seminar gp barcelona_2011_reviews

Post on 21-Dec-2014






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Judge Conference Barcelona







How Many?



Use of the comparison case

Guidelines – The final Box

Common Mistakes

Examples – Praises

• You demonstrated a good judge attitude and worked hard and pretty well during the friday PEs

• You demonstrated interest to improve your judging skills and I saw you a lot of time interested and careful to use every chance you had during the day to learn from it.

• You demonstrated to not be afraid to ask help when you need it and to take the decisions your role you require when necessary.

• You know very well the team's duty and you did your work in a very "clean" way.

• Your policy and rules knowledge is good and you demonstrated along the day.

• You always had the duty under control and managed the breaks very good.

• You avoided to stress judges on you team as sometimes happend and made the day very confortable for everybody (even for a "slow" day2 of a GP)

• You impressed me in the previous days for how you cared on your judge community, you fight as a lion to have for your judges as much slot as possible on friday and was a pleasure for me to help as much I had chance to.

• On Friday you worked very hard very efficently. Your role started as single-HJ for a GPT but your leadership on the floor made natural for me to "promote" you as natural leader of GPTs TOP8.

• Your experience is great and you performed very well both in judging and coodinate the work around you.

Examples - Suggestion

• You should improve your leadership and initiative on the floor. While I put yourself and Jaroslav to GPTs TOP8s you left him all the initiative and during his break you seemed a bit "lost“

• You should improve a bit your leadership on the floor, as team leader you should become the point of reference for your team but sometimes you seemed just a good member of it an not the leader.

• Try to adeguate the teammeting's topics to the judges you have on the team: you had a L2 a L3 and a L1 but you lead them like it's usually done when you have 3 L1s on it. This could help you to improve the teamwork and the fellowship of the team.

• Your positive behavior, risk sometime to seem "aggressive" and if misunderstood could lead to big problems between you and your interlocutor.

• Remember the Team Leader in charge is always avaialble to help judges with overcharge, but if the team they are leading is big and cover a large area need also your help to undertand most "hot" area where put an extra judge to help.

• Remember to have the same breaks of your team too, I understand your work needed all your attention but you should always find time for your own breaks without I have to "force" you to take them :)

• Next time try to be more communicative with your PE judge manager, you worked great but every time I needed a report from your team I had to reach you and ask.

Examples - Comments

• Good performance overall!

• You made and overall great job, it was a

pleasure to work with you and I'm sorry I has

to miss you so many round due my other

tasks. I hope to work with you soon.

• Excellent work, it's a pleasure to work with


Self Review

• Very important to self-evaluate himself

• Demonstration of self-criticism and self-

evaluation ability

• Mostly useful for High levels to understand

self-evaluation skills

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