
Post on 17-May-2015






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SEO (Search Engine Optimization) BEFORE THE FIRST PIXEL IS EVER RENDERED OR THE FIRST CHARACTER OF CODE IS WRITTEN YOU SHOULD ASK THEN ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: What is the purpose (or goal) of the website? Monetized.....sell a product Gather Data....personal information, mailing list Influence/Educate.....promote an idea, to educate or raise awareness Supportive building, redirect, rebuttal or counter a campaign How will you know when you have met or reached a goal? What are the required pages needed? Home About Us Product Detail Shopping Cart What is the purpose of each webpage? Home About Product info Collect data (i.e personal info) Sell Who is the user? Male/Female MAC/PC Age Area Browser Device How will the user find the website? Search Engine: Google, Bing, Yahoo, blekko Supportive....Billboard, Business Card, Yellow Pages, Radio What keyword(s) will the user type to find the website? How competitive are the keywords? How frequently are the keywords typed in per month? What are the variations of the keywords or search phrase? Where is the unguarded gate? What does the competition landscape look like? What is their Alexa ranking? Number of inbound links ? Number of .edu and .gov links?

How old is their domain? What is their budget on PPC? How well is their website designed? How well is it programmed? How well is it optimized? Is there any consistency in themes such as color or design? What are the collective averages of the pages? Where do you think you could improve? Primary On Page Optimization Page title Headline Content Canonical meta description Microdata, micro formatting, RDFa anchor text links emphasized keywords BOLD ITALICS 600 to 1000 words Link Bait Items Video Games Articles Software or Apps Tool Box Microsoft Excel Google Analytics Google Webmaster Tools Google Website Optimizer (Split Testing) Google Keyword Tool Google Places Ontolo Link Building Tool Photoshop AttentionWizard Text Editor (HTML) or Dreamweaver Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Flock and RockMelt Open Site Explorer Rank Tracking Software (Rank Tracker from Keyword Research Tools

WHAT YOU WILL NEED TO KNOW Basic HTML & Web Development Skills Link Building Keyword Research On-Page Requirements Website Analytics Learn how to write well Understand Basic Marketing Principles WHO TO READ OR FOLLOW Aaron Wall seobook Rand Fishkin seomoz Wil Reynolds seer interactive

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