sentences that feel great

Post on 24-Oct-2014






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These are a collection of wondrous sentences that may move you to tears, laughter or apathy. Your brain will spin, your heart will tumble. Jump in.These are sentences that feel great.Sentences that feel great, by Josh Makinda.


praise for ‘sentences that feel great’

Great quotes would have gone here for this book, but you may be the very first person to read it


“This is the goodest I’ve done” - Josh Makinda

If it wasn’t for this sentence, this page would have been intentionally left blank

Sentences that feel great

written and designed by

josh makinda

Perth New York City

“To the souls encapsulatedby the organic compounds

I refer to as - mummy & daddy,

Crispus, Lillian & Wekesa, and

my shimmering girlfriend Mischa”

- Josh

The window sill, laced in dust and friction, threatened to distribute brittle wood chunks within the stroke that dared a brisk swipe.

The nostalgia swirled caramel atop the toxic memories.

The crayon dissolved into a beautiful line.

Three balloons, each primary and differing in colour, carry a cheesecake elevated high across the city. A rotundly shaped green-eyed boy awaits.

Every slushy puddle begins with a single drop, it wriggles with ripples and then eventually retreats to its lair called air.

Small silver pipes fill the dark blue starry sky, carrying frost in its liquid format.

The majesty of the moment silently slid into my joyful and fruity heart.

They held hands tightly as they slid together down the violin string, creating an organic tune against their heart threads. The air was fresh and tasted like forever, the stars above twinkled inadequately in light of their uncertain future.

My finger tips smell of balloons, its scent inspires the reminiscence of both unexpected combustion and wonder.

On one side broccoli, on the other the teeniest pamphlet about cloud formation I've gandered upon in eons.

Seven supercilious serpents slid slenderly, succinctly, surreptitiously, so strangely seeming somewhat sensuous...sssickening.

They say God works in the field of the arcane, searching for this field will only trigger heisenberg’s principle.

Poop, gag, huh? No! On nan? No! On a kayak? No! On Madam aka Anna? Wow! Yahay! Yay!

Comprehending reprehensibility during a gander upon hens in a stable.

The strikingly red and hairy woollen ball of string landed upon the disastrously dull and aged black and white photo, unraveling into a sprawl like manner. To peek over from the third story high, decrepit and maroon ivy intertwined balcony, the photo now had artistic relevance.

The waterfalls' descent pierced the cloud, displaying no mutual acknowledgement for being one and the same.

Without the pressure to conform, and holding a pouch brimming with inevitability, the ice cube bobbed in the pool until it lost it's identity.

The hypocritical activist chicken pretended to instead be a peculiar goose - and then ate chicken.

We'll get to the bottom of this - divide yourself by two, and tell your halves to do the same.

"Typical! Expectations of gold! Little interest in who I really am" ...said the rainbow

He had a pocket full of sunshine, which was very frustrating in the winter.

Four silver scratched pans lay inanimate upon four reddened hot plates each loudly bubbling with boiling water, it was like a pan party, a party in which everyone appeared to be choking.

When the lamp flicked on the illumination became a weightless liquid and slithered in all directions, the darkness was silently tunneled through, like arteries accommodating blood.

She placed her marble coated light blue cup on the morning light ray that shone through the tear of her large butterfly decorated window drape, very slowly the cup slid down it, cracking into four smooth edged pieces at the bottom.

By the time the mirror had returned her reflection she had aged heavily, she was a may fly.

Pointy head, pointy nose, this Unicorn is a liar and it shows.

Wow, what a week, I assisted with people's issues, I was a bridge for this one guy, and now I can make wine - waters’ thoughts near Jesus.

The music inspired violet passionfruit seeds to swirl around her throbbing heart, beckoning her tear ducts to exclaim salty hydro.

The small rabbit wriggles in retreat behind the droplet ravaged cauliflower.

Thank you and I know...said god.

Equality adored tolerance but was tired of numbers.

His personality swung from chandeliers, while his body kept up.

The cellar door slammed softly, the intertwining vines kept it ajar.

The hydrogens splashed into a relationship with the oxygen.

He was hydrophobic, the presence of water released itself across his forehead.

The grape, when sliced, unravelled to exclaim its nutrients.

The breadcrumbs were abandoned children.

I banish scurvy and doctors, boasted the orange.

The green rubbery forest leaf bowed it's head momentarily as the water droplet slid across it.

One black twig protruded from the snow.

The thicket glowed violet, as tiny coat clad frogs gathered before the hearing upon the lake.

The balloon served as both a colourful distraction and a beetle trampoline.

The cow drank only almond milk.

The sap trickling down the tree became bubble gum - to chew the tree displayed a lack of patience.

He cried over the spilt milk, the kittens celebrated.

He had a penchant for the spurious, he wore a smokescreen across his heart.

The soft blue fruit, when torn, oozed an orange froth.

The last minute decorations were darkness and fireflies.

His wrinkles spoke of self abandon.

The walls creaked like laughter frozen in time.

For the first time in months her heart was tumbling and flickering, it's surrounding ice was beginning to weep.

The Snow proudly refused to melt, the Temperature zipped its mouth and allowed the empowerment.

In the presence of the snail the slug felt cheated.

Two mated with Two producing a new Two, which left the biologists nodding and the mathematicians befuddled.

The lowercase i, tired of her regular positioning, ran to the end of the sentence and cowered atop her dot - boy was she in for a surprise.

Macroscopically her smile brought out magenta coloured wonder from the hearts that passed her, microscopically her feet brought turmoil to billions.

The cat leapt from the high-rise building eight times - he just wanted to feel normal.

The clumsy Fibonacci began climbing some stairs, he almost immediately tumbled down a few. Leaping back to his feet he moved forth, tumbling down again, this time even further. Luckily though, he was used to this and made up for the fallen distance in only one leap.

Time traveling is not possible and only because we know that.

There was elation, followed at a later point by devastation - he now knew she was expecting.

His name was ‘Unreasonable’, and it fit aptly - I mean the fool followed his dreams.

Before the universe began this sentence could not end...

The wishing well granted the collector's wish.

This One salmon swam in the opposite direction, inciting fury from the bears, discrimination from his species, and a statue in her honour nearly fifty years later.

The fear of random exploding atoms did not keep her from using the slide.

The latest cat's curiosity led to a new parable about why we should conform.

In light of the recent advancements in microtechnology, a swipe now serves for more than just abuse - you can now leaf through photos.

His thick mustache, and leather boots told a story of discrimination.

His fanciful, fluffy clothing displayed an appreciation of style over a concern for extinction.

The ice caps tried hard to slow their decline in light of the knowledge of destruction that would promptly follow, but they couldn't and it wasn't their fault.

The wind swirled heavily, only to be laughed at by a real storm.

The spaghetti strand seemed an apt vehicle for romantic reconnection.

The understudy fell quite ill - no one cared.

As the rain spilt from the sky, the heroic kitchen glass now felt hopeless.

Cupid's tolerant weaponry punctured the flamboyant boy's heart.

When his finger touched the sweet sonnet, he landed upon a softly undulating and moon lit ocean, in which he couldn't sink into. A wisp of wind tumbled him adoringly across it - he was weightless.

The two souls could never touch, yet for some unreasonable motive they continued to swirl and intertwine with one another, almost as if they believed that this was possible - it was delightful, it was love.

An orange and violet smoke churned and rose from within her chest, travelling up onto the tip of her nose - she was inspired.

Ink-black tentacles clasped him tightly in his wooden chair, tugging him downward. He shrugged, shimmied and twisted intently - then simply collapsed into acceptance.

A cloudy flickering light bulb hung from the paint peeled water stained ceiling.

The vodka giggled confidently as it entered the freezer, the vegetables wept.

The perceived lives of the subway riders changed in accordance with her music selection.

The lawsuit for her scents left the taste of injustice.

His red flames were doused, releasing a celestial blue smoke in response to her angelic touch.

He smelt like he looked and sounded like he felt, for he was a homeless one man band.

He met change at the doorway, and urinated on its shoes - those shoes were no longer in style.

The only thing that really annoyed him was Haley's comet, therefore he lived a pretty good life.

The singular fracture spanned sporadically, dislodging the plateau, and involuntarily triggering stairs.

It's the steady and incontrovertible destruction of all that we have known, or do they merely seek equality.

The orange background glow of the burning tree pressed lightly against her cheeks. She screamed and broke down at the feet of the angels, her tears cartwheeling off the strings on their harps. They stood still, celestial hands grasped, unable to touch her physically but able to caress her soul.

To die in your unyielding grasp would be to give me life.

It was not he that allocated our moment of connection, but rather the maple leaves and forgotten feathers that effortlessly tumbled by our faces.

She wore writing across her chest, it was an exciting and risky read.


For questions, feedback and to send me interesting non-sequiturs:

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