september, · pastor spencer broce, lisa...

Post on 31-Jul-2020






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NEWSLETTER STAFF: Mary Lou Pennell, Editor Phone: 746-8538 Linda & Chuck Connors CHURCH INFORMATION: R. Spencer Broce, Pastor Lisa Beckwith, Youth Minister Linda Kennedy, Choir Director Sarah Davis - Accompanist Meredith Vogel, Nursery Associate Bonnie Field, Adm. Assistant

Worship Services; 9:00 am and 11:00 am Sunday School: 10:00 am

Church Office: 746-0980 Pastor’s Home: 550-2734 Lebanon UMC 8492 Peaks Road Hanover, VA 23069


Wednesday Night Act iv it ies A lso Resume. . . .

Begin n ing September 21st , we wi l l resume ou r Wed nesday n ight fel lowsh ip and fa ith ac t iv it ies . Each week the meal beg ins at 6 pm and the s t udy beg ins at 6:45 in the chapel for adu lt s . For some 6 pm may be too ea rly to get here, so Cathy Fet t y and her fa ith f u l g roup in the k itchen ser ve the meal up u nt i l 6:30 or so i f you can’t get here u nt i l t hat t ime. The nu rser y is avai lable f rom 6 to 8 , and du r ing the s t udy t ime there a re of fe r ings for ch i ld ren and midd le schooler s and h igh schooler s as wel l .

On the f i r s t of these n ight s we wi l l beg in with a mission fa i r cente red a rou nd ou r Ch r is t ian response to pover t y. Th is wi l l beg in at 6:30 in the Fel lowsh ip Hal l . Joe Maslan ka has a r ranged for the g uest speakers to help us th in k more deeply about th is subject . Bishop Dar r yl Husband , Sen ior Pastor of Mou nt Ol ivet Chu rch in R ich mond , wi l l speak on the spi r i t ua l nat u re of ou r com mit ment to the poor coming f rom h is exper ience in Chu rch Hi l l se r v ing those in pover t y. We wi l l a lso be hea r ing f rom t wo per sons with the Un ited Way as they speak on the impact of pover t y in t he G reate r R ich mond Met ro a rea , Cara Cardot t i , THR I V E Col laborat ive Manager as wel l a s Kat ina Wil l iams, Di rector of Com mu nit y Impact: I ncome. A nd las t ly, Dave Cooper, the CEO of Ci rcles Ash land , wi l l speak on the organ izat ion’s goals to pu l l people out of generat ional pover t y local ly. The fol lowing week , Sept . 28th , we wi l l beg in the s t udy, “The Wesleyan Way”. I n th is excit i ng and inspi r ing new st udy, Bishop Scot t J. Jones helps seekers and bel ievers to env ision and pract ice d isciplesh ip as a way of l i fe. P resent ing Ch r is t ian it y f rom a Wesleyan perspect ive, Jones inv ites pa r t ic ipant s i nto a deeper, more thought f u l , more act ive com mit ment to Ch r is t . Th is 8 -session s t udy helps pa r t ic ipant s focus on how, th rough d isciplesh ip with Jesus Ch r is t , we become pa r t of God’s work in t rans- for ming the world .

See you Wed nesdays th is fa l l!

We wil l resume ou r reg ula r worsh ip schedule on Sunday, Sept . 18 with contemporar y worsh ip at 9 am, Sunday School at 10 am, and t rad it ional worsh ip at 11 am.

We wi l l resume ou r reg u la r Worsh ip Ser v ices’ schedule on Su nday, Sept . 18 with contempora r y worsh ip at 9 am, Su nday School a t 10 am, and t rad it ional worsh ip at 11 am.

We wi l l be celebrat ing ou r las t ON E worsh ip se r-v ice of the sum mer on September 11 with a chu rch-wide meal af te r wards. Fr ied ch icken , d r in ks , and paper product s wi l l be f u r n ished. You a re asked to br ing a side d ish , sa lad , or desser t to sha re.

You a re i nv ited to join The Hanover Ch r is t ian Fi re -wood Min is t r y for thei r an nual picn ic on Su nday, Sept . 25, 1 to 3 pm. Th is event wi l l be held at Hi l lc res t Bapt is t Chu rch at 11342 Hi l lc res t Road.Ever yone is welcome and the cost i s f ree. You a re asked to br ing a side d ish or desser t to sha re. RSV P to ea rlygo2@hot mai l .com or by ca l l i ng 281-4360 by Monday, Sept . 12.

Than ks to ever yone for pa r t ic ipat ing in ou r pic to -r ia l d i rec tor y. I f you pu rchased photos , you should have received those a long with you r compl imenta r y 8x10 photo. I f you d id n’t pu rchase photos , you r compl imenta r y photo was del ivered with others to the chu rch of f ice. As of th is date , there a re s t i l l a few remain ing to be picked up in the chu rch of-f ice. We expect the d i rector ies to be avai lable for d is t r ibut ion in the Fal l . I f you have any quest ions , please contact Susan Mar t in at 804 -363-7990 or

Ou r Charge Conference date (an nual meet ing with ou r Dis t r ic t Supt .) has been set for Su nday, Oct . 23 at 4 pm. Please put th is date on you r ca lendar.

Than ks so much to a l l t he pa rent sand youth who at tended ou r Youth or ient at ion meet ing Aug. 28. I f you were not able to at tend , please contact Lisa at Youth@LebanonU to have you r i n for mat ion added for the youth news emai ls . Su nday Night youth resumes Sept . 11 at 6:30 pm. Ou r Wed nesday n ight smal l g roups resume s t a r t i ng Sept . 14 at 6:45 pm.

The Chancel Choi r has re - sumed pract ice on Thu rsday n ight s a t 7:15 pm. There a re s t i l l some empt y seat s jus t wait i ng for you to come help s i ng a joy f u l noise u nto theLord! Contact Linda Ken nedy at l ken nedy385@g mai l .com or 730 - 4655 for more in for mat ion.

“Poor K ids” - Show ing of documentar y Fr iday, Sept . 23 from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. at the Ashland Theater

Free and open to the publ ic wi l l be a showing or Poor K ids , a Front l i ne Documenta r y about g rowing up poor i n A mer ica ( pover t y th rough the eyes of a ch i ld). The f i lm wi l l be show n f rom 6:30 - 7:30.

Af te r the f i lm wi l l be a panel d iscussion with

- T had Wi l l iamson , Author of Mak ing a Place for Com-mu n it y, for merly Di rec tor of t he R ich mond Wealth Bu i ld ing (ant i -pover t y) i n i t ia t ive & U of R professor - Dr. Sa rah Cr ibbs , P rofessor of Sociolog y & A nth ro -polog y at Randolph Macon Col lege - Jay Brow n, Di rec tor, Div ision of Housing Ser v ices , Com monwealth Cathol ic Cha r i t ies - Rev. Ben Campbel l , Author of R ich mond’s Un healed His tor y, for mer Pas tora l Di rec tor of R ich mond Hi l l - A nd Ash land Ci rcle Leader s who completed t r a in ing i n the prog ram - Moderator, Dave Cooper (Ci rcles Ash land Execut ive Di rec tor)

Th is event i s hosted by Ci rcles Ash land (Ci rcles--ash land-va .org) Ref resh ments wi l l be for sa le to benef it t he Ash land Theate r.

Joe Maslanka met with the R ich mond Dist r ic t Com mit tee on Ordained Min is t r y in Aug ust and has been accepted as a cer t i f ied cand idate for Li-censed Local Pastor.

Paul and Taylor Sher wood welcomed Al ice Jean Sher wood on Ju ly 12 , weigh ing 6 pou nds and 4 ou nces. P roud g randparent s a re Br yan and Tam-my Ramsey.

Andrew and Amber Wi l l iams welcomed Alec Ste -ven Wil l iams on Aug ust 7 weigh ing 9 lb., 10 oz . P roud g randparent s a re Hol ly and Joe Maslan ka .

To Dor is Tignor and her fami ly as they g r ieve the loss of her brother, Mon roe Loving Sr., who passed away Aug ust 5.

The R ighteous Out laws have t aped another fea-t u re of Chan nel 8 i n R ich mond. They have been spot l ighted again for work in the com mu nit y. They wi l l be play ing at O’Ban ks on Sept . 9 to ra ise money for Ci rcles Ash land , then wi l l ap -pea r the ver y next day at Haley Buick on Mid lo -th ian Tu r npike f rom 12 noon to 2 pm for an event hosted by thei r good f r iend and ow ner of Haley Buick , Bar r y Moore. It i s Bar r y who has got ten the R ighteous Out laws on Chan nel 8 and he a lso hosted the Bat t le of the Bands in 2014, wh ich was won by the R ighteous Out laws.

Speak ing of win n ing, the R ighteous Out laws have been recog n ized again as one of R ich mond’s Top 5; please cast you r votes and help them win and generate more exposu re for cha r it ies i n need a rou nd R ich mond. Go to the Times Dispatch web-site for vot ing ins t r uct ions.

W hy do we have a com mu nit y rela- t ions com mit tee or t eam? W hat do t hey do? A nd who a re they?

T he Lebanon Com mu nit y Relat ions Team (“Team”) promotes event s that suppor t the Lebanon fami ly as wel l a s br ing aware -ness i n the su r rou nd ing neighborhoods to the of-fe r ings of Lebanon United Method is t Chu rch.

Th is yea r the Team sponsored an in for mat ional t ent a t the St rawber r y Fai re. Members of the chu rch as wel l a s the Team t a l ked with members of the com mu nit y and prov ided in for mat ion about the of fe r ings of Lebanon. They a lso handed out red reusable g rocer y bags with ou r contact i n for-mat ion.

The Team organ ized and suppor ted the recent up -date to Lebanon’s pic tor ia l d i rec tor y. Th is up -dated d i rector y prov ides a moment i n h is tor y for Lebanon and prov ides a usef u l tool for new mem-bers .

LebWear was of fe red th rough the Team and wi l l be of fe red again . LebWear a l lows us to sha re ou r Chu rch wherever we go.

A nd of cou rse, there is LebFest! Mark you r ca len-da rs for October 22! A t ime of f u n for a l l! Come and sha re i n the f u n and inv ite fami ly and f r iends to ou r fes t ival that of fe r s food , music, shopping, games and an imals .

W ho is on the Team? YOU A R E!

“Each of you should use whatever g i f t you have received to ser ve others , as fa i thful s tewads of God’s g race in i t s var ious forms.” 1 Pete r 4:10

Pastor Spencer Broce, Lisa Beck with , Ron i Doo-l in , Mar y Beth Glass , Susan Mar t in , Alan and Ly n n Nesaw, and R honda Ut te rback welcome you a l l to ou r plan n ing meet ings. We a lso want to than k you for you r cont inued suppor t and pa r t ic i-pat ion.

& Yard Sale Oct . 22 , 2016

Contacts: Leb Fest - Roni Dool in dool in11486@comcast .net Yard Sale - Mar y Lou Pennel l mlpennel l@comcast .net

It seems that ever y sum mer has i t ’s song, whether i t was “I’m Sor r y” by Brenda Lee back in 1960, “One Of These Night s” by the Eagles i n 1975, “Shout ” by Tea rs For Fea rs 1985, “Water fa l l s” by TLC 1995, or 2015’s “Cheerleader” by OMI. 2016 seems to s t i l l be work ing i t sel f out . I want to k now, what about the Fal l . Come on! Doesn’t the Fal l have a sou ndt rack? Winter has some of i t s ow n music, and there a re even a few devoted to Spr ing, but Fal l? Nope. It jus t doesn’t seem to inspi re song- w r ite r s to come up with good , sol id music to br ing in the Fal l .

So le t ’s see i f I can br ing some inspi rat ion to you r Fal l… Nope, noth ing, nada , z i lch , z ip…

Oh wait , except W E SERV E A N AW ESOME GOD W HO K NOWS US A N D WA NTS US TO K NOW HIM!!! I th in k when we cente r ou r l ives on that piece of i n for mat ion , and ever y th ing that goes a long with i t , we f ind ou rselves open to being inspi red by the d iv ine spi r i t Himsel f .

Do you ever have a ho -hum day, week , month , yea r, e tc? I’m not t a l k ing any th ing cl in ica l , but the blahs? It seems to come when we lose a sense of pu r pose, a lack of g rou nd ing and we need to be red i rected . Fal l can be a t ime for those th ings. There’s a w r ite r I fol low, by the name of Jon Acuf f , who encou rages us to see fa l l a s a t ime to renewal and ref resh ment , even a reboot . He w rote th is…

It happens at the end of ever y sum mer. K ids ever y where get a f resh s t a r t whether they l i ke i t or not (usual ly not) i n the for m of going back to school .

Remember that feel ing? You were 95% su re you d id n’t want sum mer vacat ion to end , but there was a lways a smal l pa r t of you that was excited for the coming school yea r.

New clothes. New classes. New hai rcut . New teachers .

It was a reset but ton that you might not have wanted , but you k new you needed. A f resh s t a r t that marked another yea r of g row th and an oppor t u n it y to be bet te r. I f you’re headed back to school th is month , you k now exact ly what I’m t a l k ing about . I hope you’re excited about i t , and I hope you make the most of the chal lenges ahead of you.

But what about the res t of us? We have to wait for ou r chance at a f resh s t a r t when New Year’s Day rol ls a rou nd , r ight? Wrong.

He goes on f rom there to g ive an inspi rat ional l i t t le d iscou rse on how one might go about doing that , and i f you’d l i ke to read i t you can f ind i t here, ht t p: //acuf f .me/2016/08/3-ways-boost-goals -using-momen-t um-new-school-yea r/.

But what I would l i ke to encou rage you to do is to f i nd that place, that th ing, that cente r that wi l l help you to recon nect , or con nect more deeply with the k nowledge that the a l l -k nowing, a l l -power f u l , a l l -present God , who created a l l t hat i s seen and u nseen , f rom the vast ness of the u n iverse to the int r icacies of the atom, loves you and cla ims you and inv ites you to do the same with Him. May you be inspi red (which l i t e ra l ly means f i l led with spi r i t) by the Holy Spi r i t to love God , to se r ve God , to sha re God in a l l t hat you say do and th in k .

Bless ings upon you dur ing th is v ibrant season,

Pastor Spencer

Three Ways to Help Lebanon f inancial ly with

“no addit ional cost to you!”

1. Amazon Smi les

Lebanon is now reg istered with AmazonSmiles and wi l l receive .5% of any pu rchases that you would nor mal ly make f rom . Simply go to and on you r f i r s t v isit , select “Change Your Char it able Organ izat ion” as there wi l l a l ready be another organ izat ion automat ical ly appear ing there. Ty pe in Lebanon United Methodist Church , select the Hanover locat ion and Lebanon wi l l then automat ical ly appear as you r char it able choice each t ime you v isit the website. You can use the same account that you al ready have set up for

2 . K roger

K roger cont inues to donate a percentage of you r pu rchases to Lebanon but it is “necessar y for you to re -reg ister on an annual basis .” K roger is now not ing on the bot tom of you r cash reg is -te r receipt when it is t ime for you to re -reg ister. You can also v isit the K roger website and cl ick on “Com munit y” and then “Com munit y Rewards” to see i f you a re s t i l l reg is tered and i f not , you can quick ly do so. You can also see the ind iv idual amount that K roger has donated to Lebanon on you r behal f for the last quar ter. I f you have never reg istered , please consider doing so. Lebanon received $2 ,638 f rom th is prog ram in 2015!

3. Food Lion

You can pu rchase Food Lion g rocer y ca rds in denominat ions of $25, $50, or $100 each week in the Gather ing A rea af te r each worsh ip ser v ice. Food Lion al lows Lebanon to pu rchase the ca rds at 95% of thei r face value thus g iv ing the chu rch a 5% prof it when you pu rchase the ca rds at f u l l face value.

I f you have any quest ions on these prog rams, contact you r t reasu rer, Mar y Lou Pen nel l , at mlpen-nel l@comcast .net or you r f inancial secret a r y, Susan Mar t in , at

Operat ing Budget Data* Beg inning Balance 01/01/2016 $ 1, 588

Add: Of fer ings & Other Receipts including e -g iv ing $ 275,472 Value of Grocer y Cards on hand 3,725 Total to be added $ 279,197

Subt ract: Expenses/Al locat ions to Capit al Improvement Accts. $ 262,077 Funds “Rest r icted” for specif ic projects 5,692Total to be subt racted $ 267,769

Avai lable Operat ing Fund Balance 09/04/2016 $13,016

Year-To-Date Budgeted Need $278,785Year-To-Date Act ual Receipts $275,472

Total Grocer y Card Revenue $ 1,645Total Amazon Smiles Revenue $ 30

*Fig u res do not include other chu rch f unds , i .e., Missions , Capit a l Improvements , Chapel , Cemeter y, Pastor Discret ionar y.

Ful l t reasu rer’s repor t s avai lable at a l l Counci l meet ings where a l l a re welcome to at tend.Quest ions? Contact you r t reasu rer, Mar y Lou Pen nel l , mlpen nel l@comcast .net or 746 -8538.


Sept . 4 Wes Ladd 11 Jim Dore 18 Jim Dore & Lynda Hawk ins 25 Lynda Hawk ins & Judy Ladd Oct . 2 Judy & Wes Ladd FlowersPlease put a note in Bonnie’s mai lbox (Adm. Asst .) , leave a message on the church of f ice answer ing machine or send emai l to of f i f you would l ike to designate your f lowers in honor or in memor y of someone.

Sept . 4 Bennet t Fami ly 11 Nesaw Fami ly 18 Mary Lou & Danny Pennel l 29 Linda & Emory Clot felter Oct . 2 Cathy Whitener

Col lect ion Count ing Teams

Sept . Team Captain: Randy Eye Par t icipant: Carolyn Lane

Oct . Team Captain: Donna Timmerman Par t icipant: Mary Ford

Nursery (Serv ing with our Nursery Associate , Meredith Vogel)

Sept . 4 - 10 am - Judy Ladd 11 - 10 am - Open

9 am 11 am

Sept . 18 Open Open 25 Cathy Fet t y Open Oct . 2 Judy Ladd Open

Lay Reader - 10 & 11 am

Robin Bruce


Lebanon United Methodist Church8492 Peaks RoadHanover, VA 23069

Please note the fol lowing in for mat ion regard ing Lebanon’s WiFi: Name: “LebU MC”. Password: “ join lebumc”

Please use responsibly.

Ashland Har vest Run & Pumpk in WalkSaturday, Oct . 15 , 2016

The GFWC Ashcake Women’s Club & Hanover Safe Place a re hav ing a 5K /10K Ash land Har vest Ru n , feat u r ing the 1 mi le Fami ly Pumpk in Wal k . Th is yea r proceeds wi l l suppor t Hanover Safe Place, Wings of Hope Ranch & Ci rcles Ash land. P r ices to r u n a re $20 - $25 and wi l l i ncrease af te r 9/30.

Cor porate ads a re avai lable. Visit Ash land Har vestRu for more in for mat ion

* * * * * * * * * * * * Below i s a thank you note rece ived in response to a love g i f t f rom Lebanon of $766: Dea r Lebanon U MC,

Than k you so much for the out pou r ing of love you have bestowed upon us as we have g row n up in the chu rch. You r ca re for us and suppor t for ou r min is t r y in ou r t r ansit ion is a lways wel l appreciated . You r love of fe r ing has helped im mensely in the move. Than k you and God bless you.

Randy and Stephan ie Tim mer man

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