session 10 listening ( sms )

Post on 31-Aug-2014






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( SMS )


Learning Objectives of this topic Learn the importance of listening process

in thier lifeBe able to know the myths of listeningknow the different forms of

communicationBe able to understand the reasons of poor


What is Listening ?Listening is defined as a combination of

hearing sound and giving meaning to the message.

According to DeWine, listening goes beyond hearing sound waves to include psychological involvement with the speaker and the message .

The Importance of ListeningBeing a good listener is part of having good management skills.

People spend about 75 percent of each day in communication, more time in listening than in all other forms of communication combined.

Stages Of Listening

Attending, our needs wants and desires and interests

determine what is attended to, or selected.

Understanding is the process of making sense of a


Responding, to a message consists of giving observable feedback to the speaker.

It serves two important functions.1. It helps you clarify your understanding

of a speaker’s message.2. It shows that you care about what that

speaker is saying.Remembering

Myths of Listening

Myth: #1 Listening and hearing Are the Same Thing Hearing is the process of receiving sound, a physiological activity.

Listening involves a higher-order thinking process, a psychological activity.

Myth: #2: We Believe We Can Listen Well Already.

Listening is not natural but requires more energy and ability than most people have.

Myth #3: Listening Is a Passive Activity.

Listening requires physical and psychological involvement.

Myth #4: The Speaker is Totally Responsible for the Success of Any Oral Interaction.

Both sides have a responsibility to understand

Myth #5: Learning to Read Is More Important Than Listening.

We learn more by listening than by reading.

Types of Listening Wolvin and Coakley have identified four types

of listening. The level of responsibility for being a good

listener varies according to these types.Pleasurable Listening

You need not remember facts.

You need not evaluate the quality.

Informational Listening An approach we take when we want to

understand another person.

The goal of informational listener is to make sure that he is receiving the same thoughts the other person is trying to convey.

Increasing effectiveness as an Informational listenerDon’t Ague or Judge PrematurelySeparate the message from the SpeakerBe OppurtunisticAsk QuestionsParaphrasingTake notes

Critical Listening The Objective of critical listening is to

judge the quality of a message in order to decide whether to accept or reject it.

CL is appropriate when some one is trying to

Persuade you to buy a productTo act in a certain way Or To accept a belief.

Increasing effectiveness as a Critical ListenerEvaluate the Speaker’s Credibility Question the Speaker’s competency in

relevant area andCheck his or her Impartiality

Examine the speaker’s Evidence his Descriptions,statistics,analogies………..

Examine emotional appeals AskIs the evidence recent enough?Is enough evidence presented?Is the evidence from a reliable source?Can the Evidence be interpreted in more than

one way?

Examine the speaker’s ReasoningfallaciesAttack on the Person Instead of the ArgumentReduction to Absurd (Reductio Ad Absurdum)Either-orFalse Cause (post Hoc/After this ,because of this) Govt raised taxes, and then the rate of violent

crime went up. Govt is responsible for the rise in crime."

Appeal to Authority/Argumentum ad Vercundiam)

We should abolish the death penalty. Many respected people, such as Dr Qadeer khan, have publicly stated their opposition to it.

Band wagon Appeal(Argumentum ad Populum)

Interfaith marriages are just immoral. 90 of pakistani’s think so.

Empathetic or Therapeutic Listening Empathetic listening is trying to help someone

cope with a problem by seeing it from that person's point of view and giving support during the struggle for a solution.

You need the greatest amount of skill and training to listen empathetically.

You need energy, patience, and the ability to refrain from making judgments.

You need to give uninterrupted attention.

If you make suggestions too soon, you are likely to encounter the "yes, but syndrome."

Don't fill in the gaps.

Don't tell a similar experience of your own.

Steps to Empathetic ListeningYou need to assess your ability to listen.

You need to assess the immediacy of the problem.

You need to prepare yourself physically (no distractions) and psychologically (nothing else on your mind) to listen.

You should listen for feelings without making judgments.

You should listen for content and help the person identify the problem without asking why. Then you should decide whether the person needs to talk to a trained counselor.

Faulty Listening BehaviorsPseudo listeningSelective listening Defensive ListeningAmbushingInsulated listeningInsensitive ListeningStage Hogging

Reasons for poor ListeningEffortMessage overloadRapid thoughtPsychological noisePhysical NoiseHearing problemsFaulty assumptions

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