service optimization - end to end governance and service optimization

Post on 19-Jun-2015






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The MSP service operations canned solution is about boosting your existing service operations to point of becoming capable to address the following questions: • How much does each service / Line of business cost to maintain? • Do I have a comprehensive activity log for each service? • Is the service catalog comprehensive enough to include valid data of- business criticality, use, availability, change, costs, risks, maturity • How can I assess, cost, schedule, resource and prioritize my problems resolution? How will I know if and where it is stuck? • How can I enforce the complex, multi-facet SLAs, How can I reflect this in a sanitized way to the end customer? • How can I build, maintain and enforce level of service for an outsourced service contract (managed service) Benefits: • Shorten time to resolve, focus on the critical service areas and provide complete traceability • Decrease operational & managerial overheads • Gain instant root cause analysis insights • Correlate all service aspects (changes, incidents, routines, SLA, contracts, procurements..) • Provide end to end transparency to every stake and share holder • Increase billability (where applicable ) Contact us:


  • 1. Service Optimization- end to end governance and service optimization

2. About MSP Blue chip enterprise customers Distributed by VARs (Atos, Accenture, E&Y, PWC, BDO and more) Supports both hosted and on-premises deployment 3. Agenda The Scene Differentiation Whats in the Tin Building blocks Operations Pricing 4. The scene Boost control & transparency over the service life cycle It is hard to quantify the investment / cost associated with maintaining each service It is hard to measure and maintain the matrix of complex ,multi-facet SLAs (response time, availability, customer..) The Service request life cycle is not easy to trace Costing, billability enforcement and charge backs mechanisms are hard to maintain Efficient root cause analysis is hard to obtain The customers demand transparency over their service level How much would it cost to stretch the SD to cover all of the above? 5. Questions we wish to resolve How much does each service / Line of business cost to maintain? Do I have a comprehensive activity log for each service? Is the service catalog comprehensive enough to include valid data of- business criticality, use, availability, change, costs, risks, maturity How can I assess, cost, schedule, resource and prioritize my problems resolution? How will I know if and where it is stuck? 6. Questions we wish to resolve How can I enforce the complex, multi-facet SLAs, How can I reflect this in a sanitized way to the end customer? How can I build, maintain and enforce level of service for an outsourced service contract (managed service) 7. MSPs Service optimization - value Shorten time to resolve, focus on the critical service areas and provide complete traceability Decrease operational & managerial overheads Gain instant root cause analysis insights Correlate all service aspects (changes, incidents, routines, SLA, contracts, procurements..) Provide end to end transparency to every stake and share holder Increase billability (where applicable ) 8. Unlike other vendors which are Rigid Costly Silod Take long to implement MSP will deliver an Agile, collaborative, simplified canned solution Cost effective Quick Integrated solution 9. Service Optimization - Whats in the Tin Predefined entities, processes, reports, KPIs and controls as part of the ITIL methodology Connectors to your existing IT systems Service & SLA catalog driven unique capabilities MSPs solution designer that enable you to tailor the solution template by practically dragging and dropping (WF, EA, PPM, integration) 10. Why are we different? Unique, Proven Technology What-if scenarios to support on-line decision making Strong reporting and analytical embedded capabilities build it yourself Simple, flexible and a comprehensive Work Flow engine (WF) Granular permissions mechanize (agile, aggregative, n-level) Powered by a powerful solution designer (allow non-technical personnel to maintain the system) Easy to acquire the internal competences , Easy to maintain 11. Pricing Our costs will be pre-determined according to the Number of participants in the process The quality of data already within your possession Contact us at and well set every thing up for you. 12. Service optimization by

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