seo presentation

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Presentation Notes from Minneapolis Meetup Wed., Nov. 13, 2013 – 6:30-8:00 OffiCenters at International Plaza, 7900 International Dr., Suite 300, Bloomington, MN Presenter: Matthew Harrington EO Defined: the act of optimizing a web page/web site to perform better in organic search results Ecommerce Defined: the act of conducting commercial transactions electronically on the internet (using websites) Site Structure/Organization – keep it logical. If you have a clothing site, don’t put shoes in the t-shirt category URLs – descriptive ones are much better than “…/pageID=87”; on a related note, Categories should also have relevant descriptions summarizing the the products within. Products – description and meta content, including social sharing features should also be implemented. Images – always use alt tags, be descriptive. A picture of a dog eating puppy chow should be described as “young golden retriever eating puppy chow” and not simply as “dog”. Sitemaps – generate and submit to search engines full product catalog. Google (66%) and Bing (18): combined over 84% of US search traffic. Robots.txt files – exclude directories and include sitemap location. Videos – (There are sites and services other than YouTube) LINK TO Products. USE CLOSED CAPTIONING as this will allow search engines to index video content. Consider Responsive or Mobile version for website – mobile optimized has advantage. Algorithm update in May of 2013 that priorities mobile-optimized sites over their non-mobile optimized competitors Social Media – SMO: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram. Realize that many of these sites incorporate no-follow tags into any link you post. But remember Google and Bing have both acknowledged that they consider shares and likes on content posted to Social Channels. Also, engaging on social channels will only help spread brand awareness. Manage Redirects – 301 (permanent) and 302 (temporary), you can do this on some ecomm platforms or on your server by editing the htaccess file. Be Creative with 404s – defaults are usually bad, be creative. Some companies offer discounts to customers who report 404 pages. Once bad urls are located, create the 301 or 302 redirect Avoid Duplicate Content – use Redirects and rel=“canonical” Special Offer Pages – don’t delete, just change content Use Third party Modules/Plugins – they will make your life easier Benefits of SEO SEO you can reduce your Overall marketing expenditure Affiliate Marketing – commissions and fees, banner advertising etc PPC Advertising SEO will enhance organic search visibility, increase brand recognition and credibility. Although difficult to sometimes quantify, the benefits of SEO are very real and very significant. The increase in organic site traffic is directly measurable in Google Analytics.


SEO ECOMMERCESEO meetup Nov. 13th 2013

Matt HarringtonLead SEO/Marketing at

Top Ecommerce PlatformsTom Robertshaw Survey of Alex Top 1 Million ecommerce sites:




SEO For EcommerceSite Structure/Organization – keep it logical

URLs – descriptive ones are much better than “…/pageID=87”

Products – description and meta content

Images – always use alt tags, be descriptive

Sitemaps – generate and submit to search engines full product catalog

Robots.txt files – exclude directories, include sitemap location

Videos – (There are sites and services other than YouTube)

SEO For EcommerceConsider Responsive Designs – mobile optimized has advantage

Social Media - SMO

Manage Redirects – 301 and 302

Be Creative with 404s – defaults are usually bad

Avoid Duplicate Content – use Redirects and rel=“canonical”

Special Offer Pages – don’t delete, just change content

Use Third party Modules/Plugins – they will make your life easier

SEO BENEFITS Reduce Overall Marketing Expense

Increase unpaid traffic to website

Increase revenue from unpaid traffic to site

Help improve conversion rates and improve website usability

SEO results can be slow to realize but are often long lived

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