seven threads of ministry

Post on 16-Jan-2017






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Ministry Development Conference

Canadian Ministries

May 2016 © 2004, 2016 E. Stanley Ott: The Vital Churches Institute

We must be thePeople of God

before we do the work of the

People of God

Four Questions for a Transformational (life-changing) Ministry

Question One: Do you know and experience the Lord who loves you?

Are you touching Jesus?

Do you practice a Rule of Life – soul care and self-care?

A simple Rule – QT – PT - PPT

QT - Quiet Time(Daily Office, Devotions, The Morning Watch)

PT - Physical Training – taking care of your body.  

Do Lists + Your calendar

© 20013 E. Stanley Ott

 PPT – Protected Planning Time

Do LIst

What are you asking God to do?


What kind of Rule of Life are you willing to engage in your own life?

A simple Rule – QT – PT – PPT


Question Two: What vision defines your ministry?

Vision is seeing what God wants to do through you – J. Tozer 

“The present system is perfectly designed to get the results it gets!”

W. Edwards Deming




Ken Priddy

Vision Centered

Program Centered

Structure Centered

“Make no little plans. They have no power to stir the hearts of people.”

Daniel Burnham

Bless & Add

(Honor &Onward)

Group Work:

Is your ministry in incline, recline, decline?

What is the vision that drives you and those with you?

Question Three: Who is with you?

Who is on your “bus?”

Are they in the right seats?

Jim Collins

The With-Me Principle  

“He appointed twelve, whom he also named apostles, to be with him, and to be sent out to proclaim the message”

Mark 3:14

With-me in Discipleship:  With-me in me Family (and friends)

With-me in Hospitality

With-me in Ministry 

With-me in Life and Leisure

Group work

Do you have the right people on your bus? In the right seats?

What leadership moves do you need to make to move to two yeses?

Who is with you?

Question Four: Who cheers you on?


VDP – Very Draining People

VIP – Very Important People (they share your passion

they renew you)

Gordon McDonald – Renewing Your Spiritual Passion

Irregular People

Everyone someone in

their lives who isn’t quite right

in the head (from their


Change or Die - The Fast Company

All leadership comes down to this: changing people's behavior. Why is that so damn hard? Science offers some surprising new answers -- and ways to do better.

Change or Die? What if you were given that choice? For real. What if it weren't just the hyperbolic rhetoric that conflates corporate performance with life and death... We're talking actual life or death now. Your own life or death. What if a well-informed, trusted authority figure said you had to make difficult and enduring changes in the way you think and act? If you didn't, your time would end soon -- a lot sooner than it had to. Could you change when change really mattered? When it mattered most?

Yes, you say?Try again.Yes?You're probably deluding yourself.You wouldn't change.Don't believe it? You want odds? Here are the odds, the scientifically studied odds: nine to one. That's nine to one against you. How do you like those odds?

Deep Change and Anxious People

(and groups/systems)

Mark 2:1-12


Introduction to Technical and Adaptive Thinking

In times of rapid changewhat you know can mislead you.

~Robert Dilworth


Action LeaningHumilityInquiryExperiment

Two Ground Rules:

1.Speak only to ask a question or in response to a question.2. The learning coach has the power to intervene•(Michael Marquardt)

Generosity Development and Fund Raising:

You have not because…you ask not!

Five Principles of Giving

1.The Hilaros Principle2.First Fruits3.Proportional Giving and the Tithe4.Offerings of Generosity5.Almsgiving

“ The ASK

• Personal relationship• Crisp clarity of vision• Godly Gumption• The “Ask” (you have not

because you…)






The Prayer CovenantLord, grant me and ______ the grace today to commit our lives to the Lordship of Jesus Christ without reservation, and grant ______ and me further the grace to know your strength and your guidance this day. Amen. OR Ephesians 3:16-19

The Prayer Covenant16I pray that, according to the riches of his glory, he may grant that you may be strengthened in your inner being with power through his Spirit, 17and that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, as you are being rooted and grounded in love. 18I pray that you may have the power to comprehend, with all the saints, what is the breadth and length and height and depth, 19and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. Ephesians 3:16-19

Rotating Prayer Covenants in groups, boards,

committees and teams

Principles of Vital Ministries

Leadership MattersLifestyle Matters

Pizazz And Commitment

10% Technical What are we going to do?

90% TacticalHow to keep people on board?!

The 10-90 Rule

© 2013 E. Stanley Ott

Ministry Teams:Four Centering Practices

*Word-Share-Prayer *Prayer Partners

*Shared Meals*Annual Retreats (or regular retreats)


© 2013 E. Stanley Ott

The Seven Threads of Ministry Team Relationships.

Group Work –

Of these matters which is most relevant to your next steps? Why?

Principles of Vital Ministries

Leadership MattersLifestyle Matters

People Eyes vs

Program Eyes

W & W Goals are What and When Goals – what do you intend to accomplish and by when.

Without the “when” your goal is merely a wish


Greek: the more you know the more educated

you are!

Hebrew: you are as educated as you do what

you know!

Humility and Teachability



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