sergei nekhai, ph.d. objectives...sergei nekhai, ph.d. objectives: •functional organization of...

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    Sergei Nekhai, Ph.D.


    •Functional organization of viral particles

    • Viral Symmetry

    • Viral Capsids

  • Structure of Viruses

    • Size range –

    – most

  • Electron Microscopy

    •Staining with electron-contrast (phosphotungstic acid or uranyl

    acetate) material

    •Evaluation of stool specimens from patients with gastroenteritis

    (rotaviruses, astroviruses, adenoviruses, noroviruses)

    • Direct detection of viral particles when viral culture conditions

    or reagents are not available (early detection of SARS)

    •Direct examination of specimens for herpesvirus, poxvirus or


    •Examination of fixed tissues obtained from biopsy or autopsy if

    histology is performed as well

    •Examination of infected tissue culture

  • Electron Microscopy

  • Scanning Electron Microscopy

  • Cryo-Electron Microscopy

    •Any waveform can be presented as a sum of simple

    sinusoids of different frequencies

    •The Fourer Transform decomposes any waveform

    into sinusoids


    FT of



    Inverse FT

    and 3D


    Dryden, et al, 1993. J. Cell Biol. 122:1023-1041.

    Mammalian Reovirus

  • X-Ray Chrystallography

  • Structure of Viruses

    (Baker et al.)

    Characteristic size scale is 30-100 nm.

    Structures are known at “atomic resolution” - see Viper website (

    Highly symmetric - think hard about what this implies about assembly!

  • Viruses

    Figure 13.1

  • Organization of Viral Particles

    •Contains RNA or DNA

    •Form a protective package

    •Transmit genetic material

    •Entry, multiply and exit

    the host

    •Redirect cellular


    E. coli Streptococcus

    Yeast Cell

  • Terminology

    • Virion: physical virus particle. Nucleocapsid alone for some viruses (picornaviruses) or including outer envelope structure for others (retroviruses).

    • Capsid (syn: coat): regular, shell-like structure composed of aggregated protein subunits which surrounds the viral nucleic acid ]

    • Nucleocapsid (syn: core): viral nucleic acid enclosed by a capsid protein coat

    • Envelope (syn: viral membrane): lipid bylayer containing viral glycoproteins. The phospholipids in the bylayer are derived from the cell that the virus arose from. Not all viruses have envelopes some consist of only the nucleocapsid

  • Viruses - Structure

    • contain DNA or RNA

    • contain a protein coat (capsid)

    • Some are enclosed by an envelope

    • Some viruses have spikes

  • General Structure of Viruses

    • Capsids

    – All viruses have capsids - protein coats that enclose

    and protect their nucleic acid.

    – Each capsid is constructed from identical subunits

    called capsomers made of protein.

    – The capsid together with the nucleic acid are


  • The Viral Capsid• Capsid- Protein coat that encapsidates the viral genome.

    • Nucleocapsid-Capsid with genome inside (plus anything else that may be inside like enzymes and other viral proteins for some viruses).

    Capsid functions

    1. Protect genome from atmosphere (May include damaging UV-light, shearing forces, nucleases either leaked or secreted by cells).

    2. Virus-attachment protein- interacts with cellular receptor to initiate infection.

    3. Delivery of genome in infectious form. May simply “dump” genome into cytoplasm (most +ssRNA viruses) or serve as the core for replication (retroviruses and rotaviruses).

  • Human Viruses

    "Group" Family Genome Genome size (kb) Capsid Envelope


    Poxviridae dsDNA, linear 130 to 375 Ovoid Yes

    Herpesviridae dsDNA, linear 125 to 240 Icosahedral Yes

    Adenoviridae dsDNA, linear 26 to 45 Icosahedral No

    Polyomaviridae dsDNA, circular 5 Icosahedral No

    Papillomaviridae dsDNA, circular 7 to 8 Icosahedral No


    Anellovirus ssDNA circular 3 to 4 Isometric No

    Parvoviradae ssDNA, linear, (- or +/-) 5 Icosahedral No


    Hepadnaviridae dsDNA (partial), circular 3 to 4 Icosahedral Yes

    Retroviridae ssRNA (+), diploid 7 to 13 Spherical, rod or cone shaped Yes


    Reoviridae dsRNA, segmented 19 to 32 Icosahedral No

    ssRNA (-)

    Rhabdoviridae ssRNA (-) 11 to 15 Helical Yes

    Filoviridae ssRNA (-) 19 Helical Yes

    Paramyxoviridae ssRNA (-) 10 to 15 Helical Yes

    Orthomyxoviridae ssRNA (-), segmented 10 to 13.6 Helical Yes

    Bunyaviridae ssRNA (-, ambi), segmented 11 to 19 Helical Yes

    Arenaviridae ssRNA (-, ambi), segmented 11 Circular, nucleosomal Yes

    Deltavirus ssRNA (-) circular 2 Spherical Yes

    ssRNA (+)

    Picornaviridae ssRNA (+) 7 to 9 Icosahedral No

    Calciviridae ssRNA (+) 7 to 8 Icosahedral No

    Hepevirus ssRNA (+) 7 Icosahedral No

    Astroviridae ssRNA (+) 6 to 7 Isometric No

    Coronaviridae ssRNA (+) 28 to 31 Helical Yes

    Flaviviridae ssRNA (+) 10 to 12 Spherical Yes

    Togaviridae ssRNA (+) 11 to 12 Icosahedral Yes

  • Principles of Viral Architecture

    •Viral capsid are made of repated protein subunits

    •Capsids are self assembled

    •Fraenkel-Conrat and Williams (1955): self-assembly of TMV

    •Proteins and nucleic acids are held together with non-

    covalent bonds

    •Protein-protein, protein-nucleic acid, protein-lipid

    •Helical or icosahedral symmetry

  • Viral Capsids

    • If 1 protein for 1 capsid:

    – Need > 18,000 amino acids.

    – Need > 54,000 nucleotides.

    – Small viruses hold max. of 5,000 nucleotides.

    • Must use many copies of 1 (or a few) protein(s).

    • High symmetry

    – Minimizes # different subunit interactions involved with assembly.

    – Simpler protein.

    – Self assembly:

    • Self-contained assembly "instructions".

  • Basic Nucleocapsid Structures:

    • HELICAL: Rod shaped, varying widths and specific

    architectures; no theoretical limit to the amount of nucleic

    acid that can be packaged

    • CUBIC (Icosahedral): Spherical, amount of nucleic acid

    that can be packaged is limited by the number of

    capsomers and the size of the viral particle

    • Irregular: Without clear symmetry

  • Capsid and Envelope


    Icosahedral Enveloped


    Capsid:•Protect viral nucleic acid

    •Interact with the nucleic acid for packaging

    •Interact with vector for specific transmission

    •Interact with host receptors for entry to cell and to release of nucleic acid

    Envelope:•Made from host cell membrane (plasma, ER or Golgi)

    •Fuse for Entry

  • Helical viruses• Organized around a single axis (the “helix axis”)

    • Probably evolved along with other helical structures like DNA, a-helix, etc.

    • Allow flexibility (bending)

    • Helical viruses form a closely related spring like helix instead. The best studied TMV but many animal viruses and phage use this general arrangement. – Note-all animal viruses that are helical are enveloped, unlike many of

    the phage and plant viruses.

    • Most helixes are formed by a single major protein arranged with a constant relationship to each other (amplitude and pitch).

    • They can be described by their Pitch (P, in nm):

    • P= u x p, u-# of protein subunits per helical turn, p-axial rise per subunit

  • Helical symmetry

    • Tobacco mosaic virus is typical,

    well-studied example

    • Each particle contains only a single

    molecule of RNA (6395 nucleotide

    residues) and 2130 copies of the

    coat protein subunit (158 amino

    acid residues; 17.3 kilodaltons)

    – u=16.33 subunits/turn

    – p=1.4 Å

    – P= 23 Å

    • TMV protein subunits + nucleic

    acid will self-assemble in vitro in an

    energy-independent fashion

    • Self-assembly also occurs in the

    absence of RNA

    TMV rod is 18 nanometers (nm) X 300 nm

  • Influenza virus

  • Ebola Virus• Filamentous Filovirus with single-stranded (-) RNA genome

    • The capsid has a helical morphology and is encased inside a membrane


    • VP30- matrix protein; L protein – RNA polymerase

  • Vesicular Stomatitis Virus• VSV coat protein (50 aa): alpha helical with 3 distinct domains:

    + charge interacts with nucleic acid, hydrophobic with proteins on

    either side, negative charge with polar environment

    • Subunits are tilted 20o relative to the long axis of the particle.

    • VSV Genome: 11,000 nt -ssRNA interacts with the nucleocapsid

    protein (N) to form a helical structure with P=5 nm. .


    •1956, Watson and Crick – only cubic symmetry

    leads to isometric particle

    •Only three cubic symmetry exist:

    •tetrahedral (2:3) – 12 identical


    •octahedral (4:3:2) – 24 identical


    •icosahedral (5:3:2) – 60 identical


    •For viruses of 150-200 Å - ~ 60 of

    20 kDa protein subunits

    •However, for viruses > 250 Å (turnip

    yellow mosaic), it was more than 60


  • Parvovirus Structure

  • Picornavirus Structure


    1962, Caspar and Klug – found a principal of building

    icosahedral structures from similar blocks

    • Shell is built from the same blocks

    •Bonds are deformed in a slightly different ways

    •Assumed a possibility of 5 degrees deformation

    •Shell can contain 60n subunits

    A Fuller geodesic dome

    That inspired Caspar

    and Klug

  • Triangulation number (T) Enumerated by Caspar

    and Klug

    • T=f2 x P where f=# of subdivisions on each side of a triangular

    face, P=h2 + hk + k2 where h and k are any nonnegative integer

    • Only T’s that may be derived from the above equation are


    • 60 = minimal number of irregular subunits required


    Tabulation of the Triangulation Number T


    P = 1 1 4 9 16 25 . . . .

    P = 3 3 12 27 . . . .

    Skew Classes 7 13 19 21 . . . .

    T = Pf2, where P = h2 + hk + k2, h and k any pair of integers with no common

    factor, and f= 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , . . . .

    Number of structure units S=60 T

    Number morphological units M = 10 T + 2= 10(T-1) hexamers + 12 pentamers

  • (a) P=1, T=1. (b) P = 1, T= 4. (c) and (d), P = 3 (T=3 and 12, respectively). (e), (f),

    (g) and (h), first members of the skew classes P = 7, 13, 19, and 21, respectively.


  • Different Arrangements of Icosahedral Symmetry

    Zlotnick A. PNAS 2004;101:15549-15550

    ©2004 by National Academy of Sciences

  • Jellyroll: Many, but not all Viral


  • Capsid proteins


    • Rhombohedral wedges:

    – Fit into icosahedron.

    • Jellyroll topology

    • Conserved in many small viruses

    – T = 1, 3, …

    • 60, 180, 240 proteins…

    – RNA or DNA viruses.

    • Essentially no sequence homology.

  • Picornaviridae, a prototype T=3 virus• Quasi-equivalence with pentamer at each vertex and

    hexamers in other regions;

    • Triangulation # = 3.

    • Note that VP-4 is not on the surface of the structure but lies under the face.

  • Picornaviridae, a prototype T=3 virus• The protein subunits that form each protomer all assume a similar

    (not identical) shape .

    • In fact all T=3 RNA viruses have proteins that form “8 strand antiparallel b barrels”.

    • The structures form from the polypeptide by first forming a “jelly-roll barrel” that then goes on to form the wedge-shaped barrel when the capsid is being formed.

  • • Each particle contains

    only a single molecule

    of RNA (4800 nt) and

    180 copies of the coat

    protein subunit (387 aa;

    41 kd)

    • Viruses similar to TBSV

    will self-assemble in

    vitro from protein

    subunits + nucleic acid

    in an energy-

    independent fashion

    TBSV icosahedron is 35.4 nm in diameter

    Protein Subunits Capsomeres

    T= 3 LatticeC


    Tomato Bushy Stunt Virus

  • Assembly of Turnip Crinkle Virus

  • Scaffold-guided Assembly of Bacteriophage HK97


    420 subunits

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