self titled

Post on 22-Mar-2016






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issue one by chalsie mew


// Issue no. 01

self titled

be creative...


Editor’s letter...Dearest readers,

It’s an exciting time as this is the very first issue of Self Titled, and what an is-

sue we’ve got here.

This issue is harvesting all that is creation, whether that is new foliage on a tree

or creating a magazine out of ideas in your head.

After this wet and chilly autumn, winter is on its way, so we’re celebrating

winter before you all go into hibernaton. Whether that is a roadtrip with your

friends, or the style picks of the season. We’ve got Melbourne fresh styling

coming right your way, an intriguing interview with entrepreneur Kate

McKibbin, founder of online fashion magazine Drop Dead Gorgeous Daily.

And last but not least, have some fun learning some tunes on the ukulele,

and some quick, easy, not to forget delicious recipes for your very own dinner


We hope you enjoy reading it just as much as we did making it.

If you want more of a Self Titled fix visit

Love your editor, Chalsie Mew



1 Editor’s letter

5 Moodboardx Roadtrippin’

11 Style picks


Mia Grant Illustrator

Kate McKibbin Starting her very own magazing



Table of Contents:




19 My Melbourne Story


7 Poppytalk Handmade online market

17 People and style




Sunglasses // Karen Walker

ROADTRIPPINWinter is definitely on the way, and it feels like its going to be a cold wet one. So before you turn to your usual winter hibination, why not spend some time with your friends on roadtrip that will warm your bellies with laughter. What better way to welcome the winter blues.

Polariod // Urban Outfitters

Tunes // Bombay Bicycle Club

Jeans // Once Day at a Time


Dress // Sportsgirl

Ankle boots // Tony Bianco

Knit // Ksubi

Parka // ASOS

Poppytalk Handmade is a monthly online arts and crafts market curated by Poppytalk to showcase, buy and sell handmade goods of emerging design talent from around the world.


Poppytalk Handmade Market

LIFESTYLE // 08website:


What was the moment when you

recognised your talent and could

make a career out of something you


I think I recognised that I had some talent when

I was in school. I would often get compliments

from classmates during art class, which made me

feel that drawing was something I was good at. I

knew I wanted to make a career out of illustra-

tion when I discovered the Bachelor of Illustra-

tion course. Before then I didn’t really consider

that I could turn my love of drawing into a job.What do you do when you’re stuck in

a creative-rut?

These can be painful! I usually try to get inspired

by looking at magazines,

photography and other illustrators work, watch-

ing movies, exploring new places,

being around creative people or taking a break

by doing something completely different so I

start to miss drawing again.

What’s your favorite thing to do in

your spare time?

I like to see family and friends, draw, go out to

new restaurants/cafes/bars, shopping and some-

times do absolutely nothing!

What are your inspirations?

Nature, photography, magazines, art, illustration

and many random things in everyday life from

store windows to song lyrics.

Share your earliest memory of your

love of illustration.

Would have to be around the age of three or

four. I’ve always loved drawing people and the

first thing I can remember drawing is a person

with stick arms and legs and a blob for the rest

of the body!


Who are your all time favorite crea-


Illustrators: Kelly Smith, Bec Winnel, Kelly Thomp-

son and Kareena Zerefos. Artists: Egon Schiele,

Audrey Kawasaki and Cedric Rivrain. Fashion/

photography: Gary Pepper Vintage

For more:



Loafers with ankle jeans

Collar bling

Although it is only autumn, its quite cold, which would only mean one thing, this winter is going to be chilly! What better reason than a chilly winter to rug up in woooly wonders, and oversizd coats!


Warm wooley knits

Accessorising with scarves

Oversized coats


KATE McKIBBINCreator of Drop Dead Gorgeous Daily


Imagine owning your very own online magazine! It’s a dream for many young aspiring entrepenures. Although, it’s not as easy as it seems. Young and very talented Austral-ian, Kate McKibbin has created her very own business out of an online magazine, full of fun and quirky content for everyone!

First off, tell us about Drop Dead Gorgeous Daily.

Drop Dead Gorgeous Daily was started nearly 5 years ago, when I had the idea to set up a daily email showcasing all the gorgeous things that you could now buy online (back then, it was actually rare for stores to ship to Australia... can you believe it!). From that it has grown to be an online community where everyone shares the amaz-ing things they find online, all in one place. Whether it’s something to buy, a great video, or a recipe. And our users earn points for sharing too, which can be swapped for even more gorgeous things. So it’s lots of fun.

Who, or what are your influences?

There are so many! I read about 15-20 magazines a month, literally, my Foxtel IQ is almost always full, I follow countless blogs and websites, and my bedside table is covered in books - half of each of them fashion, the other half marketing and business based.

What is your biggest dream?

I am looking forward to the day when the site is big enough that I can actually start other projects. I have 100 ideas, but not enough time to do them. I’d also love to write a novel one day.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

I would love to split my time between Melbourne, Bali, London and New York. They are my four favourite places in the world, and I have loved ones in each of them. Although I will always call Melbourne home.

How did you make the ultimate decision to be your own boss?

It was sort of made for me, in that I had started DDGDaily as a side project and it quickly took off and was demanding more of my time, I was also feeling unchallenged in the day job I had (which was Sydney based), and by working for myself it also meant I could move back to Melbourne after being away for five years. So really everything just clicked into place.

Where do you see yourself and Drop Dead Gorgeous Daily in 10 years time?

Who knows! The Internet and technology are constantly growing and changing, so I can barely predict where we will be in 3 years, let alone 10!

What do you do in your spare time?

What spare time ;)

If money wasn’t an issue, what would you do with your life?

I would still be doing the same thing, although probably with more expensive shoes and a fancier looking office! What did you want to be when you were a young-in?

I always wanted to run my own magazine, from about the age of nine. I briefly also wanted to be a vet, but I hate blood, so I gave up on that one.

Where did you grow up? And fondest memory of your childhood.

I was born in Melbourne, but then was dragged kicking and screaming out to the coun-try when my parents decided to have a “tree change”. My favourite memories would have to be spending my school holidays staying back in the city with my Grannie, we would spend literally days wandering around the shops and I would save up all term so I could buy something really nice.

When and how did you know you wanted to work in magazines?

I just always have, and my steady diet of trashy novels and rom coms (where someone always either works in a magazine or PR), didn’t really help either. I have always loved writing, and shopping, and it just seemed to be the logical combination of my two hob-bies (and yes shopping is a hobby! It takes time, money and skill, and you definitely get batter at it with practice).


Who or what are you most grateful of?

I am very grateful to my parents for letting me grow up thinking I could do anything. So many people thought I was crazy to start a business on my own, and even crazier when I quit my day job mid GFC to work on it full time. But I have never doubted that with enough hard work I would be able to do it. So I probably am crazy, but I am grateful for that too!

A magic genie just arrived and has offered you three wishes, what are they and why?

Wish 1 - I would like to be 10 cm shorter, and have feet one size smaller (it’s just mean being too tall and big hoofed to fit into half the things I write about). Wish 2 - World peace (although we all know that would never last, but it would be nice for at least a day!), and wish 3 - umm... a never ending and calorie free pack of tim tams.

What is the best advice you’ve ever received?

Just do it. I think Nike said that.

People of Stylelet their style tell the story


If you could live any-where in the world, where would it be?England for the culture, and the energy. There’s always something to do there.

What’s the first thing you do in the morning?Generally I sit online for a while to wake myself up.

What do you do in your spare time?Uhh, internet, draw, write, skate, body board.

PEOPLE // 18


What are your influences?I would say, the colour black.

What gets you up in the morning?Usually I’m awoken by a hungry kitten or man wanting their breakfasts.

What do you do in your spare time?What spare time? Just kidding. I like to watch movies, eat lovely food and be surrounded by my favourite people.


SKYSCRAPERS AND BLUE SKIESWhat do you see when you’re wondering around a new city?.

I live in Melbourne, and I have my whole life. One day when I was walking around the city,

out of the ordinary I strained my neck and looked toward the sky. I’m not even sure what

made me do this, or even consider it, but I was absolutely amazed at how beautiful

everything looked up there. These glorious old buildings showed their stories above ground,

where they had been renovated to fit a small cafe in the bottom level. Everything looked

completely different. I wasn’t sure whether it was the contrast against the beautiful blue sky,

or whether I just had never noticed it before, but I promise you, next time you’re in a

boring old city, look up.

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