seo onpage & offpage

Post on 21-May-2015






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Learn the use of onpage and offpage SEO


  • 1. SEARCH ENGINE is a tool that enables users to locate information on the World Wide Web. Search engines use keywords entered by users to find Web sites which contain the information sought.

2. SEO is a process of trying to get higher ranking from the Search Engine. Focused exclusively on attracting the natural or organic listing. 3. The process of structuring a web page so that it is found, read, and indexed by search engines in the most effective manner possible. The process of modifying a website to increase its ranking in organic / crawler-based listings of search engines. This process improved webpage so their rank higher in search engines for our target keyword. Successful search helps this site gain top positioning in the search engines results pages of search engines such as Google,Yahoo and MSN for relevant words and phrases. 4. Two terms of SEO On Page Off page Always start with keyword selection, research and testing Title tag Meta Description tag Keyword tag Canonical tag H1 tags Image Optimization Internal Links Keyword density Keyword proximity Site maps Robot tag Expect results in 6-12 months Directory Submission Social Bookmarking Blog Creation Forum posting Article submission Press Release Search engine submission Classifieds submission 5. -must have keywords in title to be ranked no. 1 - should have the exact keyword you use for the page - every single web page must have its own title tag - you can use up to 60-65 characters. Example : Computer|Traning|Courses|Classes|Institute|Mumbai- 6. - displayed below the title in search results - use dynamic, promotional language - use keywords, not more than 150-155 characters. - no longer carry weight with major SEs - a myth that meta keywords alone affect rankings Example: 7. Duplicate content can often be a problem for SEOs that deal with large websites that have many different URLs. Implementing canonical tags on pages with duplicate content can impact your sites organic performance positively and eliminate any potential confusion from search engines indexing your website wrong. Example: File Name : baby-crying.jpg 9. Internal Links Internal Links are hyperlinks that point at (target) the same domain as the domain that the link exists on (source) Example : Keyword Text 10. Black Hat SEO Black hat SEO is a practice that increases a page's rank in search engines through means that violate the search engines' terms of service. Black Hat SEO Tactics Keyword Stuffing Cloaking Doorway Pages Hidden Text or Links 11. Keyword Stuffing Adding keyword terms over and over again in content, Meta tags, This can adversely affect pages because, if caught, search engines will penalize a keyword stuffed site or completely remove it from the index. As a general rule, we recommend not repeating a keyword more than once in the Title tag, twice in the Description tag and not more than four times in the Meta Keywords tag. 12. Cloaking Cloaking refers to showing one page to Search Engine and a different page to your human visitor. 13. Doorway Pages Doorway pages are optimized pages that pull in SE traffic, but this traffic is immediately redirected to a different page. 14. Hidden text and links Hidden text and links are easily spotted by search engines and are not beneficial to your website. Websites can be removed from the Google index for using this method of deception. Hidden links o Hidden links are when the hidden text of a web page has a link in it. 15. Keyword density tells you how often a search term appears in a text in relation to the total number of words it contains. For example: if a keyword appears three times in a 100 word text the keyword density would be 3%. From the point of view of search engines, a high keyword density is a good indicator of search engine spam. If a keyword appears too often in a website, search engines will downgrade the website and it will then appear lower down in search results. 16. Keyword proximity refers to the closeness between two or more keywords. In general, the closer the keywords are, the better. For example: How Keyword Density Affects Search Engine Rankings How Keyword Density Affects Rankings In Search Engine Using the example above, if someone searched for "search engine rankings, " a web page containing the first sentence is more likely to rank higher than the second. The reason is because the keywords are placed closer together. This is assuming that everything else is equal, of course. 17. The sitemap.xml file in an XML file that is saved to a websites server. It contains a list of all the subpages belonging to the website. These files help search engines to learn more about the structure of a website. This speeds up the crawl process and reduces the likelihood that the crawler will overlook subpages. In addition, the file can provide additional information about certain content, e.g.: Information about images or videos that can be found on a website or the duration of a video and its subject. General information about the website, e.g. when it was last updated. 18. index(default) Index the page noindex Don't index the page nofollow Don't index any pages hyper-linked to this page none Same as "noindex, nofollow" This Meta tag is used to tell the search engine whether you want the web page indexed or not. 19. SEO - what is NOT recommended Flash and shockwave - spiders do not pick up these files Image only sites - spiders do not pick up images Image maps - spiders cannot read image maps. Do not use them on your home page or critical pages. Frames - only one page can be titled (titling is critical in search rankings) - If the spider cannot read the complete page (because of the frames), it will not be indexed properly. - Some spiders may not even read a frames web site Misspellings, JavaScript or HTML errors (validate your code) 20. PDF files - Although some search engines can index them, the pages must be interpreted into HTML and can lose much of their content. - place PDFs lower down in your site Drop down menus spiders cannot read them therefore make sure you have a SiteMap 21. Content is the king This is to generate more traffic from the search engine, because if therere more content than there will be more keywords. More keywords indexed in the search engine, surely more traffic to the website. 22. Good URL Bad URL content&task=blogsection&id=12&Itemid=72 23. * 24. Off page SEO refers to techniques that can be used to improve the position of a web site in the search engine results page (SERPs). Many people associate off-page SEO with link building but it is not only that. In general, off Page SEO has to do with promotion methods beyond website design for the purpose of ranking a website higher in the search results. What is off-page in SEO? *Off-page optimization through you can increase traffic for your website, Blog, your Facebook page, Twitter, Google+ profile page and LinkedIn. Basically seo off- page optimization in us making quality back link and increasing back link. 25. Types of Back linking One way links are wonderful to have because it increases the link popularity. Two way links provides mutual agreement between two web sites to display the other's link somewhere on their website. Building inbound links is a simple and proves to be very powerful website promotional tool. Three way link building takes the link from other web site and in return you provide back links from one of your other website. So, I will prefer the One way link it takes lit bit more time only to manage. 26. Directory Submission Directory submission is refers to off-page optimization process of adding your site URL with other details (Title, Meta tag, Meta description, User and email id) to a most appropriate category. Website Examples : 27. Social Bookmarking Social bookmarking is refers to off-page optimization process of saving your URL and other details (Title, Meta tag, Meta description and user profile) online bookmarking to website and sharing with friends. Website Examples : 28. Blog creating Blog" is an abbreviated version of "weblog," which is a term used to describe website that maintain all information about your site. Blog creating is refers to off-page process of adding all information about your site to blog. Website Examples : 29. Forum posting Forum is an online discussion platform. Forum posting is refers to off-page process in which you can create your thread and replay to another thread. Website Examples : 30. Article submission Article submission is refers to off-page optimization process in which you write new or old information about your website, services or products. Article submission is a very good way to increase traffic and quality back links. Website Examples : 31. Press Release Press release is refers to off-page optimization process in which you announcement about some News and Innovation your new website, new services or new products. Press release is a very good way to increase traffic and quality back links. Website Examples : 32. Search engine submission Search engine submission is refers to off-page optimization process, submitting URL to search engine to know your website. Website Examples : 33. Classifieds submission Classifieds submission is refers to off-page optimization process. Classifieds is advertising form in which you can advertise your service, product, business website. Website Examples :

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