shavishkar live online incubation plateform

Post on 09-Feb-2017






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Incubation Platform for

young Innovative



Savishkar Live was launched on 30th March 2016 by Prof. ANIL SAHASRABUDHE (Chairman, AICTE) with a mission to provide a platform to bridge a gap between the Innovative minds and the final ideas in form of product.

Savishkar Live portal will help Students/Innovators/Researchers for generating IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) from their Innovation.

SAVISHKAR-REPORTAfter organizing a successful 3 day “National Exhibition on Innovative & Futuristic Approaches in Sciences & Technology”(IFAST 2K15), we came with an idea of providing an online incubation platform for young innovative minds.During the exhibition Savishkar had 229 working models under 11 different categories along with 79 technical research papers published.15 parallel plenary sessions were conducted by eminent speakers, scientists and motivators throughout the country.Government Organizations like ISRO, DRDO, CRISP, MPCST, CGST, MANIT, HTPI, Department of Science and Technology were involved.7 NITs and 3 National Universities participated with us.27 Central Government agencies, 9 State Government agencies were also involved.Total 33 projects , 11 technical awarded under different categories with prizes worth rupees 6.5 lakhs.


To initiate a campaign addressing the important issues of unemployment, skill development and lack of collaboration among various divisions of the society.

To break the barriers among small-large industries and students on the basis of resources and organizations.

OUR OBJECTIVESTo provide a 24x7 online incubation platform to the youth for

nurturing their innovative ideas so that they find a congenial atmosphere of research and development in the country itself.To encourage creative thinking provide exploratory experiences, and promote innovative ideas amongst our youth through the self-devised exhibits or models online.To provide platform to the user to take help from the experts and constantly improve their skills.To encourage problem solving approach and develop the appropriate technologies, especially for rural areas and integrating scientific ideas with daily life situations.To popularize science among masses and create an awareness regarding the role of science and technology in socio-economic and sustainable growth of India.To have as many people as possible to participate in this knowledge sharing campaign.

AS A RESULTAll section of educational society can

interact and help each other.

A balanced platform where a skilled one finds plenty of opportunities and the less privileged finds proper help and guidance to grow.

A platform which prohibits any form of division.

DETAILS Website URL- Official Email ID- Twitter account- @iamsavishkar Facebook account- Contact- +91-8718800910

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