severus snape and the books

Post on 27-Jan-2016






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severus snape reads the books



Chapter 01

A Surprising Find

Severus Snape was very angry. ‘How dare the arrogant brat look into my pensieve .I bet he is laughing about it with his friends .Just like his father he is’, He ranted.

Harry Potter had just been to Severus’ office for his Occlumency lessons for the day and Severus had to go out of his office because of something Umbridge had trouble with. If that was not enough for him, the first thing he saw was the swirling substance of his pensieve and it had been enough for him to guess what had happened. He had immediately felt angry and panicked. He jumped into his pensieve and there was Potter watching his father hanging him upside down. He yanked Potter by the arm and brought them back to his office. Potter had been pale and shaking.

Severus rubbed his temples. He still felt angry and he thought some fire whiskey would do well for him. He opened the secret door to his quarters and went to his whiskey cabinet in the kitchen. He grabbed a bottle and took a glass from the cupboard. Severus poured a generous amount of whiskey and downed it one go. The burning liquid of the whiskey down his throat soothed him and his anger decreased a little. He got up from the chair he was sitting in and thought he would turn in for the night.

Severus entered his bedroom. It was done in various shades of green and blue and had a king sized bed at the middle of the room which was done in light green and blue. The bedside cabinet was on the left side of the bed with his wardrobe near it. A desk was on the right side of the room and had a charmed window above it. There was a door on the left side of the room which opened to his adjoined bathroom. Severus removed his outer robe and put it in the laundry bag ina corner if his room. Inside he wore a grey long-sleeved shirt and a black trouser. He made his way to the bathroom, undressed and had a hot shower. He came back to the room with a towel wrapped round his waist and opened the wardrobe door. He picked a nightshirt and put it on.

Severus went to his bed and was about to get in when he caught site of something colourful on his bed. He went closer to the thing and saw it was three books. He picked the top one in the pile curiously and read the title. “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix”, he read. “What the bloody hell is this?” he said. He set it aside and took the next one. “Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince”. He dropped the book he was holding in horror. “If it is some joke the Weasly twins are playing on me, I will kill them!” he said. But he didn’t believe it was them. A thought struck him and he immediately took his wand from the table and waved it over the books. But it was harmless. He put his wand away and picked up the last book, “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”, it read. ‘How did they get here?’ , he thought. He picked up the first book and opened it to the content’s page. ‘Dudley Demented’ was the first chapter. ‘Who is Dudley?’ he thought. He turned the pages to the first chapter and settled down on his bed.

“The hottest day of the summer so far was drawing to a close and a drowsy silence lay over the large, square houses of Privet Drive.” ‘Isn’t that where potter lives,’ he wondered. “Cars that were usually gleaming stood dusty in their drives and lawns that were once emerald green lay parched and yellowing; the use of hosepipes had been banned due to drought.

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