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Originally published in Leaflet 1041, Quick Totes

©2010 by Leisure Arts, Inc.

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Sewing L e i s u r e A r t s L i b r A r y . c o m #803361

School & Crayon TotesBasic Tote Design by

Nancy Burdette

2 Variations by Paula Hagerman

Approx Design Size: 12" x 133/4" each • #803361 Page 2 of 9 ©2010 by Leisure Arts, Inc.

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS GENERAL SEWING SUPPLIES Sharp scissors Sewing machine Sharp hard‑lead pencil Tracing paper Washable fabric marker Quilter’s 18" ruler (clear acrylic with ⅛" grid) Yardstick Straight pins Liquid fray preventative

USING PATTERNS Locate all pieces required for specific project and trace patterns onto tracing paper. Cut out along outside border of each pattern piece.

HEAT TRANSFER PENCIL When instructions recommend the use of heat transfer pencil, be sure to follow manufacturer’s directions for use and care. Pretest heat transfer pencil on scrap of fabric to be sure it will wash out. Use a lead pencil to trace pattern or design onto tracing paper. Turn tracing paper over and trace pencil lines with heat transfer pencil. Place pattern penciled lines side up on right side of fabric. Follow manufacturer’s directions to complete pattern transfer.

INTERFACING Interfacing is a type of material that will add support to fabric pieces and help maintain their proper shape. There are many types of interfacing available. A medium‑weight, nonwoven, fusible interfacing will be appropriate for tote bags made from 100% cotton fabric. Lay fabric piece flat on ironing board with wrong side up, then place interfacing on top of fabric with fusible surface down, against wrong side of fabric. Set a dry iron on “permanent press” or follow manufacturer’s recommendation for temperature setting; then starting in the center of your piece, press iron down and hold in place for a minimum of 5 seconds (the heavier the fabric, the more time you should allow). Continue fusing from the center to the outside edges by lifting and replacing the iron. Do not slide iron across piece.

FUSIBLE WEBBING & PRESSING SHEET Fusible webbing is a lightweight mesh used for adhering appliqué pieces to a background fabric. In some cases, the fusing is a one step process: Webbing is cut to exact size and shape of appliqué piece, then sandwiched between appliqué and background, and fused with a

hot iron. Reusable non‑stick pressing sheets allow you to fuse webbing onto appliqué fabric before placing appliqué piece on background. The pressing sheet is a plastic‑like material that is substituted for background when bonding fusible webbing to appliqué fabric; then the sheet is peeled away from the webbing. Pattern pieces can be traced and cut out, then placed on background fabric with time for adjustment before permanently fusing in place. Pressing sheets are available at most fabric and craft stores where other appliqué products are sold. Refer to product manufacturer’s instructions before using.

STRAIGHTENING FABRIC The bags (excluding trims) can be made from a 36" square of fabric. Due to shrinkage of fabric and fabric being off grain, seldom is a yard of fabric exactly 36" long on both sides. In order to have an exact 36" square, it may be necessary to buy a yard of extra fabric. To straighten raw edges of fabric with the grain, measure 1" from raw edge and mark one selvage side of the fabric. Cut a ½" slit into selvage edge (Fig. 1a). Pull one thread from slit gently across crosswise grain of fabric (Fig. 1b).Fig. 1a Fig. 1b

The pulled thread should leave a line which you use as a cutting line. If thread should break before reaching other side, cut to end of pulled thread line and pick up another thread to pull. Due to inconsistency of the selvage edges, you may find it necessary to straighten one vertical edge of the fabric. This can be done as described above, measuring 1" in from selvage edge and cutting ½" slit into straightened raw edge. When both edges of fabric are straight, you will have a right angle from which desired size of fabric can be measured and cut.

MACHINE APPLIQUÉ For a clean, neat finish, machine appliqué requires a machine with adjustable zigzag stitch (width and length). Follow your individual machine instructions for setting and adjusting your machine to satin stitch.








School & Crayon Totes • #803361 Page 3 of 9 ©2010 by Leisure Arts, Inc.

HELPFUL HINTS • For evenweave fabrics that have a tendency to fray easily, apply liquid fray preventative to edges following manufacturer’s instructions. To prevent raveling of appliqué pieces, interface fabrics before cutting out pieces; then apply liquid fray preventative if necessary.

• When using removable or vanishing fabric markers, test them on a scrap first to be sure the mark will wash out. Do not iron over marks that need to be removed; heat from iron may permanently set the ink.

• Prewash all fabrics; then press flat before cutting out pieces.

• For all seams and top stitching, backstitch at the beginning and end of seam to lock stitches.

• When using fabric paint markers on fabric, protect work surface with plastic or newsprint.

STITCH GUIDE BAR TACK STITCH The bar tack stitch is used to hold two pieces of fabric together at a given point. Using two strands of thread with a knotted end, bring needle up from wrong side of back layer at point A (Fig. 2a). Take needle back down through front of top layer at point B (Fig. 2b). Continue in same manner until areas are securely joined. To secure, knot thread on wrong side.Fig. 2a Fig. 2b

BUTTONHOLE APPLIQUÉ This decorative hand appliqué stitch is used to join appliqué pieces to background fabric while at the same time, covering raw edges of the appliqué piece. Bring the needle up through the background fabric at 1 (Fig. 3a). Keeping thread above needle, insert into appliqué piece at 2, catch a small amount of background fabric, and come out at 3 (Fig. 3b). Continue in this manner around all raw edges of appliqué piece (Fig. 3c). To tie off, take needle to wrong side of background fabric next to last loop and knot.

Fig. 3a Fig. 3b

Fig. 3c

CHAIN STITCH Bring needle up at 1 and form a loop of floss held down by thumb. Bring needle down at 1 (same hole) and up at 2, passing needle over floss loop (Fig. 4a). Pull loop flat. To make second loop of chain, insert needle back down at 2 and bring needle up again at 3, then down at 3 and up at 4, keeping needle over looped floss (Fig. 4b). Pull loop flat. Continue in this manner to form chain. As you work, take care not to pull loops too tightly; firm, open chain stitches give the best appearance. At last loop of chain, bring needle down again just outside loop to lock in place (Fig. 4c).

Fig. 4a Fig. 4b

Fig. 4c • #803361 Page 4 of 9 ©2010 by Leisure Arts, Inc.

OUTLINE STITCH This stitch forms a smooth continuous line. Pull thread out of fabric at 1. With thumb holding thread above work, stitch down at 2 and up at 3; then pull thread snug (Fig. 5a). Repeat sewing motion going down at 4 and up at 5 (same hole) (Fig. 5b) keeping thread above work. Continue to work in this manner, ending with a stitch down into the fabric.Fig. 5a Fig. 5b

SATIN STITCH Satin stitches are straight stitches worked close together to cover an area completely. The stitches should touch but not overlap. Bring the needle up at 1 and go down at 2; bring needle up at 3 and go down at 4. Continue in this manner, keeping stitches even (Fig. 6).Fig. 6

WHIPSTITCH The whipstitch is used for joining fabric pieces. Knot thread end; then bring needle up at 1 from under side of fabric (Fig. 7a). Butt edges of fabric together, carry thread over butted edges, and after catching a small amount of second piece of fabric, come up at 2. Continue stitching in this manner until pieces are joined (Fig. 7b).Fig. 7a Fig. 7b

ASSEMBLING BASIC TOTE MATERIALS 1 yard of medium weight fabric Sewing thread to match fabric General Sewing Supplies (see page 2)1. Following General Instructions for Straightening Fabric (page 2), cut fabric to exactly 36" x 36".2. With fabric marker and ruler, mark cutting lines on wrong side of 36" fabric square as in Fig. 8. Cut out all pieces along cutting lines.Fig. 8

3. Assemble both Handles in the following manner: Fold Handle in half lengthwise, right sides together. Pin to hold securely. Machine stitch down long side of Handle ¼" from raw edges. Turn Handle right side out. Center seam on back side of Handle and press flat.4. Fold both 12" edges of Lining under ¼" and press. Fold 28" edges of Lining in half with right sides together and match folded edges. Stitch side seams ½" from raw edges. Press side seams open. • #803361 Page 5 of 9 ©2010 by Leisure Arts, Inc.

5. Place Pocket and Pocket Lining right sides together and stitch both 12" sides ¼" from raw edges. Press seams open, turn right side out, and press again.6. Fold both 12" edges of Bag Body under ¼" and press. Lay Bag Body right side up on work surface. Referring to Fig. 9 for placement, center Pocket on Bag Body matching raw edges. Baste Pocket to Bag Body along side seams.Fig. 9

7. Referring to Fig. 10 for placement, attach Handles to Bag in the following manner: Measure and mark 1" from raw edges of Handle. Insert raw ends of Handle between Pocket and Bag Body to 1" mark, pin in place. Topstitch over Pocket at Handle ends only to secure Pocket and Handles to Bag Body.Fig. 10

8. Fold right sides of Bag Body together, matching folded top edges and sides. Pin to hold. Stitch sides together 1/2" from raw edges. Press seams open, turn right side out and press again.9. Fit Lining inside bag with wrong sides together, matching side seams and top edges. Topstitch close to edge or whipstitch Lining to Bag Body around opening.10. With Handle flat and smooth against bag, tack both sides of Handle to top of bag (Fig. 11) using bar tack stitch. Repeat to secure other Handle on opposite side of bag.Fig. 11

CRAYON CADDY MATERIALS 1 yard of 100% cotton canvas fabric 1 yard of ⅝" wide yellow grosgrain ribbon 1½" wide grosgrain ribbon – ⅓ yard each: red, blue, green Sewing thread to match canvas and grosgrain ribbon Heat transfer pencil Fabric paint markers: red, green, yellow, orange, blue Extra fine point black permanent marker Fabric glue stick General Sewing Supplies (see page 2)

DIRECTIONS 1. Complete steps 1 through 5 of Assembling Basic Tote, pages 4‑5.2. Assemble ribbon strips for Pocket in the following manner: With quilter’s ruler, mark off a line 1/8" in from edge of red grosgrain ribbon. Cut a 12" length of yellow ribbon. Overlap yellow ribbon onto red ribbon, aligning edge of yellow ribbon with marking (Fig. 12a, page 6). Use fabric glue stick to secure. With red ribbon on top, topstitch close to edge of red ribbon as in Fig. 12b (page 6) using red sewing thread. In the same manner, make two more ribbon strips with yellow, substituting blue and green ribbon and thread for red ribbon. • #803361 Page 6 of 9 ©2010 by Leisure Arts, Inc.

Fig. 12a

Fig. 12b

3. Measuring from one sewn edge of Pocket, mark three lines 21/8" apart as shown in Fig. 13.Fig. 13

4. Referring to photo for placement, align ribbon strips on marked lines on Pocket. Pin to secure. Top stitch across bottom edge of each ribbon strip using sewing thread to match 1½" wide ribbon.5. With Pocket right side up on work surface, begin at one raw edge to mark 12 vertical lines, ⅞" apart, across all ribbon strips (Fig. 14). Stitch over lines from bottom ribbon strip to top edge of Pocket using blue thread.

Fig. 14

6. Complete step 6 of Assembling Basic Tote (page 5).7. Trace Crayon Drawing Pattern (page 8). Referring to photo for placement, transfer pattern onto Bag Body. Set pattern aside for later use.8. With fine point black permanent marker, outline rainbow, petals, stem, and leaves of flower. Use orange fabric paint marker to outline flower center, sun and sun rays. Color in Crayon Drawing as shown in photo.9. Complete step 7 (page 5) of Assembling Basic Tote.10. With Handle flat and smooth against Bag Body, baste Handle to top edge of Bag Body over Crayon Drawing (Fig. 15). Position pattern for Crayon Drawing over Handle and line up with existing drawing. Transfer pattern onto Handle. Color as in step 8. Remove basting stitches.Fig. 15

11. Complete remaining steps of Assembling Basic Tote (page 5). • #803361 Page 7 of 9 ©2010 by Leisure Arts, Inc.

SCHOOL TOTE MATERIALS 1 yard of green poplin fabric 3" x 7" scrap of gold fabric 4" x 5" scrap of blue fabric 4" x 4" scrap of red fabric 4" x 4" scrap of dark green fabric 1" x 2" scrap of white fabric ¼ yard of fusible webbing #10 embroidery needle Sewing thread to match gold, red, white, green, and dark green fabrics DMC embroidery floss: 1 skein each of gold #977, and red #321 Heat transfer pencil Non‑stick pressing sheet General Sewing Supplies (see page 2)

DIRECTIONS 1. Complete steps 1 through 3 of Assembling Basic Tote, page 4.2. Trace Alphabet Placement Guide (page 9) and, with heat transfer pencil, transfer onto each end of one Handle.3. Bond fusible webbing to wrong side of 4" x 5" piece of blue fabric with non‑stick pressing sheet.4. Trace Alphabet Letter patterns (page 9) onto paper, transfer to blue fabric and cut out.5. Align Alphabet Letters over placement lines on Handle ends and fuse Letters to Handle.6. With 3‑ply gold embroidery floss, buttonhole appliqué around raw edges of Alphabet Letters.7. Complete steps 4 and 5 (pages 4‑5) of Assembling Basic Tote.8. Trace pattern pieces A through E (page 9) onto paper, being sure to include all stitching and placement lines.9. Transfer patterns to fabrics as directed on each pattern piece, using a heat transfer pencil.10. Bond fusible webbing to wrong side of gold, red, dark green, and white fabrics with non‑stick pressing sheet. Cut out all pieces.

11. With 3‑ply gold embroidery floss, outline stitch detail lines on Ruler. Referring to Fig. 16 for placement, fuse Ruler on Pocket. Set machine for a 1/8" wide satin stitch and stitch over short ends of Ruler. Increase stitch width to ¼" and satin stitch over long edges of Ruler.Fig. 16

12. Referring to Fig. 16 for placement, fuse Apple Pieces A through D on Pocket in the following order: Apple leaf (A), Apple Stem (B), Apple Bite (C), and Apple (D).13. With machine set for a ¼" satin stitch, stitch Apple to Pocket in the following manner: Satin stitch outside of Apple Bite with white thread; stitching lines and raw edges of Apple with red; around edges of Leaf with green; and 3 exposed sides of Apple Stem with gold (see photo).14. Trace Numbers Pattern (page 9). Referring to Fig. 16 for placement, transfer pattern onto Pocket. Chain stitch numbers on Pocket using 3‑ply red embroidery floss.15. Chain stitch over plus and equal signs using 3‑ply gold embroidery floss.16. Complete steps 6 ‑ 10 (page 5) of Assembling Basic Tote.

©2010 by Leisure Arts, Inc., 5701 Ranch Drive, Little Rock, AR 72223. All rights reserved. This digital publication is protected under federal copyright laws. Reproduction or distribution of this digital publication or any other Leisure Arts publication, including publications which are out of print, is prohibited unless specifically authorized. This includes, but is not limited to, any form of reproduction or distribution on or through the Internet, including posting, scanning, or e‑mail transmission.

We have made every effort to ensure that these instructions are accurate and complete. We cannot, however, be responsible for human error, typographical mistakes, or variations in individual work. • #803361 Page 8 of 9 ©2010 by Leisure Arts, Inc.

Crayon Drawing Patterns • #803361 Page 9 of 9 ©2010 by Leisure Arts, Inc.

Alphabet Placement


A - Apple Leaf Cut 2 from dark green


B - Apple Stem Cut 1 from gold fabric.

D - Apple Cut 1 from red fabric.

C - Apple Bite Cut 1 from

white fabric.

E - Ruler Cut 1 from gold fabric.

Alphabet Letter



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