session guide: iaffe 2011 annual …...2011/06/02  · unpaid aids care work olagoke akintola,...

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SESSION GUIDE: IAFFE 2011 ANNUAL CONFERENCE, June 24-26, 2011 Friday, June 24, 2011, 1:30 to 3:10 Room 1

A Roundtable on Gender, the Care Economy, and Public Policy Moderator: Xiao-ying Zheng, Peking University Susan Himmelweit, Open University Indira Hirway, Centre for Development Alternatives Bohong Liu, Women's Studies Institute of China Huiying Liu, China Central Party School Wei Liu, China Statistical Bureau

Room 2

Time Use and the Study of Gender - North and South Chair: Michael Bittman, University of New England Time Poverty: A Contributor to Women’s Poverty? Omar Abdourahman, UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) Exploring the Policy Link: Time-Use Surveys as Tools for Sectoral Policy Masaya Llavaneras Blanco, Universidad Central de Venezuela Gender, Time Use, and Stress William Michelson, University of Toronto

Room 3

Gender, Migration, and Land in China Chair: Gale Summerfield, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Analysis of Training and Training Needs for Migrant Women in China Yan Zhang, Chinese Academy of Social Science Gender, Socioeconomic Differences, and Migrants’ Land Rights: A Case Study in Rural Northern Liaoning Gale Summerfield and Junjie Chen, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Labor Migration and Time-Use Patterns of the Left-Behind Children and Elderly in Rural China Hongqin Chang, Taiyuan University of Technology; Xiao-yuan Dong, University of Winnipeg; Fiona MacPhail, University of Northern British Columbia

Mother’s Employment and Childcare Choices of Migrant Families: Evidence from Beijing Yuan Na, Advanced Training Center/Management School of the State Grid

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Friday, June 24, 2011, 1:30 to 3:10 Continued Room 4

Sexuality and the State Chair: Karin Schoenpflug, Institute of Higher Studies, Vienna Sexing Economy: Gender and Desire between Labor/Exploitation and Consumption/Choice S. Charusheela, University of Washington, Bothell The United Nations and the Postwar Heteronorm Colin Danby, University of Washington, Bothell Body Blues: Representations of Dalit Male Bodies in Colonial India Charu Gupta, Delhi University LGB Data Project Europe Karin Schoenpflug, Institute for Higher Studies, Vienna

Room 5

Gender and Intergenerational Transfers Chair: Ellen Mutari, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey Intra-Household Competition for Care: The Role of Bequest-regulating Social Norms

Elisabetta Magnani, University of New South Wales and Anu Rammohan, University of Sydney Who Cares for Parents in Need? Evidence from China Xinxin Chen, Zhejiang Gongshang University and Yaohui Zhao, Peking University Intergenerational Mobility of Education in China Based on the Perspective of Gender Differences Pingping Gu, Zhejiang Gongshang University Retirement Decisions: Evidence on Gender Effects Peng Zhou, Macquarie University

Room 6

Gender Wage Gaps and Discrimination Chair: Linda Lucas, University of South Florida Determinants of Women Garment Workers' Wages - A Case Study of Nepal

Yumiko Yamamoto, UNDP Asia-Pacific Regional Centre and Mona Adhikari, University of Warwick

New Estimator for Wage Discrimination between Two Groups Jiqiang Guo, Lili Lu, and Li Jiang, Zhejiang University

Gender Wage Gaps in Argentina and How Collective Agreements Could Reduce Them Lucia Tumini and Sofia Rojo Brizuela, Empleo y Segurida Social Causal Effects of Occupational Gender Segregation on Wages Jenny Clarhäll, University of Oslo

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Friday, June 24, 2011, 1:30 to 3:10 Continued Room 7

Gender, Land Tenure, and Land Policy Chair: Bina Agarwal, University of New Delhi Impact of the Malagasy Land Tenure Reform on Women’s Access to Secure Land Rights Marit Widman, Swedish University of Agricultural Science Gendered Patterns of Land Ownership: A Case Study of Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand Malee Sunpuwan, Mahidol University Examining Women’s Engagement with Land Structures at Local Government Level: A Case of Mukono District Jackline Kirungi, Makerere University National Land Policy and Small Scale Farmers’ (SSFs) Land Rights in Nakasongola District Judith Ikiring, Send a Cow Uganda

Room 8

Financial, Social, and Human Capital Chair: Yunxian Wang, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Being Patient with Microfinance: The Impact of Training on Indian Self-Help Groups Ranjula Bali Swain, Uppsala University and Adel Varghese, Texas A&M University Effect of Nutritional Enhancement Programs on Primary-School Students in Poverty-Stricken Areas of China Liangshu Qi, Tsinghua University Participation in Social Insurance Programs: A Gender Perspective from the Mauritian Context Taruna Ramessur, University of Mauritius, Mauritius Conditional Cash Transfer Programs and Gender Equity: Are They an Advance or a Setback for Latin American Women? Corina Rodríguez-Enríquez, Conicet-Ciepp

Room 9

Impacts of the Global Economic Crisis Chair: Sasini Kulatunga, University of Colombo Who Pays for the Crisis in Eastern European “New Capitalism”? The Case of Poland Maria Skora, Wroclaw University of Economics Impact of the Global Economic Crisis on Women in the Non-Profit Sector: The Case of Paid and Unpaid AIDS Care Work Olagoke Akintola, University of KwaZulu-Natal Financial Crises and Its Impact on the U.S. Labor Market: A Gender Perspective Fahima Aziz, Hamline University

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Friday, June 24, 2011, 3:30 to 5:10 Room 1

Roundtable: Enhancing IAFFE's Vision in the 21st Century Moderator: V. Eudine Barriteau, University of the West Indies Radhika Balakrishnan, Rutgers University Corina Rodríguez-Enríquez, Conicet-Ciepp M.V. Lee Badgett, University of Massachusetts at Amherst Martha MacDonald, Saint Mary's University

Room 2

Gender Inequality and Post-Secondary Education Chair: Xinxin Chen, Zhejiang Gongshang University Progress Toward Closing the Gender Gap in STEM Education: A Comparison of Degrees Awarded in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math by Gender in the US and China Carol Frances, Claremont Graduate University On Female Discrimination in the Chinese Job Market

GuoAn Wang and Shanshan Chang, Zhejiang Gongshang University and Lijun Hu, Quzhou University

Community College Pathways to STEM Education for Women: A Challenge to Gender Stereotypes? Lois Joy, Education Development Center From the Perspective of Gender Human Resources Zhenhui Qu, Hunan Women’s University

Room 3

Informal Employment in Asia Chair: Lourdes Beneria, Cornell University Gender, Selectivity, and the Rise of Informal Employment in Urban China Ni Yuan, China Youth University for Political Science and Sarah Cook, UNRISD Informal Sector Gender Wage Gaps: A Longitudinal Analysis for the Korean Labor Market Donghun Cho, Hallym University and Joonmo Cho, Sungkyunkwan University Determinants of Women’s Work in Rural India: Links between Agrarian Distress and Feminization of Low-Productivity Employment Sona Mitra, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy Transactions-Cost Approach to Brothel-Based Sex Work: Case of GB Road, New Delhi Neha Hui

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Friday, June 24, 2011, 3:30 to 5:10 Continued Room 4

Gender, Culture, and Institutions Chair: Bina Agarwal, University of New Delhi Labor Institutions Around the World: Theoretical and Empirical Elements on Diversity Beyond the Varieties of Capitalism Ela Callorda Fossati, University of Bordeaux Is There Any Difference among Muslim States in their Impact on Gender Inequality in the Labor Market? Isin Ertugrul Yilmazer, Uludag University Why Do Women Care What Men Think? The Role of Spousal Support in Job Satisfaction Amongst Nurses in South Africa Sarojini Naidoo and Cynthia Patel, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Socio-Economic Determinants of Marriage and Fertility in China Weiwei Ren, University of Western Australia

Room 5

Gender, the Global Financial Crisis, and Policy Responses Chair: Diana Alarcon, UN DESA Feminist Solutions to Man-Made Crises: Building Synergy between Feminist Economics and Women's Activism Yuan Feng, Jing-jin Facilitator's Group for GAD Women Hold “Half the Sky”: Rethinking Micro-Credit in the Aftermath of the Global Economic Crisis Annapurna Pandey, University of California, Santa Cruz Implications of the Global Financial Crisis for Asia Ghulam Khoso, University of Sindh Would Women Leaders Have Prevented the Global Financial Crisis? Julie Nelson, University of Massachusetts, Boston

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Friday, June 24, 2011, 3:30 to 5:10 Continued Room 6

Gender and Public Policy Chair: Tae Hee Hong, Chosun University Investment Climate Reform for Women Entrepreneurs in South Asia: Issues and Methods Meena Acharya, Tanka Prasad Acharya Memorial Foundation Gender-Sensitive Public Policies: Between Aspirations and Realities in the European Union Diane Perrons, London School of Economics Policy Pathway to Gender-Responsive Budgeting in Japan Yasuko Muramatsu, Tokyo Woman's Christian University How to Address the Gender Impact of Trade: The Action Research Practice in China Pin Lu, Gender and Development Network in China

Room 7

Employment Policies and Women's Work Chair: Shaianne Osterreich, Ithaca College Employment Guarantee: A Critical Component of Full-Employment Strategy in Developing Countries Indira Hirway, Centre for Development Alternatives Employment Guarantee and Women's Empowerment in Rural India: Assessing Institutional and Governance Needs Amrita Chatterjee, South Asian Forum for Environment Women and Work in the Ugandan Macroeconomy: A Structural and Legislative Analysis Linda Lucas, University of South Florida and Consolata Kabonesa, Makerere University Women's Employment and Wages in Europe: Does Parental Leave Matter? Nora Reich, Hamburg Institute of International Economics

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Friday, June 24, 2011, 3:30 to 5:10 Continued Room 8

Migration and Marriage Chair: Tahreer Araj, University of Illinois The Impact of Migration on Marital Instability: Evidence from China Fenglian Du, Inner Mongolia University On Gender Issues Relative to Asian Marriage Migrants - Comparative Research between Cases in Japan and Taiwan Hongfang Hao, Kyoto University Development, Marriage, and Migration: Understanding the Dynamics of Filipina Marriage Migrants’ Agency in Aotearoa, New Zealand Eunica Anna Aure, Victoria University of Wellington Solution for the Care Crisis: Marriage Migration vs. Labor Migration? Hyunok Lee, Cornell University

Room 9

Welfare Regimes and Care Policies Chair: Roujman Shahbazian, Lund University The Effects of Policies of Different Welfare Regimes on Intra-Household Inequalities

Susan Himmelweit, Jerome De Henau, Cristina Santos, and Zeenat Soobedar, Open University

Reconfiguring the Male Breadwinner Gender Regime: Workplace and Industrial Relations Policies in Australia under Julia Gillard’s Labor Government Rhonda Sharp, University of South Australia and Ray Broomhill, University of Adelaide Household Work-Family Balance Strategies and Gendered Time In/equity in Australia Lyn Craig and Abigail Powell, University of New South Wales Care Policies, An Important Example of Gender-Sensitive Public Policies: The Case of Spanish Dependent Law

Paula Rodriguez-Modrono, Lina Galvez-Muñez, Mauricio Matus-Lopez, and Monica Dominguez-Serrano, University Pablo de Olavide

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Saturday, June 25, 2011, 9:00 – 10:40 Room 1

Roundtable on IAFFE and the Chinese Women's Network: Research Mentoring and Policy Advocacy Moderator: Sarah Cook, UNRISD Xiao-yuan Dong, University of Winnipeg Kathleen Hartford, Ford Foundation Yaohui Zhao, Peking University Diana Strassmann, Rice University Stephanie Seguino, University of Vermont

Room 2

Historical Perspectives on Gender and Economics Chair: Colin Danby, University of Washington, Bothell The Gender Order in Oligarchic Argentina (1880-1930) Silvia Berger, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO) Argentina Biography of Virginia Penny, an Early American Feminist Economist Susan Gensemer, Syracuse University The Unpaid Labor of Houston’s Early Chinese American Immigrant Women Anne Chao, Rice University The Private is Political (Economy)! Carlo D'Ippoliti, Sapienza University of Rome

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Saturday, June 25, 2011, 9:00 – 10:40 Continuted Room 3

Roundtable on Sexuality and the Economy Moderator: Susie Jolly, Ford Foundation Akua Britwum, University of Cape Coast Anne Marie Kristine Lim, GALANG (Philippines) M.V. Lee Badgett, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Room 4

Migration Experiences of Women Chair: Aldo Caliari, Center of Concern Migration and Domestic Work: The Case of Latin American Women in Cataluña Alejandra M Sotomayor, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana-Iztap International Migration: A Case of Chinese Immigrant Women in Ireland Jun Ni, Dublin City University, Ireland Mother’s Land and Others’ Land: ‘Stolen’ Youth of Returned Female Migrants AKM Ullah, Centre for Migration and Refugee Studies Victims of Human Trafficking in Sri Lanka: Narratives of Women, Children, and Youth Rajith Lakshman, Kopalapillai Amirthalingam, Danesh Jayatilaka, and Nishadi Liyanage, University

of Colombo

Room 5

Mobility as a Survival Strategy I Chair: Taruna Ramessur, University of Mauritius Mobility as Strategies for Survival: Case of Ethnic Groups in Northern Laos Kyoko Kusakabe, Asian Institute of Technology Migration within the Soligas Community as a Livelihood Coping Strategy and its Gender Implications Anitha Venkatesh, Asian Institute of Technology Gendered Mobility of Ethnic Groups in the Economic Expansion in Yunnan, China

Yunxian Wang, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences and Zhao Qun, Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences

Mobility of Tribal Populations for Livelihoods Sustenance: A Gender Perspective from Odisha, India Smita Mishra Panda, Human Development Foundation Gendered Mobility and Livelihoods of Indigenous People: The Case of the Veddas in Sri Lanka Ragnhild Lund, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

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Saturday, June 25, 2011, 9:00 – 10:40 Continued Room 6

Gender, Poverty, and Inequality Chair: Hyunok Lee, Cornell University Subjective Poverty through the Lenses of Gender and Ethnicity: The Case of Mardin - Turkey Ummuhan Gokovali Medettin and Aysun Isik, Mugla University Income Mobility of Household in Poverty Areas: A Case of Poor Counties in Gansu Province, China Yu Min, Peking University Gender and the Transmission of Lifetime Inequality: An Empirical Analysis of Micro-Data from Diverse “Worlds of Welfare Capitalism”

Antigone Lyberaki, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences and Platon Tinios, University of Piraeus

Understanding Inter-Group Economic Stratification: The Case of War Widow-Headed Households in Eastern Sri Lanka Sasini Kulatunga, University of Colombo

Room 7

Gender and Livelihoods Chair: Hongqin Chang, Taiyuan University of Technology Gendered Impact of Rural Livelihood Development Interventions - A Case Study from Sri Lanka through a Longitudinal Lens

Maneka Jayasinghe, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy and Rajith Lakshman University of Colombo

Fragility and Finance in a Changing Labor Market: A Case Study of Gendered Access to Capital in a Rural Chinese Context Shailaja Fennell, University of Cambridge Conceptualizing Women's Work: The Cultural Economy of Weaving Maria Helen Dayo, University of the Philippines Los Banos A Characterization of Horticultural Households from a Gender Perspective: Elaborative Description of Data Aïfa Ndoye Niane, Initiative Prospective Agricole et Rural (IPAR)

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Saturday, June 25, 2011, 9:00 – 10:40 Continued Room 8

Macroeconomics and Well-Being Chair: Barbara Hopkins, Wright State University Gender as a Macroeconomic Variable Irene van Staveren, Institute for Social Studies, The Hague Neoliberal Development Macroeconomics: A Consideration of its Gendered Employment Effects Elissa Braunstein, Colorado State University Fiscal and Monetary Policy and Human Rights in the US Radhika Balakrishnan, Rutgers University Employment of Women: An Issue of Capability Development Krishna Kant Jha, C. M. College

Room 9

Patterns of Caregiving Chair: Alicia Girón, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) Ethno-Religious Effects on Hui Nationality Female Members' Socialization Process Shan Shan, Renmin University of China Notes on the Dynamics of Households, Care Services, and Feminist Economics Vivianne Ventura-Dias, Latin American Trade Network (LATN) Global Care Chains and Implications for the Exercise of the Rights of Nicaraguan Migrant Women Rebeca Centeno Orozco, Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo Domestic Service and Social Organization of Care in Chile: Continuity and Change Rosalba Todaro, Centro de Estudios de la Mujer

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Saturday, June 25, 2011, 11:00 – 12:40 Room 1

A Panel Discussion on the World Bank World Development Report 2012 Moderator: Caren Grown, USAID Carolina Sanchez-Paromo, World Bank Andrew Mason, World Bank Luis Benveniste, World Bank Diane Elson, University of Essex Xiao-yuan Dong, University of Winnipeg Corina Rodríguez-Enríquez, Conicet-Ciepp

Room 2

Indian Feminist Perspectives in the Aftermath of the Global Economic Crisis Chair: Ilina Sen, MG International Hindi University Contesting Development Paradigms and Survival Struggles in Central India Ilina Sen, MG International Hindi University Locating Ourselves Differently Devaki Jain, National Institute of Advanced Studies Dalit Women in Alliance Politics in the Context of Changing Notions of Citizenship and Entitlements Meera Velayudhan, Centre for Environment and Social Concerns The Femme Factor and the Poverty Issue in India - A Socio-Economic and Cultural Perspective Monica Das, Delhi University

Room 3

Gender and Development: Where Are We Now? Chair: Gunseli Berik, University of Utah Gender, Globalization, Development: Theoretical Frameworks Lourdes Beneria, Cornell University Revisiting the Meanings and Debates around Unpaid and Paid Work Maria Floro, American University Revisiting Debates Around Gender and Trade Gunseli Berik, University of Utah Another Financial Crisis: Microcredits, the Financialization of Everyday Life and the Feminization of Indebtedness in India Christa Wichterich, Women in Development Europe (WIDE)

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Saturday, June 25, 2011, 11:00 – 12:40 Continued Room 4

Mobility as a Survival Strategy II Chair: Fenglian Du, Inner Mongolia University Migration and Gender within Indigenous Communities in Bangladesh Farida Khan, University of Wisconsin - Parkside Labor Migration and Mobility in Newfoundland, Canada: Social Transformation and Gender in Three Rural Areas Martha MacDonald, Saint Mary's University, Peter Sinclair, Memorial University of Newfoundland,

and Deatra Walsh, York University

Gender Differential Migration and the AIDS Epidemic Ilhan Ozen, Middle Eastern Technical University

Room 5

Time-Use Analyses Chair: Ranjula Bali Swain, Uppsala University Parental Care and Married Women’s Labor Time Allocation in Rural China Lan Liu, Peking University Degree of Substitutability in the Household Production Model: Evidence from Time-Use Data in Eight Countries

Mohammad Sepahvand, Uppsala University; Roujman Shahbazian, Lund University; and Ranjula Bali Swain, Uppsala University

Parent Time Investment in Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Childcare Activities: Evidence from Time-Use Data in Five Countries

Roujman Shahbazian, Lund University; Mohammad Sepahvand, Uppsala University; and Ranjula Bali Swain, Uppsala University

Changes in Parental Time: Korean Experiences in 1999-2009 Jayoung Yoon, Korea Labor Institute

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Saturday, June 25, 2011, 11:00 – 12:40 Continued Room 6

Gender Analysis in the Formulation of Public Policies Chair: Marit Widman, Swedish University of Agricultural Science Rethinking Social Policy and Costs of Motherhood Michael Bittman, University of New England Informal Work and Social Expenditure Across Italian Regions: How To Exit Poverty Traps? Mita Marra, University of Salerno Governance Reforms and Diverse Gender Identities in India: Moving Beyond Institutional Transplants Ulrike Mueller, Humboldt University Berlin Gender Responsive Budgeting Process Index (GRBPI): A Methodology for Monitoring Institutional Capacity to Undertake Gender-Responsive Budgeting Margarita Ozonas Marcos, UNIFEM

Room 7

Reproductive Rights and Government Policy Chair: Janet Olusi, Obafemi Awolowo University “A Big, Big Sister with a Little, Little Brother”: Reproductive Politics and Socioeconomic Differentiations in Post Socialist Rural China Junjie Chen, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

The Construction of Double Burden in Post-Mao China: Feminist Analysis of the “Children’s Project” Fumie Ohashi, JSPS Changes in the Determinants of the Implied Completed Fertility Rate: The Impact of the Introduction of a Government Provided Baby Bonus Elisa Rose Birch, University of Western Australia Engendering the Theory of Market Socialism: The “Logic” of Market Incentives and Family Policy Barbara Hopkins, Wright State University

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Saturday, June 25, 2011, 11:00 – 12:40 Continued Room 8

Employment and Unpaid Care: Interrelated Outcomes Chair: Maria Helen Dayo, University of the Philippines Los Banos Women's Employment and Children's Nutritional Status: New Evidence from Asia Yana van der Meulen Rodgers, Rutgers University The Dynamics of Work and Care in the Indian Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) Sector Elizabeth Hill, University of Sydney The Challenges of Working and Caring in Australia Reina Ichii, RMIT University Work-Related Health Problems among Couples with Child(ren) and Their Effects on Absenteeism - A Gender-Based Analysis Csilla Sebok, Hungarian Central Statistical Office

Room 9

New Thinking in Feminist Economics I Chair: Diana Strassmann The Food Security Problem of Africa: Some Multi-Dimensional Issues and Gender-Aware Policy Thrusts

Tomilayo Adekanye, Babcock University; Akin Daniel Babalola, Babcock University; and Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria

Discussant: Irene van Staveren, Institute for Social Studies, The Hague Reorienting the European Union Gender Architecture: Perspective from New Member Countries Ewa Ruminska-Zimny, Warsaw School of Economics Discussant: Marjorie Cohen, Simon Fraser University Gender in Agricultural Technology Extension Policy in China Juanwen Yuan, Guizhou College of Finance and Economics Discussant: Gale Summerfield, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Room 10

Roundtable on the Post-Global Economic Crisis: Feminist Activists in the Global South Assess Impacts and Possible Action Paths Moderator: Diane Elson, University of Essex Yassine Fall, African Women's Millennium Initiative Diane Elson, University of Essex Devaki Jain, The National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS) Lourdes Beneria, Cornell University Stephanie Seguino, University of Vermont

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Saturday, June 25, 2011, 2:20 – 4:00 Room 1

Gendered Segregation in Labor Markets Chair: Indira Hirway, Centre for Development Alternatives To What Extent Can Disparities in Compositional and Structural Factors Account for the Gender Gap in Unemployment in the Urban Areas of Kenya? Rose Wamuthenya, Nascent RDO Nairobi Global Feminization? Industrial Upgrading, Sex Segmentation, and Manufacturing Employment in Developing Countries Sheba Tejani and Will Milberg, New School for Social Research Indonesian Exports and Gender: Where is the Path to Decent Work? Shaianne Osterreich, Ithaca College Industrial Development and Gender Segregation: Evidence from China Johanna Rickne, Uppsala University

Room 2

New Thinking in Feminist Economics II Chair: Gunseli Berik, University of Utah Feminist Action with Respect to Economic Theory, Policies and Institutions for Women Workers in the Informal Employment in the Post-Economic Crisis: Lessons Learned from Indonesia Hesti Wijaya, Brawijaya University Discussant: Elizabeth Hill, University of Sydney Global Financial Crisis and Women in an Oil Rich Economy: The Case of Nigeria Rosemary Okoh and Patrick Okoh, Delta State University, Nigeria Discussant: Antigone Lyberaki, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences Global Economic Crisis, Labor Migration and Development: Latino Male and Female Migration in the United States Maria Consuelo Ahumada, Universidad Javeriana Discussant: Elissa Braunstein, Colorado State University

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Saturday, June 25, 2011, 2:20 – 4:00 Continued Room 3

New Feminist Thinking on the Environment Chair: Ewa Ruminska-Zimny, Warsaw School of Economics Gender and Forest Conservation: Does Women's Presence Make a Difference? Bina Agarwal, University of New Delhi Social Policy is Environmental Policy: Paid Work, Unpaid Care Work, Gender, and Ecology Lynn Duggan, Indiana University The Crises of Environment and Social Reproduction: Understanding their Linkages (Care of People and Care of the Environment: What Mainstream Economics Neglects) Maria Floro, American University Gender and Livelihood Diversification in a Socially Insecure and Environmentally-Challenged Niger Delta Region, Nigeria Ekaete Udong, Wageningen University and Emem Inyang, University of Uyo

Room 4

Industry-Level Analyses of Gendered Employment Chair: Ela Callorda Fossati, University of Bordeaux Feminist Perspectives on the Realignment of Clothing Production’s Stronghold by Japanese Multinational Corporations after the Global Financial Crisis: From a China Oriented Strategy to a China Plus One Strategy Hanako Nagata, Ochanomizu University Classified Female Labor in Neo-liberal Economies: Status of Women Handcraft Workers in Fair Trade Organizations of SAARC nations Dipayan Dey, South Asian Forum for Environment Gender, Institutions, Access to Finance and the Development of Small-Scale Enterprises in Kenya: Lessons for the Global Economic Crisis Rosemary Atieno, University of Nairobi Employment in a Maturing Industry: The Impact of Cyclical and Secular Trends on Casino Job Quality Ellen Mutari and Deb Figart, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey

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Saturday, June 25, 2011, 2:20 – 4:00 Continued Room 5

Gender, Justice, and Macro-Level Policies Chair: Linda Lucas, University of South Florida Feminist Human Rights Approaches to Economic Policy: A Critical Analysis of the Work of the World Council of Churches Pamela Brubaker, California Lutheran University New Zealand and its Pacific Island Neighbors: New Zealand's Clean, Green, Social Justice and Women-Focused Image - Myth or Reality? Feminist and Ecological Critiques Prue Hyman, Victoria University of Welllington, New Zealand From Numbers to Change: The Experience of Women’s Caucus in Parliament in East Timor in Bringing about Gender-Sensitive Public Finance Monica Costa, University of South Australia Gender Perspective for a South-America Institutional and Public Spending Cooperation Eugenia Correa, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)

Room 6

Impact of Economic Change on Gender Relations and Equality Chair: Monica Das, Delhi University Economic Development and Gender Relations in East Asia Tae Hee Hong, Chosun University Shadowed Memoirs: Gender and Production of Landscape in a Rural Kerala Region (India) T. S. Saju, Sree Sankaracharya University Comparing the Gender Gap Between Latin America and South East Asia During the Second Globalization María Magdalena Camou and Silvana Maubrigades, Social Science University Gender Balancing through the Doctrine of Equity as Safety Net in Financial Crisis: An Indian Perspective Vrajlal Sapovadia, Shanti Business School

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Saturday, June 25, 2011, 2:20 – 4:00 Continued Room 7

Roads to Empowerment Chair: Mita Marra, University of Salerno Microfinance, Food Security, and Women's Empowerment in Côte d'Ivoire Namizata Binate Fofana, University of Cocody, Abidjan Does the Knowledge of Women about Their Rights to Vote Affect Their Propensity to Vote in Village Elections?

Xiaopeng Pang and Junxia Zeng, Renmin University of China and Scott Rozelle, Stanford University

It Pays to Ask: The Role of Negotiations on Gender Inequality in Labor Market Involvement Lei Lai, Tulane University Sen’s Capability Approach, Institutionalized Power, and Empowerment Lori Keleher, New Mexico State University

Room 8

Women, Work, and Dowry in Contemporary India Chair: Eunica Anna Aure, Victoria University of Wellington Women’s Work Participation in India Since the 1990s: Some Theoretical and Empirical Issues Jyotirmoy Sircar, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi Born To Marry: The Political Economy of Dowry in India Abhilasha Srivastava, American University Unraveling the Mysteries of Gender Issues in the Production of Scientific Knowledge in Developing Countries. The Case of Chile Bernardita Escobar, Universidad Diego Portales Globalization and Casualization of Women’s Labor in India

Mallaiah Lakkineni, Central University of Karnataka and Babasaheb Bhimrao, Ambedkar Central University

Room 9

Roundtable: Feminist Critiques, Policy Alternatives, and Alternatives to an Economy in Crisis Moderator: Natalie Raaber, Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID) Natalie Raaber, Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID) Nurgul Djanaeva, Forum of Women's NGOs of Kyrgyzstan Christa Wichterich, Women in Development Europe (WIDE) Radhika Balakrishnan, Rutgers University

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Saturday, June 25, 2011, 4:20 – 6:00 Room 1

Gender and Paid Domestic Labor Chair: Lanyan Chen, Nipissing University Paid Domestic Labour and Labour Standards in China Xinying Hu, Simon Fraser University Domestic Workers' Access to Social Security in Shanghai: A Case Study Jufen Wang, Fudan University Decent Work: Work Like Any Other, Work Like No Other Nelien Haspels, International Labor Organization An Analysis of Domestic Workers Shortage in China Lihua Xie and Huimin Han, Cultural Development Centre for Rural Women

Room 2

Policy-Oriented Research in Gender Economics: Case Studies from the Philippines Chair: Yumiko Yamamoto, UNDP Asia-Pacific Regional Centre Gender and Disability: The Case of the Philippines Aubrey Tabuga and Christian Mina, Philippines Institute for Development Studies Adaptation to Climate Change: Implications for the Well-Being of Women and Their Households Ruth Batani and Karryl Ngina, Institute of Social Research and Development Making the Gender and Development (GAD) Budget Gender-Responsive at the LGU Level Nathalie Verceles, University of the Philippines Implications of Female Household Headship on Consumption Expenditure for Children's Welfare: Philippine Case Natividad Bernardino, Miriam College Discussants: Nathalie Verceles, University of the Philippines Marina Durano, Universiti Sains, Malaysia Josefa Francisco, Miriam College Yumiko Yamamoto, UNDP Asia-Pacific Regional Centre

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Saturday, June 25, 2011, 4:20 – 6:00 Continued Room 3

Roundtable: Writing Scholarly Articles and Publishing in Feminist Economics Moderator: Yana van der Meulen Rodgers, Rutgers University Feminist Economics Research is More than Regressions with a Gender Dummy Variable Xiao-yuan Dong, University of Winnipeg Turning Research into an Article Gunseli Berik, University of Utah Preparing Papers for Submission to Feminist Economics and Other Scholarly Journals Diana Strassmann, Rice University Reporting and Presenting Statistical Results in Feminist Economics Yana van der Meulen Rodgers, Rutgers University

Room 4

Roundtable: What Types of Work Can We Call Feminist Economics? Moderator: Elissa Braunstein, Colorado State University Radhika Balakrishnan, Rutgers University Diane Elson, University of Essex Caren Grown, American University James Heintz, University of Massachusetts-Amherst Stephanie Seguino, University of Vermont

Room 5

Emerging Gender and Land Issues in Africa Chair: Aïfa Ndoye Niane Call for New Theories: Ecological Economics and Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) to Analyze Sustainable Food Production Carol Thompson, Northern Arizona University Ugandan Women in the Formal Land Sector Abby Sebina-Zziwa, Makerere University The Impact of Large-Scale Land Acquisitions on Family Farming and Food Security in Mali and Senegal Jeanne Koopman, Boston University Women, Agriculture, and Sustainable Rural Development in Nigeria Andrew Onwuemele, Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research

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Saturday, June 25, 2011, 4:20 – 6:00 Continued Room 6

Human and Social Capital Chair: Sheba Tejani, New School for Social Research Does Health Insurance Improve Inequalities in Health Care Utilization in Rural China? Jin Feng and Fang Lui, Fudan University A Gender Analysis of the Educational Status of the Left-Behind Children in Rural China Liguiyan Li Social Capital, Gender, and Income Inequality: Evidence from Rural China Tang Wei, Zhejiang Gongshang University The Working Mother in the Social Transformation (Unfinished) Yihong Jin, Nanjing Normal University

Room 7

Social and Physical Infrastructure and Gender Chair: Antigone Lyberaki, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences Disaster-Induced Displacement and Gender: A Study on Four Villages in Weligama, Sri Lanka Rajith Lakshman, University of Colombo The Impact of Railroads on School Enrollment in Nineteenth Century America Elisabeth Perlman, Boston University Mothers’ Groups: Why are they Role Models in Conservation and Natural Resource Management? Prabhakar Shrestha, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Mainstreaming Gender Equality in Palestinian Cooperatives: Reality and Challenges Tahreer Araj, University of Illinois

Room 8

Assessments of Well-Being and Fertility Chair: Jayoung Yoon, Korea Labor Institute Women’s Multiple-Partner Fertility in the United States: Prevalence, Correlates, and Trends, 1985-2008 Siobhan Reilly, Mills College An Overview of Cambodian Women Parveen Shah, Area Study Centre Sexual Violence and Female Employment in Sub-Saharan Africa Kade Finnoff, University of Massachusetts, Boston Women’s Multipartnered Fertility and the U.S. Criminal Justice System Eirik Evenhouse and Siobhan Reilly, Mills College

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Sunday, June 26, 2011, 8:30 – 10:10 Room 1

Roundtable: Sexuality, AIDS, and the Economy Moderator: Lanyan Chen, Nipissing University Akshay Khanna, Institute of Development Studies Huso Yi, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Susie Jolly, Ford Foundation Olagoke Akintola, University of KwaZulu-Natal Jinling Wang, Institute of Sociology at the Academy of Social Sciences of Zhejiang

Room 2

Food Insecurity and Nutrition Chair: Kyoko Kusakabe, Asian Institute of Technology “Land Grabbing” in Constrained Environment: Do Women in Uganda Have Enough Space for Food Security? Milly Tebusabwa, Council for Economic Empowerment for Women of Africa-Uganda Persistent Food Insecurity Among Women in the Wake of National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS) Programme: The Case of Bubara, Kabale District- Uganda Harriet Kebirungi, Kyambogo University Agricultural Innovation for Food Security and Environmental Sustainability: Why a Gender Perspective? Diana Alarcon, UN DESA The Role of Economic Status, Gender, and Race in Nutritional Deficiencies in U.S. Adults 2003-2008 Yanan Di and Jayne Dean, Wagner College

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Sunday, June 26, 2011, 8:30 – 10:10 Continued Room 3

Activist Scholarship and its Contributions to Deliberative Democracy in Global Economic Governance Chair: Marina Durano, Universiti Sains Malaysia Trade-Finance Linkages: Networking and Advocacy for Alternative Responses to the Global Crisis Aldo Caliari, Center of Concern DAWN DDD and GEEJ Process: Mobilizing and Catalyzing Young Women Through Training and Consultation Zo Randriamaro, DAWN and Marina Durano, Universiti Sains Malaysia The Use of Scholarship in Inter-Governmental Negotiations on Climate Change Yoke Ling Chee, Third World Network Discussants: Josefa Francisco, Miriam College Yumiko Yamamoto, UNDP Asia-Pacific Regional Centre

Room 4

Economic and Environmental Crisis and Change: Gender-Aware Approaches Chair: S Charusheela, University of Washington, Bothell Gender, Climate Change, and Labor in Developed Countries Marjorie Cohen, Simon Fraser University Emerging Features of Economic Downturn in an Oil-Rich Developing Country: Implications for Gender Equity and the Fallacy of Economic Theories and Policies Janet Olusi, Obafemi Awolowo University Gender, Resource Allocation, and Productivity

Fatimata Dia Sow, Senegalese Agricultural Research Institute (ISRA); Gerrit Antonides and Anke Niehof, Wageningen University

Research on Women's Economic Participation and Education Security Mechanism: Perspectives from Feminism Jing Shaoli, Nanjing Normal University

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Sunday, June 26, 2011, 8:30 – 10:10 Continued Room 5

Care Work and Care Markets Chair: Rose Wamuthenya, Nascent RDO Nairobi Older Women in Paid Care Work Siobhan Austen and Erica Lewin, Curtin University Poverty, Commercialization and the Segmentation of Urban Health Care Market: Challenges and Lessons from Tanzania Tausi Kida, Economic and Social Research Foundation Nurses in Times of Economic Crisis: Casualties of Capitalist Logic in the Global North and Global South Salimah Valiani, Ontario Nurses Association Does Maternal Education Affect Child Health? Evidence from China Jingjie Lu, Shandong University

Room 6

Gender and Economic Security Chair: Annapurna Pandey, University of California, Santa Cruz Mother’s Social Support and Daughter’s: Are They the Same? Zhang Xufan, Nanjing University Gender Discrimination in Promotion: Evidence from Urban China Shisong Qing, Renmin University of China Gender Differences in Public Environmental Behaviors Based on 2006 and 2009 Data in Xi'an, China Feng Wang and Zhihua Cheng, Northwest University Global Economic Crisis, Gender, and Employment: The Impact and Policy Response Naoko Otobe, International Labor Organization

Room 7

Women as Managers and Entrepreneurs Chair: Ragnhild Lund, Norwegian University of Science and Technology Female Entrepreneurship in China: Opportunity- or Necessity- Based? Tonia Warnecke, Rollins College Woman Entrepreneurs - New Identity Constituted in Post-1978 Mainland China Dongling Zhang, Arizona State University How is the Professional Ethics of Elderly Care Gendered? An Exploratory Research of the Managers of Group-Homes in Japan Seiichi Matsukawa, Tokyo Gakugei University Hispanic and Latina Businesswomen in the United States Alicia Girón and Mirosalba Lara, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)

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