session 3 & 4

Post on 11-Jun-2015



Health & Medicine



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  • 1. Anatomy & Physiology For Sport Session 3 - Types of Bones

2. Session Objectives

  • By the end of this session :
  • Everybody will Re-cap the previous session (Major bones of the body)
  • Most will Identified the different types of bones in the body
  • Few will explain the purpose of each type of bone

3. Re-cap

  • Write down the numbers 1-26 and try to identify as many bones as you can on the skeleton

4. Answers

  • 1. Skull
  • 2. Mandible
  • 3. Hyoid Bone
  • 4. Cervical Vertebra
  • 5.Clavicle
  • 6. Sternum
  • 7. Costal Cartilage
  • 8. Ribs
  • 9. Scapula
  • 10. Humerus
  • 11. Radius
  • 12. Ulna
  • 13. CarpalBones
  • 14.Metacarpal Bones
  • 15.Phalanges of Fingers
  • 16. Thoracic Vertebra
  • 17. Lumbar Vertebra
  • 18. Sacrum
  • 19.Pelvis
  • 20.Femur
  • 21.Patella
  • 22.Tibia
  • 23.Fibula
  • 24.Tarsal Bones
  • 25.Metatarsal Bones
  • 26.Phalanges of Toes

5. Watch the video What type of bones are there? 6. Types of Bones

  • Long Bone
  • Short Bone
  • Irregular bone
  • Flat Bone

7. Long Bones

  • Long bones are hard, dense bones that provide strength, structure, and mobility
  • A long bone has a shaft and two ends
  • Long bones contain yellow bone marrow and red bone marrow (which produces blood cells).
  • Principal function is to act as a lever
  • What are the negative aspects of a long bone?

8. Short Bone

  • Short bones in the human body are cubelike, with length, width, and height measurements approximately equal.
  • They include the meta-carpal bones (hands, wrist) and meta-tarsal bones (feet, ankles).
  • Principal function is for strength

9. Flat Bone

  • Flat bones consist of a layer of spongy bone between two thin layers of compact bone.
  • Examples include the skull and ribs. Flat bones have marrow, but not a bone marrow cavity.
  • Principal function is to act as a surface area for muscle attachement

10. Irregular Bones

  • Bones that dont fall into the other 3 categories
  • Can you think of any irregular bones?
  • Answer Vertebral column/Coccyx

11. Activity 2

  • On the diagram (in different colours) show the different types of bones.
  • For example Yellow = Long, blue = short e.t.c

12. Conclusion

  • Name the different types of bone
  • What bones fall into each category Flat = ?
  • Explain one function of each type of bone

13. Anatomy & Physiology For Sport Session 4 - Joints 14. Session Objectives

  • By the end of this session :
  • Everybody will identify the different types of synovial joints in the body
  • Some will explain the functions of the types joint in the body
  • Everybody will take part in a small quiz associated with bones/joints

15. Naming bones 16. What are joints?

  • Joints can most simply be described as :
  • the hinges that hold the skeletal system together

17. Watch the short video Take notes 18. Types of Joints

  • Ball & Socket ball shaped bone fits into cup shaped socket
  • Hinge Convex/Concave surfaces fitting together
  • Pivot Ring shaped surrounding cone
  • Saddle Shaped like a saddle
  • Gliding Two flat gliding surfaces

19. What Joints? 20. Task Label the diagram of the joints 21. Different types of joint 1. Immovable(or fixed) joints 3. Movable(or synovial) joints 2. Slightly movablejoints 22. 1. Fixed or immovable joints There are fewer than 10immovable jointsin the body. They are sometimes calledfibrous jointsbecause the bones are held together by tough fibres. Immovable joints can be found in the skull and pelvis, where several bones havefusedtogether to form a rigid structure. 23. 2. Slightly movable joints Slightly movable joints are sometimes calledcartilaginousjoints . The bones are separated by a cushion of cartilage. The joints between the vertebrae in the spine are cartilaginous joints. The bones canmove a littlebit, butligamentsstop them moving too far. This is why we can bend, straighten and rotate through the back, but not too far. bone ligaments cartilage bone 24. 3. Freely movable or synovial joints 90% of the joints in the body aresynovial joints .They arefreelymovable . Synovial joints contain synovial fluid which is retained inside a pocket called the synovial membrane. Thislubricatesor oils the joint. All the moving parts are held together byligaments . These are highly mobile joints, like the shoulder and knee. Synovial fluid Knee Synovial membrane 25. Different types of joint 26. Task

  • Two groups
  • Connect 4
  • Losers punishments!!!!!

27. 28. HOW MANY BONES DO YOU HAVE AS A BABY? 29. How many bones do you have as an adult? 30. Where would we find a hinge jointin lower body? 31. Where would we finda fixed joint? 32. What is the longest bone in our body? 33. Where would you find the smallest bone in our body? 34. What is thecorrect name for the skull? 35. What is thecorrect name for the jaw? 36. Where would we finda ball and socket joint? 37. Name two flat bones in the body 38. These protect yourspinal column 39. What bone can befound opposite the ulna? 40. What is the principlepurpose of a short bone? 41. How many pairs ofribs do we have? 42. What are the bones of the fingers and toes called? 43. What type of bone isthe metatarsal? 44. Over 300 45. 206 46. knee 47. Skull 48. Femur 49. The Ear 50. Cranium 51. Mandible 52. Shoulder, Hip 53. Cranium, Sternum & Scapula 54. Vertebrae 55. Radius 56. Strength 57. 12 58. Phalanges 59. Short 60. Conclusion

  • The types of joints in the body are.
  • The types of freely movable joints are.
  • Next Week -Functions of the skeletal system in more detail & technical movements available through the skeletal system

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