shabbat matters january 12 - parshat bo€¦ · brian & judy kotzer in commemoration of the...

Post on 26-May-2020






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Friday January 11Friday January 11Friday January 11Friday January 11 4:40 pm Candle Lighting 4:50 pm Mincha 5:00 pm Musical Kabbalat Shabbat Friday January 18Friday January 18Friday January 18Friday January 18 4:49 pm Candle Lighting 4:55 pm Mincha with the Y-Studs & Chazzan Josh Orzech

Shabbat, January 12Shabbat, January 12Shabbat, January 12Shabbat, January 12 7:30 am Hashkama Minyan 9:00 am Shacharit: Sharp Sanctuary & Downstairs Minyan 10:00 am Youth Programs 10:00 am Teen Minyan 4:30 pm Mincha 4:45 pm Bnei Akiva Snif

5:44 pm Shabbat Ends 6:30 pm Parent-Child Learning 7:15 pm Kids’ Bingo

TODAH RABAH to the TODAH RABAH to the TODAH RABAH to the TODAH RABAH to the sponsors:sponsors:sponsors:sponsors:


Jonathan & Lisa Hemi in honour of the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Adam

Anne Burger and family in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Anita Kerschenberg z”l

Brian & Judy Kotzer in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Brian’s father, Sam Kotzer z”l

Ted Saskin & Lori Lewittes in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Ted’s mother, Rita Saskin z”l


Bronia Fialkov, Je3rey & Laura Fialkov in commemoration of the yahrzeit of their daughter and sister, Eynat Albert z”l


Mark & Jody Weisleder in honour of Mark’s Bar Mitzvah Parsha

• Mazal Tov to Yaakov & Gavriella Freedman Yaakov & Gavriella Freedman Yaakov & Gavriella Freedman Yaakov & Gavriella Freedman on the birth of a son. Proud grandparents are Allan & Greta Reiss and David & Ellen Freedman. Great-grandparents are LillyLillyLillyLilly z”l & Irving ReissIrving ReissIrving ReissIrving Reiss, and Lorraine Lorraine Lorraine Lorraine z”l & Larry& Larry& Larry& Larry Nathanson Nathanson Nathanson Nathanson z”l.

• Mazal Tov to Stephen & Heshy Altbaum Stephen & Heshy Altbaum Stephen & Heshy Altbaum Stephen & Heshy Altbaum and George Schmidt and Vida Schmidt on the birth of a grandson, son of Peter & Katherine Altbaum. Thrilled uncles and aunts are Shane & Shelby Shane & Shelby Shane & Shelby Shane & Shelby AltbaumAltbaumAltbaumAltbaum and Robert AltbaumRobert AltbaumRobert AltbaumRobert Altbaum. Excited siblings are Shlomo and Esther, and cousin NoamNoamNoamNoam.

• Mazal Tov to Susan & Bruce Batist Susan & Bruce Batist Susan & Bruce Batist Susan & Bruce Batist and Sherri & David Taras on the birth of a granddaughter, Micah Orlee, born to Jill Taras & Jacob Batist. Thrilled great-grandparents are Roslyn BergerRoslyn BergerRoslyn BergerRoslyn Berger, Gert & Phil Batist, Judy & Eli Cohen and Elca Taras. Excited uncles and aunt are Noah, Judah, and Aiden Batist, and Adam and Jennifer Taras.

• Mazal Tov to Jonathan & Lisa Hemi on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Adam. Excited siblings are Samantha and Jordan. Proud grandparents are Joe & Kate Hemi and Larry & Fern Melnick. Thrilled great-grandmother is Sophie Melnick.


SHAAREI SHOMAYIM UPCOMING PROGRAMS • Motzei Shabbat, January 12, 7:15 pm - KidsKidsKidsKids’ ’ ’ ’ BingoBingoBingoBingo. • Mondays, January 14-28, 7:30 pm - Judaism & Christianity at the Cross Roads: Part 2 Judaism & Christianity at the Cross Roads: Part 2 Judaism & Christianity at the Cross Roads: Part 2 Judaism & Christianity at the Cross Roads: Part 2 with Rabbi Eli Cohen. At Shaarei Shomayim. Free admission. Register at 416-789-0020 or

• Shabbat, January 18-19 - Shabbat Shira with the YShabbat Shira with the YShabbat Shira with the YShabbat Shira with the Y----Studs and Chazzan Josh Orzech.Studs and Chazzan Josh Orzech.Studs and Chazzan Josh Orzech.Studs and Chazzan Josh Orzech. • Motzei Shabbat, January 19, 8:00 pm - Kumzitz with Rabbi Jesse Shore Kumzitz with Rabbi Jesse Shore Kumzitz with Rabbi Jesse Shore Kumzitz with Rabbi Jesse Shore and the YYYY----Studs. Studs. Studs. Studs. • Shabbat, January 19, 9:30 am - Pray & Learn Pray & Learn Pray & Learn Pray & Learn with Dr. Elliott MalametDr. Elliott MalametDr. Elliott MalametDr. Elliott Malamet, on the topic “Can I Save the World? Charity and the Big Picture.”

• Shabbat, January 19 - KiddushKiddushKiddushKiddushFESTFESTFESTFEST: Aloha: Aloha: Aloha: AlohaFESTFESTFESTFEST and New Members WelcomeNew Members WelcomeNew Members WelcomeNew Members Welcome. • Wednesday, January 23, 2:00 pm - Catch the Spirit: Afternoon Lecture SeriesCatch the Spirit: Afternoon Lecture SeriesCatch the Spirit: Afternoon Lecture SeriesCatch the Spirit: Afternoon Lecture Series. • Shabbat, January 26 - Sarah ChesesSarah ChesesSarah ChesesSarah Cheses, Yoetzet Halachah, Canadian Yoatzot Initiative, will will will will address our community after Mussafaddress our community after Mussafaddress our community after Mussafaddress our community after Mussaf in the Sharp Sanctuary. She will speak on the topic: “Rabbinic Tales of Love and Marriage: Marriage Relationships in Rabbinic Writings that Provide Lessons for our Relationships Today.”

• Shabbat, January 26 - YP and Young Families Shabbat LunchYP and Young Families Shabbat LunchYP and Young Families Shabbat LunchYP and Young Families Shabbat Lunch. • Wednesday, January 30, 8:00 pm - Parlour, Wine & Cheese Shiur for Young Professionals with Parlour, Wine & Cheese Shiur for Young Professionals with Parlour, Wine & Cheese Shiur for Young Professionals with Parlour, Wine & Cheese Shiur for Young Professionals with Rabbi Jesse ShoreRabbi Jesse ShoreRabbi Jesse ShoreRabbi Jesse Shore, on the topic “Politics and Religion: Why the Taboo?” At the home of Rabbi Jesse & Lauren Shore. For details email

ChumashChumashChumashChumash----Rashi Shiur with Rashi Shiur with Rashi Shiur with Rashi Shiur with Melech Halberstadt Melech Halberstadt Melech Halberstadt Melech Halberstadt will not take place this Shabbat, January 12, and next Shabbat, January 19.

It will resume on Shabbat, January 26.

Please note the following concerning access points. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the security committee co-chairs, Eric Ohayon Eric Ohayon Eric Ohayon Eric Ohayon and David Elharar David Elharar David Elharar David Elharar at • During the week, as well as on Friday eveningDuring the week, as well as on Friday eveningDuring the week, as well as on Friday eveningDuring the week, as well as on Friday evening, only the north (parking lot) door to the building will be in use. There will not be any access to the building via the main (Glencairn Ave.) doors or the west doors. Both of these entrances are for emergency exit only.

• For services on Shabbat morningFor services on Shabbat morningFor services on Shabbat morningFor services on Shabbat morning, the north and main doors will be open from 8:30 am. There will be a volunteer at the north door from 7:00 am until 8:30 am, letting people in.

• The west doors should not be used at any time for entry or exit from the building. The west doors should not be used at any time for entry or exit from the building. The west doors should not be used at any time for entry or exit from the building. The west doors should not be used at any time for entry or exit from the building. These doors have now been designated as an emergency exit only.


Torah Reading: Torah Reading: Torah Reading: Torah Reading: Shemot, 10:1 - 13:16 Hertz P. 248 Stone P. 340 Haftorah: Haftorah: Haftorah: Haftorah: Yirmiyahu, 46:13 - 28 Hertz P. 263 Stone P. 1151



Maybe we disassociate ourselves from Pharaoh a bit too easily. What if Pharaoh was our chaver, our peer? He is, in fact, our equal in the sense that we are all equals. After all, we are all manifestations of Hashem’s Image. And if we recall the admonition of Hillel, not to pass judgment on a fellow until we are in their place (Avot, 2:4), we may yet rescue Pharaoh from the caricature of a two-dimensional villain he is sometimes portrayed to be.

So, I imagine myself in Pharaoh’s place. How might I react to the onslaught of plagues and demands made by the God of my slave nation? Why has this God decided to wage a campaign against my country just now, and not earlier? A lot is riding on how I react. The pride of my people, the faith in our gods, everything I believe in and take for granted about how the spiritual, and natural worlds have worked - and ought to continue working - is threatened. Maybe, when portrayed in this manner, Pharaoh's behavior seems less appalling and more understandable, even, daresay, more relatable.

Notwithstanding the awe-inspiring evidence of miracles attesting to Hashem’s sovereignty, Pharaoh’s path to enlightenment is slow and faltering. In last week’s parsha, a breakthrough was made. Pharaoh acknowledged that Hashem was the Arbiter of Justice (Shemot, 9:27). In this week’s parsha, a much more impressive insight was achieved. Pharaoh acknowledged the dignity of Moshe and Aaron (ibid, 10:17).

According to the Malbim, this greater achievement came about as a consequence of recognizing the absolute sovereignty of Hashem. Only once we identify Hashem as the ultimate source of authority and dignity can we begin to discern those aspects of divinity in others. (If you are suspicious as to whether Pharaoh could have truly learned these things, because you adopt the view that Hashem revoked Pharaoh’s freewill, it does not preclude the plausibility that Hashem’s educational agenda for Pharaoh was itself compulsory.)

The educational agenda is simple. Hashem’s authority is recognized first. The authority of those made in His Image follows. However, recognizing the authority of The King of Kings is rather trivial. It would be akin to recognizing that fire is hot or that water is wet. Recognizing the authority and the dignity inherent in our peers, by contrast, is a much more diJcult and impressive accomplishment. That, many centuries later, the founders of the United States felt it necessary to articulate an assortment of “self-evident” truths about “all men” having been “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights” in The Declaration of Independence - is a corroborating irony to the reality that the dignity due to our fellow humans is not always self-evident. Pharaoh had to learn the unobvious truth about human dignity the hard way.

Pharaoh’s relatable behavior in our parsha teaches us that we should not underestimate the challenge of nurturing a genuine and abiding regard for others - especially when we feel that our worldview is threatened by those “others.” If the provocative, dismissive, and contemptuous rhetoric used in our political discourse is a reliable barometer, that challenge, while ancient, is alive and well today.

In Pharaoh's court, Moshe and Aaron were uninvited dignitaries. The Egyptian and Israelite parties, while espousing opposing worldviews, treated one another with dignity (see Rav Yannai’s remark in Menachot 98a about how Moshe treated Pharaoh with dignity). When we hold court in our own communities, we too may perceive uninvited dignitaries amongst our peers. May Hashem strengthen our hearts so that we may follow Pharaoh’s lead, and treat each dignitary with the divine dignity they are due.


Sunday, January 13 7 Shevat

8:30 am 4:45 pm

7:30 am Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Strauchler

Monday, January 14 8 Shevat

6:55 / 7:45 am 4:45 pm

6:10 am 9:30 am

Tuesday, January 15 9 Shevat

7:00 / 7:45 am 4:45 pm

Wednesday, January 16 10 Shevat

7:00 / 7:45 am 4:45 pm

6:15 am

Thursday, January 17 11 Shevat

6:55 / 7:45 am 4:45 pm

Shacharit Mincha

6:10 am Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Strauchler

Friday, January 18 12 Shevat

7:00 / 7:45 am 4:49 pm 4:55 pm

Shacharit Candle Lighting Mincha

6:15 am Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Strauchler

6:15 am 9:30 am 1:30 pm 8:00 pm

Shacharit Mincha

Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Shore

Shacharit Mincha

Shacharit Mincha

Shacharit Mincha

Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Strauchler Nevi’im Acharonim Shiur with Rabbi Strauchler

Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Strauchler The Birth of Moral Selfhood Shiur with Dr. Zolty Yeshayah Shiur with Rabbi Torczyner Parshat Hashavua Shiur with Rabbi Diamond

MATTERS YYYYoooouuuutttthhhh PPPPrrrrooooggggrrrraaaammmmssss

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Stay and PlayStay and PlayStay and PlayStay and Play (Ages 0 - 3) Room 101

Shaar ChadashShaar ChadashShaar ChadashShaar Chadash (Ages 2 - 5) Room 102

Shaar YafoShaar YafoShaar YafoShaar Yafo (Grade 1 - 2) Room 103

Shaar AryehShaar AryehShaar AryehShaar Aryeh (Grade 3 - 5) Room 105

Kriyat ShemaKriyat ShemaKriyat ShemaKriyat Shema should be recited after 5:48 pm this week. should be recited after 5:48 pm this week. should be recited after 5:48 pm this week. should be recited after 5:48 pm this week.

PARSHA MATTERS - by Rabbi Jesse Shore

The centre mechitzacentre mechitzacentre mechitzacentre mechitza will be in use this Shabbat. It will be used on the following Shabbatot: February 9, March 16 and March 23.

Registration forRegistration forRegistration forRegistration for the Winterthe Winterthe Winterthe Winter----SpringSpringSpringSpring AfterAfterAfterAfter----School Programs is still openSchool Programs is still openSchool Programs is still openSchool Programs is still open! To download the flyer and registration form go to, or call the oJce at 416-789-3213.

We would like to acknowledge your milestones! Please let us know when there is a birth, Bar/Bat mitzvah, graduation, engagement, aufruf, wedding, significant birthday/anniversary, community recognition, illness, bereavement, or unveiling. Call or email Miriam in the shul oJce at 416-789-3213 or or donate online at

Rabbi Chaim Strauchler Avital Strauchler, Rebbetzin Rabbi Jesse Shore, Assistant Rabbi Randall Craig, President Nicole Toledano, Executive Director 470 Glencairn Avenue | Toronto, ON M5N 1V8 | Tel 416-789-3213 | Fax 416-789-1728



Shabbat, January 12 6 Shevat

Eynat Albert, daughter of Bronia Fialkov and sister of JePrey Fialkov

Sam Kotzer, father of Brian Kotzer Elizabeth Levinson, mother of Ruth Fyman

Sunday, January 13 7 Shevat

Anne Silverstein, mother of Hirsch Silverstein

Monday, January 14 8 Shevat

Israel Beinhaker, father of Philip Beinhaker Heinz Boldes, father of Myer Boldes

David Satok, husband of Lila Satok Chaim Weinberg, husband of Helena Weinberg

Tuesday, January 15 9 Shevat

Rita Saskin, mother of Ted Saskin

Wednesday, January 16 10 Shevat

Stephen Cohen, husband of Barbara Cohen Benjamin Gofine, father of Timothy Gofine

Reuben David Greenberg, father of Murray Greenberg Laurie Jacobson, father of Pam Rosmarin

Thursday, January 17 11 Shevat

Reuben Neinstein, father of Gary Neinstein Mary Yampolsky, mother of Bernice Resnick

Friday, January 18 12 Shevat

Abraham Bromberg, father of Bronia Fialkov Riva Chandler, mother of Shirley Glatt Melanie Hanser, daughter of Lorraine Hanser

Sonny Litz, father of Jodi Gurza Fred Singer, father of Francine Green

REFUAH SHLEIMAHz Pinchas Tzvi ben Basya, Yita Hentcha bat Shoshana, Rachmiel ben Dvorah (Randall Craig), Geula Liba Yehudit bat Gittel Tzipra, Leah bat Sarah, Hesha Channah bat Bayla, Michael Mordechai Avraham ben Hinda Rifka, Yishai ben Tzipora, Sura Blima bat Sheindel, Eliyahu ben Ryejah, Yakov Israel ben Carmella, Miriam bat Chaya, Yitzchak ben Chaya Raizel, Eliyahu Yom Tov ben Leah, Leah bat Masha, Oved ben Regina, Ophira bat Raanana, Shlomo Shraga ben Esther, Zvi ben Golda, Yehuda Yosef ben Miriam Yocheved, Elyakim ben Meril, Yosef ben Esther, Rachel bat Leah, Yekutiel ben Sara, Sara bat Yocheved, Golda bat Sarah, Menachem Mendel ben Devorah.

COMMUNITY MATTERS • Sundays, January 13-February 17, 10:30 am - FRUMBA: WomenFRUMBA: WomenFRUMBA: WomenFRUMBA: Women’’’’s Cardio Dance Fitnesss Cardio Dance Fitnesss Cardio Dance Fitnesss Cardio Dance Fitness. No previous experience needed, all ages of women welcome. At Shaarei Shomayim. To register email Bette at

• Saturday, January 26, 8:00 pm - Wine & Cheeses with Sarah ChesesWine & Cheeses with Sarah ChesesWine & Cheeses with Sarah ChesesWine & Cheeses with Sarah Cheses, who will speak on the topic: “Happy Together: A Jewish Approach to Intimacy.” A text-based discussion for women exploring what Judaism teaches us about how to have a healthy, fulfilling, intimate relationship with our spouses. A Canadian Yoatzot Initiative & Ulpanat Orot Alumni Association program. At the home of Erin Silverman, 10 Kimbergarte Way, Thornhill.

• Sunday, January 27, 10:15 am - CoPee & Conversation with Sarah ChesesCoPee & Conversation with Sarah ChesesCoPee & Conversation with Sarah ChesesCoPee & Conversation with Sarah Cheses, who will speak on the topic: “Where do Babies Come From? Talking to our Children about Sexuality and Intimacy.” An opportunity for women to discuss educating our children, from toddlers to teenagers, about their bodies, sexuality, and intimacy from a Torah perspective. A Canadian Yoatzot Initiative program. At the home of Naomi Lidsky, 132 Almore Avenue.

• Thursday, January 31, 7:30 pm - Antisemitism: Here and Now Antisemitism: Here and Now Antisemitism: Here and Now Antisemitism: Here and Now –––– International Holocaust Remembrance Day Discussion International Holocaust Remembrance Day Discussion International Holocaust Remembrance Day Discussion International Holocaust Remembrance Day Discussion with Prof. Deborah Lipstadtwith Prof. Deborah Lipstadtwith Prof. Deborah Lipstadtwith Prof. Deborah Lipstadt. A Sarah & Chaim Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre program. At the Bram & Bluma Appel Salon, Toronto Reference Library, 789 Yonge St. 2nd Floor. To register go to

• Friday, February 1 - Dinner & Schmooze Series presents: Home Cooked Shabbat Dinner for Young ProfessionalsDinner & Schmooze Series presents: Home Cooked Shabbat Dinner for Young ProfessionalsDinner & Schmooze Series presents: Home Cooked Shabbat Dinner for Young ProfessionalsDinner & Schmooze Series presents: Home Cooked Shabbat Dinner for Young Professionals. Ages 25-45. For more information email Jenny at

• Sunday, February 10, 3:00 pm - Skiing at Moonstone for Young ProfessionalsSkiing at Moonstone for Young ProfessionalsSkiing at Moonstone for Young ProfessionalsSkiing at Moonstone for Young Professionals. For more information email Jenny at

If you would like some help saying Kaddish, please see Ralph Levine, our Shammas & BaIf you would like some help saying Kaddish, please see Ralph Levine, our Shammas & BaIf you would like some help saying Kaddish, please see Ralph Levine, our Shammas & BaIf you would like some help saying Kaddish, please see Ralph Levine, our Shammas & Ba’’’’al Koreh.

Commemorate your smachot, births, dedications, and yahrzeits with a donation for the Shaarei Shomayim Tree of LifeShaarei Shomayim Tree of LifeShaarei Shomayim Tree of LifeShaarei Shomayim Tree of Life. LeafLeafLeafLeaf - $1,800 donation; StoneStoneStoneStone - $5,400. Memorial Plaque in the Sharp SanctuaryMemorial Plaque in the Sharp SanctuaryMemorial Plaque in the Sharp SanctuaryMemorial Plaque in the Sharp Sanctuary - $450. Help us cover our shul with your generosity. Receive a tax receipt for your end of year donations.


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