section b blindside walls - · dual seal® membrane waterproofing installation manual...

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Dual Seal® Membrane Waterproofing Installation Manual

An Company


RPM/Belgium N.V.H. Dunantstraat 11B • B-8700 Tielt

Tel.: +32 (0) 51 / 40 38 01 • Fax: +32 (0) 51 / 40 55 90E-mail: •



Dual Seal® LG Membrane is a dual composite membrane which combines the characteristics of the two most effective waterproofingmaterials available today; high density polyethylene (HDPE) and Wyoming Sodium Bentonite clay (approximately 5 kg/m2). These twomaterials act in concert to produce a self-sealing, self-protecting waterproofing product which, when subject to the necessary contain-ment pressure, seals tightly to itself and any surface it comes in contact with when in the presence of water. The difference between theDual Seal® Membrane and the Dual Seal® LG Membrane is that the latter has a protective layer of spun polypropylene adhered to thebentonite component. This polypropylene protects the bentonite layer while the membrane is in place and before concrete is cast againstit. It is partially or totally destroyed by the fresh concrete, leaving the bentonite layer against the cured concrete substrate. Dual Seal®LG Membrane is specifically designed for use in blindside / lagging installations.

Figure 1: Dual Seal® LG Membrane membrane

High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)

Wyoming Sodium Bentonite


Substrate Preparation

1. Please refer to the pages that correspond to the earthretaining system used on your particular project; WoodLagging with Steel Joists/Piles (page 3), Steel SheetPiling (page 4), Augered Caisson (page 5), Shotcretewith Piles (page 6), Slurry Wall (page 7), ChemicallyStabilized Earth (page 8).


2. Install the Dual Seal® LG Membrane with the bentoniteside facing the installer. The Dual Seal® LG Membranemay be installed with the long overlaps running eithervertically or horizontally with equal performance. Alloverlaps must be a minimum of 75 mm for poured in-place walls and 100 mm for shotcrete walls. Nail alloverlaps with washered masonry nails shot firedthrough the overlap at 300 mm centres and staple every100 mm. Use a staple hammer on wood lagging and abox stapler on all other earth retaining system (Detail22). For shotcrete walls all horizontal overlaps shouldbe lapped with the open edge aiming upward (Detail18). Vertical overlaps should not occur at either insideour outside vertical corners.

3. When the placement of either footings or a mat slab isscheduled prior to waterproofing installation, a horizon-tal starter strip of Dual Seal® LG Membrane should beinstalled first. (Figures 2 through 7)

4. When there is below floor and/or below footing water-proofing, the tie-in detail between wall and floor water-proofing varies depending on the floor waterproofingsystem. (Detail 17, also see Section C, “Below Slab-On-Grade”)

5. Waterproof all protrusions such as tie-backs, form ties,stud anchors, steel piles, and all penetrations etc.(Details 1 through 7, and 11)

6. Prepare waterproofing at all expansion joint locations(Detail 15) and at all concrete piller construction jointlocations (Detail 14) (Note: Construction joints not adja-cent to pillers require no special considerations).

7. Temporarily terminate Dual Seal® LG Membrane at thetop of the earth retaining system by folding it over andtacking it in place. (Detail 10)

Wall Placement:

8. Prior to the placement of a concrete wall repair anyDual Seal® LG Membrane installation which has beendamaged.

9. If the structural wall is poured-in-place, the concreteshould not be dropped from higher than 1.2 m. If thestructural wall is shotcrete, the spray should be blownso as not to lodge shotcrete between the overlaps.(Detail 18)

Spun polypropylene protection screed



1. Be sure all lagging board nails are pounded in flush.Check for missing or damaged lagging boards andrepair using concrete grout or treated wood or both. Fillor cover any gaps between lagging boards exceeding25 mm using concrete gout, or plywood. If the laggingboards are placed interior to the steel joist / pile, thenany gaps between the ends of the boards which exceed50 mm should be covered with plywood with groutbehind. (Detail 3)

2. Prepare all vertical inside corners that occur along thelagging system by nailing a 300 mm wide strip of DualSeal® LG Membrane pushed tight into corner. Nailalong both edges every 300 mm.

3. If water is present on the lagging wall, cover the laggingwith a sheet of 1200 g polyethylene prior to installingthe Dual Seal® LG Membrane.

4. Install Superstop® in all construction joints.

5. Follow notes 2 through 9 of the General InstallationNotes on page 2.

Figure 2: Dual Seal® installation over wood lagging with steel piles

Poured-in-place concretewall. (See detail 18 whenwall is shotcrete)

Temporary termination (See detail 11)

Dual Seal® LGMembrane with bentoniteside facing installer. Nailoverlaps every 300 mmand staple every 100 mm(Detail 22)

Tie-back waterproofing(See details 6 and 7)

Note: When there is alsobelow floor and/or belowfooting waterproofing seedetail 17 for proper tie-inwith wall waterproofing.Also see section C,“below slab-on-grade”.

All Dual Seal® LGMembrane overlaps shallbe a minimum of 100mm min. when concretewall is shotcrete (Seedetail 18)

Dual Seal® LG Membrane starter stripextending 150 mm above footing or matslab with bentonite side facing installer Playwood, grout or increase HDPE mil

thickness if gaps between lagging boardexceed 25 mm (see also detail 3)

Steel joist / pile



Concrete grout (or plywood) atall lagging board gaps

exceeding 25 mm (see also detail 3)



1. When the waterproofing is going to be in continuouscontact with the profile of the sheet piling, all sharp pro-trusions must first be removed from the piling.

2. When the waterproofing installations is going to spanthe sheet piling voids, then sheets of 25 mm (minimum)thickness plywood should first be installed across thevoid and shot into place every 300 mm (maximum) cen-tres. Next, the void behind the plywood should be filledwith sand. For the optimum plywood thickness andanchorage contact RPM/Belgium, as these depend onthe height of the piling, the span of the plywood and theresultant lateral pressure exerted by the sand fill.

3. If water is present, cover the plywood and/or steel sheetpiling with a 1200 g polyethylene sheet prior to installingthe Dual Seal® LG Membrane.

4. Install Superstop® in all construction joints.

5. Follow notes 2 through 9 of the General InstallationNotes on page 2.

Figure 3: Dual Seal® installation over steel sheet piling

Temporary terminationomitted from drawing forclarity (Detail 10)

Poured-in-place concretewall. (See detail 18 whenwall is shotcrete)

Steel sheet piling. Profile may vary from onedrawn

Dual Seal® LG Membranewith bentonite side facinginstaller. Vertical overlapsshould not occur at inter-locking of sheet piling.Nail overlaps every 300mm through a 20 mm x 2mm galvanised steel strip.

When vertical overlapsoccur at angled return ofsheet piling as shown,then open edge of over-lap should aim awayfrom building.

Note: When there is alsobelow floor and/or belowfooting waterproofing seedetail 17 for proper tie-inwith wall waterproofing.Also see section C,“below slab-on-grade”.

All Dual Seal® LG Membraneoverlaps shall lap 100 mm whenconcrete wall is shotcrete (Seedetail 18)

Dual Seal® LG Membrane starter stripextending 150 mm above footing or matslab. bentonite side facing installer

Optional technique: 25 mm (minimum)thickness plywood anchored every 300 mm (maximum) centres

retained earth

Optional technique:sand fill behind plywood



1. When the surfaces of the individual augered piers,which make up the caisson wall, are relative smooth,Dual Seal® LG Membrane may be installed directlyagainst the piers. However, the “crotch” between eachpier must first be filled in with a concrete grout and allsharp protrusions removed from the caisson wall.

2. When the surfaces of the augered piers are very roughand irregular than continuous sheets of 25 mm (mini-mum) thickness plywood must be anchored every 300mm (maximum) centres to the caisson wall. The voidcreated behind the plywood is then filled with sand. Forthe optimum plywood thickness and anchorage spacingcontact RPM/Belgium, as these depend on the height ofthe caisson wall, the span of the plywood between piersand the resultant lateral pressure exerted by the sandfill.

3. If water is present, cover the surface to receive the DualSeal® LG Membrane with a continuous sheet of 1200 gpolyethylene prior to installing the waterproofing.

4. Install Superstop® in all construction joints.

5. Follow notes 2 through 9 of the General InstallationNotes on page 2.

Figure 4: Dual Seal® LG Membrane installation over augered caisson

Temporary terminationomitted from drawing forclarity (Detail 10)

Poured-in-place concretewall. (See detail 18 whenwall is shotcrete)

Augered pile(relatively smooth)

Dual Seal® LGMembrane with bentoniteside facing installer. Nailoverlaps every 300 mmand box staple every 100mm (Detail 22)

When Dual Seal® LGMembrane is installedagainst pile fill each“crotch” with concretegrout first

Note: When there is alsobelow floor and/or belowfooting waterproofing seedetail 17 for proper tie-inwith wall waterproofing.Also see section C,“below slab-on-grade”.

All Dual Seal® LG Membraneoverlaps shall lap 100 mm min.when concrete wall is shotcrete(See detail 18)

Dual Seal® LG Membrane starter stripextending 150 mm above footing or matslab. bentonite side facing installer

25 mm (minimum) thickness plywoodat rough piles and anchored every300 mm (maximum) centres

retained earth

Sand fill behind plywood at roughpiles

Augered pile(rough and irregular)



1. Prior to the installation of Dual Seal® LG Membraneagainst the stabilized earth remove all sharp protru-sions and fill all voids which exceed 50 mm wide by 25mm deep with stabilized earth or concrete grout. Fillsmaller voids with Dual Seal® Mastic Infill or concretegrout.

2. If water is present, cover the stabilized earth with a1200 g polyethylene sheet prior to installing Dual Seal®

LG Membrane.

3. Install Superstop® in all construction joints.

4. Follow notes 2 through 9 of the General InstallationNotes on page 2.

Figure 5: Dual Seal® LG Membrane installation over shotcrete with concrete piles

Temporary termination(Detail 10)

Poured-in-place concretewall. (See detail 18 whenwall is shotcrete)

Dual Seal® LGMembrane with bentoniteside facing installer. Nailoverlaps every 300 mmand box staple every 100mm (Detail 22)

Shotcrete earth retainingsystem

Note: When there is alsobelow floor and/or belowfooting waterproofing seedetail 17 for proper tie-inwith wall waterproofing.Also see section C,“below slab-on-grade”.

All Dual Seal® LG Membraneoverlaps shall lap 100 mm min.when concrete wall is shotcrete(See detail 18)

Dual Seal® LG Membrane starter stripextending 150 mm above footing or matslab. bentonite side facing installer

Retained earth

Anchor studswelded tosteel pile

Concrete pile


1. Prior to the installation of Dual Seal® LG Membraneagainst the exposed slurry wall, clean off all mud anddirt.

2. Remove all sharp protrusions and fill all voids whichexceed 50 mm wide by 25 mm deep with concretegrout. Fill smaller voids with Dual® Seal Mastic Infill orconcrete grout.

3. If water is present, cover the exposed slurry wall with a1200 g polyethylene sheet prior to installing Dual Seal®LG Membrane.

4. Install Superstop® in all construction joints.

5. Follow notes 2 through 9 of the General InstallationNotes on page 2.

Figure 6: Dual Seal® LG Membrane installation over a slurry wall

Temporary termination(Detail 10)

Poured-in-place concretewall. (See detail 18 whenwall is shotcrete)

Dual Seal® LGMembrane with bentoniteside facing installer. Nailoverlaps every 300 mmand box staple every 100mm (Detail 22)

Note: When there is alsobelow floor and/or belowfooting waterproofing seedetail 17 for proper tie-inwith wall waterproofing.Also see section C,“below slab-on-grade”.

All Dual Seal® LG Membrane over-laps shall lap 100 mm minimum whenconcrete wall is shotcrete (See detail18)

Dual Seal® LG Membrane starter stripextending 150 mm above footing or matslab. bentonite side facing installer

Retained earth

Slurry wall



1. Prior to the installation of Dual Seal® LG Membraneagainst the shotcrete, remove all sharp protrusions andfill all voids which exceed 50 mm wide by 25 mm deepwith concrete grout. Fill smaller voids with Dual Seal®Mastic Infill or concrete grout.

2. If water is present, cover the stabilized earth with a1200 g polyethylene sheet prior to installing Dual Seal®LG Membrane.

3. Install Superstop® in all construction joints.

4. Follow notes 2 through 9 of the General InstallationNotes on page 2.

Figure 7: Dual Seal® LG Membrane installation over chemically stabilizated earth

Temporary termination(Detail 10)

Poured-in-place concretewall. (See detail 18 whenwall is shotcrete)

Dual Seal® LGMembrane with bentoniteside facing installer. Nailoverlaps every 300 mmand box staple every 100mm (Detail 22)

Note: When there is alsobelow floor and/or belowfooting waterproofing seedetail 17 for proper tie-inwith wall waterproofing.Also see section C,“below slab-on-grade”.

All Dual Seal® LG Membrane overlapsshall lap 100 mm minimum when concretewall is shotcrete (See detail 18)

Dual Seal® LG Membrane starter stripextending 150 mm above footing or matslab. bentonite side facing installer

Dual Seal® Mastic Infill or concrete grout

Chemically stabilizedretained earth


Detail 1: Interrupting Dual Seal® LG Membrane at vertical soldier piles - plan view

Detail 2: Installing Dual Seal® LG Membrane directly over steel soldier pile - plan view

Detail 3: Installing Dual Seal® LG Membrane over lagging board gaps - plan view


Dual Seal® LG Membrane with HDPE side againstlagging.

Nail near both edges of steel pile every 300 mm

Wood lagging

Steel soldier pile. (Tie-back omitted here for clarity -see details 6 and 7)

Steel soldier pile. (Tie-back and lagging ties omittedfor clarity - see details 6 and 7)

Dual Seal® LG Membrane with HDPE side againstlagging.

Nail near both edges of Plywood every 300 mmwith 100 mm overlaps overlapping.

6 to 12 mm Plywood (typical to bridge any void orgap greater than 25 mm)

Fill gap with grout or cover with Plywood25 to 50 mm gap - use 6 mm Plywood50 to 75 mm gap - use 12 mm Plywood

Wood lagging

Parastick N Dry. Apply Paraprimer first to all surfaces

Steel soldier pile

Dual Seal® LG Membrane with HDPE side againstlagging. Nail every 600 mm and staple every 75mm (Typ)

Wood lagging. (Lagging ties omitted here for clarity- see details 4 and 5)


Detail 4: Dual Seal® LG Membrane installation at lagging ties

Detail 5: Dual Seal® LG Membrane installation at studs or form ties

Detail 6: Dual Seal® LG Membrane installation at tie-back


Install primary Dual Seal® LG Membrane sheet bycutting small holes into sheet which correspond tostud locations and slip sheet over stud. Nail at 300mm down both sides

Wrap 25 mm Parastick N Dry around studs tight toDual Seal® LG Membrane and pinch closed

300 mm wide strip of Dual Seal® LG Membrane.Cut small holes in Dual Seal® LG Membrane andslip over studs

Studs (or form ties)

Dual Seal® LG Membrane with bentonite side fac-ing installer

Cut off end of lagging tie before applying DualSeal® Mastic (these are not tie-backs)

Nail with washer every 200 mm around lagging tie

Dual Seal® Mastic

Wood lagging

• First - install Dual Seal® Mastic filling behind andover tie-back - extend on lagging surface 150 mmout in all directions.

• Second - install Dual Seal® LG Membrane asclose to the Dual Seal® Mastic as possible.Bentonite side towards installer. Overlap onto theDual Seal® Mastic is permissible.

• Third - apply coating of the Dual Seal® Masticover the already in place Dual Seal® Mastic andextend 50 mm onto the bentonite face of the sur-rounding Dual Seal® LG Membrane.

• Final - install a Dual Seal® LG Membrane coversheet with HDPE side facing installer.

Wood lagging andsteel soldier pile

Tie-back rod



Detail 7: Dual Seal® LG Membrane installation at tie-back - blockout method

Detail 8: Dual Seal® LG Membrane installation at horizontal blindside to backfilled transition

Detail 9: Closing off the top of infill material between lagging and wall


• First - install Dual Seal® Mastic filling behind andover tie-back - extend on lagging surface 150 mmout in all directions.

• Second - install Dual Seal® LG Membrane withbentonite side towards installer. Overlap onto theDual Seal® Mastic minimum 50 mm. Form block-out with sloped roof. Dual Seal® LG Membranemust be exposed minimum 50 mm around insideof blockout. Pour concrete or shotcrete. Removeblockout forms and stray concrete.

• Third - apply coating of Dual Seal® Mastic overthe already in place Dual Seal® Mastic andextend 50 mm onto the bentonite face of the sur-rounding Dual Seal® LG Membrane. ApplySuperstop® around the inside perimeter of theblockout.Wood lagging and

steel soldier pile

Tie-back rod

Removed wood lagging

Dual Seal® LG Membrane blindside sheet with ben-tonite side against concrete wall

Dual Seal® Membrane backfilled sheet with ben-tonite side against concrete wall. Lap 75 mm overblindside sheet and nail at 300 mm centres.

Finish grade

Dual Seal® LG Membrane with bentonite sideagainst substrate

Dual Seal® Termination Bar nailed every 200 mm

Infill material

Sloped Dual Seal® Granular cap. with a 25 mmminimum thickness to 25 mm below top of lagging

1200 g polyethylene

Dual Seal® Granular pocket


Vulkem® 116 sealant cap bead


Detail 10: Typical temporary termination at top of earth retaining system

Detail 11: Dual Seal® LG Membrane installation at wall penetration

Detail 12: Blindside walls. Termination above grade


Fold Dual Seal® LG Membrane over as shown toHDPE side protects bentonite component and tem-porarily nail in place every 600 mm using washers

Dual Seal® LG Membrane with HDPE side againstlagging (or other earth retaining system)

Wood lagging

Dual Seal® LG Membrane with HDPE side againstwood lagging. Cut a hole in the sheet for the pipe topass through

Wrap 25 mm Parastick N Dry around pipe tightagainst Dual Seal® LG Membrane washer andpinch closed where the ends meet. Some pipesmay require priming with Paraprimer.

Slip a square “washer” of Dual Seal® LG Membraneover the pipe and nail at corners and every 100mm. HDPE side should be against other sheet andwasher should fit tight around pipe. If washer cannotbe slipped over pipe, then cut a slit in washer beforeinstallation.

Flashing over exposed Dual Seal® LG Membrane

Finish grade line

Dual Seal® LG Membrane with bentonite sideagainst concrete wall

Dual Seal® Termination Bar with Vulkem® 116 bead

Wood lagging or other earth retaining system


Dual Seal® Waterstop or Superstop®


Detail 13: Below grade waterproofing. Termination at grade line.

Detail 14: Dual Seal® LG Membrane installation at concrete pillar - plan view

Detail 15: Expansion joint - plan view


Vulkem® 116 sealant over polyethylene backer rod

Dual Seal® Termination Bar nailed every 200 mm

25 x 50 mm Dual Seal® Granular cant

Concrete pile cap

Dual Seal® LG Membrane with bentonite sideagainst concrete wall

Wood lagging

Dual Seal® LG Membrane with bentoniteside against concrete wall


Concrete pillar

Dual Seal® LG Membrane strip nailedevery 300 mm centres and stapled every100 mm centres along edges

Dual Seal® LG Membrane with HDPE side againstlagging

Steel plate centered over joint

joint filler

Dual Seal® LG Membrane 600 mm wide nailedevery 300 mm and stapled every 100 mm alongboth sides

Closed cell polyethylene backer rod

Vulkem® 116 polyurethane sealant


Detail 16: Dual Seal® LG Membrane installation at blindside to backfilled transition - plan view

Detail 17: Dual Seal® LG Membrane installation at wall to below floor tie-in (see section C)

Detail 18: Proper installation of shotcrete against Dual Seal® LG Membrane


Fold Dual Seal® LG Membrane back on itself toprotect bentonite side. Then, unfold and nail tobackfilled wall every 300 mm.

Dual Seal® Temporary tape and 300 mm nailing atall backfilled overlaps

Dual Seal® LG Membrane with HDPE side facinginstaller

Backfilled wall of different or like material


When spraying shotcrete or other materials againstDual Seal® products spray either directly at overlapor at closed edge of overlap so as not to lodgesprayed material between lapped sheets. NeverSpray into open edge of overlap.

When Spraying shotcrete or other materials useDual Seal® LG Membrane ONLY.

Overlaps may run horizontal (as shown) or vertical.When running horizontal the open edge of the 100mm overlaps should be aiming up.

Nail 100 mm overlaps every 300 mm and stapleevery 100 mm (Detail 22)

Dual Seal® LG Membrane with bentonite sideagainst concrete


Protection slab (as determined by others)

Compacted granular base

1200 g polyethylene

Dual Seal® Membrane with bentonite side-down (See section C, below slab-on-grade)

Superstop® installed aminimum of 50 mm infrom outer wall face

Shotcrete sprayingdirection


Detail 19: Termination at top of deck

Detail 20: Dual Seal® LG Membrane installation at jog in lagging walls - plan view

Detail 21: New wall to existing wall tie-in - plan view


140 kg/m2 containment (typical)

Permanent tape. (Check for compatability between tape and fluid applied waterproofing.) (Do not nailthrough fluid applied.)

Liquid applied waterproofing Repoma®, Vulkem®

Quick or Matacryl® Systems depending on serviceconditions

Roof or plaza deck

Install Superstop® a minimum of 50 mm from outerwall face

Dual Seal® LG Membrane with bentonite sideagainst concrete wall

Existing wall. Clean exterior surface of all existingwaterproofing at new wall intersection

Superstop® nailed at 300 mm spacings. ApplyParaprimer to existing concrete wall

Fold Dual Seal® LG Membrane under itself asshown and nail every 300 mm bentonite facinginstaller

New concrete wall location

Wood lagging

Dual Seal® LG Membrane with bentoniteside against concrete wall

300 mm wide strip of Dual Seal® LGMembrane pushed tight into corner andnailed in place along both edges at 300 mmcentres.

Wood lagging (Design of lagging jog mayvary from that shown.)



Detail 22: Proper anchoring of Dual Seal® overlaps

Nail all vertical and horizontal Dual Seal® overlapsevery 300 mm and staple every 100 mm. Use a staplehammer on wood lagging and a box stapler on allother earth retaining systems. Air nailers are alsoacceptable for wood lagging systems.

Box stapler

300 mm

100 mm

100 mm min.

This brochure is not intended to establish product recommendations for any installation. To the best of our knowledge theinformation contained herein is true and accurate at the time of issue, but is subject to change without prior notice. © RPM/Belgium N.V. - 05/2009 (version 2)

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