selected achievement highlights

Post on 10-Nov-2021






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ROBERT G. POE 1233 W. II'h Ave., Anchorage, AK 99501 Email - Cell (907) 223-970 I


• Created the 3rd busiest cargo airport in the world by conceiving the marketing effort and leading the negotiating teams to land the FedEx and UPS Asian cargo hubs at the Anchorage International Airport.

• Grew billable engineering staff in Alaska at "Top 100" engineering consulting firm by over 30% during my first year. Personally won firm's first road project in over 5 years.

• Led international trade marketing efforts in key Asian markets for State of Alaska - exports increased from $1.2 billion to $3.6 billion over three years.

• Formed the two largest medical groups in Alaska, the Alaska Heart Institute and the Anchorage Women's Clinic by negotiating exclusive steerage agreements with key 3rd party payors.

• Transformed four financially draining hydroelectric power plants into a well-performing investment by financing a $77.0 million sale of the facilities to local utilities.

• Increased profitability of $28.0 million FedEx hangar by $3.0 million annually through strategic refinancing.

• Mentored start-up international aircraft maintenance company to become dominate service provider against better financed competitors and brokered $10.0 million equity restructuring.

• Successfully negotiated 13 contentious labor contracts, simultaneously, resulting in 3 years of peaceful labor relations.

• Conceived and led effort to free up $240.0 million in unused transportation project funding to provide 30% of funds needed to plug State funding gap during oil price crash.

• Rescued a struggling $50.0 million seafood facility by refinancing with Taiwan investment bankers providing required funding to struggling enterprise.

• Revitalized investment bank loan participations with commercial banks from $9.0 million to over $60.0 million in a single year.

• Successfully led Y2K preparations for the State of Alaska. • Co-Designer of State of Alaska's current accounting system.


Term Assistant Professor - University of Alaska - Anchorage 1103 - Present

Appointed as Term Assistant Professor at the start of Fall 2013 semester. Currently leaching two sections ofBA 488 The Environment of Business one section of BA 462 the Strategic Management and one section of BA 481 Applications in Management. In the upcoming Spring Semester I will be teaching one section of BA 462 Strategic Management, one section of BA 488 The Environment of Business, and one section of BA 481 Applications in Mangement. In past semesters I have also taught BA 325 Corporate Finance and I team­taught BA 462 Business Strategy with Dr. George Geistauls, BA 488 and BA 481. I began teaching as an adjunct faculty member in 2003, but have for many years intended to move to full time faculty when the opportunity was available. Key to my career change is my love of teaching and my long held interest in doing research into ANCSA Native Corporations and the applicability of the aboriginal management models they have created to aboriginal groups around lhe world.

Innovative Consulting Solutions 4/07 - Present

Providing consulting, contract negotiations and advisory services to a broad range ojcompanies doing business in Alaska, Canada and China. Projects include:

Authored 2009 - 20 12 ANCSA Regional Association economic report on the performance of all 12 of Alaska's Regional Native Corporations. Assisting Regional Alaska Native Corporation with administrative and strategic planning as they transition to a Development Company structure. Providing business management and strategic services to group of Marine Pilots serving Bristol Bay and Western Alaska. Representing innovative seismic drilling company and medical software company in attracting equity partners. Assisting First Nations HSE company in mine developing servicing opportunities in the Northwest Territories Assisting Canada's largest farm in discussions with Alaska-based private equity firm . Negotiated sale of dynamic Anchorage based wide-body aircraft maintenance company with leading ANCSA Corporation. Wrote 2006 ANCSA Regional Association report on economic impact of Native Corporations to the Alaska economy. Senior Advisor on scheduled charter carrier effort between Tianjin, China and Honolulu, Anchorage and Las Vegas. Senior Advisor to the LiQiao Free Trade Zone, Beijing, China.

President and CEO - Anchorage Economic Development Corporation 4/04 - 4/07

Led turnaround ojAlaska's oldest and largest economic development organization. Recnlited and maintained strong, productive working relationship with Board ojDirectors comprised ojover 40 top business and community leaders.

Developed new professional team, created a revitalized board, significantly improved relations with clients and funding organizations, and greatly improved community's image with the city, state, national and international press. Led Anchorage's new branding effort.

Senior Vice President, Alaska Operations - ASCG Incorporated 9/02 - 4/04

Directed Alaska operationsJor this "Top 100" engineering consultingjirm. ASCG was a wholly-owned subsidiary ojArctic Slope Regional Corporation (ASRC), Alaska's largest Native Corporation with annual revenues exceeding $1.0 billion.

Managed 150 professional consultants (engineers, architects, and community planners) across three offices. Directly responsible to President for sales and revenue generation, client relationship management, business development, and staff development. Direct reports included Director of Architectural Design, Director of Civil Engineering, Director of Water and Wastewater, Director of Survey, Director of Community Planning, and the business development function. ASCG had over 600 professionals serving in offices across six Western states. Billable staff in Alaska grew by over 30% during my first year in this role . Personally won firm's first road project in over 5 years.

Executive Director - Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority 8/00 - 9/02

$1.2 billion injinancial assets providing investment banking to resource development projects, inJrastructure development, and commercial real estate banking.

Reported directly to Board of Directors. Full authority for the operations of$1.2 billion development bank. Personally managed the Authority 's portfolio of large project investments. Direct reports included Authority's Comptroller, Director of Commercial Bank Loan Participation Program, and Authority's project analysis professionals. Increased loan participations by over 600% during first year.

Executive Director - Alaska Energy Authority 8/00 - 9/02

$900.0 million in energy assets serving both urban and nlral Alaska. Projects rangedJrom large hydroelectriC, gas and coal plants to remote diesel cogenerationJacililies, windJarms, alternative oil, and waste energy projects.

Reported directly to Board of Directors. Full operational responsibility for organization Direct reports included Authority's Comptroller, Director of Rural Energy Program and all project managers on large urban energy projects . Privatized four large hydroelectric plants and converted assets into well performing investment allowing for local community control and responsibility. Completed over $60.0 million in rural cogeneration electric plants across 3 construction seasons in some of the most remote places and severest climates in the world.

Commissioner - Alaska Department of Administration 12/98 - 8/00

Direcled 13 Divisions wilhin this wide ranging department. Responsible for Alaska 's administrative functions ranging from jinancial reporling, IT, and human resources, 10 labor relarions, conlracling and purchasing.

Direct reports included Director of Finance, Director of State Pensions, Director of Information Technology, Director of Human Resources, Director of Labor Relations, Director of Risk Management, and Director of Purchasing. Diverse management responsibilities also included the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, Divi sion of Motor Vehicles, and Senior Services. Simultaneously negotiated 13 separate labor contracts winning three years of productive labor relations.

Alaska Governor's Office - Y2K Senior Project Manager 12/98 - 3/00 Assumed responsibilitiesfor Alaska 's IT preparationsfor the Y2K date change al Ihe request ofthe Governor. Project required

discharge offailing consulting firm, building project team, winningfondingfrom a resistant legislature, gaining agency cooperation, national level coordination with President's office and assuring that no critical state ofAlaska application system was negatively affected by the date change.

Direct reports included Y2K team of five including Y2K Team Manager and lateral reports included 15 agency Y2K leads.

AIDEA - Business Development Manager 6/97 - 6/98

Responsible for financial analysis and evaluation ofa wide range ofjinancing proposals to AIDEA. I was called away from this position by the Governor to handle the Y2 K issue.

Self Employed 12/95 - 6197

Independent consultant working with several individual physician practices to assist them in forming LLC 's to successfo lly respond as businesses to a changing medical business climate. Assisted physicians informing several group practices that are currently very

successfol businesses including: the Anchorage Women's Clinic, and the Alaska Heart Institl/te.

Director - Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation 6/93 - 12/95

Directed administrative operations ofagency and served as pril1UJry interface with Legislature, Business Community and media on all issues impacted by environmental regulations and actions. Implemented new budget systems turning around acrimonious relations with State Legislature.

Direct reports included Human Resources Manager, Accounting Manager, Budget Manager, IT Manager, Purchasing Manager, and Media Relations section.

Senate Finance Committee - Senior Budget Staff 1/93 - 6/93

Served as senior staffto the Senate Finance Commillee and reported to Co-Chair ofthe Senate Finance Commil/ee, Senator Drue

Pearce. Duties required that I work with all state agencies, members ofthe public, businesses, organizations, legislators, and press regarding the assembly and legal drafting ofthe FY 94 Capital Budget. This budget exceeded $/.O billion.

Los Angeles World Trade Center - Vice President 1992

Worked with a wide variety of Los Angeles businesses connected with the Port of Long Beach and the Port of LA.

International Trade Director - State of Alaska 1988 -1991

Reported to Governor ofAlaska running overseas offices and representing Alaska 's interests in Japan, Korea, Taiwan , China, and Russia.

Direct reports included the Director of the Japan State Trade Office, Director of the Korea State Trade Office and the Director of the Taiwan State Trade Office.

Deputy Commissioner - Alaska Department of Transportation 1987 - 1988

Directed administrative andjinancial operations ofthis 3400 person department - over $5.0 billion in capital projects under management. Created and directed project accounting clean-up effortfreeing up $240.0 million to return to generalfond during Significant budget deficit. Created and led marketing effort to al/ract FedEx and UPS Asian air cargo hubs to Anchorage.

Direct reports included Director of Financial Management, Director of Programming and Budget, Director of Information Technology, Internal Auditor and Director of Minority Contracting. Also directly managed, the Anchorage International and the Fairbanks International airports. Direct reports included the Director of the Alaska International Airport System, the Anchorage International Airport Manager and the Fairbanks International Airport Manager.

Consulting Practice Manager - Coopers & Lybrand - Anchorage 1985 - 1987

Managed business development, client relalionships, project management, and staffdevelopment for Coopers & Lybrand's consulting

practice in Alaska. Reported directly to Alaska practice partners.

Senior Consultant - Price Waterhouse & Co. 1979 - 1983

Senior consultant inthejinancial management services group. Maintained over 100% ofbillable consulting lime.


Master of Business Administration University of Missouri - St. Louis Concentration in International Finance and Economics

B.S. Business Administration University of Missouri - St. Louis Concentration in Economics and Marketing



Poe, R., (2010), The all Alaska gas hub: let's empower Alaska., Alaska Business Monthly, June 3, 2010.

Poe, R., (2007), Boom and Bust? How about steady and stable?, Alaska Business Monthly, January 23, 2007.

Poe, R., (2006), E-commerce centers developed in rural Alaska for economic benefit: native Alaskans will soon be able to market their products around the world ., Alaska Business Monthly, July 14,2006.

Poe, R. , McClanahan, AJ ., (2005), Alaska Native Village Corporations: Sleeping Giant, Alaska Business Monthly, August 1, 2005.


Poe, R., Poe, T. T., Halverson, N., (2006), Alaska: North to the Future Ill, Library of Congress Catalog Number: 2006939627, Wyndham Publications, (2006)


Candidate for Governor of Alaska 1/09 - 6/10 Board Member - Urban League Board Member - AGLAD Development at Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport Chair - Business Advisory Council - UAA College of BusinesslPublic Policy Adjunct Faculty - University of Alaska, Anchorage, University of Missouri , Sl. Louis, and Alaska Pacific University Past Board Member - Anchorage Chamber of Commerce Past Board Member - Anchorage Convention and Visitors Bureau Past Board Member - Anchorage Civic and Convention Center Yes Committee Member - Anchorage Downtown Rotary Club, Alaska 's oldest Rotary Club Past Board Member - Anchorage Economic Development Corporation Founding Faculty Member - Village Management Institute, Sheldon Jackson College Past Vice Chair - Alaska World Trade Center Past Member, Executive Board of the Southeast Alaska Area Council , Boy Scouts of America Past Member - State Bond Committee Past Member - Alaska Student Loan Corporation Board Past Member - Alaska Power Authority Board

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