serum andtissue inhibitors - · coproteins, mucopolysaccharides, and lipopro-teins....

Post on 08-Jul-2020






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Departments of Preventive Medicine and Medicine, School of Medicine, Western ReserveUniversity and the University Hospitals, Cleveland, Ohio


That so-called "natural immunity" is depend-ent upon a series of complex factors is agreed bymost, and is certainly attested to by the scope ofpapers presented in the present symposium. It istempting, as one reviews published reports andpersonal research experiences, to consider thosenatural substances of the host which inhibit bio-logical properties of viruses as being importantparticipants in this constant contest betweenparasites and their potential prey. Materials iso-lated from tissues, body secretions, or serum,which can inhibit viruses under experimental con-ditions, have received particular emphasis in theinvestigation of nonspecific resistance to viral in-fections. Theoretically it is possible to increaseresistance to viral infection at various steps in theinfectious process: (a) the virus particle itself maybe inactivated; (b) the host cell may be alteredso that attachment of virus cannot be accom-plished; (c) the susceptible cells may be affectedso that the essential infectious viral materialscannot enter the cell; (d) the host cells' metabolicapparatus may be sufficiently influenced to pre-vent the synthesis of essential viral materials; (e)egress of newly formed virus from the host cellsmay be prevented; and (f) host reaction to theinfectious process may be sufficiently diminishedso that many of the injurious effects of viral in-vasion are eliminated.

It should be possible to affect one or more ofthese stages in viral infection and thus increasenonspecific resistance, but in actuality the knownhost materials of tissues and serum which inhibitviral infections act directly only upon the viralparticle. The inactivation of various biologicalproperties of viruses by combination of inhibitorwith viral particle will therefore be considered.This paper will not attempt to review the litera-ture completely on all inhibitors of viral activity,but rather will discuss those substances in tissuesor serum which can serve as models for a consid-eration of the role these materials may play in"natural resistance" to viral infections. The evi-

dence will be considered which bears upon thefunction these substances may have in the host.


Soluble inhibitors of viral activity obtainedfrom tissues possess a variety of chemical compo-sitions, identified as proteins, mucoproteins, gly-coproteins, mucopolysaccharides, and lipopro-teins. However, a relatively specific chemicalstructure is identified with the inhibitor of eachvirus. Thus, although the inhibitor does not havethe specificity of an antibody, its reaction withvirus is dependent upon complementariness of itschemical groupings in relation to the viral par-ticle. The data available clearly demonstrate thatthe known inhibitors all exert their effects bycombining with viral particles and thus prevent-ing normal activity. None of the inhibitors de-scribed has been shown to alter other steps in theinfectious process. The inhibitors which havemost general interest are those which can preventviral particles from infecting cells. Because ofcertain theoretical considerations, inhibitors whichreduce biological functions, such as agglutin-ation of red blood bells by influenza viruses, havealso aroused considerable interest and requirediscussion. In table 1 are listed the inhibitors tobe considered, the tissue from which each can beobtained, the chemical composition of the in-hibitor, the virus inhibited, and the viral propertyinactivated.

Soluble inhibitors of the myxoviruses (influ-enza, mumps, and Newcastle disease viruses)have been obtained from a wide variety of tissuesand body secretions (8, 26). The materials ob-tained appear to be of similar if not identicalchemical composition, although the inhibitorsfrom urine (24, 33, 55), mucinous secretions (25),and brain (6) are the ones which have receivedthe most detailed chemical analysis. These in-hibitors appear to be conjugated proteins witholigosaccharides as prosthetic groups. Acetylatedneuraminic acid residues (N-acetylneuraminicacid) are terminal units joined by a glycosidiclinkage to an adjacent sugar residue (25, 26).


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Viral inhibitors from tissues

Virus Inhibitor's Chemical Nature Tissue Viral Property Inhibited

Myxoviruses Mucoprotein Numerous HemagglutinationMyxoviruses Glycoprotein (brain gly- Brain Hemagglutination

coside)PVM Protein Mouse lung HemagglutinationTheiler's GDVII Mucopolysaccharide Mouse stomach and Hemagglutination and

intestine infectivityTheiler's TO* Mucopolvsaccharide Mouse stomach and Hemagglutination

intestineRussian Far East Lipid Brain InfectivityPoliovirus Lipoprotein Susceptible primate Infectivity


* Only strain propagated in intestinal tract.

The inhibitory compounds prevent hemagglutina-tion, but not infection, by myxoviruses. Never-theless, they have received extensive investiga-tion because it was shown that the inhibitors arerelated to the so-called receptor substance on hostcells susceptible to infection (3, 8, 26) and onerythrocytes responsive to agglutination bymyxoviruses (8, 31, 34). It had been postulatedthat the reaction between virus and inhibitorsimulates the initial step of virus infection,namely, virus-host cell combination (29); theforegoing data support this hypothesis.

Hemagglutination, but not infectivity, is in-hibited by the mucoprotein (or glycoprotein).The failure of virus to be inactivated completelyresults from dissociation of the virus-inhibitorcomplex as a consequence of hydrolysis of theinhibitor by the enzyme which is an integral partof the viral particle. The enzyme, now termed aneuraminidase (5), by cleavage of the inhibitor'sneuraminic acid-hexosamine bond, hydrolyzesthe mucoprotein, dissociates the virus-inhibitorcomplex, and permits the viral particle to retainits property of infectivity (7, 26). It was origi-nally speculated that the viral enzymes served topermit viral penetration of host cells. Anotherpostulate which should be considered is that theneuraminidase is essential for influenza virus par-ticles to escape inactivation by the large quantityof inhibitor normally present in nasopharyngealsecretions (17). Without its neuraminidase, in-fluenza virus, as well as other myxoviruses, wouldbe rapidly inactivated upon entrance into thenasopharynx and could never effect infection. It

may therefore be proposed that the presence ofneuraminidase as an intimate portion of the sur-face of the viral particle is a function of evolu-tionary changes which have permitted myxo-viruses to survive in nature.A protein obtained from susceptible tissues

combines with pneumonia virus of mice (PVM)and inhibits hemagglutination but not infectivityof the virus (14). In this instance virus-inhibitorcombination is dissociated not by an enzyme pos-sessed by viral particles, but rather by a proteo-lytic enzyme in tissue juices (60). The proteininhibitor is considered to be a component of sus-ceptible host cells, probably the receptor sub-stance, and is not detectable in other mousetissues or in secretions of the respiratory tract.

Attention may now be turned to a discussionof inhibitors which not only combine with virusesbut also inactivate their capacity to infect sus-ceptible cells.The first of these inhibitors to be considered is

perhaps intermediate between those which onlyprevent hemagglutination and those which com-pletely inactivate virus. A mucopolysaccharideobtained from the wall of the mouse stomach andsmall intestine can combine with and inhibithemagglutination and infectivity of the GDVIIstrain of Theiler's encephalomyelitis virus (41,42). The TO strain of Theiler's virus propagatedin the mouse intestinal tract was inhibited asmeasured by hemagglutination but not by in-fectivity (41). This result was dependent upon thepresence of an enzyme in the mouse's intestinaltract which dissociated virus from inhibitor, as

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described for PVM (60). The inhibitor-destroy-ing enzyme was not present in the central nervoustissue and consequently inactivation of viral in-fectivity could be accomplished by the inhibitorwhen virus-inhibitor mixtures were inoculatedintracerebrally. It will be recalled that the en-cephalomyelitis viruses, the TO strain as well asthe FA strain, which also was not inactivated bythe intestinal mucopolysaccharide, are naturalparasites of the mouse's intestinal tract, produc-ing latent infections, whereas the GDVII strainis not found in the intestinal tract but instigatesa fatal infection of the central nervous system, atissue that does not contain a mucopolysaccha-ride which can inactivate the GDVII virus.The remaining tissue inhibitors to be discussed

inactivate viral infectivity. A lipid extracted frommouse brains inactivated infectivity of RussianFar East virus (10). This lipid inhibitor protectedmice when injected intravenously 24 hr before or2 and 24 hr after 10 to 30 LD5o of virus (10).Although it belongs in the general class of lipids,the chemical nature of the inhibitor has not beenfurther defined, nor is its mechanism of actionknown.

Infectivity of poliomyelitis viruses can be in-hibited by a lipoprotein extracted from suscep-tible primate cells grown in tissue culture (30). Asimilar inhibitor could not be obtained from cul-tured nonprimate cells which were not susceptibleto infection and with which poliovirus could notcombine. The evidence presented strongly im-plied that the lipoprotein inhibitor was the re-ceptor material to which virus attached to estab-lish the initial phase of infection (30).The available data suggest that in general viral

inhibitors extracted from tissues represent thereceptor materials with which viruses combine.The variation in chemical composition of eachinhibitor is a reflection of the specific nature ofthe host cell-virus interaction. There is reasonablysound evidence to indicate that host cell suscep-tibility to a specific viral infection is primarilydependent upon the presence of receptor materialwhich permits virus association with and subse-quent invasion of the host cell (30). There are nodata, however, which indicate that the inhibitorysubstances which have been described play anyrole in protection against viral infection. Indeed,resistance to infection with influenza is not evenafforded by the presence of large quantities of themucoprotein inhibitor of influenza virus in naso-

pharyngeal secretions through which virus mustpenetrate to reach susceptible cells.


Let us now turn attention to viral inhibitorsother than specific antibodies which have beendemonstrated to be present in sera of animalswhich are susceptible to infection by the virusdiscussed. Detailed reviews of viral inhibitors inanimal sera and the possible relationship of theseinhibitors to specific antibody have been maderecently (2, 32, 52) and therefore this aspect of vi-ral inhibitors will not be discussed. The inhibi-tory substances may simply be divided into thosewhich are stable to heat, that is, are not inac-tivated at temperatures of 50 to 60 C, and thosewhich are heat labile within this temperaturerange.

Heat-stable Inhibitors

The heat-stable inhibitors to be discussed, al-though not as numerous or as complex as thoseobtained from tissues, are in general similar innature (table 2). Indeed, if one considers theblood merely a mirror of the tissues, it would bereasonable to assume that inhibitors found inserum are identical to those obtained from cells.The best example to support this contention isthe heat-stable inhibitor in serum which preventshemagglutination but not infection by myxo-viruses (8). The evidence available indicates thatthe mechanism of action and chemical structureof this inhibitor is closely similar if not identicalto that obtained from tissues and other bodyfluids (8, 26). A protein or protein complex pres-ent in sera from horses and rabbits has beenshown to neutralize infectivity as well as inhibithemagglutination of some strains of Asian in-fluenza viruses (12, 38). These inhibitors have notbeen demonstrated in sera from humans or othersusceptible hosts, and therefore their role in re-sistance to infection cannot be assessed.A lecithin-like compound in serum inactivates

infectivity of influenza and Newcastle diseaseviruses but does not inhibit hemagglutination bythese agents (57). This same lipid inhibitor alsocan inactivate the infectivity of psittacosis virus,a virus considerably different from myxoviruses(58). The origin and role of this lipid inhibitor isnot known, but it is tempting to speculate thatit combines, in vitro at least, with and inactivatesthe above listed viruses by virtue of their lipo-


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TABLE 2Heat-stable inhibitors from serum

Virus Inhibitor's Viral Property InhibitedChemical Nature

Myxoviruses Mucopro- Hemagglutina-tein tion

Asian influenza Protein Hemagglutina-tion and infec-tivity

Myxoviruses Lipid (lec- Infectivityithin-like)

Psittacosis Lipid (lec- Infectivityithin-like)

Arbor B* Lipid InfectivityYellow fever; ? InfectivityJap B

* St. Louis, Russian Far East, and Japanese Bencephalitis viruses.

philic properties, as recently pointed out by Nolland Youngner (47).A lipid inhibitor of St. Louis, Russian Far East,

and Japanese B encephalitis viruses has been ob-tained from sera of mice, hamsters, rabbits, andhorses (9). It is not known whether it is similarto the lecithin-like substance just described or isan inhibitor of different chemical composition.Sera from rodents and marsupials have also beenshown to contain an inhibitor which inactivatesyellow fever, Japanese B, St. Louis, and WestNile encephalitis viruses (35). The chemical na-ture of the inhibitor was not studied and it is notpossible to determine whether it is similar to thelipid inhibitor of other Arbor B viruses. A num-ber of other viruses have been shown to be in-hibited by sera obtained from a variety of ani-mals. It is not clear whether the viral inactivatingsubstances are specific antibodies or nonspecificinhibitors, and therefore they will not be con-sidered in this discussion which relates to non-specific resistance.From available data a function in nonspecific

host resistance cannot be readily ascribed to theinhibitors discussed. It appears from evidence onthe pathogenesis of neurotropic viral infectionsthat lipid inhibitors in serum probably play nogreat role in resistance, in view of the fact that astage of viremia occurs regularly and virus can beisolated from blood. The inhibitors of influenzaviruses likewise appear to have no role in resist-

ance to infection, since viremia is not an essentialstage in the pathogenesis of infection and the in-hibitors are readily demonstrated in usual quan-tities in sera of patients with influenza. Probablythese compounds are chiefly viral receptor sub-stances or other cell components which upon nor-mal cell breakdown have been solubilized andescaped into the blood.

Heat-labile Inhibitors

Potentiation of neutralization of viruses byaddition of fresh unheated serum to serum con-taining specific antibodies, or inactivation ofviruses by unheated serum not containing anti-bodies, has been described by a number of in-vestigators (4, 7, 11, 15, 20, 22, 23, 39, 40, 43-45,51, 53, 65). The viruses known to be neutralizedin this manner are vaceinia (7, 15, 23, 43), variola(43), Rous sarcoma (45), Western equine en-cephalomyelitis (16, 44, 65), mumps (22, 39, 40),influenza A and B (11, 22, 53), Newcastle diseasevirus (4, 22), herpes simplex (20), dengue (51),and measles (1). In the few instances (19, 64) inwhich adequate experiments were done, the heat-labile material involved in neutralization wasshown to be related to the properdin system (49).Rather than describe the details of inactivationof various viruses by a heat-labile serum factorwith or without antibody, for purposes of con-venience it will be assumed that in all the aboveinstances the properdin system is important. It isagreed at the outset that, although it is appealing,this assumption may be unwarranted. Data arenot available, however, to confirm or deny it.Nevertheless, the discussion will be confined tothe so-called properdin system: its components,properties, and possible significance. It shouldalso be recognized at this point that there is somecontention that properdin actually is not a singlesubstance and that therefore properdin and theproperdin system as such do not exist. In orderto present the evidence obtained and the con-cepts evolved, however, properdin and the proper-din system will be considered to exist as describedby Pillemer and coworkers (49). The main argu-ments against this viewpoint will be presentedsubsequently.


The properdin system has at least 6 separateand identifiable components (49). All of the com-ponents are essential for any of the varied activ-

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ities ascribed to this most complex system, andbecause the function of the whole is completelydependent upon the integrity of its parts, it maybe properly called a "system." It should also bepointed out that properdin and the 4 componentsof complement are relatively unstable, and eachis readily affected by a number of variables whichmake rigid control of all experimental conditionsmandatory. That the properdin system has a vari-ety of activities has been amply demonstrated.The major categories of these activities are hemo-lytic (28), bactericidal (61), virus inactivation(64), and protozoa inactivation (18, 27). Thecapacity of the properdin system to inactivatecertain viruses will be discussed here.

Viruses Affected by Properdin SystemTable 3 lists in the left hand column those

viruses which have been proved to be inactivatedby the properdin system. Newcastle disease viruswas the initial virus shown to be neutralized (64).Using children's sera which did not contain spe-cific antibodies it was possible to demonstratethat the properdin system inactivated influenzaA and B viruses (R. J. Wedgwood and H. S.Ginsberg, unpublished data) as suggested byearlier studies of the heat-labile serum inhibitorin human and animal sera (22). Finkelstein andco-workers have presented evidence to indicatethat herpes simplex virus is inactivated by theproperdin system (19). The studies of Van Vuna-kis and her colleagues imply that T2 bacterio-phage is inactivated by the properdin system(59). Wedgwood, using T7, confirmed the effectof the properdin system on some bacterial viruses(R. J. Wedgwood, unpublished data). Cowan (13),employing T2, T4, and T6, demonstrated asimilar neutralization of bacteriophage with

TABLE 3Inactivation of viruses by properdin system

Viruses Inactivated Viruses Probably Viruses NotInactivated Inactivated

Newcastle disease Mumps PoliomyelitisInfluenza A Vaccinia CoxsackieInfluenza B Variola ECHOHerpes simplex Western Adenovi-

equine rusesT2 bacteriophage Rous sarcomaT7 bacteriophage Dengue


TABLE 4Inactivation of Newcastle disease

virus by properdin system

(1) Quantity of virus inactivated linear functionof properdin concentration

(2) Quantity of virus inactivated linear functionof magnesium concentration

(3) Temperature dependent: 10 to 37 C(4) Maximum virus inhibition at ionic strength

0.1(5) Maximum virus inhibition at pH 6.5 to 7.0(6) Properdin and Mg++ combined with virus; not

complement(7) Virus-properdin complex dissociable

"normal" sera but ascribed the phenomenon toantibody rather than properdin per se because ofstriking variations in neutralization titers witheach virus.

Listed in the middle column are several viruseswhich are neutralized by heat-labile factors inhuman or animal sera (7, 15, 16, 22, 23, 39, 43-45,51, 65). The properdin system may contain theheat-labile materials involved. The heat-labilesubstances may act alone on some viruses or maywork to potentiate the neutralization of others byantibody. In fact, neutralization of certain strainsof dengue virus by specific antibody appears torequire a heat-labile serum factor (51). The neu-tralization of dengue virus suggests a situationsimilar to the neutralization of Toxoplasma gondiiwhich requires both specific antibody and theproperdin system (18, 27).

In the third column are listed some importantviruses known not to be inactivated by the pro-perdin system either alone or with antibodies(2, 21, 36). It would be intriguing to understandthe basic differences in those agents so sensitiveto inactivation by the properdin system fromthose resistant to neutralization by these serumcomponents. It seems reasonable to predict thatthe differences may lie in the surface structureof the individual agents.

Inactivation of Newcastle Disease Virus(NDV) by Properdin System

Inactivation of a susceptible virus by theproperdin system has been investigated in great-est detail employing Newcastle disease virus(NDV) (64). The data will be summarized toelucidate at least one of the mechanisms by whichthis complex system can act.

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The properdin system accomplishes inhibitionof hemagglutination and infectivity. It must beemphasized again that to inhibit virus not onlyis properdin required but also all 4 componentsof complement and the divalent cation, magne-sium. An insight may be gained into the com-plexity of this system and the multiplicity ofreactions which possibly occur to inactivate viruswhen it is noted (table 4) that the amount of virusinhibited is directly related to the quantity ofproperdin (between 0.1 and 5 units) and the con-centration of magnesium (between 0.02 and 2.5mm per L); that viral inhibition is temperaturedependent as a straight-line function between10 and 37 C; and that maximum viral inactiva-tion is obtained at an ionic strength of 0.1 and apH between 6.5 and 7.0. Further insight into themechanism of inactivation of NDV by the proper-din system is obtained from the fact that proper-din combines with the viral particles but noneof the components of complement can be shownto attach to virus; that the virus-properdin com-plex is probably accomplished through a mag-nesium bridge; and that chelation of magnesiumat least partially dissociates the virus-properdincomplex and results in partial reactivation ofvirus. These data suggest that the components ofcomplement act as cofactors, but that properdin,mediated through magnesium, actually accom-plishes the viral inhibition.

Properties of ProperdinListed in table 5 are the known properties of

this material, properdin, which has such diverseand striking actions. Properdin is a protein whichby earlier studies of its physical properties wasconsidered to be a 3-2-globulin (63). However,the electrophoretic characteristics and otherphysical properties suggest that a preferable ter-minology by current convention is that of a-y-1-globulin (37). Properdin comprises only a

TABLE 5Properties of properdin

1. y-1-Globulin electrophoretically2. <0.02% of serum protein3. 18S sedimentation constant of active compo-

nent4. Isolectric point pH 5.65. Antigenic6. Activity neutralized by antibody

small fraction (less than 0.02 per cent) of thetotal serum proteins (34). By ultracentrifugation,what was considered to be purified properdin wasnot homogenous, and contained componentshaving sedimentation constants of 6S, 9S, 12S,and 18S. However, properdin activity as meas-ured either by zymosan or bactericidal assayswas primarily associated with the 18S component(19S at infinite dilution) (37). The isoelectricpoint of the protein was 5.6. Purified properdinwas antigenic in rabbits, and all biological activ-ities (viral inactivation, bactericidal, and hemo-lytic) were neutralized by the specific antibody(50). Further immunological studies by agar diffu-sion techniques, using antiserum absorbed with aserum from which properdin had been removed(RP), suggest that the antibody is directedagainst a single antigenic component, evidencewhich strongly implies that properdin is a singlemolecular species (C. F. Hinz, Jr., et al., unpub-lished data and (62)).Whether properdin is a single substance or a

number of substances, possibly of the nature ofclassical antibodies, is today a point of vigorouscontention (13, 46, 48, 56). A simple statementcannot as yet be made as there are considerableconflicting data. However, some critical evidenceis available which bears upon this importantconcept. Based in large part upon the finding thatso-called "purified properdin" agglutinated zy-mosan and fixed complement as in an antigen-antibody reaction, Nelson (46) proposed thatproperdin is not a single substance but rather anumber of low avidity natural antibodies fordifferent polysaccharide antigens which requirecomplement to strengthen the bond between anti-body and antigen. These findings have been con-firmed, but the confirmatory studies were ex-tended to demonstrate clearly that the so-called"purified properdin" was a heterogeneous mix-ture; that it contained many substances found inblood; that these blood components were distinctfrom properdin; that it did indeed contain anagglutinin for zymosan particles; and that thezymosan agglutinin (perhaps an antibody) couldbe adsorbed from the properdin preparation with-out reduction in properdin concentration (37).These latter studies tend to corroborate the im-munological data which imply that properdin is asingle substance, i.e., a single molecular species.Cowan (13), in an investigation of the inactiva-

tion of T2, T6, and T7 bacteriophages by human

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sera, demonstrated that different sera neutralizedeach phage to varying degrees, and therefore sug-gested that neutralization of bacteriophage wasnot an adequate technique for properdin assay.These data were further interpreted to implythat either there are several different properdins,or that properdin is not a single substance, but afamily of cross-reacting antibodies which com-bine with zymosan.

Toussaint and Muschel (56) also studied bac-teriophage neutralization by so-called "normalserum" and demonstrated that a phage type-specific substance in serum other than properdinwas essential for bacteriophage inactivation.Neither the exact role of properdin per se in phageneutralization nor the role of antibody in theabsence of properdin was studied. These experi-ments were interpreted to indicate that specificantibody, not properdin, was the essential factorfor bacteriophage neutralization.There are as yet no data available to satisfy

these objections to the postulate that properdinis a single substance and not a classical antibody.One hypothesis which might be proposed to ex-plain the above data (13, 37, 56), as well as thoseof Van Vunakis and colleagues (59), is that so-called normal sera do contain type-specific anti-bodies as well as the components of the properdinsystem, both of which are directed against thebacteriophages employed. Thus, with bacterio-phages, as with Toxoplasma gondii (18, 27) andpossibly dengue virus (51), both antibody andthe properdin system may be necessary for neu-tralization.

Clearly, considerable data are required beforeone can describe the nature of properdin and theproperdin system with confidence. It appears,however, that to explain the conflicting evidenceand to elucidate the nature of properdin, if itdoes indeed exist as a single substance, informa-tion must be obtained with highly purified prep-arations of all components of the properdin sys-tem and experiments must be carried out in theabsence of other serum products. Furthermore,to study the role of other serum factors, possiblyantibody, which may be important in the reac-tions described, the experiments must be done inthe complete absence, as well as in the presence,of properdin and other components of the so-called "system."

Finally, brief attention should be paid to thepossible role which the properdin system may

play in natural resistance to infection. Despitethe extensive studies on the actions of the proper-din system in vitro and on correlation of levels ofproperdin with resistance or susceptibility to in-fection, there is no unambiguous evidence todemonstrate that this complex system does indeedplay an important role in resistance to disease.It must be noted, however, that a system with 6variables, each of which is essential for its func-tion, is not simply controlled, and therefore therigid proof required is not attained easily. It mayalso be candidly pointed out that even the roleof complement per se is not well understood, andthat many specific antibodies exist, are measuredalmost daily, and yet cannot be assigned a bi-ological function.


It seems rather disheartening to be forced tostate in conclusion that of the number of sub-stances in tissues and blood which react withand inhibit viral activities, there is no indisput-able evidence that any are responsible for resist-ance to infection. It is suggested that inhibitorsdetected in tissues are host-cell receptor sub-stances with which virus attaches to cells; heat-stable inhibitors in serum are similar in composi-tion and may arise from the tissue inhibitors orproducts of degenerated cells. Properdin and itscofactors, which are essential for inactivation ofsome viruses, may play a role in nonspecific re-sistance to infection, but data to support thiscontention must still be obtained.


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DISCUSSIONIt was suggested that properdin does not neu-

tralize bacteriophage in the absence of antibody.This was illustrated by absorption of antiserumwith T2 bacteriophage, after which the serumlost its activity against T2 bacteriophage butretained its activity against T7 bacteriophage.In the light of such evidence it may be inaccurateto refer to properdin as a virucidal substance, asoriginally described. Properdin has therefore beenreferred to as a family of antibodies (M\Iuschel,Washington). On the other hand, with Newcastledisease virus the reaction to properdin in thepresence of antibody is quite different from thereaction to properdin alone. In the presence of

antibody, it is difficult to demonstrate the actionof the properdin system. In the absence of anti-body, however, the requirement for properdincan be readily demonstrated, and neutralizationof the virus may be observed. In interpreting theaction or reality of properdin, therefore, it seemsimportant to study a pure system. Addition ofantibody to the system may so complicate theobservations as to make it difficult to detect theaction of properdin alone. Before it will be pos-sible to define clearly the role of properdin againstviruses or bacteria it is necessary that highlypurified properdin and components of comple-ment be available. To determine the role of anti-body in this system it is also important to workwith antibodies separated from properdin andcomplement (Ginsberg, Cleveland).

It is not necessarily correct to think of heat-labile serum inhibitors of viruses as inactive ininterfering with virus infectivity. Recent work inseveral laboratories has shown that serum in-hibitor of Asian influenza virus can interfere withinfectivity. This inhibitor is associated with thea-i-globulin of horse and other animal species(Takatsy, G. and Barb, K., On the normal seruminhibitors for the avid Asian strains of influenzavirus, Acta Virologica. 3 (Suppl.), 71-77, 1959.Cohen, A. and Belyavin, G. (1959) Hemaggluti-nation inhibition of Asian influenza viruses: a newpattern of response, Virology, 7, 59-74. Zhdanov,V. M., Hamburg, V. P. and Svet-Moldavsky, G.J., Antigenicity of the inhibitor of influenza virusstrain A/Asian/57, J. Immunol., 82, 9-11, 1959)(Wagner, Baltimore).

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