sfpc closing presentation

Post on 31-Aug-2014






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My closing presentation for the School of Poetic Computation, Spring 2014


Ida C. Benedetto @idamantium


Appx 1 oz sport or DK weight yarn Crochet Hook - Size G

Begin Pattern

Chain 6Working in the Round:

Round 1 - Skip 1 chain and Single Crochet (SC) in next 3 chains,

3SK in next chain

Continuing around on opposite side of original chain, 3 SC in next 3 chains

3 SC in next chain

Round 2 - SC in next 5 stitches

3 SC in next stitch

5 SC in next 5 stitches

3 SC in next stitch (16 stitches)

Rounds 3-8 - Work 6 additional rounds as established on 16 stitches. Break yarn

Make one more identical piece - do not break yarn

Join Pieces:

With piece just completed (2nd piece) Chain 7

Join with 1st piece with a slip stitch and SC around 16 stitches

SC across opposite side of chain, and join with 2nd piece with a slip stitch

SC around 2nd piece 16 stitches (46 stitches)

SC an additional 2 rounds across all 46 stitches.

Crisscross Suspenders:

Make "suspenders" by making 18 Chains and attaching them in crisscross fashion across body of controller.

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