security mis-config introduction

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Security Misconfig


A5: Security Misconfiguration Tariqul IslamIT 6873 Information security seminar

What is Security Misconfiguration?

Application Misconfiguration attacks exploit configuration weaknesses found in web applications.

Misconfiguration is define as configuration mistakes that results in unintended application behavior that includes misuse of default passwords, privileges, and excessive debugging information disclosure.

The effects of misconfiguration can be nonthreatening but also can lead service outages, loss of sensitive data, and other serious problems.

OWASP Ranking

Top 10 2013-A5 Security Misconfiguration by OWASP Top 10 2010-A6 Security Misconfiguration by OWASP OWASP defines this risk as being easily exploitable, common in prevalence, easily

detectable, with moderate impact.


Can be severe. Partial or full data loss. Data modification. Compromise of full system. Expensive recovery.


Cause: Inadvertent use of default options

Default options are always an easy target for hackers. It is very common that users often do not change their default password or do not delete default user ID.

Some applications come with default port number as well.

Examples: Oracle database default installation includes default user id and password User/schema: scott, password: tiger and default port number 1521.

Cause: Excess Debugging Information

Revealing too much debugging information is a very common misconfiguration problem. This usually does not result directly to exploitation of a system.

Attackers can collect extra information, such as the internal working of an application and version numbers.

Attackers can use this excessive debugging information to craft SQL to perform a SQL injection attack. Also, when applications fail to perform an action, they can leak sensitive information.

Cause: Improper Policy or Role Configuration

 Role misconfiguration is another leading cause of web application misconfiguration.

This causes groups or roles to access settings or records that were not intended for them. There are many reasons for role misconfigurations.

Complex business roles and polices can be blamed for role misconfiguration. Example: allowing admin staff to view human resource data.

Cause: Human mistakes

Human mistakes are frequent and unavoidable and can account for up to 43% of all system failures.

Operator error is the main reason for downtime for large websites, such as Google, MSN, and Yahoo. Proper interfaces and good design can drastically reduce operator mistakes.

Poorly designed application interfaces and too tight restriction may force user to attempt or bypass security then they need to accomplish a goal.


Security misconfiguration may happen any of the following levels:

Operating system or platform Web server Application server Database server Framework Custom code

How?:Hidden manipulation

Often used to save users’ session without the need to maintain a complex database on the server side.

In hidden manipulation users do not see or modify the hidden field.

Once hacked application acts according to the modified information not according to the real data. Example: Alter product price or SKU numbers.

How?:Parameter Tampering

Based on the manipulation of application parameter exchanged between client and the server. This is a form of web based hacking where certain parameters in the URL or web application page entered by a authorized users that hackers change without users authorization.

Hackers take the advantage of hidden or fixed fields and modify parameters by bypassing the security mechanisms.

Once hacked web application acts according to the modified information and allows access to the users data. Example: Arbitrarily manipulating user’s selection from a field values, such as; check box or combo box.

How?:Cookie poisoning

Act of manipulating or forging a cookie for the purpose of bypassing security measures or sending false information to a server.

Cookies are common elements in web applications and their usage involves saving information for instance; user ID, account numbers, time stamp, passwords, etc. The saved information is stored in the user’s hard drive.

Cookies are not cryptographically secure, therefore; a hacker can modify users’ information by modifying the cookie file.

How?:Stealth commanding

Is a set of techniques allowing attackers to exploit parsing problems in server-side scripts to change the code executed by the server.

Primarily used in the execution of operating system commands, allowing complete takeover of the server.

Likely targets are server-side includes, parsed scripts, code that appears to take input and turn it into OS commands, and anything that takes parameters and turns them into parsed protocols.

How?:Forced browsing

An attack where the aim is to enumerate and access resources that are not referenced by the application, but are still accessible.

Attacker can use Brute Force techniques to search for unlinked contents in the domain directory, such as temporary directories and files, and old backup and configuration files.

Inadequate enforcement and authorization on all restricted URL,s scripts, or files can be blamed.

How?:Backdoors and debug options

Applications contain code left for debugging purposes, and some even contain code left by disgruntled employees.

Debug options comprise entry points that allows a hacker access to the application.

Backdoors substantially allow visitors to log into applications without using a password and access grants users many other privileges.

Am I at risk?

Is your software out of date?Any unnecessary features enabled?Are default accounts and associated credentials unchanged?Does error handling reveal stack traces to users?Are the security settings not set to secure values?

Solution: Basic Policies

Do not use default credentials. Avoid default installations. Maintain consistency of configuration between versions. Restrict default configuration options. Avoid default port numbers. Restrict roles and privileges. Centralize configuration as much as possible. Scans and audits. Strong encryption.

Solution: Secure Coding and Code Review

Design application functionality with security in mind. Extends development time. Practice defensive coding. Review codes to ensure security properties. Stay up to date with coding standards compliance. Consistent design and implementation. Finding security issues/bugs early.

Solution: Secure Configuration and Testing

Attention to detail . Each component should be checked and verified. Turn off unsafe features. Remove default accounts and expire default passwords. Stress testing. Penetration testing. Both automatic and manual testing.

Solution: Patching and Education

Keep applications up to date. Apply vendor patches on time. Apply critical security and vulnerability regularly. Educate developers, administrators, and testers. Participate security training. Attend security conferences. Subscribe to vendor’s security alert.


Risk: The prevalence of web application misconfiguration is very high in IT industry.

Priority: Safeguarding web application from malicious users and attacks.

Avoid: Security misconfiguration

Do’s : Follow IT security best practices, use common sense, have good understanding of application security, practice good designing principles and defensive coding, and as always ensure the proper security configuration of application.

Follow up Questions?

What are the standard methods or procedures to monitor application security misconfiguration?

How frequently we need to review, audit, and scan security configuration?

Do you like default or custom application installation? Please explain why or why not?


Whitelegg, D. (2014, June 17). Scan your app to find and fix OWASP Top 10 2013 vulnerabilities. Retrieved September 17, 2014, from

Auger, R. (2010, January 1). Application Misconfiguration. Retrieved September 15, 2014, from Misconfiguration

Henneberger, D. (2012, January 1). Misconfiguration of Web Applications: A View of Security. Retrieved September 15, 2014, from

How Misconfiguration Can Leave You Vulnerable to Attackers - Calavista Software. (2014, January 1). Retrieved September 22, 2014, from

Pasho, A. (2011, June 22). Is Your Web Site or App Secure? Avoiding Security Misconfiguration. Retrieved September 20, 2014, from


Kerner, S. (2014, February 3). App Misconfiguration, Mobile Apps With Poor Encryption Pose Risks, HP. Retrieved September 23, 2014, from

Misconfigurations: The Firewall’s Greatest Threat. (2012, December 3). Retrieved September 24, 2014, from

 Weldermariam, K. (2014, January 1). Early Detection of Security Misconfiguration Vulnerabilities in Web Applications. Retrieved September 25, 2014, from

   Brady, P. (2014, January 1). PHP Security: Default Vulnerabilities, Security Omissions and Framing

Programmers?¶. Retrieved September 25, 2014, from


Statistics reference:

Reshef, E. (n.d.). Internet Application Security. Retrieved September 29, 2014, from

Cookie Poisoning. (n.d.). Retrieved October 1, 2014, from

Behringer, M. (n.d.). Understanding Operational Security. Retrieved September 24, 2014, from

Cookie Poisoning | Hacker4Lease. (2012, January 1). Retrieved October 1, 2014, from

Top 10 2013-A5-Security Misconfiguration. (2013, June 23). Retrieved September 14, 2014, from

 Cover photo: Tariqul Islam

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