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philip mcandrew

Copyright © 2010 - Philip McAndrew 1


• personal summary

• values

• education

• professional experience

• personal experience

2Copyright © 2010 - Philip McAndrew

Philip McAndrew is a highly motivated entrepreneur who experiences life through challenging himself to reach his potential. Philip combines an international top-quality education, a passion for creation and people, with his business savvy personality, to make a combination that can add great value to any organization. In today’s competitive and global economy, Philip offers a unique mix of talent that not only adds his direct value, but promises to maximize the talents and value of the people working with and for him.

personal summary

3Copyright © 2010 - Philip McAndrew


• personal summary

• values

• education

• professional experience

• personal experience

4Copyright © 2010 - Philip McAndrew


serviceperspectivechallenge passion people

personal mission: By loving the people around me and never settling for mediocrity, I hope to proactively experience life and be the best husband, father, friend, and business-person I can be.

5Copyright © 2010 - Philip McAndrew


Challenges show what people are made of. Most people run from challenges and

view them as negative.

I enjoy pushing myself and seeing where my limits actually are.

This makes for an exciting life full of accomplishments and growth.

6Copyright © 2010 - Philip McAndrew


When you put your heart into something, it eliminates the possibility of regret. I try to give my all in everything I do.

The greatest accomplishments of my life have been the result of my passion. I hope that when people remember

me, they will say that I held nothing back.

“Never do anything half-ass!” ~ Tony McAndrew

7Copyright © 2010 - Philip McAndrew


Knowing the value of your network brings opportunity and helps you connect others.

Building connections between people is a passion of mine that comes from seeing it change lives.

Networking is not always about what others can do for me, but about how I can help others.

8Copyright © 2010 - Philip McAndrew


Life experience hones perspective. Through travel, and years living

abroad, I have developed a global view. I now try to hold onto only

what is important.

Perspective greatly affects decision making and problem solving.

Objectivity has helped me navigate many potentially troublesome


“I had the blues because I had no shoes, until upon the street I met a man who had no feet.” ~ Denis Waitley

9Copyright © 2010 - Philip McAndrew


Service should focus on and fulfill the needs of another.

Adding value to the world or someone’s life inspires me to work hard


Since beginning my family this year I realize I have only just begun to realize

what service means.

Service is the backbone of a successful life and business.NCKU - IIMBA Student Council President

2007 - 2008

10Copyright © 2010 - Philip McAndrew


• personal summary

• values

• education

• professional experience

• personal experience

11Copyright © 2010 - Philip McAndrew


• Master of Business Administration (MBA)

• GPA: 90/100, Top 10 Students.

• Lead and Supported multi-cultural teams.

• Thesis: Targeting motivation factors in recruitment practices.

institute of international management (IIMBA)


* NCKU ranks 262nd worldwide* No. 1 in Academia-Industrial Cooperation Nationwide (Taiwan)* #2 ranking in Taiwan for overall academics © 2010 - Philip McAndrew


• Certificate of Entrepreneurship

• Finalist in 2005 Business Plan Competition

college of engineering


“The program is designed to give engineering and science students, through course work and practical experience, an improved understanding of business practices

and entrepreneurship in technology-based companies, and also to help non-technical students understand their important role in the world's leading

technology companies.”

Copyright © 2010 - Philip McAndrew


• Bachelor of Arts (BA)

• Major - Religious Studies;

Top Religious Studies program in America

Focus: The Business of Religion in Corporate America

• Minor - Sports Management;

college of letters and science


“UCSB has the premier Religious Studies department in the University of California system. It is one of the best programs in the U.S., and is

internationally recognized for its excellence in teaching and research.”

Copyright © 2010 - Philip McAndrew


• 4 full semesters spanning 2.5 years

• Intermediate proficiency in speaking and listening

• Beginning proficiency in writing and reading

• Can read approximately 2000 characters

chinese language center


• 學習中文4個學期,共2年半

• 口語和聽力能力中級程度

• 寫作和閱讀能力初級程度

• 可以閱讀大約2000個單字

Copyright © 2010 - Philip McAndrew


• personal summary

• values

• education

• professional experience

• personal experience

16Copyright © 2010 - Philip McAndrew


• Lead company establishment, branding, new account acquisition, advertising, budgeting, technology integration, and systems implementation.

• Conducted market research, re-branding campaigns, feasibility studies, sales initiation, strategic analysis and consultation, and graphic design to meet client needs and specifications.

• Negotiated contracts, prepared and delivered sales/pitch/proposal presentations, supported market research initiatives, and developed company strategy.




Copyright © 2010 - Philip McAndrew


“International Connection Group is a management consulting firm specializing in

business development and international trade opportunities, and dedicated to providing

unique and customized solutions for companies and entrepreneurs desiring new and sustainable

growth in South-East Asia and North America.”



Company Description:

Copyright © 2010 - Philip McAndrew


• Responsible new account acquisition, branding, web design, course design, accounting, advertising and promotion, and corporate programs.

• Instructed classes from 1 to 50 students, including individual private and small group tutorials, from Elementary School to Master’s Level.

• Awards: 5th place (2008) 9th place (2009) Nation-wide Young Diplomat Competition, 5+ Southern Taiwan 1st Place winners and District Champions in Story Telling and Prepared Speech.




Copyright © 2010 - Philip McAndrew


Standout English Language Company is a school that provides results driven students with “English for success.” Standout ELC delivers practical and appropriate curriculum presented in innovative and easy to understand ways. Courses are offered in five main categories: 

 1. Conversational English2. Business English

3. English Test Preparation4. Speech and Drama Competition Preparation

5. American Accent Pronunciation 



Company Description:

Copyright © 2010 - Philip McAndrew

• Launched international products (Japan & Korea) into the after market motorcycle industry, established distribution channels, marketing, advertising, sales, and training of sales force pertaining to new products.

• Forecasted and controlled distributor inventory levels, international product orders, and sales to maximize budget and efficiency.

• Assisted in growing Japanese clutch company and Korean tire company from no annual market presence to $1.7 million and 3.5 million, respectively

mototech intl. manufacturer’s representative

21Copyright © 2010 - Philip McAndrew

lake arrowhead c.c.

• Managed course operations including outside employees, office systems, golf tournaments, and membership services.

• Effectively controlled budgets, buying, merchandising, training, etc. in retail store resulting in 28.5% (YOY) increase in apparel and equipment sales.

• Taught individual golf lessons as well as developed junior golf programs, summer camps, adult clinics and events.

1st assistant golf professional

22Copyright © 2010 - Philip McAndrew


• personal summary

• values

• education

• professional experience

• personal experience

23Copyright © 2010 - Philip McAndrew

ncku - iimba

• Re-branded and Re-structured IIMBA student council.

• Oversaw team of 10 in all fundraising, event, service, academic, and technology projects.

student council president


VISION:“To be an active student organization that encourages involvement, strengthens our global perspective, provides organization, enhances the value of our degree, and bridges the gap between students, alumni, and ultimately the world... and has fun!”


Copyright © 2010 - Philip McAndrew

clubs etc.Founder:

• International CTOC, a Cycling, Triathlon and Outdoor club with 40+ members

Competitive triathlete and cyclist, and active outdoorsman


• American Japanese Karate Association:

Black Belt in Shotokan Karate

• Surfrider Foundation


25Copyright © 2010 - Philip McAndrew

Copyright © 2010 - Philip McAndrew 26

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