e+ the% &()o#&te for re#o0"!t!o" &"(

    ser)!#es for *o*u'&t!o"s w!th *&rt!#u'&r #h&rter!st!#s+ or for $ore

    &tte"t!o" to 2e *&!( to *&rt!#u'&r !ssues/

    • Service clu$s/ L!o"s+ Rot&r%+ K!w&"!s+ E's+ M&so"s+ et#/

    • +eterans# organi*ations/ I" the U/S/+ the A$er!#&" Le0!o" &"( the

    eter&"s of Fore!0" W&rs &re the $&5or )eter&"s, or0&"!9&t!o"s+ 2ut

    $&"% #o$$u"!t!es $&% h&)e others &s we''/

    • Cham$er of Commerce and other $usiness organi*ations/ So$e of

    these $&% 2e or!e"te( tow&r( s*e#!.# t%*es of 2us!"esses+ wh!'e

    others+ '!e the Ch&$2er+ &re $ore 0e"er&'/

    • Groups connected to institutions/ Chur#h %outh or B!2'e stu(%

    0rou*s+ s#hoo' #'u2s+ u"!)ers!t% stu(e"t 0rou*s 6e/0/+ Fore!0"

    Stu(e"ts, Asso#!&t!o"+ #o$$u"!t% ser)!#e 0rou*s7/

    • %rade unions/ These $&% 2e 'o#&'+ or 2r&"#hes of "&t!o"&' or

    !"ter"&t!o"&' u"!o"s/

    • Sports clu$s or leagues/ E"thus!&sts of $&"% s*orts or0&"!9e 'o#&'

    'e&0ues th&t ho'( re0u'&r #o$*et!t!o"s+ &"( th&t $&% #o$*ete &swe'' w!th te&$s fro$ other #o$$u"!t!es/ I" $&"% rur&' &re&s+ F!sh

    &"( G&$e #'u2s $&% fu"#t!o" &s !"for$&' #o$$u"!t% #e"ters/

    • Informal groups/ Boo #'u2s+ 0&r(e" #'u2s+ *&re"ts, 0rou*s+ et#/


    So$e of the !"for$&t!o" &2out e#o"o$!# !ssues #&" 2e fou"( !" *u2'!#

    re#or(s+ 2ut so$e w!'' #o$e fro$ !"ter)!ews or #o")ers&t!o"s w!th

    2us!"ess *eo*'e+ 0o)er"$e"t o#!&'s+ &"( t!)!sts+ &"( so$e fro$

  • 8/16/2019 Section 2.Understanding and Describing Community


    o2ser)&t!o"/ It,s f&!r'% e&s% to "ot!#e !f o"e hu0e !"(ustr!&' *'&"t

    (o$!"&tes & #o$$u"!t%+ for e4&$*'e+ or !f e)er% th!r( 2u!'(!"0 &**e&rs to

    2e & #o"stru#t!o" #o$*&"%/ There &re & "u$2er of 1uest!o"s %ou $!0ht

    &s %ourse'f &"( others to he'* %ou u"(erst&"( the #o$$u"!t%,s e#o"o$!#

    2&se &"( s!tu&t!o": Wh&t !s the &"#hor of the #o$$u"!t%,s t&4 2&se? Who&re the $&5or e$*'o%ers? Does the #o$$u"!t% h&)e & *&rt!#u'&r 2us!"ess

    or 2us!"ess8!"(ustr% #&te0or% th&t u"(er'!es $ost of the 5o2s? Are there

    'ots of 'o#&''%-ow"e( 2us!"esses &"( !"(ustr!es+ or &re $ost *&rts of '&r0er

    #or*or&t!o"s he&(1u&rtere( e'sewhere? Are there #or*or&te he&(1u&rters

    !" the #o$$u"!t%? Is there & 0oo( (e&' of o#e s*e+ &"( !s !t e$*t% or

    o##u*!e(? Is there "ew (e)e'o*$e"t+ &"( !s the #o$$u"!t% &ttrt!"0

    "ew 2us!"ess? Wh&t !s the u"e$*'o%$e"t r&te?

    &ocial structure.

     Th!s $&% 2e the $ost (!#u't &s*e#t of the #o$$u"!t% to u"(erst&"(+

    s!"#e !t !"#or*or&tes $ost of the others we,)e (!s#usse(+ &"( !s usu&''%

    u"s*oe"/ eo*'e,s &"swers to 1uest!o"s &2out !t $&% !0"ore !$*ort&"t

    *o!"ts+ e!ther 2e#&use the% see$ o2)!ous to those who,)e '!)e( w!th the$

    for &'' or $ost of the!r '!)es+ or 2e#&use those th!"0s

  • 8/16/2019 Section 2.Understanding and Describing Community


    #&te0or!es !"tert+ &"( how th&t &'' #o$es to0ether to for$ the

    #o$$u"!t% th&t e4!sts/ Th&t w!'' 0!)e %ou &"( &"%o"e e'se !"tereste( &

    re&so"&2'% #'e&r &"( o25e#t!)e (es#r!*t!o" of the #o$$u"!t%+ &s we'' &s &

    se"se of how %ou see !t/

    For & fu''er *!#ture+ %ou #ou'( &(( *hoto0r&*hs of so$e of the 'o#&t!o"s+

    *eo*'e+ #o"(!t!o"s+ or !"tert!o"s %ou (es#r!2e 6*erh&*s &s & hoto)o!#e

    *ro5e#t7+ &s we'' &s #h&rts or 0r&*hs of (e$o0r&*h!# or st&t!st!#&'

    !"for$&t!o"/ For e)e" $ore (et&!'+ %ou $!0ht #o$*ose & *ortr&!t !" wor(s

    of the #o$$u"!t%+ us!"0 1uotes fro$ !"ter)!ews &"( stor!es of #o$$u"!t%

    h!stor% to 2r!"0 the (es#r!*t!o" to '!fe/

    G!)e" the &)&!'&2!'!t% of te#h"o'o0%+ %ou (o",t h&)e to '!$!t %ourse'f to &"%

    s*e#!.# for$&t/ Co$*uters &''ow %ou to e&s!'% #o$2!"e )&r!ous $e(!& --

    *hotos+ 0r&*h!#s+ &"!$&t!o"+ te4t+ &"( &u(!o+ for e4&$*'e/ The (es#r!*t!o"

    #ou'( &(( !" or t&e the for$ of & )!(eo th&t !"#'u(es & tour of the

    #o$$u"!t%+ st&te$e"ts fro$ &"(8or !"ter)!ews w!th )&r!ous #o$$u"!t%

    $e$2ers 6w!th the!r *er$!ss!o"+ of #ourse7+ &" &u(!o )o!#e-o)er+ $&*s+

    et#/ A )!(eo or & $ore te4t-2&se( (es#r!*t!o" -- or 2oth -- #ou'( the" 2e

    *oste( to & we2s!te where !t wou'( 2e &)&!'&2'e to &"%o"e !"tereste(/

    O"#e %ou h&)e & (es#r!*t!o" *ut to0ether+ %ou $!0ht w&"t to show !t to

    so$e of the #o$$u"!t% $e$2ers %ou t&'e( to !" the #ourse of e4*'or!"0

    the #o$$u"!t%/ The% #&" su00est other th!"0s %ou $!0ht !"#'u(e+ #orre#terrors of ft+ &"( ret to wh&t the% #o"s!(er the #ur% or !"#ur%

    of %our *ortr&!t &"( &"&'%s!s of the!r #o$$u"!t%/ W!th th!s fee(2+ %ou

    #&" the" #re&te & ."&' )ers!o" to use &"( to show to &"%o"e !"tereste(/

     The *o!"t !s to 0et &s !"for$&t!)e &"( #ur&te & *!#ture of the #o$$u"!t%

    &s *oss!2'e th&t w!'' ser)e &s & 2&s!s for #o$$u"!t% &ssess$e"t &"( &"%

    e3ort th&t 0rows out of !t/

     The '&st wor( here !s th&t th!s shou'(",t 2e the '&st #o$$u"!t% (es#r!*t!o"

    %ou,'' e)er (o/ Co$$u"!t!es re!")e"t the$se')es #o"st&"t'%+ &s "ew2u!'(!"0s &"( (e)e'o*$e"ts &re *ut u* &"( o'( o"es tor" (ow"+ &s

    2us!"esses $o)e !" &"( out+ &s *o*u'&t!o"s sh!ft -- 2oth w!th!" the

    #o$$u"!t% &"( &s *eo*'e &"( 0rou*s $o)e !" &"( out -- &"( &s e#o"o$!#+

    so#!&'+ &"( *o'!t!#&' #o"(!t!o"s #h&"0e/ You h&)e to ee* u* w!th those

    #h&"0es+ &"( th&t $e&"s u*(&t!"0 %our #o$$u"!t% (es#r!*t!o" re0u'&r'%/

    As w!th $ost of the rest of the #o$$u"!t% 2u!'(!"0 wor (es#r!2e( !" the

    Co$$u"!t% Too' Bo4+ the wor of u"(erst&"(!"0 &"( (es#r!2!"0 the

    #o$$u"!t% !s o"0o!"0+ for &s 'o"0 &s %ou re$&!" #o$$!tte( to the

    #o$$u"!t% !tse'f/

  • 8/16/2019 Section 2.Understanding and Describing Community



    U"(erst&"(!"0 & #o$$u"!t% !s #ru#!&' to 2e!"0 &2'e to wor !" !t/ F&!'!"0 to

    u"(erst&"( !t w!'' (e"% %ou #re(!2!'!t% &"( $&e !t (!#u't for %ou 2oth to

    #o""e#t w!th #o$$u"!t% $e$2ers &"( to "e0ot!&te the tw!sts &"( tur"sof st&rt!"0 &"( !$*'e$e"t!"0 & #o$$u"!t% !"!t!&t!)e or !"ter)e"t!o"/ A"

    e4tre$e'% !$*ort&"t *&rt of &"% #o$$u"!t% &ssess$e"t+ therefore+ !s to

    st&rt 2% ."(!"0 out &s $u#h &2out the #o$$u"!t% &s %ou #&" -- !ts

    *h%s!#&' &"( 0eo0r&*h!#&' #h&rter!st!#s+ !ts #u'ture+ !ts 0o)er"$e"t+ &"(

    !ts &ssu$*t!o"s/ B% #o$2!"0 throu0h e4!st!"0 (&t&+ o2ser)!"0+ &"(

    'e&r"!"0 fro$ #o$$u"!t% $e$2ers+ %ou #&" 0&!" &" o)er)!ew of the

    #o$$u"!t% th&t w!'' ser)e %ou we''/ Re#or(!"0 %our ."(!"0s &"( %our

    &"&'%s!s of the$ !" & #o$$u"!t% (es#r!*t!o" th&t %ou #&" refer to &"(

    u*(&te &s "ee(e( w!'' ee* %our u"(erst&"(!"0 fresh &"( he'* others !"%our or0&"!9&t!o" or w!th who$ %ou #o''&2or&te/


    Chr!s H&$*to"

    C&t!e He&)e"

    nline (esources

    A community description of )ashua, )ew *ampshire/

    ommunity *ealth &tatus !ndicators *ro)!(es he&'th &ssess$e"t

    !"for$&t!o" &t the 'o#&' 'e)e' throu0h & He&'th Resour#es &"( Ser)!#es

    A($!"!str&t!o"-fu"(e( #o''&2or&t!o"/

    ounty *ealth (ankings + (oadmaps/ R&"!"0 the he&'th of "e&r'%

    e)er% #ou"t% !" the "&t!o"+ the Cou"t% He&'th R&"!"0s he'* us see how

    where we '!)e+ 'e&r"+ wor+ &"( *'&% !";ue"#es how he&'th% we &re &"(

    how 'o"0 we '!)e/ The R&"!"0s J Ro&($&*s show us wh&t !s $&!"0

    res!(e"ts s!#+ where we "ee( to !$*ro)e+ &"( wh&t ste*s #o$$u"!t!es

    &re t&!"0 to so')e the!r *ro2'e$s/ The he&'th of & #o$$u"!t% (e*e"(s o"

    $&"% (!3ere"t ftors r&"0!"0 fro$ !"(!)!(u&' he&'th 2eh&)!ors+

    e(u#&t!o" &"( 5o2s+ to 1u&'!t% of he&'th #&re+ to the e")!ro"$e"t+

    therefore we &'' h&)e & st&e !" #re&t!"0 & he&'th!er #o$$u"!t%/ Us!"0 the

    Cou"t% He&'th R&"!"0s J Ro&($&*s+ 'e&(ers &"( &()o#&tes fro$ *u2'!#

    he&'th &"( he&'th #&re+ 2us!"ess+ e(u#&t!o"+ 0o)er"$e"t+ &"( the

    #o$$u"!t% #&" wor to0ether to #re&te *ro0r&$s &"( *o'!#!es to !$*ro)e

    *eo*'e,s he&'th+ re(u#e he&'th #&re #osts+ &"( !"#re&se *ro(u#t!)!t%/

    escribing the ommunity+ fro$ & WHO 6Wor'( He&'th Or0&"!9&t!o"7

    $&"u&': E$er0e"#% re*&re("ess: A M&"u&' for M&"&0ers &"( o'!#%

    M&ers/ WHO+ =/

  • 8/16/2019 Section 2.Understanding and Describing Community


    $ !s & #'e&r!"0house for !"for$&t!o" o" e)&'u&t!o"+ &ssess$e"t+

    &"( rese&r#h !"for$&t!o"/

     Th!s *uman evelopment !nde- ap !s & )&'u&2'e too' fro$ easure

    of merica- Pro.ect of the Social Science esearch Council/ It #o$2!"es

    !"(!#&tors !" three fu"(&$e"t&' &re&s - he&'th+ "ow'e(0e+ &"( st&"(&r(of '!)!"0 - !"to & s!"0'e "u$2er th&t f&''s o" & s#&'e fro$ to =+ &"( !s

    *rese"te( o" &" e&s%-to-"&)!0&te !"tert!)e $&* of the U"!te( St&tes/

     The !nstitute of edicine &()&"#es s#!e"t!.# "ow'e(0e to !$*ro)e

    he&'th &"( *ro)!(es !"for$&t!o" &"( &()!#e #o"#er"!"0 he&'th *o'!#%/

     The )ational !nstitute for /iteracy *ro)!(es !"for$&t!o" &2out rese&r#h

    &"( !"!t!&t!)es to e4*&"( the #o$$u"!t% of '!ter% *rt!t!o"ers+

    stu(e"ts+ &"( *o'!#%$&ers/

    &ustainable easures *ro)!(es & se&r#h&2'e (&t&2&se of !"(!#&tors 2%2ro&( to*!#s 6he&'th+ hous!"07 &"( e%wor(s 6AIDS+ #ess to #&re+ 2!rth

    we!0ht+ et#/7 for #o$$u"!t!es+ or0&"!9&t!o"s &"( 0o)er"$e"t &0e"#!es &t

    &'' 'e)e's/

    0.&. epartment of *ealth and *uman &ervices+ the *r!"#!*&'

    &0e"#% for *rote#t!"0 the he&'th of U/S/ #!t!9e"s+ !s #o$*r!se( of =

    &0e"#!es th&t *ro)!(e !"for$&t!o" o" the!r s*e#!.# (o$&!"s+ su#h &s

    the 1dministration on 1ging/ Others #ross he&'th 2ou"(&r!es+ su#h &s

    the enters for isease ontrol+ wh!#h $&!"t&!"s "&t!o"&' he&'th

    st&t!st!#s/ The "W)$(" s%ste$ !s &" #ess *o!"t to & w!(e )&r!et% ofCDC re*orts+ 0u!(e'!"es+ &"( *u2'!# he&'th (&t& to &ss!st !" rese&r#h+

    (e#!s!o"-$&!"0+ *r!or!t% sett!"0+ &"( resour#e &''o#&t!o"/

     The 0.&. )ational !nstitute of ental *ealth *ro)!(es st&t!st!#s &"(

    e(u#&t!o"&' !"for$&t!o" for the *u2'!# &s we'' &s !"for$&t!o" for


    2rint (esources

     o"es+ B/ 6=7/ De."!"0 %our "e!0h2orhoo(/ In 'eigh$orhood Planning-

      Guide for Citi*ens and Planners/ Ch!#&0o+ IL: '&""ers ress+ **/ >-==/

    S#he!e+ D/ 6==7/ Au0ust-Se*te$2er7/ Too's for t&!"0 sto#/ %he

    'eigh$orhood 0or&s/ Ch!#&0o+ IL: Ce"ter for Ne!0h2orhoo( Te#h"o'o0%+

    **/ =-=/

    S*r&('e%+ / / 6=>7/ Lo#&t!"0 & so#!&' s!tu&t!o"/ In Participant

    ($servation/ Fort Worth+ TP: H&r#ourt Bre o)&"o)!#h+ **/ @-/

    W&rre"+ R/B/+ W&rre"+ D/I/ 6=7/ %he 'eigh$orhood (rgani*er#s

    Hand$oo& / Notre D&$e+ IN: U"!)ers!t% of Notre D&$e ress+ **/=-=/

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