september 11, 2001. 9/11 and current issues cypress woods high school

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September 11, 2001September 11, 2001

9/11 and Current Issues

Cypress Woods High School

9/11 Quiz

• 1) How many planes were hijacked?

• 2) What country did the hijackers come from?

• 3) What group was responsible for the attacks?

• 4) Who was their leader?

• 5) What country are they based in?

Roots of Conflict• Creation of

State of Israel

• U.S. foreign policy in Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan

• U.S. interest in the area

Iran – U.S. Hostage Crisis

•Americans were held hostage in Iran for 444 days (November 4, 1979-January 20, 1981)

•First taste of Islamic fundamentalism and the deep hatred for the U.S. foreign policy that exists among some radical Muslims

November 4, 1979

• U.S. President George Bush (#41) successfully put together a coalition of over 30 nations including neighboring Egypt and Saudi Arabia to drive Iraq out of Kuwait

The Gulf War (Desert Storm)

Al-Qaeda• Osama Bin Laden

had financed many of the Muslim “freedom fighters” that went to fight the Soviets in the 1980’s

• The organization that he was a part of has become Al Qaeda

• They targeted U.S. interests during the 1990’s

• February 1993 - explosion at the WTC in New York City (6 killed)

• October 1993 – 10 U.S. soldiers killed in Somalia (East Africa)

• June 1996 – Truck bomb explodes outside a military complex in Saudi Arabia killing 19 U.S. servicemen and injuring hundreds of others

• August 1998 – bombing of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania (East Africa) kills 224 including 12 Americans

• October 2000 – bombing of the USS Cole while it is in port in Yemen (Arabian Peninsula) 17 U.S. sailors killed

Terrorist Attacks by Al-Qaeda

September 11, 2001

Pentagon Building Shanksville, PA

New York City

New York City, As seen from Google Earth,

September 11, 2001

2753 victims


911 Hijackers

• 15 of 19 from Saudi Arabia

• Some trained at Al-Qaeda terrorist camps

• In U.S. for a few months and lived in either San Diego or South Florida

The leader of Al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, the wealthy son of a prominent Saudi family with ties to the royal family, planned the attacks from his hideout in the mountains of Afghanistan.

War on Terror - AfghanistanOct 7, 2001- Present

• Goal: Invade Afghanistan to oust Taliban regime, capture bin Laden and eliminate al-Qaeda

Operation Enduring Freedom

War on Terror – IraqMarch 20, 2003- August 19,

2010• Goals: Look for

WMD (weapons of mass destruction)

• Oust dictator Saddam Hussein

• Bring democracy to Iraq

• Controversy exists over reasons U.S. went to Iraq.

With the fall of Saddam Hussein, we had won the war.

Our challenge today is to win the peace, bring democracy to a country that doesn’t have a democratic history and help the Iraqi people rule themselves.

5,800+ U.S. military killed40,000+ U.S. military injured

Iraqi and Afghan civilian and military deaths:Range from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands(depends on survey used)

Freedom Tower

Boston Strong

• Boston Marathon Bombing

• April 15, 2013

• 3 killed in initial bombing

• 1 police officer killed on 4/18

Boston Strong

• Motive: extremist Islamic beliefs and a reaction to U.S. foreign policy in Middle Eastern countries.

Boston Strong

• 2013 World Series

Benghazi, Libya. September 11, 2011

Planned and carried out by Al Qaida. Four Americans were killed.

In the most recent terrorist attack, Al Qaeda groups from Somalia attacked a mall in Kenya, killing 71 innocent people.

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