· s.hep'al{d·;g()i~ij - memorial university...

Post on 28-Mar-2018






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... : u r I . •

VOLUME XXXI. - . ~ ·. ,... ..

(TWO. :-•Ol,~BKR Y·A~) HA:RBOR GRACE, ·NFLD .. ~eESD .\ Y, JULY 29, 1890. (SINGLE COPJJ;S TWQ . ...

. Bl&TB At tho Parsona(te, O~n11ol, oo the 22ad lua&, tie

orlfo of nov w. s. Rafter of a daughter. '..&.-r; ·~~NTZ~~N ! ,JOHN' SK1N"N .f·~ l{~ · l am pr~~ to J;";Hchaae u.W N FJV · , DEALEB L"i

KARRIAGB. Oa tho :!ltb foaL, a\ tbe Oathodral (If S t. Joba the

ll.•plis&. ~L Job.1'1, bJlho Bn 3eory J ohoaoo, 1-'rod­.oick Obofb. of Gotheoborg, Swodeo . to t!olloa \Vat­~'"'• daughter of Wr A. Walkloe of St.Joho·~~o !

~~~f~~ p~~~~u~~tlr~s~t:,~ , lt~lian and ·American .Marbl H. ."ill gi)le 1o~alHolormaijoQ, ... to. priOC'~, SOAPSTONE. &c.

•llc· t\• 1 ·"'' .. , 4.;•'6. V • .AMSTflL; ~ 'J. ·~ eurll)allltfttt, Amaterdam, Tloll otn.l • Mon~P.nt 1, . ; • .\l Bri~•· on Jaly 24th, bv Re\' (l. Lo•·u,

.\ odreiY uooby, of lit.. Jobo'a, \,0 OerthA, d:lugllt,r llr Caleb Olarko,o[ Soutb S ide.

' ".111 •s,-tai' --.. , • ' ' · ~ · · ·~ . · \ • . .ljl·ea.'ti~~o.n~~'.

Lin the 22od iuat .. 11t tbo 1\. 0. Oritbedral, Sl .robn•t 1 • hy Arcbd~coo Forristal, llr John .r, .Yurr:~y .(bllclc­Ftnilh) to Min M. · A.. f' ., oldCl~t d.ught11r of the l :~to l'lllrici( Once, COOpClr , both of s~ Juho·a.

, -J.T TBlt-


. · . . · Curbmg, &c. e;noutecHn 'Oricinal deaigu:

Engliah and Americtu:uplan~ed to order. Oarvinga, a apec!alty, ·

DEATBS AI St Joba'e on Frid:~y ennlng ~ 11 Olcloc:k, Or. J .

Dudu, agod 72 y eera.


The Soporin~eodont and Teachera of St Paul'a Suoday &:bool, Harbor Grace, beg to announce thei r in~ntioo or having a FLO&AL FA11t I


A SALE OF WORK io November uext. for tbe purpoa• or raisin~: Funda towards paying off the remaioiog tlcbt on t. Paul's Hall nn1\ Pariah Roorc.

This very fine 13uil tliog, which ia a credit to the Church. btU! been brought to a eooeel&ful completion by the contributiollll and a largo , nrnouut of free labor of the l'arishionera .

(.'ootribut ione nre earnestly solicited aQd will be thto:.Iaii.Y recej .-od by the

1 Rn. J . l\1. N ocl, a t the R~ctory, Har bor Grace.

The lollowtog L:1dies have kiudly consented to tnke cbargo of tbe tlr!Ieroot atalla :-

Exhibition Florrt'u-~1 ias E M. Rutherford anrl Miaa :\lionie Allan. .

J:rtrt.~h·••tni.(- :\I rfl . Noel sod • Miaa Badcock. c;,, Flo•rrr.•. : o / FIOIII'T.•fvr sale , lVild Flowers

tlltd FtrnJ, 1'1 gelable Frrut for ~air., ~·c.- ~ira Sey­mour, Miaaes White, Ash. S. Aab. F ord, Gordon, ::ipenco aod M. Fitzgerald .

l'o be sent to ~t. Paul's llall on Tuesday . ; :!,b Augu1t a lter 10 o 'clock a .w • t .' •

Tboae who inteod eooLribnting to tlie 'Floral Fai r will ol e~t~e send their contrit:otions io !:'Iowen, F mit, or Vegetables not lattr than I u011day. August 1:!. to Railway L>epot, ~lr Arthur~oble,Stltioo Agent, havnic kindly cooaeot­cJ to take cha rge ot a nd for wnrt.l anytbins;: ~~ent

.haly :!~l . '• ~I)

.10 11 .>: i\1 NOI!:L. l~rctor A li ::il!: l"MO li R, . IIJII ELI ZA N()EL. Stc. Cmtt


A GOOD TABLE, Hy t i•e celebrated firm or Raper & Sons .. J\lan· cheater. in fi ne condition, aize 10 feel, ,.lib all oeceeaary appliances.

Addreu applications for t~• or •further par · ticnlan1 to J . H W .. care of STANDARU office.

July 18,1m.


The Oo1bn.:l..s"t DESOB.IBES IT .ALL

A Monthly muatrated Kaguine !or 11 a year.

Sample Copy Teo Cente.

V'~ Strut:

Fire Orate Or;nnmeot.a, consisting of­Shield, , J11paoeae Fans, F o lding ~oreena, Lace~ PJlrlour St.ara, from 20 centa. Whit4 WHJow, :Silk Graaa, Gold and Silver S~v~~ ·

Pulor Summer DecoraUoua consisting d­Fans, Birds,Bu~terftiN, Spidea·a' \V tlhs, &c.

FANS from 10 centa ~pwarda, Emb0ll8ed and Perforated Wall Bracketa­

fillea _with Dried Grauee, &o., .~c. Fl\ocy, Fern and Flower Pota, Earthenware

Flower Pote.

Note-Beat Stoo", .A~•tic and Subatan-tial Work guaran~d. •

Price Liata and Sp~en ~ooka sent on application tv any addreh. •

Beat attention ~i~en \o'prdera~eoelved by f • T . mall or otberwi~, . , .

All work executed undUperaonalaupervi· aion ~ · • ; • •

OBJI[RNT and PLASTER PARIS for sale. . .. ~ ' - - -Duokworth St.reet.,' St.. Jobn'a

• • I' ... ,

· Poet Od\oe B.o~ 4.22. J ,.

Aplll , I ' J

t"" ,.

--·- GIVES ial~edi.1to roller • • Qau.&e'!Hi ex-

L A.BRAL>Oil MAll, STEAMELl to lea•e· pectoration. rellevin& CJ10UP1 ~~~B.MA, S\ John'a1 • '\tb July, for Harbor Gra~. CONGESTlO~.&o. It allaplrritatt.o}' prompt··

thence to Flower't Cove or Nameltu C.o .. , ' ly, and it ao e'xc:elleot Tonic for ,tll'a . Throat Lance·aU· Loup ';and ~oing Weat.-Biaoo Sabfoo, Sold nerywherr. Uonne Esperance, H:1lmoo River ; ~roin~r North --L. -Uoooe Eaperattoe, Ul11 bc Sabloo •. Forteau, Solu hy W. If. 'fl:lO.M'FSON & CO. L.1 oce·aU·Loup to Hed Uay, .Proceedtng North: from l~d 1.B&y to Ohatteaa, Ueol.ey Harbor, C~imney Tic~le, Cape Chadea, A .. azea Harbor, Battle Harbor, Spear Harbor, Francia Harbor

... Di~ht, Fiahiog Shi,PI Ha~bor, Sorammy, Square Island, Dead ' bland, Snug Harbor, Venison hlaod Bolater'e Uock, Panch Uowl, Gritlln'a Harbo~, Uattcaox, Domino, I ndian Tlolt(e" krA • · .aa..t,...-.1[,-..J.aliDcl· Pu"-'- . A ·~ .. +.i.tl\....etce-··- • ....,.--.a;: Harbor, S moky Ticklt, Whi\.e 'l"t'r ''Ct v llarbor Holton Cape Harriaoo, Adnnick, Long T ickle,' ~lannock. 'a leland, Turnavick .Ialanda, \\' io,or'a Jl ft rbor. Hopedale, Fanny's Harbor and ~aio To thia laat port only two tripe will bo mado

Heturoing South, calling at Cape Uarrigar, Faouy'a liarbor, lloppdalc, Doublo hlandP, Wioeor'a II a rbor. Turnavick hlanda, llack, M11cvvick. Iron Boatid laltnd, Lon~t Tickle, Ad­nnick.Cape llarriaon. o loop Covo, Sleigtl Tickle Tinkers llarllor, (Bra\ tw ~> tripe); Holt011, F.:111ily Harbor. \\'hile lleara, Sruo~y Tickle, lndino Harbor, llit!OIIIctte, . P~U:kt Harbor aod 1 ndcpeod'eot (tbe Jut' two p1aeea al.terna~ely); Cartwri~bt, Looll }l'lllurl. Gr11tfy. lnd1ao 11ckle, Gritlioa Harbo": ·L>onrioo · 1\iurcath/ Pooch Uowl, Seal Jelana, Bol-.ttr'a' • Rock. · Veuisoo lalilod, Song Harbor, Dead ,JeJaod, Square ~ataod, Scram my Hay,Fiebiog Ships llarbor,Fraoc11 ~ar­bor High t, Spear Harbor, Uallle Uarbor, AUlzea ll11rbor. Cape Charlea, Cb)mney Tickle, Healey Harbor. Chatteao to Red JJ'ay

The coastal atenmer Cou:rcript will lu\'e St ,lohn'a on 22od. ,Jal,r ,nnd coonec~ !!th Ladu Gloz·er at He.J llny; then make a czrcua~ of the Ialand ' ,

The Voluntur will len~ oo1

the 24tb July for the W eat, a ad a lao ~ake a cirouh of the leland returning by the N E Cout. ·

J 0 FRASER, ·Post Ma1ltr GtJztral

General Pqit Office, St 'Jobn'•·l • ' 2od 'Jaly, 1890 ) July!

I .. Thia modern and well-built J:illial»liahm6nt'

ia now.opelied Under entire

NEW- MANAGEMENT- AND- DIRECTION. Ita titaation corumaoOil fioe •iewa of the Har-'

bor tbeo Narrows, &c • "nd it ie io cloM •iciolty to ~ll .Publfo and proo1iltent. l\uildiDjtl for bali·' ne .. pnrpoeea. Fi~ou comlorbble, 1\Dd· well ·aP·, poioted roo~•· aiulllt! o r l'll ~}•.ite. .

Ladies' t~rtvato l' llflor: U1lharo •. ReadzaJl aod, Smoking ltuoma ; llot. and. Cold 8otba, Con·- · noieocea on'oach Ooor :- l':tentor,&c, all ele~nnt­ly fo'rniahed, thornu ~thly ·'.eotilot.ed and heated 'broullhout, ·

Evel"" aUentioo atJd ciVi lity will be paid o Goet!4.' and TT ... elle .... in general, wbo are cor. ditlly io'flted !o fnor with their patrooage ..

The 'flfiff wijl be rouod •err mocferat~ b ... ln!, been re-arraould. · '

J'OllN WlJITTY, Jhna!P"o Latr 1Jur8tr in Alla11 'Royal Mai.l'Sen~f&

----------~--------------~~·---- . PHOTOGRAPHS' &·. TINTYPES· . .

-AT...:... ·

Parsons' Photograph Rooms. All kiotla oi Pbotp~ra~''· '.l'ioLypea, &c., e&n

be taken in good et1le and at low pricee. Trial bag " lliuitob& Hard" Seed Wheat free to uery o ew aabaoriber

Add.reaa-The OOLONIST; Winnipeg, Oan. . Eolargomeot of Picturea can be done at 'aa

low a price and ia as good a atyle u any !m­ported 'fOrk. Do not eeod your pictnroe Away to be eni!Uied- •ee our pri:!ea first . Old Nfld.· POSTAGE STAMPS, FOB. SALE !

' Jo &Dawer t.Qcao ad•ertieeaaont-7'au, A IVtt

f)ay I am .. 01\ost to lfi•e DOOBL& tbe pm:e

offered by Mr BART fqr Old Newfooodlaod

~ l'A~PS io perfect etate aod on eonlopee.

i,IIUCI j 867. 1868 aod 1866. l

G. d AMPBELL, Cd..I· fM' ~ia,


Tllftr,~A.. 0 . B ~•.&.aD· vS.JoiiD'L Bedoa.dlu4


All tha.t va.luable

WATERSIDE PROPERTY situo.te on• the B~aob o.\ Harbor. Gra.ce, a.nd known a.s Thomey's . Estate, consis~ ing of. .Dwelling House, Store, Shop, Office Wba.rf. Also, Dwelling House, Sbop,'Stable and Yard on the nortb-eut­side of Road leading to ~b.

For further parlioUlan1 apply to HENRY THOMEY,

or, W. ·H. THOMPSON, • :H'*IM Ura#.

., , Ontdoot: View• of all • ducriptiooe receite

prompt and careful attention. Local V Iew• ror ealo.. .

n.ooma dlr~tctly o~po1ite the olBae of Meura ohn Muon & <fo. ~ ' .,, EDWARD PARsONS. . '

GENERAU · ·~·· 1 a.,..,.

FIRE 5D LI}.,E. ESTABLISHED · A.D. 1887 . .


AMBIIGAN NE1t .. & '!

, .

34 Commercial S't.t·cet . B ~>ST• > . :\1 A~ U I•' .\ ( 'T C I lE ~ ··

C(> I >.. l-J'E L ~ 1 ~ 1 N G ~. ! -. I \ 1·: ·. . I

1'. ; • ), c• A • I • I•

H E.Jll<l ~· ( J \ ' , ~ ' • . I """ ' ~. ' . . ,

- · ALL ·oF T HE VEL'tY UEST QU A LITY \~I> ' l A DE 0~ OUR~ ... . • ' lt.l

· S.HEP'Al{D ·;G()I~ IJ \11·:1·>:\I..J 'f~lNE·~ : , ·· I

• I • I f"' I '

,, ===··






Le ·a~ . ·~ ,_


to ltnlf .. l& l.,otl alODI: ~· oouldtriDI UU. tha~ aaob a ooa~ woald bt ~• ~!1- . mau.er tbe qaeetloo aaaeilta ahiilf.:\o ua : ~ U ,a \baa bo~l· b raUroa4 to Harbor Graoe trOilld Mt~, w ' ~if&i ~· Mqanoc did oo& Iota ad tiD cliloall t e elee oao .w~ t)alltl a toad ri~r.i tto11. of U pyl~pto ot~n~,...:.~~~ IDI? t ~t.· liD of pad.Ji ,oa ~Deaf .i6 ~l!~ilp~ bll ~ · • O.ly ba(r- oar popia\alioll 'le ..edict, aDd til• tliWwefit-6 ·kana. n ., . a!. ~T. Jane 7.· I '\bree·foartba of our ma&enu w.-lth. The C-'f for blm ~turD a IQID ' ..... ,.

lloo Mr. Hutn-(C~, ,J-1 am lo fa· &~o priooip&l towoa of thtt lalud are a~ el&ber qatatioou aome bODieD~emeD badcSO'i tie tor of t.be bill for &be .....,_1 te alated, aoel eod Qf iL Saretr \bil road oqht to 1*1• ud bad oppo~ed the nUwart' wu ,..

1 IDUI' ult the CoaDoil &o pul iL· ReprdiDif .Y!.h for ...... ittJ~t.~~,·.~f~•£tt .. l~la' ~~aeUd it. COD"" h~~~~~~~ deal do.riDI &bla POWDER

USE .&J!e lOIJ~"!t I ............. ~~ 1D· fnor~ gra•e HUODI 0 rear 0 ... ·-· .. ~ :-·· . e r f ··Ub•fciGlBI• which will, doobtl .... be accepted: rather pre- 11 oow pa"iDJf bu' tbe q~oo arittl 1.1 ' the dltOQalt'D aboat the uooy o ate. 1

ferr~ one of &be' other tcoden.? \Vb,a,' ho•· -prbpoaed ~liDe' to Hall'a 'Bir likelr to 'pron a it muat atrike the boo repreeeotatite of &be Got­eter. all the ..,loti of adnota,e .,:~d diUdnotag~ ADaooial au~u? 'fhla road wlll etar,.fr~ Sr. 4rDIHM ~l·U·w th.elfOIIy~· . bad been pro~,b~~~~ed ucl.boalide~. oer- Jobo'a,wtie're there 11 a po'palatloo, bot It ter- placed him mUs-e po11tioo of_ to~~:.~~ 'taftt •'q'a'MtloO. aioee ' to relatioa to the teodtn mloatu at tJaU"• Hay, where there Ia noDe, aDd railway hi\ I.:- h~ wh~ hlf -&I .tat~ r:-.. .,...,... t ·•

which made the ooane punued -.ncl thll eliolc:.t puaea tb oug~' 0~ I \A waj wba& may jaa&ly be 1uob'ao ooderfa&iog meuhuto to the coaDtrY., vr of teoder bo(h llle'rita&Je. The(hoder ICCIP,ted called a .\tderoeu. q 'ue ,wp\~ld aoppote thd it aod woahl ruall in tb,at Krea&elt of all ~~- !IJER it no& tbe loweet oDe. Tbe loweat ooe would would be D;:.:Z tbi.t' Uilt lioe eboold roo to t\ee-Coofedor~?o. l'bua had &bla boo.'!: &b~ )n bne been aooe&*d if aeoaritr bad beeD rortb· a plaoe ar a popalatioo. the& it mao pleded aeato•& aaob an, eoterpriee . &b " • eomioa Ia dae time. three or four dayt paued ahould J eooaec~ . 'whb tho ..... and I tho weat, . near put . . No... be appet.!t . befofe Dl. .. e I I • • •• ' ' .....

after the teoden were opoaed. aod . the ·low"~' •here at ltaat " portion of our p__ppolatioo iotrodaoer C?f a bill proridlotfor the adoptloo1 of 1 Ailso1 lj rurG.


GE -RMAN tender cUd' no' _p.roYide \be ~uirod aeonrlt1· ~ are aettled. In ~r•ltr to briog water . to o~n tbil rulooaa· ooune . . Hla •oo1r reuoo, ~· or A cream of tartar baking powd&r. RJgbeat of while Mtun Held 6 !fl~dtetOa ~t np their, mill. Another ••e• of the propoaal II tlu,a, ba•ia~ obaoged bla mt.od upooltbe aalbjecll ~ bJ\ all in lea'feoiog atrength.- U.S. Go11C'11nttiiC Rf· money i6ttaater-: ..,. ~\leeeplt follod iw·. Tbe country demaod• tbia Una of railway \\ e bo ao~toipatu tbat tbta new I oe w ruo ' ' port, Aug. 17, 1889. Apl21.1J . mediMe MCuritJ; ~~ o~ ctlcl •~; lo a w•Jr may r41uoo ~doubt, but tbe·populatiou, if we elecki~l!f· Now, ~t (Mr &f:) ooahl oo& aoce!e l &be~ tlle · oommlati. ,woaldi~tpi*We 6i. ao4 tblt, mar jud11o tty &bait repreaentatln•. de10aoda h . that reuoo u b:nog geowoe. Howeter.


led to the dedioo1Wbleb WtiMo • arri\'ed ~'· An we to .. 1, theQ>Iu aoawer lothia dellll'od, we wer~ ~tnln~ ·aoo~etome~ to ·the boo~jteot . . Tbe bill It a general ooe. h Ia regarded aa ••10, 'care op' wha&.,oo·wiab or dHire:·w-. are oot to be mao • luoooateteootoa. H11 . oooduct whh re- t aod aearco 10 old truDke, eloaett, &e. , for letter. to leate to the Gonroor-in·COnDoil the ar- . go\'ented br-J!at.. Ttio co~n~ buexi•reeaed tbia gard to tho Uait Act atao<b oat a bold apeoi· dated between 1801 and 1869 aod oo them JOlt NORTHERN

.Assura-nce Company. raogemeot of th• partloal&n aubjoot to. the , de~ire ro a pronoiioctd aoa emphatic manner. t men of the m.•ur ebaoru tbat • little are eare to fiod old Stamp~, wbicb yoo oao taro ftOUtral prodaiO.l of teodera .. ,, traaeot 91rtu- lAtt ye.z we bad another GOW'ffllmeot. tb(' mem- IHUI wrought Itt the honorable gent.lemA loto rJIOIIC!J . 1 will pay from 1 ce6t ~ 810 each



aliJ acoepted.. Wbeo mattera are flo ally arraog- ben of wbloh bad bee a retqro.ed by ~e couotry politicul c r~.t . The It on. Mr. Harver would 1 for Old Newfouodltod and :Non Scot tan 8tampe ed tbi.a eootrac& will be oarried oat.witboo~ aorl to aopport the polioJ of a ftilwaj to the north. wiah u.t w ,,,., ,,., ,., too, &bat the Govetnmeot t1ltd ~tweeD the above datta. ~an aU ~ lOCh QDfortaoate neolt u thst whtch attelided Bat tbat Gonromeo' did DOt go 10 far u to at- p!lr~y luul ht't:ll •tuite or one miod'•upoo the ' ~~ WUtl on 1M tnutlopu. 1 ••II P•1 10 pn the Dlae\mao co~ One "ry importADt• \emp' tba 0001truotioo of tho lioe. Prnioaa, t t bil te der tba• the wero io 1 cmt more for tbem bu1de the poata~te. Tbse cooalderatioo It, tba'- under the prueot !oDder, bowher; to 'the late eleetloo tl.eJ. rcmemberi~R acet't~tan~ 0

1 u 0 ~' .1 • d~tb t their are tho pricea fo'r N E\\' FOU ND LAND STAMPS

• proritloo it made ilrioa \be GonromeDt tho, the Ofiu qf u.~e oountrv for. niJ.l!aJ, lar,Jtad a tact, ~ . aeJ;:Il •r appy aau y, aft • • : 1867 to 186S Eaob td ' 10

l!IOOM& AND J'trtfD8 ( 1887) ! lire ~wr.a .......................... £80'7 ,000 x.u. ~Q.JDII.. ..... .. .... ..... .. .. ... 187,000 JA ............. . •••••••••••··••••··••··•• ••• 14.8,000 ~·tecl hJlda., oh"• " ' .,.,.,a,tal,OOO

fbe underaigned ia e~r.powered to effect in· .araaoee oa all kiD<l• of Propetty iu New· :qat'Uand at curren& Ratea of Preminm. f'M li'ilo•e CotoP.nr ia' well known for Ha

iberality aod promptn- in eett.lin8lc:.e~. P~~ Forma of Application lor

Fire aDd Lile lneuraooe, and all other )II• fonaat.ion cao be obtaiaed a~ the offioe C?t

. A. 0. HA YW A.RD, Sr. Jomr'a,

Agml (Of' NtnD{Dttlftlllfkftd. W. H. THpMPSON,

8..0. AQdnl (Of' H arlJor fh-act.

rfah• of paJIDi the cootractora Ia oar boode If• aomenabl'-.aod cried ro&ilway tlae•oael•n .r~ t}•• aolt1 ouJect through~ut wu to eecare ttte ~eat 1 peony, lake...... 0 1:, tber wlab, eod ''II farther'pro•lded tbat th~Af pie. 1 "bey aald, lo effect, we wore wrODif lo tender. He oould tnf~rm 'be boo. gentlemln j pence, greeo...... o 20 boDd~t a' Si per cent., aball be taken at par. : 1: building the lio"· •• you Mked. but we now tluu, on the cuutrarr, t.~ was wttll known the 3 .. Jake or brown 1 :?:, Farther. i& Ia ioteo~ed tha& dariDI t~e oooalrue· proclaim · JOUr ril(bt to bate. it, aod we Govertllll('n~ had o~igi~ally aooept.ed the ~orat.1 b " a oa rle' or l , hilliDg :10 tloa, ~lllioe. wwell M tbe Plaoeoua ooe, abal proml.ae oow to accede w your wtel~e•• Further. lender No. 7, b'ut. th&t. when it wu aubmttted oraDge ............ 6 oeo11, brow a ..... SO be operated free of expeoae &o be ~looy. So. tber. at &be laa\ aeaaioo or thdr term or offto-s- to the 1,atrt• they (the )Mlrty) rt"j~eted i~ and fd acarletororaogo 1 black...... 06 that oar oDIT s-J'Dflltl will bt the mterea' oo at the elenotb bour-Mked for powtr to borrow . • B 1 d 'tu , 6d " .. t1. red....... .. OS tbct bow M'~r ttieT are·t.ned a paymeo& for. four and a half mllliona to ooDalroct tbe road. lh rt~w It over. e wae 8 8 .to ieel 100o anlyl Eijd .. " 1.6 O:J the work. doweYer timid and doubtful •e mar. He ilid no& cbarae the late Go•eromeo\ with io- o( l.hMC. tlllrty p~eeent oow In t te· . uno 8d " • • bloe per 100 :!5 ba" beeD io the-put ngardiblflli~y exte~ eoomteaoy or diabooeat~ ~D tbia ac~ount. .Ho• Cluunber, for the~ r preae.noo affoded htm AD lebilllDg ,, 10. 12, 18 aod 2f ceot, in tht. colony, uodor the preaeot arraopmeot OODiidtred \bey luul acted rtJ(bt, ootw1thetaod1ol( I opportuna~y of wtthdrawmg a &I' mark be bad .1868 to 187G Eaob each . .. 1 . ... . • 05 dcJel"'li'O' ap-pe&rllia"t lbere i1 aoy great room fo . tbe fact that they 111111 hue belined that the I made earlier iu the ee•ion, when be cbarac- jd lake: or clare\ ... 1 tber nloea per 100·60 feu, bot ra~er .,. we ll!oouraged to·~ll .. e , Hoe meant raib to tbe cooDtry. The country t.eriz.ed them 1111 ao ma!lJ pawna on the polit.i· Seod what othouyoo may floa fo(jmeei ' All ~ that we ad clering apoo a •ork which pro- bad and wudetDandiog It; tbereforo. tbey wt-re C~ol chus · hoa1d. 'riteir recent. conduct. in te• not waDted wlll·be retoroed . m'- to be a grea& aucceee, aod a great aource. obliged to -.y we will uolfo with you aod carry . . 1 d fi t ted b th Esecu H L. HART Bo 231 of remuoeratiu emplormeo' to oor people. l 1 od oa• ~et rn....y t.,eo wont to tbe coo a· · JC:Cllng 1 10 te~ er lrll accep . Y e • w· • z • S bne 10me hope. aDd oo• al&oge&her falot oqet , Yud~ ...__&& • .;;rant• afFer tbey bad~~· · lt~e!en"bl~btmto ret.~cl \lut ·~temen~ ~~ • 4S indJor St., Halifar.. N· · that ita. IUceell may open op iodtlltri~a aDd ~ed tbe!r •lllingoeaa to do tbe couotrf• bl~· wtlhngnt'il•, .&ntl apol~tze t.o them fo~ bavtog H (EN X or.eate a t.raJiio ~will enable 1t t.o be camed on diag. the oooacilaeoci'l roe, aud told the1n, ~\ e ouade UIIC of 110. un wtae an. expreeeton. In R . J wttbuu& e~taiUDR burtbeo a poD the ooloor too do not belten Jli~J; you are n->t 1~ be .-ehed this m.aLter Lltfl puty had endf'ncl1 ~ten the . , C · he&YJ for lt to bear. The ma*ter of baildlog • upoo \ JOU ire iode&fOr(DK ~ dteet\'e 0~; bot. Government or .. be beard an 'honorable fjre Assurance· omnany railwar to Hatl•e -Ber hu ~D before the ooao- 1fetrl'll now aend mao to repre~ot .ua who ... 111 ~ gentleman ~y ~day or t.wo ainoe, the ~n · ,. ~- 1 \ ":tlli l l ' •

try for _.,rat '· yeeh. ana a · large meaaare of ao oor blddiDg. we clemaod thll n •l...ar t.o &be l d . ed h' d U ~ . ' t.he LONDON doab& baa e:dtMd amooga' •11 olueu aa to tho. north aod the r~preaeut11ti•N we will oow oboae hat ~agg t e og. pon re erenoe 0 • pru~ of em.i11g upon each• alf uoder~kiol(, will ~rrJ oat our t it! WI. Thue reprueDt.ati•eal , 11, ll}'ll6are~ t.hat theee tendera a~ould LOMBARD 81 RI!;~T & CHARl-tJ~ CHOSS ltu& ttJ1a'pijopte' alr'--~er the laoct-han taken the- ban oow corue io and hno uoderta\ea the work bate bet>n auhm&tted to the as at open1og of ---

ouaAit J~t•urance Company. matter in lbe~ on budt, aod aro DOW de- a\ oooe aod .. , WI! will hne the roJd upou the! theaeaion. Until DOW we bad bad notenden ESTABLISHED IN 1782 WVWI ... maodiDrg, wi\11 ~o'u~rtala TOioe, that the work. beat t .. r:ne we cau o1Jta1o H_e bad a~tree? with , prewnt.eU to the House for oonaideratlon ' ·H•

abalt ~ · IWra'beeD deelded by' tbe con- the late lio•t~romeot tbat a r •1lw11y to llalle U~y , belie,~P.ti there were eight teodera made TRUSTEES .t: DIREOTOBt!

CAhiTAL,-£2,000,000 Sterling. ltitaeDCiee, mel botb puttee Ia tbe .tate, tbd ••• a bed teulurr, u we could oot pay f_~~r ." · neither of which i8 the one no* :propoaed t'o Joaeph Wm. Baxendale, E.q. r the -...It lball aat be fanher delayed ; aDd to Hut where tbtl COiloJltf ill 10 prODOUIICtJd Ill 1111 b .,. . d Tb I t. ·u. r the Briatow BoYill, Eeq.

oarrJ oa' 'be genral 'Yiah, we could acarcely be duire for i\ the _rt<,P.r.Htl.t?l~ti.'Y ca?"o' bit! . de· ~ e .. , . .-cepte · e ae eo oommt 0 'fbe Hoo. Jamea Bfog. QUEEN INSURANCE BUILT lNO




TWENTY-NIN'lu ANNUAL REPOR1. rile Bepotta and Accounts tor tlle year

1886, pn.ented to ~he Sbareboldore At t.hP .AQ._r Sleeting, on Thtmday 6tll May; \M;\lfoired in the

• FBB BUNCH, Tbktthe P~mi for 1~86, aftet dedue·

~iili ~1tl"*'nn~-·aaounted to t&Ol,M9 and &he~ to ~353,494; or 68.76 per oet.

. .. . ..


Tbat New Policies bad been iaaued for t~68,990, yieldina in premium £9,915. and that the t.ot.al 'Dett ~ income waa £82,r S7 -'· That \he 'P.a"*" to pOl1oy4!oldera were US,H1, iuld tbj'· the Lite ftmd .,.. in~ by .UO,OOS. -(

The :&laooe at Oredit of Profit .and X... after adding .t~s,ooo to the !'ire Fund,,.. ahown to amount to £13.,196 10. '4d, an'd ,.. diiDcWI of u follt'n :- · a'J,oOe ~&10 ~Dl'fi4..,•nn4 Bouna 187oll'J O.&.ddMW BIL t'e ~~. aWl fKl,.. I f. o..rn.d' forftrd, . · •


Wen lhown tbereaft.er to staDCi aa follow• :.-Cap*l 'Patd up ... • .. . .. . .. .. . ..< f.f80;0S9 B un• ...... ...... ... .. ...... - • 440ff86 Life Aocnunulatioo Ji'aod ... . .. . • 611,016 ADo~'] Food ... . •• ... .. . ... ~000 TOT'* FUNDS IN BAND .......... .u-._2;6,000

1 JOHN CORMACK, G.neral Ag•"t for· "''jfJ


'iarbor Grace

in a better poadoa tha.o wear. under the coo -, ftauoe to Ill wlahe•. and aay. We Will be llUidod ot.~er_ House met an~ aeleoted t.btee tenders ..lobo Clut.too, Etq. tnd before UL No better .C?atrao&, •lth· perfeo~ by our OJI'u ~oc:tl•idual op,iulooa, rPgardleaa of t.o clrooee from, and t& waa foug.bt. out be~1reen Ootatiae E. Coopo, Etq., M.P. aecurity, coa1d be made, l'be cootrac~r'l are JOUr dtm&liW. or c!Piree. . ,1)e · U~~eromeo' are tbom, ant! No. • won; ,He dtd not tbtok h U.orge Arthur Fuller, Jtaq. reliable pardee aod £tatlemeo of 1'1f1 larl(e ·00w to hQoor bound to Cl\trJ tllta policy ou_t • fair' to the ot.her pereons who had tendered Obarlea E. Good~ Eaq. me1111, aod ~ere oaaJ be no doob' tbat t~o and, u tbe hoo ~tent I emu • ho lu_, a poke Mt~. 1 tll•l thill course should hue IJeen adopted. M. Rhode Ha•kiDa, Eeq. work will be paebed abead in a. maooer tbat wtll the propo~ expeod itur .. uvon lhiA ·~~ount 11 They ahoulcl all have h.ad t.ho aame opportuni· SlrJobo I.ubbock, !ian., M.P., F.B. gin •tiafacuoo to all pertiea CODOOroed. 1 aot 10 a,."' .. we l.aot "flf1fl!hl!llllo·•l. He hoped . I f . I • od'f Charles Tbomu Lueu, Eeq. 'think, aode-rtbe ay .. em tbat baa been •doptetl. I{ would 1 tot l •e ttl .. me11o11-of olriwiull u1 to •~ekl 11"11 g~ven lte~ 0 tlnueavQrtng to 10 rn . 1 Y Charlee Magoay, Eaq. t.be uodortakina ia qaito whbiD oar meatll• aDd, aaaiat.I•CU ltom O'\r ,..,,,hbor. lltlli aak her for or lldJUit their term! as to mee t the Wllhetl l'he Hon. Edwin B. Portman. that we ahall be io a poet.ioa to meec oar own, God'• aa.t," lo·t•kc: na J l• JifOnld prefer that we. -of the _Government. H e, howe•er, could not OudleJ Rober& Smith, Eaq liabilili• •itboat beinfr compelled to Mek .tbo, .11ould go 1t.1o Cou.fed.-r .. tiou now . .-bile we C\D ·\ 11ee the ad\·iubility of tehming lhe bill back Wm . Jamea Tbompeon, E aq. MalataDoe of 1»t\ea. 1 _feef,c:oatdtt~'-'th~ <tbe •J •e are ooml"'rlllivt~ly ind .. pendeol, than llollt t-o' the llouae now, anJ be t.hought. t.he com­bill before tbe fltiaae ...;JI,' ariW .P"'diooe aud' ife ehould w11it till lhe cu<t of four yeara, when , mit.~e d911en·ed great. cr6(.i it for \he ability ecooomJ diNc:tlote•iiMwdlafi- .• .. ~.oolt~ll· we rui~tiJt bot in,.ot'·""'· ""'' tb.-u proetrace at her they bad exhibited in dealing wit.h tle ten­tall ftoucltll d~ti•l dlt "*'~67 •b1o~ r .. t bfo~t b•r to take ue ln. We are oow In a od h b h d b bt t.o -would l)e ~ly &o Jpr• apotl ~ .tfte dltft poeidoo to exact t.erm•; theo • ., abould uot he. · dehl, a t e acam~n ' ey a toug . .-ity of aeetlog· reluae Un -oota*l~~&lioo ,aod would be obliged to aooovt wJ"''e•er coodi . ·~r upon t~e SUbJect. They had not ao-'tbe Domloioo of Cao.edL -: 'l"be dooa were offered ua l:le diol uot tbiok, bow· oepteJ the cheapest offer, bu~ th~ one . t~ey . .-a • .,;coe.Hioet.ioo---•1• enr. tbat there wu aoy daoaer or euoh an un- hail choeen wu the bNt in bts opantoa. aod Cubollear For anerllJe&ra pal& &he~-.. b&pPf eoodhioo of affain OOOtiO(l about. for he \Vhat the pretent t.enden agree t.o c.lo, tber pie TtllcHoi h:» •aD¥ ·ed~W·tt. ... •locatltt~tet feh -hal when the people are 10 "mphatio io nutlouttooly are willing and able to perform. bne beee'Uk.hiw•f~~b.flf8:-. dd.-1•~1'·! their deeire for • rai~way. to llall'a Hay they are It would have ~n better bad a joint. com 11p to tbe preeeGt hme. &beir,...'*. la .~•pM· prepared 10 pay for 1t; tbey cauoot espeot that . H . • _.~ . h ticalar. remain oafolfilled, tlteir deiO&nda, it oan· b. dooo .wilhou& coal. h would be • mtt.tee of both oa~ been ~ppotnwu tn t e tbe adnnMge of Nllway ooautunri'o.uloo! · aaooatreoa.&hi-sl( to .. uk.for bread. aod then ,..1 tirat place to de-l wtth the tenders, aa wu alwa11 beell rt~t~6rdecl wttb !pltbtle_'fMor. ' ' fire we will oot pay for it. luoruut'd taulioo muat tlone in the cue of the Blackman contf'llc~; bill ooatemplat_, hrt&Hitll'!tbe~ .~f U.ue eo1oe. aed the aoaatry i• aware of it, aod. oo for thia would have p•id some rMpeet to t.bta localitlee, and &~re 0<\D •'-'DO\d.MM tlla& w doobc. ~ «> mut i\. h ·~ Uno that at branch or the LegiaJat.aro, and _we, in , tbe th ... braooh lin• .... oo.pleted. · .pnaeaL-....oanooL.meet.our.upeo.WLuht; bu& he Council would have been informed of what amoa~tt of tndo~wUlADd Ita .waJ• MU\tbo~n. ,...._ ... ~t~ha• , tbe; loonMed ba(deo · t~l• . ' • l&t' t-o b t.t.e A bt.'f'l DO doubt tWa' Uae'.btll will ~mmuod .~ ... wo~ ,eDiall ... a.tiOieDL to cripple [UI. ~u &0!118 eo lD re lOD t e m~ r. I lllf to tbla HcSUM., aad' l tnltt.lc 1tJtl ..-la.h• Tllen &hero were the adnot.agea to be deri.ed tt. wu tn tbtl pretent cue be oou~d only !apeak preeeo' form. • '"' N., ' · • • ~ ' ' · • . fro 111 tbe underlakinlt to be ta~eo iotu IICOOuDt. from what. he ba~ heard. out.lde! ena t.ha~


\\' lLLIAltl c. MAODOl(ALD,} • ~·aANCIS n ,'MACDON.lLD, Joint Secretanu

Tbe enga~ementt of tbia Office are gaara1 teed by a. numerou11 and wealthy .Prop~ addition to a lllrge ioveated Capital ; ·ucl ~e promptitude 11nd libor.&lity with wbiob-.mt1 have alwan. beoo me~, are well-~cl acknowledged. 1 ... M ... ,,.c.

The importance of t.be transaot.iona of the P-H<ENIX FIRE·~··-

ma1 be eatimated from the fae& \b&t ~Dee ita eetab~eot-DOW o.ter OH&liUKDID.J"~ the P'i'aieutt tn aat.iafabtion 1ot~"1a:Ji= ee ban'eJ:oeed.ed'i'ciOllftiK MILLI , · foeatatieea a,taioitLo.u by Fire..aucl U,bto· ing are effeet.d ' by .the Company Opc?D eYei'J deaoript.ioo of Property,· ou tho moa' fnonble terma. '

Boo A M 'lhoi'.AT-lt ie a mauu for eoo· J~..-no\!'11 -id!'"' · Tru•-l'bere wu. he mil'ht \VKK harll_ly t.be lund of tnformat.ton that a ara&olation ~\jM)a :Mr ,Jiar"t'aaaraa•aa -r_..a.,.htnoioll"· •o thi ·lloe; y .. , ... ., •ulrt_h,, by 111 (; 1 ;,~r of the~Legislature should hue l.o that be bu e~aoaed ble .mlwdo r.f"MaLd~ ehort, ··ooDtOtiUIZ hra•.ehee · run lo our ••11111!'-'' rely upon iu forming bit opinion npon a ma~ railwar OOMiroetlon~>lD Uaia ICOio~y ~fba be ... t aod wM\ aDd l(athet' iD our •hoi~ popul.• · ter of 11uch qraYe importanee. - One tender, Jaol7 genUem&D DO~!W.tbe feuibUu, of • tho eo- lion aod tbue.promale trade, athance 111duatnal • 15 GllO · 'I d b

W . & G RENDKLL, St. JOD'J•·i

Agen t• l or NN/orllull411tl. •terprlae, aod ~t • qlli&e wltb1rtdte .me~ -pur~'utta, and ioduaa 0~ .people to. uttle•dowo ~hen, wu for ~ , , . per m!_ e, an & . e ne~t. ----------------1.-"'~­'of the colo"1': ''f i~~ ame pOel\lea that' 1 . lo tbt~ IUOit promlaioa P:&tia of tbe oountrJ aloDg t.o ti.Jat. wu $14,.,06. The former, wu w~l· 1 haw ~en llerettferiJ,i.,.....lad•lf to •INa rnaHtr. the hoe. '.l'lle· oplJ U: lisg oe~ ... ryto anf010D~' ling to accept onr bonds at 3l per cent. to .Mr ooDteotioo .U:.ftat' die• nDCiertakiDifiWIILDot the difficohld of Jbe poal.tioa wu work.. Ue did I"'YMen~; ho'' the latter requi~ cub pay­in ao1 wu iatpel4l 1Gilr p•bllo · tw~h ••dd not tbiok &bore • u auy co>uotry OD tb11 elde of 111ent. It waa a moe~ important. at.ep at. the foroe ae to aoelunfqe \ ln ooofed .. uoo ·~lh -cbe•A&Jaotlo whlob afforded aocb' meaoa of '''P· inception of an undertaking of tbia kind t.o Caoada. U•ril .~e·\N- rerr oppoehe etfec& port to tbe poor manu lbla. ·Waban abaoaant ol tcin nota tiona and to have time to OOD• n will ODbaoce oQ~ pabllo aredl~ ; ·eolarae our roaoureea 00 leDd aQd in tho wat.er; .but .they ~ ll q 11 Lut.....,. h llel'e ed there proeperitt; opeD ·ap. oew .ouroM bftirJdoatrJ; 111u1t be worked, aod tbe, peoplll moet be taxed 1 or 1801 •~ · .,-~ e 1 ~

1 . udlile lbi felttt• t laodl t-aad''tt*Wr . .-onreee to a reuonblo deree, io order. to eoable the Ita~ l~u a tf'~dt!r f~r ·i coottao~ to bu.Ud 1101r lo1100111A1tl .,._ tltej .. oplt'1 it ,) wtlldotd Lel(ialatalN to t~e adtu~ge or tbeee reeoorctte Lhts tUne 1'011 operate tt. for k"peri~ ol ~~~~ •mPlo7-' "• .,.......,.... ~a.1aod.J,,wlll aod~ ,, ptodor• for tbe people tbe require- t~n je_.,..,. In p.yntent tol' wltlab'Oul' boDdt

*- froai all•dtN!8il~'aa whitt otherwlu aneeta ·.mictr-·all "bttltla~-~~b!rlu bav., or """ 3! 1~ efsoto. w~nldf·i!avft.•-- ~ph , .. ,wollld ~IGN4'~•tJ1~ eooo.Wrba · 4 are etri•IDf ' 1~. .Wifll ~e · ~o~eaeo . of ~ . . tie though~ it ...oitla.•bay'et beto' btt'· do DO' late•• ·"' ·s~· .. . bOP I'ODt •e oor iodu•tM. with oQr .. ....... t.eemtDI( Wtth If! I l ··~ lheu bueii· able ul acctN mr remarka at ao ~to:. '-litil ~~~• ll.oo~o. ~ e-eaJtiL ao~·~U'I •aad ,tk .fetatoa ,au &.ud r 1111

• • ' , r• ioto oomal""• w ~~to' d•l ttith Ch wltf Jtel••o ~.;. rei'-*" -.j l*-""'••d the o~ur, I'll~ •• '<> •baYe •oomblnecl t.be ~D· whole ~.' ' '~' *M,.Jal•••·'··trbea .. ~ wofk our people woald, Ia &be aear future. be lo atr~C{'1f".•.~' t..J:te ~~tion of the hoe. Doue Ia Ia eowt.._t.,.._tllae\.,...IHOtioeo~f aaob a pot!&it»n tbat lbeJ ·=, fqel 1~ in· H., )!~cned Jl.01r &.ba e )welell~ oont.rac­tbe .blll be aeeeded by eablllkltla1 tile word 01~~~~ wbl~ t~•r' _._-_..,;a cur., -.wri ~iil~·o~te 't'be 1 ne during t.be period

f11""'1it1MIUJI.~Il' wo!.Qte•IJI!OC·••:GoaDcil.' : 1 ~~q oa ttrla road would eDtai~refore •e nee no~ 0 ( coiti,..Uo't.loo; bu~ be thouaht it. would hue ~ileiiiWWIWhJ'4~ .. ~wH~J deapaiM ' W~&h ~··~•nt.ari•e ~Mila;~ beeft •iwe •if-tbe- Oo'eruwen~bad ·p~lded

.:;;;~::::1~~~=~·:;: wt; :::,-t tll't telfdeta, be •u h~IJID a l*ltlon to apeak. for &be o1l6nt.ion of the read for •' JeuL a ..... 114 r ... ..... .... 011 -t- He It Dew a oocaml,.... of dl • .o&lter lloaeo ball . . . • H L-

.. ,. of •- l•portuee;-·ud I ... o, 11e wbr I&& da aod. alati' cbO~ciltrtlaeca, aad ~e bad pertoi ot live or aut ye.&n. e may .,., tMflla l •d11M1ltioll to·,_ .tall lllll .... ct -... ._..._: ........ ..., lted ....,dtetrworlt ooUoted wrung, but the reeult will abe•. He roett ..., ..... ~.._.a....., .... l.a...tt .. l' doaaJJ ud well. ' ID'l &f!eJ bad adopt.ed tba& . wit.b ple .. ure to 1upport t.be blll, u be ooo .. ... l .. ....r laio Ute wbole ..U.r _.....,-.,~··'"•.._. • W.._ ~''- t.he ooo&rao~ well made, aDd wlth sood

wil &lae objeal of .. rtluritat tbe teodera reli•ble IIOOllle, aud he hoped \he ora.,.~

~:r:-:·th~=~ ~~¥WafTt; 'r.opl.J. .n~ .... ~! ~io ~""-... ~llflliiiiiMtrl l ldlide ~' l'!eW.:. 't.ire ·to lnfeffm · wltla ••· •-DiaiJMr 'it .......... .., -~ We.,. boul.&o.,tn .,_.. ooeelde,.tloa pt'elent, he ~ae,remi'ded P!..tth' ""!_l'-- . ~--~- o..-s; be,, apoD a the laop M.r. aaaJ, ~ ~li 'f1'iiil ~ IS• I!~;;;==~;~~~;;:;~ tUdla· wb• the people &eri~ tO lMI , llae~&O JJ.ta.Jt&1• ~\ tq 8&. 'l i

trltolaate ~·.,#,y.,, 1 ..._~._

:...-..... ~o.W --~~·-1.· ......... '!1 .. -t ~ .... '", .... rt fOf'IC •

~ •


;; .. f, ..... ~ • ; ' . .. ... !.1.;., ':. ~ •••••• ",.;.~

L ' · .: •. llv " r" ' IICM. hulUDW... :.. t : . Cn r" n • ., n•· ·/'" •

:Misc~ll~neou~. , . ................... ...,... ............ , ...... ~ ............... -.... ~ ............ -

STA'N!oEY:;-'fE'N~ANT. .

J~ge:of ~he' Gr~'"tf Afrlccn J-~J~ror in ~ . w~,m\\\.~~r /! bbey. . '

A~ lllf'!·.~l : p QIIII~ :.IOI\Y. n or: '"'· J.;l elo•J' II 1' :' •I I I ~ "- a 0 d ll\Jo ... l ~ ..... , ' umdou · .111~11 12-'1 hi~,,:"~r' ;,..,,. ,.f ~I r ll t>nry

M. Staoley aad ~tiu DP.rotby"'Tennaat took place in \Veatmioeter Abht'y 11JiA lflf•roooa. The r.tre­UlQUJ .wae per,fornerl by the Very Rn .. (i eor11e Grao.yalle "r•dley, clean. of WtatmioetPr: 1he Very Rev. Frederick William Farrar, H. n, F. R. S., Archdeacon of W eatminatH : nutl tlocl Right Uev. WHliam Bnyd C&rJienter. lJ. J) . J.,,., Riabop of Ripon. A lar1!e 9rnar(111a1hcrto•l .. t.nu t tht'Abbey and. loudly plleued Mf :-\t11u t .. y ""' ' MIU Teooant aod the wt'dllintt ttnetora on 1h ~it· amnJ. AJr. Stanley t'Dit'tl'rl rhco Ahllfly at· 1 50. He walkeri erect Uflt'>.tl!f" lrlln~"Jlt. 11ho•·inl! no aiJ~OI I'f hi11 i!lor'" . nud to•·k " """' ue~~r the ak tar. II\' )tOte. " rrrck t;f,\llwi•h "white flower io the ,bouao )lo1

1a' ".nn ~liuo k·i·l ,lllflYea. Couui

,0' Areoli~' (fie "ri i'rmrent"!i..ve r>f K inJl: tAopold 13elgiurn. 1\nd the ~troom;e beat rneo. Mr. Mye,., 1\ brotht!r: ro - lnw or 1\liiLil T\'lliiAOI. flllrl Dr Parlre, l\tr AM .lephaou, L'11pL NPlaopanrl Lirut11 St11rtl and Uoauy. trho ... e ll! . with ~I r. l:liiiOity 011 hie Iaiit expedition inlu Al;9.r.oo. !:'Oil fit>• I th t'meel\'coS

' .... ~~,: •~ttbcl :'t .. . , _ .. , , • •• •• 10 •1\


'' "THE • ;\-• ,.

~~.~~ ~ w:9:1iJl~PUL ~·~~~~r. ~ .. REMJ;Pl

. . ,·r, ._.,.""'' •-·

Golder's Patent Victoria Anchor and on :Buoy. '\. • ·, ! I '

. · WOrdere for the .Huoye w be had of JOHN

Medals . Awarded ·I MoNNJ& Co, Barb. or Grace. • #. _ -~ • F. W. GOLDER, lrtventtJr,

let-The • VlCTORIA ANCHOR" ie not ba- 1 Leu o§iur of A. A . T . Co. S. S . Mi.itJ, peci&llf ada~ for &DJ partioular, buhotry clew 1 o~ reci~nt oft"M Golll Medal a"IUI ttt neee .. ,' f~·the Grtat &utn'll to the Dory. 1 Diplmnafor rnodeu at -IM ruMriu~

· 2ud-lt npenedee all otben, u it hal more ' JlzUbilion, ~ • 1888. , J

:'t.i!/o•r .\haD anr other ~•enty ~er cent. G01018'S VImBIA PATDT on BUOY : srd-U ~Dot be /oNled by oablea OYer it or AwardM A Gold:..Jied&l t •'-- •-~•--­te;pt bJ·l .. OWD. • . 6 WHO .~ I \'tla~lUfC*r'io ~e-four~h the room op deok Arid Dow uae~blttozal 1888. ·- - · .

r ~ oo\r projectio .. about a fioot froro the 1 ;by .the larse fJeet of uUio~t, for.-""" •' id h .... •d ego -.~ad baQitlng Veuele out of !thle port. &

Yn- • • e • eo e...,.we · bu gbeo «eoeral atief cti .... · J -- taa-ltoao be let go &ocJ: a11d Fld:. from the · . d •1

1 ,

00• te .... moo,aa • oom-

all bJ llleaDJ. of a 'lll'lllbler. · No coci:-billi11q, tog 10

at1 1• . l~dl or ~ oo bot!~ o~euary. • TESTT.... '11..TT Hl-:-lt _.DO' poealbly tonl the forl-/oot or . .a..w.O.&.,~.LA.LS. let \be•bow wWlM'btlo1 eec11t'ed. The follo~r'.tHiiid!olilate aref~m Capl a.y. 7ttt-lt ll ..-er to ccat aod _J.l and rtoJD tl.an Ullta, of the ~king eoboOner BppW aad Capt

of <Mber aaobo.r. . HODSOlf, of the eobooDeJ' &liM". "both of RD.. · 8U..:.Tbe l'lake cao be tom old aud r Aplocd bor Graoe :- _ _ · r -r •• '" mbnuee. l:)paq Flakee O&D be eipplied. 8Ia -1 han uMd the Victoria on Buoy

lcb ll of gm~t oboltt~, by eendiog omnber tl•e put leASOD whilet IDNed ia the .&olt l'lalt• lice. ery, and, during the Tfl')' j h•YJ etorme ID80Gil-

9tb-'.l"ble Aoobor up.to fin hundred w~igbt tered, ba.e fonndit to be all that ll de.i.red aocl aa be tAoro.gll§ rtp4ircd. byaoy ordinary black- ,what il claimed for it-whether Jayior to or •itA. wla~ ·"- oomaaocu.oohor le toto/if ••e- raooiog, io heaYy ,.a, or ridirag at uobor 01l th• l"' wbea oibe brolteD. 1.Baab-tbere le perfect· l&fe&J 1wbile.1•• baYe.

10\h- -Tb:.~:.Stoolt of thi "VlCTORIA. AN- the Oil Baoy adqat •. ~oald,J)oa Do'~: be lrilh .. 0 " •- •L-- ..._,, 1 oat '' a._ ao)' coin. oa canoo' eati.mate. &b•

H a ... - .... --v u oag u the •rocJ: I&YiDg by tbe Ult of the t BUOJ. • ' • • .._ .,..,. ••or. ud if needed iu a TulfTJ Sl'EP'' ,.. s

aa be &hron onr teillolll •tod:, aod U will be .• ~EL'f BA W .KINS, • ..SfUt•anllable. No aoolaor of the day ie I ha•e 11Hd the PateD' 011 Buoy thfue_;D OD· ~flllil1..,_-J'... . the !Suh.ud OU ~to lte \UIIIDlll-,,tact• lf.B.1'l'be VIO'l'OlUA ANCHOR ll the ooly ·w"'d Do~ oar.~ be _:wftboa·, U, u 1' oft;JI; ....t •~ .... rocAU where my •-l~wldl•' ~ldlaa a& a.-oho~. · .~ ,

llfllttaeuaod fiCtltrw, 1 ~ l 1· _ BOBBRT HUDsON ' ~ ·~er f/diu '

arou,lld Mr Stanley. ~ l"l\"f: YU\UTiS LA'Tt:R ){1~8 T£NNAI'(T1

accompanied by her hrother. Mr Clarlee Coombe Tennant cntt'rN) 1he r\l.lbey and walkeri with etately ~: r"c" IIIOnJl the alate. lll!t traio wu borne by t...-n or her ll<'pbeWI, dreued II pljlt' ll. Their coAt Ullin " ' l'rt' r>( the titne of Charles J .. aud coneiaterl or white aatio oaulier auits with !&Tile wllite hnla oro .. mented with oatrlch plumea. The bridealllllidl were ,Miu Sylvia Myna. the bride'• nirce, IIOCI Mila Finley. both or wbom are very pretty. Their drn1e1 were of white aatiu aaclla aod oYer -aldrte or·crepe llaee, and they wore wroath• or jaemine aod oanied bouqoeta or white roaea. The bride'a coatnme •u a pellicol\t aod long court train of ·•biN dncLeu utiD aud cord­ed silk and a bodice of !wbite•atiu triwmed with lace. The front ol lb~ akir~ end . the oorettge were embroidered with ~bite· -aitlt aod pearls, aod the edge of tbe petticoat- and train wu trimmed with garlauda of orange 'blouoma. 'Ibe bodice waa eet off wilh a hich ,Me'dici collar, embroider· ed with pe11rll'. A tulle nil wu faeteoed io her hair 'Wilh diamottrl SIIHI, a~ thia W&l IUrmOUDt· ed Ly a wreath of orao~te blouoma. Her aboos were of eilver lpath~:r, wi~b diatoood buckles. Arooud her neok • 111 1 BIIVtrb diamond oecltlace, the ~tift of oir \\' illi~tm \V Maoltinnoo, chief of the Eo~rliah Elllt African Company, from which depended tlo., diamond IIP t miniature of tho Qoeeo preacoted by Hl ·r Majesty u a weddiog Kih. Aliia l'eooao t' a lao wore a diamond aigrette l!ld diamood brooch, tho Jrifte of Mr. Stanley. Uer bouquet. wea made up of wbite cape jumioe, ~rardeniu anJ tube roan. nnd in iu ceotrt~ was a paocratim hly.

WOlLE llOYING T')lf.\110 TKE AdAR

t~• bride •topped, brolie the line of the proc,t!&· 11on and walked alo•I.J to tbo table• ~oder which lie1 tbe do at of L\yiogsl4.ne and then placed theru­on a wreath of whito' Howe,_ io ~e cunlre of which wu a ecarlet letter • L • 'fben reaomiog her place abe walked to the altar with head erect aod ftuebed cbeeka, Mr ~taoley ro1e to receiye her aod _both "took their plecee at the altar, T ht1 aerYice wu begun by J\rcbdeacoo Farrar. aod wae taken up by the lliebop of Ripon on tbe pli!lbtiog of the trotb. 'fbeo followed a full choral aervice, ILfter which ,r. Butler made ao addreu or coo~ratulatio •r aorl the ceremony ,_aa conuluded by tLe reodorio..:of the orarrial!e hymo. Mr. Stanley'• •oice WM 11lruo&t inaudible aa be repeated the rervicl!. Lut Miu Tennant's wu clear and etel\dy. aod oaly faltered u aho repeat­ed tbe worde, • in alcllne.e aod io boaltb • AI . ter the aenice the partJ proceeded to &he resi­dence of l~e bride'• mother io Riobmood Ter­rence, where a reoepti~ wu held In two largo marqueea, wbich were crowded. Mr. and Mra. <;i.ladatooe, Lord Wol~ey ana Lady Wolaeley. Str Lyon Playfalr aod· Lady Playfair, the Baro­oeu Burdet~ Cootw, ~ir~Winiam Verooa Har­court, Mr John MorNt: ·Sir Jobu Milaie, t.od a. boat of other well ~oewo peraooe were preaent.

, .. • l-


had beeu coooloded, a rtatrorm, which bad beeu erected for the oonnolenoe of ~ueeta, oollapaed aud eneral pereooa w.bo were eitUDJt or ataadlog upon it were broiled more or eu aenrely. 'fhe &own of Deobigh. Walea, the birt.b-plaoe of Mr Stanley, •aa gaily decorated with ftaga io honor o.f tbe explorer, IIDd ~t tho hour let for hie mar­riage U the cboroh bella raug ouc merrily. 'fhe Mayor aeot a coogratalatory meuage to Mr Staoley ou behalf of the citiuoa.


ll~r Staol.ey ia1 the _i~cipie~ of 'mapy ooally aod

cur10U1 preaente~ wh1ch 1oc~udo almoet eYerytbio~r that .tb,e iugeouat_y ,uC0!,Jiail can dniae. Among the latee~ arnnle-'tlle ~rirta of the meo of tbo adY&D041 8'U"d of th1!",Emio relief expeclition­~ 4~~,~ut~fo1 onr_maDJel of ~~n,t.~•9d ~iiYer ~),DIC tlpdo an euel,of the aame wood. Th& m~~t"1}1 · t~1 decorated 1wl1b the fJ\~!oifr~pl•• ~..r Swn, .-rerke. Neleon •od 'Jepheoo. one to each. ~rue~,L!n" theplctq.r~or StiLnl~.~lD tho centre. A fJrnr or watch makers prt'lented ~.pat,M $lOld ul!ograpbicel wateh. thQ lh111 Of lhe klnu ner

1 maoufaotnred. Jt. \.nts tht1 *'X~o• tlnle 'iQ almoa1. llYII1 important Cttyln tlot\ wortd. 'l'bt Prine&

.or WaJeueot a larJre l~mll,- Uible and a framed

1tmboeeed poeru. Mr HotlrMnti &:anbha a phono­j&nph. Tbere are oo1j fun r of theee lualrumeota ~o &apod. 'l'bree o~ the no .,,.,. p_laoed in ,W ~~~­pliDitU Abbey . l>ontJil tloo marnaae cer~mODJ' ol»e· wu pleced In the, t~wer to record Jbe fai t.

, IOIJDd of the weddill~'t"'''· IIJIO&fl'er beaide the. orpo to oatola tbe 11101£,. 111ut lluotber fo \he choir_ .L . ........ ~ ~

IDitrv ... la w..-e JIYeo tn Mr. aocl Mre .. 1 taaley, 10 tb'ar \he 11loaJoK ~od' mUle maJ bel

~•~ to them. · 'l'lr6..,brldat ah''w¥ a oirola ,, IMia IDd lliYer pUla,..., r A •WW llllt able tel. iltb .... r.tdaii-.J.t.-l'.-111 ... 8.' laatld PIIIDte4,.

Ia f101at.: pltll ooraaooptu; ~1114


• W'~:~Jcfil6~.. n ,.-. oa • • • • t

The .~ewa ·r~m ~·~foundland. . SCRATCHED · 2B" YEA~hS The ~: .... ~ I .... ,. ,::fouucllamJ ~,,;,.· .... 7r ... ·.A· Scaly. ·ItJhilig Skl4 1~iae!Ule whb .. nC:-

IoterntiDjl. ·~tte lt~dloatiiu .. . are rl11~r ~ tllt' c··~· . leu S~ein; Cufftd, by Ca•iourAI ( •m•-oiitl~ ~ro uor. d~ap~Mcl, to .•ul.roit tamt'lv •o 1 1 ~.: : die~. •• ·,• sacrahca I ; ( thrar rtlt'hl,., &ltd Chat if th•· Fn•u•·l, I• I ad ~ ,. "";;t ·!. • .... " 1 u•,:u f a::"')l, , ...... -&

. titbermeo remain OJ• their co,et tlot•y '"""' ""' 1• • • .. ,~,, ,. ~L , , ... ~ r • , ._ , t_ . ..... rv ... ,. wuf!'it, eft ... "'dc.:t •t.•tu.-. .,r • lu· q ...' .. ,,. $:!,t•~on "'~· · , n•• •• ··•··: ...... . ~ •.• , , ~-. ri ,.,,., Th~ Flt"IICb liUfOrtflll;ll~ly .... v.., . .. .. '"'''''"II" ............ (: .. :~ •• -·- ··· ..... .... ·.·· ... . h· .,, ... . cooae thore from lle:II!Cifo tn II••:."''" ' " ,. " 1"!1 . ., .. , • ; • • "'' 111r1to.;l ol1"" ,. ••. • 1 .,.,, . , ., 1,1. to, "''· cnro fi,h . hn t. tlH·y h•·•·u ,,;, ••·J ••t ·l r 1 ' ':t" ·· ' · OYer nty ' ' ' "'"· ~ ... , c·" ..... t,. · whate ver. Tbt>y c~n s.:n lflll•"'" '" ,.,~ .... , . .r tl ,.

1 • my Dllilt', Th .. •«:" '"• 0 , . • • • , , ,

tht"ir lf,.h hu r '"'"'"'" "'.!1' ",.,. r •• v .· l · . : ·" •' ' · ~:• ·• off of 1110 nll ' "'' , ,,, .. ·I ·I ... , l(llltrni•'O•o·ol t.y •I ... 1 1 ····1 I I 'loo I j , •• j., ,.,, k .. ,. auffcriu..- .. , .• ,. .... II •• I • I ' 1•1• •o' ' • 1' ' '· • • .1 fl OUt re fhif (). " ' • • '• • I •

" ' I H I h tt H ..- 11. \ '• • II '"" • t, . t, t •• t' , .., • 1,fJ t ltlf8 WUttl•l tt p l t,• tll .•

ft lt l t r • : .- • 1• • • .I • • • •• · • , ... ' tJ ' • • the d i.-'C"\ • t· u v .. r •' \." "'''

th···1· •· ' · • · •·· .,o ·' : 1 poor '"'' ' ' f,., . •····• o:l"lo .. i• •• ,. ' I I I I t ,. I ( ..., · . . .• ~ \. ~ . . . ! teYc• If "'" ·• .. . .. , u.. , qui••· ,., · fi '. ~.. , . .... tora ,q,id ~-• • . ... , •• ,.. , "' •. , , . • Frruct,., ... l ., • " 1o ,. •• • 1 ,, .r ,.. .. . worm. 1 •a·ni~~is. •· •c: I •=• 01

~ti •e 1111'110 " . . ,. . 1• • •• I , . '... • .. . . , ... . l t•IAI'\1 the CUl'ICU~I I r; ~.)H II H.- ": ••• h I lo I

Purpoec ui o " ' .,. .. . ... ,, , , ..• ,. .. ,, 1 lt ~ w .. •••• •I~ mv ·•·1 • •I 1 1 ( . ... ..... . . ' ··~· - ...•. I' n -. ,... .... ... "" u H-; •. c .. r lt• • ~ •• • • • ·o .. ,., ~ .... .. tllllllj: tl .... :n I · I • •••· ... ,. .L, , I f ••• :\ ... , ... . ..... . 1\Jr "l.laby'll , ,\t l I " UIII'tl . r '"''"' .. .... $5 • "•rt.h . lander• Wtll .. ... : " '' .. . ol., ..... .... i"l•ll~ ...... r " ··. tr you haol heeu Iori I' .... .r ...... Y"" .. j,,,,, 1 ... ,. log tLe forOil·r,•hull~;lo ""t olo.·l .. r·~• To.i- ,·, ,,. v ll<tr.•ti 11...- for ~2111) (loo v· oo .... 11 .1 o, ., .. h ol 1 to~ ju~~~y COIII~U • I lr' ••lll f~ l. , j .. t. • llll, t'' ' ••• 1 tu .. •y t~ t· w i•1 fl~ •lt.t•y l ltU~k .. tf l iL. r · JI,,. a,,. ,, . ... l ·~••L 4! t ••.t•• dna1TY wluol1 ""'~ , ... ~ ... , •ln.·i,"uu·tf •• ( ... 1,.,.,. tl 1 ... 1 4,) tu \' uu r l.o uk . · Jl ,.w , .. t : • .,,. ' :t 1.-.-IT"•rotto .• •

V• ' • ] • r 0 ~ , trfal)' wA.-. ennt1 t! I tf •• ,, ' t.jA·: ,,, .. ,,. • fd .. , •. f,., .. , I ._,,. ' "'•"' I '' '" " ... ,.• .... :.r ,.,. -.uv 1,.., ,,.. ... ,. , .... , _.,. 1

h.'~"'~~ ' ~ ' """',. ,. ' •.i·· r t.''• • 11 • " • • • ·· •i·· , .. ·· .. t : • • 't.·1

• ' · · • · · · • I \., • 1: I ruh ·.uy It, • • f .- .... ,.,~ •• ; t 1u1• 1, , ., \' •·• u ·• f .. • "' tt · ltd " ,; · • ... , , • ., • • · · nr .1,-lt •••·n..- j, , ,. \) hf ' rt e111 , ,, 1 ht• l " f ' t ' 1 • rl l)' l ' l: fi,J, 1•1 ••1 c..-• •1 l l • a..• , , .• • , 1 ... ,,. , • •I 1•11 t •' "' ' I ,,,, .t -·· I I I •tll"''' ' ••"l l"•"tt f • 'l'

... ~ ·· .~ 111 1 t: ,, ··• fTf"••·t f ,., • • , • • , • , ,., • • ~ · • ••• I • ••••· . •• ~ L' t •• • ,, , •• " •·· · • If ........ ,,,,.1 If .. quart•ll n •11 0'..- r ... t• l ,.c .. •• t 1 .. I· ., .... r • t•·r• , ,.,,. , I •h ·• k' 11 ...... u .. 1 ,,, ,., .. . .

un: . I • ' 1-. I?O I\' ' 1.\ • . . \\"~• ·· '""Y V I. f t:.,y loav .. " "'" " ",.,.,. 1 .. fT ol .. · ' '<:.'•• ••..: o.:'·""' o. Cut1cura h' f\solvoot

or II ". Ftl"••Ch c n&81.' ... , , lt• l' \ ' · r··Kl ti lt."' '" I J '· · ~ ~ • of ..t tl I """" ~ . .. P •tn n .. , I '· .. ... , , .,.

wht"h i~ , ... ,.,,.,. fro u, ct._. l•rt· •·nl•, , . .... h . . ; ,. , 1 ... , ... : .. ·· ·· .. ,. ot . ' · · • · t ttl• "''f•ll "+tt f' . ... i ,. ·!~· ·•• .. 111 ~OCP, lhrl "'h ... tt ic Q,u ltt•" (rurn lh•• •fJfi\·,·i' ,,f, ,.,,,. ; ·· ···· · · · I I 'TIJ·:UuA lh.- \." ... ·• &. ' " '' ' ( 'nr,., of he r .\l~j~"' .\'." Wh r · ~h l pll h!l jfl ,. l(r.l ' ~"' ' ,\: 1i " '' " ' 1 1·; ICI ' I: I ' .\1' M h o·•q•ol~ll·· :-~ill llc• ll ltlflr: 1titulio111tl . I lolly JlfOCI'•' " ·-. ido ' "' ,, '" '' '- ' •·· . . J ~: • • t' ( '" .... .,, . ..... ~;, .. "'' 1 ., ... •1, ,., •• 1 r~r mcvt!d, bewr.: rle lt'rmiuo·LI tn yit·f .l .. ,1 ')' . .. ' " ' ''" • ' .. . ,. ''" " '' ) "'" ""' '> .. · I · y ,· ' " "' 1!1,,.,.,jj ly 011J proouhly UOt I'V6111•1 !lull .-lolo•··ll u Ill~· •~ . ,., . , . • '• 'Y . , .. ~1~• .. o l· o:Jor .. , l•uroolu.: AU411 If Freoch furoe iot .. rfcr~a to pr~r .. u • ol,,. ,,. lr'" " " 'J '''' .. t'""t·h· •"" ' ''"'"'" , .. t t,,.,,.,, ,,,"" •ll•· fiehiu~ in any of tile wo to•rll or"'" i~lnhol !I " ' tl i t')' . . ... . . .. . , ........ r .... , ,.,, .. ~., .. .... ,. , , . ...... '!'"11•1. may BC6 fit IO fish io, o r to !HC\'tllol llll-111 fr no oo " ' 1• "'" ' 1 1, 1' ' '""' l ~ol:oo.c > '" "I!·· fro;, 11i11;~ eatablialli u,:: lol>ate r factories wl11·rr· ~·c r do,.y "'"'' 1·• ·· · .. ··· ~.,fu · •• plcaae to do ao . they will rejlard it 111 11n IICt .. r =-· ••·1 •· Y··• v •• lo .. r~ . I' ric.. C 1.: npuH.l , 7[? o. ; war, ood ,will iu all prol.lability do wlo111 ' ""Y o:'" ·"'"All ;; :1•: . lhs •L\' t•:sr .:CI [)'1. l'r· l•"; ,..t toylhe to repel the invaders. lookinr:- ro lo:oos: lnoul rur l'orn:H ll o:1:o •'=''' t:lh.~JICA I. CoHl'tiHAT~IlN , Ooa1 help Uut should tho forcrful interfcrence conic •ou. from the ilnperi11l nuthorities lhey will yiuhl. b•1l IST'-i<''"l r .. o· · llu"' tu L: oo,., :-\kio )Jhlrll•,.,. · ~ only 10 carry their CkFo in1o the courl s . thruu11h on ... c,., ;,11 ' ""srr .. tio"s :ooool I Uti lc.t•ioowuialll. • hich they doubt oonl llot'y el.oll obtllin n11: ple indemni ty for any loFa or injury that th tl'y uony sustain.

It is probable thnt by ·this time everybody "' h'J bad anythiu$! to do with tho eatatliabmeot of lloo ••wdw1 dre11di Ions coroe to tbe conclusion thol, thou~~:h only temporary in i11 nature, it waa a miatake. It was iutendcli us a peace mcaaure, but it lias unfortnnatcly only increaaed tbe irri· tation which it wne ioto:-.ded to allay. Alrearly it ia a clend lettl'r , aod it acoma prol.lable that it will have to be withdrnwa h was concluded without tbe cona';!n: of the colony. ano.l as the N ewfoondiRnders undcratnod it, in t lle fnco of the aaauraoce which had bcou given them u ea rly na March 2u. 1~7. in 11 rleapatch from Mr. L!\· boochere . tbco secretary of state for the colo · oiea: ··That :ho ri ~:hts Gt preeftot on joyed by tho communitY' of N e wfoundl nnd BJO pol to be cedetl or"excbnoged with out their IIMent, and that 1bc cooatitutional mode of submittioj:( meaaurrs for tbat aaaent is l.ly brio.l(in~: thorn before tho L;olo­oial L~ial11toro , aod that tho couaont of tho com­munity of ~owfound Tnud iB rc~nrded by ti er Abjeaty's Governmeni n& the e~~&eotinl prellrninnry to aoy morlific11tion nf !heir te rritori~t l or onui · time rights.'

AA~r~i~~n~~~~.?u~~~- ~~~G.~~ - weakoeMC4 relieved in on,o t:Wnu .. by chu Dutrcura An~i-Pain P la&ter. 11,., ti_ret anti only pa iu .killing ~l ruster. '

1Vl. SEAl{ J.JEe-· Watch-Maker & Jeweij.~F1

Water Street, HQrbor Gl'#o(:.e.

A ll work 111 tbc dtllereo t brnn.:l,u• o/t~•.e ~t:\1-",t neatly executed with despn•.ch.

Outport work will receive carcf,,ll K.~•c;l l'fV.Wfo,l 1\ltuotlon. ·

Sbop-1 wo doors west Tc lc~otraph Olijc,o.

I ,J<Jl-JN Ci.t\.~EY Ta1.1or~o ..

- --180 Wntcr ~t. , Hal'l.>or Gt't\.CC: Nlld,

Prices modorat.o satisfaction guarant.M4

,r.~ · A. 'Vf-llrf!\'IAN, Custom· Tailoring.

'Vill guarantee Fit, Workmanship aqtf Style. Give us a call. ·

Outport Orders receive prompt attent.iQJJ Corner Victoria aad IVcttu Str~.


h may, of cnurae, l.lo tnkon ror grauted, that Jbo! Imperial Oo•urnmcot bad no intention of doioc nnytbing inconsistent with this unol<>r· ataodiog, and that if tho modu$ ''iutnili does aeeut to CODfliot with -ft. It WB8 Onfy becnU!Ifl it 'll'llll B

temporary arrangllroerft ~tored into· under I he pre81ure of very pcculi:1r ci rcumelllQCell, and wn11 only io~ended to aecuro timo for the tboron~.:h diacuuit>D aod perc.oaoeot aattlemcot of the whole queatioo. At tho •ame time no t~vil, but r11th ur jlOOd, ia likely to como rmcu the New(oundlnod· e"' atandio~: by their colors Hrmly 11nd ioaiatinl! upoo the letter o r the la w. Thora is IL J.:OOd do!:\l of truth and .:ood aoase in wbat the corrcaponfl· eoL of tbe 11iow York Tribune uya, writiuiC from S~ Jobn'e, nnder d&te Juoo 28: · Arroi~a aod DaYiea cannot r eprt!118 tho ,.:ooiue of tll e uiuuteenth cpotury, 1\nd ia sheer fo lly to waste •ny anoro (:me io efforts th&t aro idlo u tbey uo irritatiog. ~ E Q wE 8 ~ E R t The tbiog tor aeoaible meo to do ia to come to- ~ ~rether and make a new Rrr&ngement, ndl\ptPd to • the prN~t~nt nge end tbo present conditions. Dr1.1ggj.s't : Eogland ebould present tbia iaauo to Fraoce wi tb Water St., Harbor Grace,

Prescd 1ltionH ~rof&Jlly compouncle•l

STEWART ~UNN .. & Co.i Shipping and Commission

· Merchants. . 22 St." John Street. Montreal.


' 'erfeet caodor Sbo should say tbae abe can not tooaid11r tbeao treaties lUI longer io force, bu t dlat abe hotds beraolf ready to trent ·or to or. bitrate 11.poo the quel'ltion · of corapebaation to Franco folr tbe ~oas of her llllotont priYIIeqe.' He adde, • tt,ia ~ tfl.e plan or tht~ Oppoaitioo nod it ia accepted aad approved by cho people;' &nd probably tbo· <Yoverntneot 1ue 11 aoxiou1 to have it carried ouc; aa the Oppoelitioa are. At "time like tbia tbere ough~ to be no di~iaioo.-Toronto F.mpire.

Tbe Eo~ttiab. corre•p,~odeot of the ): e" York Sun eaye that &' ,' atarttin(l)tdemolteU"~ioo of the cleetruotiY& po•·er "lff tbe ·famoue Brt~uoan tor­pedo, porohaaed, by the .8ritiell, aoveromeo't for &r>OO,OOO, wu IJil•do off the ble of Wi~tbt. l!l tho 11reeeoce or tbe \.tlecretary of war anrt " larsr!" oamber bf o'Dva1 .,_.,d ulllitary •tgPsr:t• Thu old mao-of-war Harp!{ was &ow® ~~~to tho S)le nt, and u (000 u Jbi' t•ll lighted a'~. rhe r. liiJ nc Fort Hrennan a uwp edo wee.~~ t.• mitt hi\" Tb't torpedo, J,CUided lt oro tbe fon ,Ql~e\1 arounr! the doomed atrip at wlll, f~tlowlea\~!_e.~rnov~t· ineM of lurr. After a l~w ·fDiD~9f• 'joolmiu­ary nolu&looe &be tocpedol lltr'}olt )rC.DIIu Tl1o~r& •u a treT:sendoo• ~oek, ,.bld'J C!~,:J .~b) Janet: to tremble for a ' few aet!C.\ode, fQlloq4 by ~ dtllll da;rk otood '·and fa\lflmtDIW' {lf tlm bor • Wb-.o tb~ emote "leared!i• wu. aeen t~~ atloa~ a..Jblrd 01 her· majeety'e eblp Harpy h&oi been ~~ avaj·r~n.d her mut-.b¥ .eooe bf' atte J»oard. t. aboa' a -.ioote ebe btDil to etok, tullt two

Special at.tEintion given to the sale oi 'Fbth ' and Fiali Oils.

Als6, to the buying and shipping oll.Pba' anft ~rovi.aions nud l~eneral Produce.' ·

fSiT ·n,,),IA Addreaa-!\luo~jMonbeal. r



,_.eatte IU abe ' Th&

~~e~~ruww •' d~ eerillatr .wblola ic.

u a:t.,_-=: '"*"• "JcMlt .. ,~ I. ..... ...... _.,.~:,.;

... I


.. ~~ • !la~bor ~racr


l:VN~;b:J•1'JUN LJ.<l )' . lu Fb'I:T/SI:It

- , . . }

-The T A.SooletJ'taonral ·•• ~· U f\t!M"'1 " •P

" " .\f oadt1 orx& "L'OO&J. Tatici other 1gms.

'"'"'""~''-~~ .... ,, ..... ""'~.....,..., 1 ~ _.... W"'lo ...

-"""'""'''" ................... "'""""'"""'"...._ ................ ,\, ~--.... -'fO!';SUAY, J~l.\' ~J Jts!)O.

T .... ue l'"fH!n11.J :;b;'l""t P,o,·j;,cittl ""''t Anaeriuan m•il, O••utain &ht\ f'ollowm.: t .. • ~ · feaence to Newfot~nt.ll•ttd '•lratlll whiou will no.; have an inteft'lt for onr t:e•clertl, • 'l'hO H111ifl\x Herald of July 16 1r~<~na':kR :,

aaiahed · We •1Hd riot jnqalr6 ldr the moment hn..:h '" tn h.l. ·lnu.o, t· .. ., tir•t thin~t ~b aotU. lathe •t:·•..,,.ify ~r tloi••B h. · \\'hton Chat h•a'b~tto de. C:ll.lrJ1 WI! Cllll l•r(i«:e,.tl l•t it~qrrlriJ fulo the bea' "''" .,( ,fnt"lf .. hilt''",. •nlk •lvnlt Snuw t~rioe we

-Somo editorial and oLller matler soteod. --T 10 10·1oonLr MGttt\ltn, Cap& II f)hia ar . eel fot thi~ issue ia in .. dverteot.l1' h,ld OVflr tftved lui DlRht rrom Wblte Bay ~he h•a a until· ll&/{1. l.tah~. : loatl of Ume.atoce for lrltar~ Jobo &loon & Co ................... , ...... _ ... ....._._., .... , , ... _..__ ... ~ .. ................... ...._ ......... "--...___~ h"'' · .. r oo"'"" · h .. v.• ,,, ''"1 •t•d h •ill lift oor

nty 111 ft'& thl\t h ~~ ••not' tlr~Stllive Ftieodly l11rioua with ~o·r~II04l .,,. rf itnR)811IO v.alue to Taeb.E c.\11 lu1 110 <.J ,JHI,t bu~ lhnc, h~vin~

duo regnrJ to 1 h,c C'Onliunrll ;.!•lu,J lwnlth nt ~he tOWil tl1ll ~""''"~ 11Jnniu~ nul(,.,. 1h1· ''""clang ~t.reC~'i IlL thu 111 eR\!n't Lilll•l ,.1:11111 iu Lhn ~l'l.'·•t · t·"t ucc1l uf tho•·ouglt tlu11hiu).!. S inco t,;ce wetttlcec· lms l!Pcocue ~<o wn1111 : n•l 1 ht; hot. Jn,v11 of J nl\· lilt\'~ ~eL iu, ll1iH Jcoul ~~~~lllt l liiCI't>IIS• in~ly .lllqent.: Wo rc;., t-lill· tluoL. \\' II l.u ~o hnt to ca! l the nll (•n tion oltlll' f''"J 1'1' '"!tlson­tic:t to t his impor111nt sul ~·~t:L in ottlc •· Llmt. the Ml""es tion referred to Le J'ltlDllllly lll!ted IIJI· ,....,. . l . t 011. Tho, it.sues depent1111~ ur.un 1 :1s mut e•· 11re to serious too .admit or 1111y J .. luy. - T"erb. sap. ·

THE UTE SEIZUUE AT ST. 111EHOE. \Vt: le>urn from a late mntl f':li•Cr ., fo: w ud ·

ditiona l f 11rliculorR in f'e rl'renco ll) t irO Seizu re aL St. Pierre, on tl. c 2 1s t im.t ., of 1lu: ~>cll ooncr Mary. 'Ve a a e tolcl thnt " she is ul ~10 tons burden · is owned ln· poor fishc tllll'll at P Ja.

I • C f cenli11 llay; thuL she w11s cl•urtetcd loy ha c, R ose BlanchJ, \VeNt. .:\ewlonnollu•.ol, to curry a car oo of dried ccd Es h to ·~. J oh n'11; th ll t ll he urriv~d at St. P ierre, bn\'ill~ 600 q .r•nluls of tisb 1tnd 10 barrels of cothws. T hu L tho cus­toms otlicet· canghc the p•ew of t I.e .llnry in the act of lundiug three 1.nrr<·l:s <•I 1 0 1~-of the vnlue of S9. T hu t tbc \'CS!'<: I \\'•1!- 11r~ ized and a Fr t nch guard put on Lorll":l , T hut the crew were lodged ashore awa 1~~n;f t • ial l•eloro the superior coutt on Wetl uf!sda~ next, wh~~ thtl ve rdict will probaLiy Le rende1cd o! fod (·Jture of the car~o, which is \'111:tetl IlL $3500, And vessd at.$1 000. with fi11eon French IHtrchnsr. r. This i!\ h1Hd on Chafe•, who is a l'ltn•g:: l ing young merchant , nod i~; cquull_v hunl ou tlw poor owne1 ~<, ueithcr ol: whom huu uny cou1 plicity in t he lcunJ, wh1ch wa1; J•Pt pelmtP.d I.Jy t ho crew t~ oiJttt in liquor. 'French 111 erchun t.s nrc pressing fe r CO II,·iction "

H ere it ' 111ay it!t e i{'~> L t he 1 caJo•r 10 know that cod roes are not. :tl n II )'('!'Ill i ttcd ~o be landed at Sl. Pierre. If auy \ l' l>S•~I is dt·t cct ed in the oflimce', confiKcation of cruft and cargo is 1hc penally wl.i it:h t he law. prPserib~s, with imprisonnw u t vt the cuptHtn fo r s1x months.

Cot..! roes CXIIOr Lc1i to Frnncc recci \'C a Lou nty of twent \· fn~nc~ per •J'Iint~ l uwtr iiJliO (i.e. , 100 kil ;.rommc!i or :!:!1) Ills. English.) T he roc..~ u1 c ~1seJ for l.ait ing tl•c sardine: groundli. !lu~l as wrll arc cruploycJ in the III!IIHif:lt.:lu n: of certuin co tton f11brics, e1c.

------- --

''Newfoundland Aroused." --- .

.1s w,)s l"'intcd out by;1>1tr l.ontluu co•:cs p )ntlenL U. :\ ., a few is~U t!~ ngo, tho .:\e~,· ­foundlanJ fishery grit:ntnce • ~ J nst R O W ~ece_l\'· i ug a good dc>n l ot attention in the <_?ntln­ental pre!>~. In t ile Ju.,fi <'C IJlatt, <1 f \ tf'llllll, there latt'ly nppcured a pictuH'_ o f :· J <~ h n Bull's" tl iflicu lu o:F. J <,h n IS 111 tu ll h;;hung c :stumc ; in front. ot hicn i:~ un A lrica n ole_­pl.rant with aho (.;ermn u coaL of-nr lllS 011 Ins cltest. To d 1e left i~ a s~>n l staudi ng on. the ~> horc oi Behring !-'c~, \\u\'ing uo1 Am!'r_Jcnn flag. T :> tht. right is Il l(· rocky shore o_f .:\ ew­loundlnnd, on whicl> ill a l~bst.er ~l~tndJOg up­right on his tail by thP stde of 11 cannon,_ to wl:ich he is just about tn apply a rn~tch wh!ch ho holcis in one cia w. ,J ohn Hull 1s lookmg round as if he thougl . t ll1e lobs ter 1\'1\S not tl111 last ono he ought. . to at tent! to, and is wiuing the.> perspi1·atioo off his forehead.

Sor>10 of the comio German paper R hn ve also much fun to poke at E nglttnd nbout New­foundland, H eligolllDci, nnd Eust Africa.

Writin .. further on che mutter, our ccrres· 0

pondent rc.>marks :

.. Wb\lo the iqhabilaota of the wtu con1t of r\ cwfoundllod havo bce.o compelled to 1ubmit to mauy ''uatioua arfe\·aucea arisjog ont ~r th~ Freucb ahtre difficult,, theJ are ooe ·wultont 11omo alil(bt com~aation io the fact~' uery atlemp~ mide by Freocb o~oia~s 'to uo.u~o for tho aobjecta of Franoe exclollv~ lithery pll\"llf'l!ea ou thas shore · ~ )dade publto l.hron:hunt t.ho worhl and ser\'81 to provoke au antelhgtJut dt~ cuesioo or the "whole queatioo w~ioh Cll nnot fall to promote a epeedy aettlomeot. A fllw more • Nowfouo<Haod ontragu' at this joooture would pr0\'0 or great aailta~ce to tho MeMre. \\'lute­way n.nd Harvey aosl · the people's dtlle~ote~' "bo oro advocating \be ialaod'a claim a at Lon· don. Uut oot tho leut of tho compc:usatmg a~· \'llDtlll!C8 arisW:Jg OUt of the present troubles l iS

that of the preaeoce or a ouwber of repreaonla· live jl•Uroaliats of Eastland, 1tbo u niled tilates nnd t:anada who' are now wrilin(( np Newfound· !nod iu J.!Cnoral 1\Dd tho French elloro in par· li :ular. as tbo ADcieDt ColooJ has ncv~r be:lp written up before. Tbe natural resources of tlfe island. particularly the mineral weAlth of •he western abort', are roceiyiajl Fpecinl alte~ t i ~m Description• of 11 e couctry. tb~ poop:u. 1he1r lll· slitutiool, customs. etc., and ,.., fact of ovc Y· tbiDg pert111oiog to Newfouudlnnd. nre oow r~nJ witb avioity throughout the Eo11hah spe11k1n~ world. Snch exlenaive Adferliairg cannot but provo of pe:rm11ueot value. Tho_ 111t~ntion .or capit.aliats will bo directed 10 the 1slnod. 11od us rapid io1eroal d11\'elopmeot mny perhnps d:~to from this yenr wlooo ita fishery lroui.Jies RJ'pi!..r to have reached lhcir woa' ucute stage.

The follow ing from thut lea tlin;..: ll:-itish .j ournal, the Pall M~U Ga~tle, of the ·hh inst., hns a peculiar interest nt lito present Lime:

:Room for Another l3argain. The uoeodiog Newfoundland fiabory dispute

c1nuot be said to bave entered on a new pllaee. It is 11lwnye io tbe same pbue. It is nl way a on almost bopelesa difficulty. Thtre are t be treacy rights of tbo Freocb, aod tbcre are tho french ­a people ''ery touchy about tbcir ri~o:ht" nt all times, ant.! pnrticularly wbeo they mean mon.cy, a prople. too, Dow egged oo !:ly 1ho eX11eper~11o u caused by long compulsory mode~ly ol aU1turle on tho Continent. to look for some com1 enaatt"C ch!lD::o to take a peremptory tooo cl&e wt.erl· Then thoro are tbe Newfoundlaadera wilh •hei r r~ghta and 1beiranger-our fellow . aobjt:cls whum wo nre bouad 10 cooaidor. We &lllod betw1•<· n the claimaota. lieteoiog to their c emands for ill · compntible tbiD!.!S. .fo'rGoco cnlls on oa 10 en'urc~ the treaties. ~ewfouodlaud begs us to save o:n fellow.coootr'ymeo from tbo nuisance thos11 I ~en· ties causo tbem It ia beyond t.IJ doullt n ttre· I!Omo poeitioo, and ia oot becomiDJ.:. but has l•u· como, dangerous. · . .

1-: •~d : 111•l ~~nme ~aoriflu m'y reuou11bly be •llllde lo ntllintAin th"T -•f l~ere ia any aoJiA,i urnnt•d r .. r belie,·iu\! 'that the ncrlftc·a will ll!fYO

thfl purpose for •hioh i1 i~ 101du Of DOUrtO if there ia Ito aucn l.'rouuJ. if ,t.•rllnce willabaolntoly not accept fair ll'rm~. nr ""' lerna, then we eball IJO f11ce 10 fRO<' ,..j,h II f11~t •bicb it ,wiJI be Dt!CU· a&ry ro con•i•h·r Th~t\ foict will be thu irnpo~8i · btlity of k~tt'l'illlt u•• n:l111ion1 wbinb Aru fr ic:odly cniJ in unme To • •1c:nolluce' oo\ trt'l\ly it n hi ... hly seri·oa maucr: l111t nrt"r All it ln41Y bu ,l•r ttcr to ropuJia1e "lr .. lllv tl•t~n to maint11u it wh1111 iL can no loogPr be •••f•ltC••ol without'"""~'"'· ''~I"'C•111ly if woe oiTer thu "~~triovcrl l,uWl'r " f•ir un ol t•I'CII a liberal CIIIUjll>ne:uion .

WE pnl•lish helow tbo apt observation~ ol our r.c:-.t~.mporary, tho Herald, on the late up· poinLmont made here. Aa the views ot the STA~OARD on tbe subject are alrendy we, l known to its renders, .i~ ia therefore not nn.:t>>~ 11ary to do much more than give pulolici•y to the sulljoinecl. \Ve regret that wotn l uf •p:n " compeiR us 10 ho!J over till next ill ·., ,. " t.Hv cnmment.J made hy a corrCJ~pontl~·nt o•• tile 1/era'(l'lf 01 ticle. ·

An Improper Appointment.. ConsiderAI..Ie excilemcnt pro\'ail~ iu lloo n~y

t\Jflropolie ov~r •hu "Ptl'linlment nf n ~I r Lynch 10 1ho position nf Cltorl: of tho l't'IIN nnd Clrrk of tho Diuriot Cunrt ••t ll t rhor l :rncc T toe position woe mHIIl vncnnt hy thu ol,·,. tl. ,,f tl.u late Captain l'loOitll\lt (ireeu. "'"' l lt..ro w"ro many applicaute for it. but the •rr<>i"'!" l'• t_ fe! l to Mr. Lyncb, upou 1 tltl recornmeurl:t11o•• 11 19 aaid, of Tbomns .\lc<.;orrnack. of C111nli"" n ,., . Jative of 1\lr. Lyoc'1, awl no ioflnouti' l s''I'I•Ort..r of Sir 'Vm Wbirewny . It wns Vt'ry u:ll:~r dly claimed In Uarbor (ir11cu thl\t ll•e \'nc .. ucy bl•ou:d bu filled by ooe of t he Jon~: lime ro•oud, ... . ,. cd th11t place, aud 11rnoN: tholtu l h rhur (; "•ci.,, " wbo supported tt.e l\' t.i1eway p~rty tht·•u ,.,.,,. several wbo C.)ml.iued lilnl'88 for tl,e ullic·· wi• h uodcooinble claiuos II JIOII the parly. Th·,••:.:h .\lr, Lynch wa~ born iu I lnr bor li race he h~' '"'' h· lived in <.:stalin••. Bncl he had nut perenoFolly ., .. ,. formed Goy 11en·ico wloich t:ntitled b101 to th,· ,,. wnrd which bas fnll o:n 10 Iris Int. lli11 tll •c i., ,\ lr i\lcCormJ~ck . hne untloulllt'• lly RUV t:d S' r \\'i t. li3m \V hite"'"Y ,. el l hut thia in i iPt:lf "IIi n·• n•Aaon why Oll•cr I'" '' ·" wodc o·rll ~hnu td 1,,. 1• II ~c1 0 \' t· r . Mttd n p c r "•)rt U:· ,., a.:!n fr ·• ra. C.tlt\ '!a .l., '''

filln11 ullice io ' ''"' •t•c; "" ' c1t1. \\' ~ ,., ., ... • ·•·­fr:•tu fr om puiulf"l: 0 •1 1•1 111 .. ll • rt ... r ( ;•~c· · >•. :• porter• of u."' \\' ,.P o•wny Pil"Y •b"\·. 11 ... i ,.r,,., .. , y lho:y have llu /f,.r,.,f I• olu o· Ill ro•HI IIy l.o lloo: " ,.,.1; 11.-.~~ u f tlh•ir ft • t • r··~··t•l~tU V c-M " Uppt•f tl tt:.,: l lo t ' ~ \J.

eruu.o:n t \\',., ,. II ,.y 111~11 uf ~Cij.!hl uu ol did lhey know nuol ~ x~rci$~ their l'rivilo.:t.:.ll d .,.y wo ult.l h11vo rd u t•ol In pt: rullt thu 11\•pOitol :"''"' of Mr Lynch uuu ~onld hRvn haol11 ~npputt o:.r of 1h~ir own "IJIHIIIIIc•t ~~~~•euu ns chcy h11ol n n..:l11 tO Jo. \\' tl 1\rtl Ill duly UOIIIIU IO 811J'lfJOSe lhi\L tbey COnS('I118f tO d.1e PppOiiiiiOOilt Of ~lr ~ynch , 11iuco it "'uuld hnr.lly h.tvtl be"n IIH\•Ic wHioout thei r COI•~eut. nr 1f •• ' "''' 1 .. ,., they "utolol t·r~ tlut~ lutVII pr.,,, .. ,, .J ,, ... ,., .. . , 11. T• ,,.,_v "" • ,,,.._ l' \' e r , lf &t. tl• ~y luu ·,· h I t :t•• '"'' lif t d h lltl v. 11. • 1(•

IIOII II (h•l[ he•c•f11·r I ll " lo lt~ f. Cuoc II ,.Il l lt t:111 ol~ npp"r••fl l t ln el :'\tr \\II : . , . ... \\ ," ll t>\Yll .V l' ... r~·:tta!l. ~ h:u1 1,,., . ., ""~"~ '" L ll ~;ohoo t to luCI" Ioij I•• l•:ty Iolii

('<rli•ic• l tlch·•

--- ·------( To Til~: I..I>I I'11H li t' 'I' IH . Sr.\ :V I• ,\II I t)

OtAII :-;.,, -

Evid~oce aa to iu character is nccumulnt1n!.! •n abundance. Tbe N'lwfoundland d ele,::a t~R hRve stated their cnse in a pamphlet. A eol id lllu,. Uook of diplomatic correspondence bas beeu pub · hshed by tbo Foreign Officu. F~om tlle two. c_.:r · tnio facia are lo l•e gathered wt11oh nru of copllnl importaoco. \\' e see, for onu lhinJ.: .. lhnt . wh.r n i\lioislcra deci<.lt'd to make n mu<!us vtc:r"'l' w11h Frnuce they did not firet Clnault lhe colo .. i11•a Tbcy made no arraogemenl whicl• Wl\8 eat i~Jnctur_)! to Frnoce nod cooveoieut lo us. I.Ju~ by no ""'""' equally acceptable t.o thu l'\ e"':f<>n ndla~ulcr~ However tbe eaae may et.rcod t~o'• otcally th 111 wHI

an orror iD mauagemeot ·1 hu Clr)ooi~ts ur•! .'" tere.sleu parties, aod aro vrry cnpnhfo or ""'kcng 1 heir voice hoard. The correSJJonrloncc 111 tl•tl Blue Uoolt is of a natutu. too. to iusJ.liru l(ttat <1011b1a of tbe p0881bility or keep1u~ Up frieudly relations wilb France u IOnJ.: a11 ..,e remnin on our present footio11 io Newfouo cl laurl ,\t l t~nH ,. ~c: cnooot but eotertGio ecrious doullta (co pot 11. 111 the mild traditional way) wben '"'" linrt t l1e l~rc•tth a-ivnociog tbe woostrout pretc:ueiou II• d~citlo fur theruaelvoa when tbe treaty hns btoh iofrin~:IHJ­toexercisusovereigorigblein the "'"cue or i'it~w­fouodland. Or C\IOrU tbi11 l'~fl.'!,!iuua ol•i u1 IIHI beoo polit~ly, bot firmly, oe).!nli vl'tl Tl.o uo wa from Newfoundland i1 au ernoh111 io Ct•uuo""'"'Y on tbe documents. ODe can usity un d.: r~cnud 10 1vbat a pilcl.J of e'xuperation 1he colouieta may be broagbs by a repotitioo of Incl. meam rt•a 111

bave been forced on oar naval officer11 by order& from borue. One Eo~tliab captniu h11a boen com. polled to shut up "lobster tiooio~: ca.tauli~h~ent owned by a colonist, and to pat .t\latlllel 10 tt 10 keep it oloeed. Aloog •ith tbia piece of lnforma. tioo comu tb11 other report that I he Newfonnol· Jaodortl ore iruporth•K rlflea from 1b11 Umtlld States Whether tbe1 are or not, oobo•ly 11 ~erl doab~ tbat they ¥e cap-ble of aome ddy ~~ ~"' 1.' riflea agaioat tbe Freoob-if no~ even ·~~ir.l< l '"" own .Marioea. After all, thla ie the ctoi~AI fuct of tbe situation. Wo ~eeJ not atop w•:• qouro

1 lt:111111 ' ' ' ,J 1\ rlutl In -~ o•\I·Ji iu.; u \ t hi' Jt, j .. , ,J., Houu1 .. .. ., toll t.><i ,J,. cn·w wu" c•:l~·n·tl for ... lito Regatt11 011 L .. Jy l.,. kc. Although 1 am nu~ Rt>lriRh iu t loiH nHtllt:r, s till I think ~ id1 111111., otlll'lll, llutl it " 'tJUltl 1111 \'t' lru.·n locll••r 10 cuufill" 11,,, t: ll'\\'14 14t ticlly to ll u11our Gn1o··. Lt~t Y'~""• ttu·uu;.: c'" " '" ""' H wun.' 111111fu t>ll I he III II t~t J oiCI lvrl uf IJ\1 1 KiU8 Cll' •1'1. ;

untl Lltill Vf'ttr·, i~ Willi "" I'I"J.'Wrl nn<l hope,. I, tf,·ut 110 Clew:, (•XCI' I•t I hol:<u uf II 11~1 1111' c I IIC'I', ,

woul,l lot nii<IWC•I l11 tKkA pn1 t . Tlw ••nceri n~ ul uno llllt.,iuo: .:tuw i~ ll1c thiu eJ!.!o 11 l the Wt·li~e j Ullli WJ1 e11 IIIICU ttiJOwed, 110\~ 0 ·111 C.l(~ cl>ptinn be madt:1 Thl.' comn1it1Pe HI•GuiJ 10 c<>nsiJcw Llu; untry of the saiJ crC'w, nnd en tin 1\'or ' to hK\'O 11 ll nrl,or Or11ce Cl"ll\\' entered in tht: J•!.roo 111 tl•fl out11ido onc-f,,.· i nwt.~nce 11 Ct~rlnmt·ar J~~l .... tl cre w. lme~e: ly wd10 tlcia MO tlcl4t ~omplic11tions ml\y notnrMt I f tie Comnli'tr:cc ~tllow l•no ont.side Cll'W to cnlur, lww CJt'n tloo mcmbc•as o10eot to 1 hu 1·ntr•dng of 11101 c fHr 11ny other l)lce t l•u l' tl,o uno fot· wbicl1 lito Sllid cre\v aro entoretl1

Tluan~iog yon foi' S(lRCQ, I nm, yours, &o., I.ADY LAKI~.

---11\!0 amvala (rom Cape St, Alary'• (ra>:• a ' lahl l'laco•Jiill dupatchJ report for amall Lnpe. Tho Shore tlsher1 Ia not .. good 11 expeoteil, and . thu l:~t•k flaher1 tbw aeuoo ia tile worat tor mnny y~11r11 . (7ood catcbea of aea tront were tnkonlat~ly at Kelly·• Kiver. 'l'he trout are large

-lleura C W ROll& Co'ncboooer BayStatt , anlved laal oiab& from &he 8Lraita. wUb 280 _qt~a , 'l'be J'!port brooab• by ber!. t_.ba& 6ah '~d ba1t are ~earce fo the StraJta, both oo UU. aod t "c

nnrl f11irly plentiful.

-.\ nun named .\1?redUpebell. beioogiog t.o llarbor llulf,.!lt. fell from tbo rigging of the Or·acc Curter , wbun abou~ eight milea at aeo from BGy U.UIIs . . nucf broke bia leg. JJe was landed nt U.ty Hul ltt, oud tbe doctor of that place aeot him on boro to the Hc•pitol, where he arrind yee•c:rdny,-l/tra/d of Saturday.

-r\:;,\NDOS£0 -News was lately received at St. J oho's lbnt ll:e banking eobooner Ptclttr~ FNwcni~ had been abandoord in a sinkfog cou­rlition on 'l'uesriRy l11st and ber crew landed at Pouch Covo Tho 11bovo veeael was oo her way to the linn ka nfter her second baitio~r. We be· lie\e ~~~ •. belonged lo Mr. George llearna.

- l'he ( ~ucbec Chronicle "'Y' th"nt the Parisian, ,, loicll •n ••v,•d '' t Qt~Pbl·c from Li•erpool 11 few rillY" ll!!n . 111:1do· • .,. f11steat pau:age on ncord be­we·~ ~~ u,·o.! r•·" · ... c~uebecriaCapoRace. The P.Jri.<ia" r. ... r 1.: tJin. 12 1 intermediate and 4!)6 et r rago p:.sn·• - c ur:~. Tho Vancouctr, now on tbe wny out. hna ~:! uloou aod 46:J otber puseDgere.

·-Twv .\Ir s LOST.-A late despntob from Ad­mir~tl'a Co\·o states ~ha~ tbe Glouceeter achoooer :l 1~· Wh!flnntl. Peter Macauley, waster, arrived 1bcro froru the Flo•niab Cap with fla2a balf.maat hi!:ll She lost two of ber m.oo, Martin Foley oud J ohn 13nooell oo Jaoe 28tb, Tlley got orl1111 in t heir dory during a deoao fog.

- Tho repair J to t he Ga11 W orb:s ba vA been fonnd to be greater than was at first estimat­ed , tU\d conseq•tenLiy tho supply will be sbt~t. uti fo r u dho• t tioneo longer. Tbe ener,ttet1c 1n:mogcr- )f r. S trathie-has bf.en working ltno und c •• rly , Ho that the shut off will be us sho• t 1111 po.;,ible. Uy the beginn ing of next wrck, e \·o· y tlring will u:;:nin he in \)'Orking ordur, an I ll.e gttR will he Rt1pplicd to the towu.

- I.An ST F 110.t L,\Jl i~ADOit -Ou ~alorday laat .\I r. I> niT's a~lloooer S .t1 JJ. nrrh•t~rl at CRrbo ·.

.nosr frn m Chimuoy Tick II.', which :,.lace. it Reema, she I ..It n "et.>k ago. ~he reporle thl\t tho fiab­f't\' , ,.,,., c ·~ uo CharJ,·e to llallcau hnd been L!O-,. J ; 011o• ,,.:raoo. ~l r, ~orcr, h:ta secured 400 qui •• t:ol.. ! to· fish<r t i11 lhu Slrnits. bOI\'IlVCr, hnd beeu I' • •r : wlutu nt !,;ro'" 0 'Y it wae ~ood. Tile •al"'o" lhhory w .• s fair. 'fbe arrival of I he firAI " ' •II p .. r ete11ruer Cm11cript oo Sntarday u,·x• wil t ,.,.,. ' nrtLcr pnrl ioulara.

- V !:.IT ~ · ~· l 'II E T vtmA N ovA C. C.-A tottm of thl' Tt,.,· , N ,l''" C· i.:kN Ctub ore expected tn I'"Y n .... ,.,,,L """'' ly. Fo~ the p11st three \'e.trt~ tl"" ()J., •, t. ~. l'l"y•··l 11 1111\tch here with ;, r.• p1·,.,, " ' •ll in• l• '""' ul dte Ha,y, the Toem 1.,., ~ .. 1 ' 1 ,. Ia II•·•· •·1••\'t•n heing ch011en. from olti .. !! ., • ··~·l ll i • ·ll. Tl r i~ )Car, we 'ander­t~'"IHl , tL• · "'"'"lion H 1n ht\ve tt 'Harber t :r <O ··I• ' ' 11 , 111:d t o f'"Y tbe nu\lch hen•, &S

wa'l tl ,, ,.. ' '"" >PU S 111 . 'A !!HOlO ill l:lnrbor l,:r.tcl• tho ci;izt n1 ~tl w,t.YH look fnrwurd to will• ~.:rent exl't>Ctaucy. lL is al so 11111Ch en~ j ·•y t·u 1.y .1he Tetra N o• ians ; anu u pleasant J .,y's ntnnsement is s ttre tc. be reaped on t he occasi<. n . Thursday week nel(t is the day on "·hiclt, it is said, the vi11it <Viii be madeo.

,.__ - FoR LAnRADOn,...:_TLe bt·igt Arctic, CB pt.

W. Fi•zge1ald, ~;ailed yesterday for White flenr JslandP, Labrador. She procccdstoither for a fish c~rgo. The :·Lrctic arrived bere on Tuest.lay last from Sydney, with a loe.d of coal fo t· hrr owners-Messrs John Mt,lln & Co. She lf'fl here some five weeks ago tQr llalirax with n ca1·go of ~ulk fisb, and prGceeded from the latter place to Syiney.

The ba1·qu~mtine Theda, C11pt Ellis aaileu for the L11brsdor on Satnrduy last. The col. lectiog schooner Loui8 Ju,lll, Capt. Hawkins, nlso leit same day for the aame coast. So"erat othtr \'P.ssels arc now roady to leave.

Labrador aide •• · ' ... , .,. • ---LoST AT '(;u& RAC&.-A deapatcb receiYed from that place oo Friday afternoon atatea that tho acboooer Minnie E., 9~ &oDI, owoed by John Aylward P.E.L became a t.otal . wreck tbero oo 'l'haraclay night • it i ppeara that wbil~t eod~';­oriog to clear aroun~ . the C~pe, a hgbt ~.S. B. wiod with ~ense ro~ prenilaaa . • , tbe time. a atroog tide aet-io nd dr~ged the ve11el aaaiost the abore where abe wu ioetaotly· brolreo to spliruem. ' The crew narrowly ~ped with their live1, aaviog uotbiog whatever 10 the shape of cloUliog. Tbey left for St. Jobo'a lo the moroio[; overland.

-Prince George, tbo second SOD or tho L'rioco of Walea .. who ia a lieutenant io tho nuy aDd bu been placed in command, ~r a torpedo vee­eel will joio tho .North Amertcan rqaadroo at ~e


wfoondland 10 a few' dayw. from there. it ap­pears, tbe Vice-Admiral. to •.bose. command tbe Prioce'a vesstl ia attacbod, will saal Lo Newport, tho fa,·orite wateriDJZ' \place • of wealthy New Yorkers. Society in NOWIJOrL nqd io New Yor!. ia io a flurry. t he deapatcbce aay, over the en· tc:rtainmeut of tbo Prince. Perluipt tbere is bet· t~r rei\Son tbon oeoal for lbe uci1emeot. Jo spi1e of their dewocr_aoy an~. re~ub!icaniem American women's so~l •amb1lton 18 10 traoy coeea vorv Jl reat, and aoek1 lllltialectioo in tillt'a and tbc coorta or moDnrcba. Now. it is onder­stood that tbo Prior.o of Walt'& ia rather iuclin. ed to au American mGrri~e Cor one, if not both of his sons. There is, ' therefore. a cbauce for aome beautiful God accomplis bed i\ merican girl to reach 11. social beigbt oot yet.attaiood by aay of IJor sisLers. Prince George ie said, too. to bo "' uoanly rc llow. "itb many J!OOd qualities aud tvlth' no vices. Suoh n marriage would be a good thin~t from a political point of view, if politics arc COncerned io princely mGtchcs at nJI UOW·D· duya -Montrtal 1Vitne11, July li.

'I wo ~f the Beet · ba ve a rrived · boro flincc last issue-the Thr(U/IQ' ou Saturday rmd tl111 .Switc/1er on Smidc.y. The former schooner secured II 0 q tls., on ber 6 r ,; t bttiting this trip : but did nothing on ber l~tst one Capt N elli h11s Lbt3refot e no~ been so fortunnte as l1e wo~ on his first trip. The .Switclw·, C11pt Y N ·

ma n, brought. in 130 qtls .• ~&S Lhe resu lt of t. .vo trip&' fishing. Squids are roportcd sc~t rco ~n the grounds, ant.! tO the stinted supply of :this bait ·tiah may be attributed the smallness of the above schooners' catcbea.

Car bonear has bad one arrival-llr. Duff• sobooner W. Raymc1ul with 350 qtls.

St. Jobo'a hu lately had n few arrivals. ODe WIU' tbo Spud. Capt II Costello. belonging lo l\leeara Ayrtl . & tiona. Sbo rnct witb very bad luck-had ouly 8 quintals for :?0 daya' fisbiDg. It seems that tho 1capt11io auct crew could oot got along very well together, ao t hey ca111e 'oto ~t .lobo's to settle up nffnira Tho Capt11io Is leaving tho \'easel nod Capt \\'m . t>.o1ver of St. John's will tal::: o cbnrgu for the ruma1odcr of the voyage. ·

Oo F'ridoy · t ho Sa11 Juan arrived to ~.l csars Thorburn & Tes!ier. ·witl.J 400 q nintala of fish for 4 weeks' fiebiog. Sho reporta fiqb plenli­ful, but uo equid. The booking schooner ftltr· maid, belonging to Mesus A Goodridge & tiona, Jately arrived at J:!ay Uulls with 260 qtla. of fiah.

Heart's CooteDt hns lately h11d three arriuls -Messrs Prowse & Soo'a booker J IV. Rodger wit.b 300 qaiDt.lla : and tho achooo~ra Evertl aod E B,. Pllillip.t, belongiug · to J~a Uatrd, ~q., ~Le former with 170 qll.s., nod tho ,latter watb 2o0, oo caplio. .

llurio bas had tbrde arravals -tbe soboooera Vic-.orine aDd B~aco11 ~io!Jt, tho lo.rm,er to Mr. Paul with 300 quintals, tllo lattec to· Vi~as Hrothers witb 2CiO. Tho laura Jllay al1o arriY· ed to Mra Morrie wilh :180 qaiotola. Tbo lut­named veseel reports liab nu~ rq11ida pleoaifal. Oo Suodoy abe lost her cable. Ho~ for that ao. cideut Captaio 0oady intended to brior fieh on deck. There 1s now a good aigu of llah a~ Burju on squide.


.By Telegraph. --o-

UALH'AX , July 26~ao Salvador claims fh•e -viatories over Guatemala, t>ut tbe Guatemalans daicn a decisive victory.

Freocb .:rope aro ,damaged by iooeauot raiu1. Tho los. 11 eetill)ated a' five haodre<l milli.oo franca, aud ~be price of bread ie riaiog.

llebriog Sea •Cqrroapondtoce· between &lie-

' .A· yenr ngo last Octobc.>r, wLon 1 left New­foundland for Norway, few people knew Ot cared much nbout lhe colony. Now ! 'l'bo question i11 c:!Lc;cussed on both continents nnu in e,·e1 y colony ; R delegnti~n • h .ts visitecl T.ondon, " ery a~Jcceasfo lly. ( t~111~ ; nnd,, fur· ther, tb~lficial dclegattor.. 1s tn the f:~rMt MeLropolis, and no doubt wdl sl.1ortly get to business. \n line, it muy be lja1d the matter at present. mteresta all t.he Cllpitals of Eu· roi>o 1 Not.by any means a bnd showing for 18 .11ont.hs I' whether tbe treatiea giYo tbe French the IIJ:l ht "''' Tho Late Dr Dearin.

merely to the use, but to tho e;KCIUJi"c U5e of - · tbe French aboro. Oo thie IUbJect..n, t>::: mns.t, A well knolfo man puae•l nw"J eli St .John'•

-REOA1TA· .Lut evooiog lho Roijalla Com­mittee lu'i'anged tho prograwme for tbe ooruiog RegaHa, whicb will tako place to·morrow (Wed­netday) at Lady Lake. 6 races are provided for­trade'm oo, tiah ermeu, Ia borer, all· comers( uati vea ), r.od ooo named eot crews-confined to laborers aod tradesmen. There are six whaleboats enttor· ed t.o coilteat lo tile rscee, two o.f the noruber being oew boats, oeye~ rowec! oO- tbo ooarto be­fore ; ao~ . the otber boata are the be•t thu have been there for yt.ara put. Consequently, tbo raoee tbem•olvee promieo to be exciting and io­tort:atiog. Tho day i1 to bo obenved bere , .. a general bolid!J. and our towo•peaplo will lbua hue an oppor~aoity. of ap!odiog a day in \~e coaoto'. ·'£bere•re mao,r to wbom ~ re{latta '"

•of littTo interea~; baa tbeee ·on tbe comloi oc­cuioo can eojo1 tbemaol.ea olae•bere accord­ing lo tbejr uldiridaal taale& To &be greater nqmber, ho•••er, abe reeatt& ofera a pl..aao&

bury and Blaino hae been P.Ubliahed, aod tbero is a deadlock io the negoUa'tioq,•. , , , •

A cattl(! pl~e ia rau~ing llaula. , .

a good deal may, oo doobl, be aaitl upon .l".d l~t Satnrday .eveDiflll-,P( Jo•1n .1. 'Oe:uio •. sidu Wbichenr way tbe balance or UIJit•IOil member for Sl J'obo'e !'AieL. au tbe l lmuo of AB· amon'g tLe Pon.JUa of Ioterot~tiouRI L''' 1113Y ae1dbly, at tb.e ·aac of 72 )'eart. 011'" contcm­eway, tbe fac' wm reruio tbat. th,o Newto.ontl. poury,'tbe llt1a/d, !'lnbli•hoa lhu following neat. !andere ar~ quire ea~blo o~ one ~11 dectJiu~o: Qbitouy notlca of lbelam ~:~~tc:d d,oea cd: JJorn that rebellion ia better tbaD tlfq_ gri$VftOCe they fo S~ Joho'e, be ltlfYttJ for aOm& lime aa ~tng­bave t.o endure. In tbat CliO wo ehall bo o:.lleu giat'e o1erk .. ,,b 1bo latu Mr: 0 '0•1er, aod .. lter apoo 'to deofde wbe&ber it ialea dillgretlablo for warda couuDeooed bueine11 ip Uarbor uTaCf on ua t.o quarrel with the Freoab thau to coerce our bla ow a acoooot, retar11io.~t tb S~o. Jobo'a after the 'own colony. Wba& aa anpleuao' dilemma that '4G tfre •• , Dr Oeario took ·a promloeo& pars ill would h we caa all aadentao~ i and we ~0 llie atroavle for rt,Prr .. otatlre HoyeroO)eo&, but euily 118 bow aaob It Ia oat Iaten" to P.rQvi.de .,11 not .ei.Ot.,t to the A11embl7 Ulll878, w,Vo tbat the oeceMfty of mat log cbe uo_plenaot o\JoJce hie DAme w• at tlta•bead of<tbe poll In 8' .Jollo'e ia avoltted. J .. !.ztJ . r.l 1,, Eut. lo 187oi be wu ap(a elected, bin Ia 187d UnfortaaateiJ lDe more tbe ....- on .. cooa ~~ ' lle •"''•"Ill el'ed the o1tuer doea I& become&ha&aNttlement al aa• II lwdly po.. _.

afttn Cl»trard• ... tb&-fttl

day abd rolal ~·· . . ~--The H~ra!d •in "riliv oo.tbe ~. A. 8,

Exonraion to Ha bor • G,.ce, icbiaea the poe~wnemeo• of &Iii. ~day. 3f the OlODniOtl, A. wo~a

that " were ~~ Nil&l• ""'IUIIIDI,,~,., .. ,g...., .. , tbe uourelon

~re 'fOalcl b8

Baaiao. prea advoc~lean alli"I'O whb haooe~ JOL\' 28-A tornado lately atroolt• ~ ..... ooe, ..

Muaacbaeetts aiid....ebatlorcd a b~o4ttd hg14101• beab 10 towi. ~l'iflefn ..,.n. w-., illed

n11d a hand e(iaod filly, ~Ajnrect. Other. towns uJro were lojtiJled. ' · ,. 'f \" ' Tbere ia a're\"olntfoo In Baeiloe A1~ 'here

YU aevere 6ptiol'i ma11y killed • 'l'IM ioaa...,ota capatared the ~alace, barr,ota 'l'U ilav..7 11 a.-hal. r1J.!e aot .. rlilloe tare aqo~ttoc •itla .tb•lDa-meota.

Tbo HolaN of Oo.,oh. ~·~td ~dlof l(eJttolead. "' '

Gladetooe IJII-.9tld . o( ON .. uo~o~r.r·•./''oA1n101•u polic1. ·• ·

'llae ~tertciiQ.I,.WU OODliiQJ~,.:

tJciii~IIID.IDt-» - 'tbe1 ~;G.._~...,.1'1d1dli1M :l.a'tlr'.Ndi

~ ~~l~~~:.-.

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