sensory images

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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Taste Touch Sight Sound Smell

The tang of a cold glass lemonade


A cold breeze

A bright sun

The chirp of bird







6 SENSORY IMAGES1. Sight- visual - appeals to the sense of seeing

2. Sound- auditory - appeals to the sense of hearing

6 SENSORY IMAGES3. Smell- olfactory - which appeals to the sense of smelling

4. Touch- tactile - which appeals to the sense of feeling

6 SENSORY IMAGES5. Taste- gustatory - which appeals to the sense

of taste

6. Motion - which appeals to the sense

of seeing except that the line contains another dimension- movement

Image- mental picture created in the mind of the reader as he/she assimilates the language of the author

Imagery- method of writing by which the author uses ordinary words to create an image

EXERCISESWrite the predominant sensory image found in each of the following.

1. flickering fireflies2. the squeak of spinning wheels3. chocolate, ice cream, and apple pie4. the piercing rays of the noon day sun5. a host of golden daffodils6. splashing silver seas7. the baby’s breath was warm on my

face8. apple blossoms filled the air

9. the lambent tolling of the bells10. gentle swaying of the bamboo11. full blast of moonlight12. candlelight flickering 13. smoke which stung her eyes14. the birds chirping15. rain pouring down from the tin roof

QUIZ NO. 3Write the predominant sensory image

found in each of the following.1. a grain of sand in the eye2. smoke curling up lazily from the

chimney3. green mangoes with bagoong4. a tree in bloom so near my room5. slow crunch of footsteps on dry soil6. broiled chicken, roasts a-roasting7. the murmuring of the bees, the waves

lapping the shore

8. scorching rays of the noon day sun9. ants crawling down the anthill10. the tang of salt spray from the sea11. pebbles cold and sharp under my feet12. sparkling icicles and flaming torches

of leaves13. acrid fumes of burning wax14. the hurrying tide15. silky and velvety as a baby’s skin

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