session #9 - presson to conduct a 15-minute presentation on a niche product that you are familiar...

Post on 12-Jun-2018






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Session #9

High Payoff Activities

Participant Name: _______________________________

Lone Star AG Credit – IGNITE Training by PressON


Biggest ROI on Time Invested We are going to review ten of the Highest Payoff Activities for Loan Officers. These are the activities that Top Producers spend the majority of their time on. When Loan Officers focus energy and attention on these activities, a simple result occurs… Loan Production Increases and Work Hours Decrease!

Low Payoff Activities However…. before we begin, let’s review the biggest time wasters, productivity killers, and low-payoff activities that Top Loan Officers MUST AVOID:

1. Constantly checking, reading, and sending emails 2. Most Social Media engagement, disguised as “business marketing” 3. Chasing Loan __________________ 4. Correcting Errors on Loan Applications, (usually due to taking an incomplete app up front) 5. Web Surfing (obvious… but a constant temptation for many) 6. _______________ Activities (due to a lack of planning) 7. Returning Calls, (that could have been avoided with Proactive Calls) 8. Problem Files, (some LO’s can’t let go and let their processor handle it)

High Payoff Activity #1

PLANNING and PRIORITIZING For every ____ minutes of planning, we save ourselves between 60 - 90 minutes in execution! 4 Major Areas of Planning and Prioritizing:

1. Goal Setting 2. Daily To-Do List 3. Prioritizing the Most Important Tasks 4. Delegation of Low Payoff Tasks

Lone Star AG Credit – IGNITE Training by PressON

High Payoff Activity #2


1. Database Calls to Past ____________, (Loan Anniversary, Birthday, “Check-in,” etc.) 2. Prospecting Calls to Agents and Referral Partners 3. Status Update Calls to Agents and Buyers During a Transaction

Don’t waste opportunities to build relationships with new Listing RE Agents! Calling RE Agents with a status update is the best, Non-Salesy way to demonstrate exactly how you work. You can show them during an actual transaction how you are different (and better) than your competition.

High Payoff Activity #3

FACE-TO-FACE VISITS All people have a desire to be heard and known. This is most easily accomplished by asking great ________________ in a Face-to-Face setting. It’s here that we build a connection and earn their TRUST. Top Producers use Face-to-Face visits to ASK GREAT QUESTIONS and build strong, solid, dependable relationships. The result: Top Producers begin to both GIVE and EARN referrals.

Lone Star AG Credit – IGNITE Training by PressON

High Payoff Activity #4

HANDWRITTEN NOTES Do NOT underestimate the power of a personalized handwritten note to a Client, Realtor, or Referral Partner. Every Proactive Phone Call and Face-to-Face meeting should be followed with a Handwritten Note… mailed the very _________ ________.

High Payoff Activity #5

SPEAKING TO GROUPS When we are in front of an audience, even a small group, the ___________________ is that we are an expert. People love working with experts! Offer to conduct a 15-minute presentation on a niche product that you are familiar with at an upcoming Realtor Sales Meeting. Speaking in front of groups is one of the fastest ways to build ________________.

High Payoff Activity #6

ATTENDING INDUSTRY EVENTS Top Producers make a habit of attending industry events at least once a month, (if not once a week). This forces you to get out of the office, mingle, and build new relationships. Potential events and meetings to attend/join:

1. Local Realtor Associations 2. BNI 3. Chamber of Commerce – Rotary 4. Realtor Open Houses 5. Builder Tradeshows

Lone Star AG Credit – IGNITE Training by PressON

High Payoff Activity #7

GIVING SMALL “JUST BECAUSE” GIFTS What gets opened first: BILLS, LETTERS, or PACKAGES!? Packages convey: Urgency, Importance, and an Element of Surprise. Giving gifts makes people feel special, valued, and appreciated; the act of giving often deepens the relationship. When used in concert with Phone Calls, Face-to-Face meetings, and __________________, it helps build even more TRUST.

High Payoff Activity #8

ATTENDING LOAN CLOSINGS Top Producers attend their closings to: Solve Problems, Answer Questions, Deepen Relationships and Receive ___________________!

High Payoff Activity #9

GATHERING TESTIMONIALS 90% of people BELIEVE brand recommendations from _____________. Testimonials allow other people to promote us… we don’t have to talk about ourselves. We want an overwhelming, preponderance of evidence in the form of 3rd Party Testimonials. This means, not 1 or 2 testimonials, but 8, 12, 20 or more! Testimonials should be displayed and utilized on: - LinkedIn - Yelp - ________________ - LO Website - LO Company Bio Page - Flyer – (perfect leave behind at Realtor Face-to-Face


Lone Star AG Credit – IGNITE Training by PressON

High Payoff Activity #10

PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT This is time spent investing in yourself… your growth… your development. This is for both your work and personal life.

Personal Development can include: Reading Books, Online Trainings, 1-on-1 or Group Coaching, Attending Seminars, Exercise, Prayer, Quiet Time, etc. Personal Development helps us _________________ to be successful!

Next Steps:

1. Submit your Action Plan by clicking on the link inside the email that says “Complete your IGNITE Action Plan.”

2. Email your Action Plan from this week’s IGNITE call to your Branch Manager. (Due


3. Read the following 2 articles: A Handwritten Thank-you Always Welcome and How to Effectively Use Testimonials

4. Watch the following short video: The 7 Steps to a PowerNote

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