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News & ReportFebruary 2015 Volume 7 • No. 1

Fort Logan Northgate School is Open!Two years and two months after Sheridan voters overwhelmingly approved the local property tax bond that made the project possible, Fort Logan Northgate School opened its doors for students on Monday, Jan. 12, 2015.

Students arrived in the bright new gymnasium through twin tunnels of applauding faculty and high-fives from executive principal Ian Wells as two schools—the former Fort Logan Elementary School and the former Sheridan Middle School—merged under one new roof.

“I can’t wait for you to experience your new fort,” Wells told the students, who packed the bleachers. He told the students that the school mascot, the Commander, would be known as “Commander Wright,” after Cyndi Wright. She is the district’s Director of Facilities and Transportation who wrote the grant application to the State of Colorado, which covered 80 percent of the facility’s $28.5 million cost. She also oversaw the school’s construction from design phase to final punch list.

Wells also talked about the definition of “Commander” and challenged the students to assume the role as “skipper,” “leader,” “head, “chief,” “big kahuna” or “top dog.” He urged students to recognize the top 10 qualities of highly successful people, to incorporate drive, will power, patience, integrity, passion and other key ingredients in their approach to learning. “Be humble, courageous and determined,” he said.

Superintendent Michael Clough urged students to set their sights on college and “get the best education you can get” out of the new building.

Following a fun, multi-sport competition among faculty that ended with the winning team reciting the school’s

mission statement, the students fanned out to go find their home classrooms and begin exploring the new school, from cafeteria to library to art rooms to bathrooms.

The exterior of the grades 3—8 school is made primarily of brick and distinctive zinc metal panels. Inside, floors are covered in variety of vinyl composition tile and luxury vinyl tile, with some carpeting, too. Porcelain tile wainscoting is found in the public areas.

The school includes 29 classrooms, seven special education rooms, four computer rooms, two art rooms, one library, one music room, one gymnasium, one multi-purpose room and 13 “break out” (small group)

spaces. The gymnasium is 9,500 square feet and the ceiling is 34-feet high to the bottom of the ceiling joists.

The cafeteria seats 268 people and the school, in all, is 102,327 square feet. The library is 3,200 square feet, including a flexible activity room.

When the equipment is in place, an operable wall opens so the cafeteria floor can convert to a stage, with the audience

seated on the gymnasium floor. Curtains on stage will be used to create a backdrop.

The new school allows for the closure of Fort Logan Elementary School, which proved costly to maintain. Demolition is set to begin on Friday, Feb. 6. The former Sheridan Middle School building is in the middle of major renovations to prepare for the arrival of the Early Childhood Center students following Spring Break. Once the ECC building (the former Ora Oliver Elementary School) is vacated, it will be razed and construction will begin on the athletic field for the students of Fort Logan Northgate School.

Fort Logan Northgate Executive Principal Ian Wells high-fives students on arrival.

Fort Logan Northgate Executive Principal Ian Wells addresses the entire student body,

grades three through eight, in the new gymnasium.

Sheridan School District Teach it. Learn it. Demonstrate it.


¡Ya está abierta la nueva Escuela Fort Logan Northgate!Dos años y dos meses después de que los votantes de Sheridan aprobaron abrumadoramente el bono respaldado por impuestos que hizo posible el proyecto, la Escuela Fort Logan Northgate abrió sus puertas a los estudiantes el lunes, 12 de enero, 2015.

Los estudiantes llegaron al nuevo y brillante gimnasio y pasaron a través de dos túneles que hicieron los maestros para aplaudirlos y recibir la bienvenida de parte del director ejecutivo, Ian Wells. Ambas escuelas, Fort Logan y la Escuela Secundaria Sheridan ahora funcionan como una escuela, bajo el mismo techo.

“No puedo esperar hasta ver que todos ustedes experimenten su nuevo fuerte” Dijo el director a los estudiantes, quienes llenaron las graderias del gimnasio. Les dijo a los estudiantes que su mascota será conocido como, “Commander Wright”, en nombre de la Directora de Instalaciones y Transportación. Ella redactó la solicitud para recibir el bono del Ministerio de Educación, el mismo que cubrió un 80 por ciento del costo de construcción, la cantidad de 28.5 millones de dólares. La Sra. Wright también supervisó el trabajo de construcción, desde la fase del diseño hasta los últimos detalles del proyecto.

Además, el Director habló sobre la definición de la palabra “Commander” (Comandante) y retó a los estudiantes a asumir el papel de “capitan”, “líder”, “jefe”, “big kahuna” o “top dog”. Recomendó a los estudiantes identificar las 10 mejores cualidades de la gente más exitosa, de incorporar acción, fuerza de voluntad, paciencia, integridad, pasión y otros ingredientes clave en su enfoque de aprendizaje. El Director concluyó con estas palabras, “Demuestren humildad, valentía y determinación”.

El Superintendente, Michael Clough, instó a los estudiantes a fijar sus metas en la educación superior y “obtener la mejor educación posible” de la nueva escuela.

Tras una divertida competencia deportiva entre el personal docente que concluyó cuando el equipo

ganador recitó la declaración de la mission de la escuela, los estudiantes se dispersaron para buscar sus clases y comenzar a explorar su nueva escuela, desde la cafeteria, la biblioteca, los salones de arte y los baños.

El exterior del edificio fue construido principalmente de ladrillo y paneles distintivos de metal de zinc. En el interior, los pisos están cubiertos con

una variedad de losetas vinílicas y baldosas de vinilo de lujo combinado con algo de alfombra. En las areas públicas se puede encontrar losetas de porcelana.

La escuela cuenta con 29 salones de clase, 7 salones de educación especial, 4 laboratorios de computadoras, 2 salones de arte, 1 biblioteca, 1 salón de música, 1 gimnasio, 1 salón para todo uso y 13 espacios para trabajo de grupos pequeños. El gimnasio mide 9.500 pies cuadrados y el techo es 24 pies de alto.

La cafeteria tiene capacidad para 268 personas. La superficie del

edificio escolar mide 102.327 pies cuadrados. La biblioteca mide 3,200 pies cuadrados, incluyendo una clase para actividad flexible.

Cuando el equipo de la cafetería está en su lugar, se abre una pared deslizante de modo que el piso se convierte en escenario, con la audiencia sentada en el piso del gimnasio. Las cortinas en el escenario se podrán usar para crear un telón de fondo.

La nueva escuela permite el cierre del edificio de la Escuela Fort Logan, la misma que su mantenimiento fue muy costoso. La demolición se realizará a partir del 6 de febrero. El edificio de la antigua escuela secundaria está siendo renovado como preparación para recibir a los estudiantes del ECC “Centro Preescolar” después de la vacación de primavera. Una vez que el edificio ECC (la antigua escuela primaria Ora Oliver) quede desocupado, será demolido y se iniciará la construcción del campo atlético para los estudiantes de nueva Escuela Fort Logan Northgate.

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On the morning that Fort Logan Northgate School was dedicated (Dec. 20, 2014) and again on the morning it opened, two students were selected to deliver the student perspective in front of gymnasiums packed with people.

Following are the comments written by Karla C’Devaca:

Esteemed principals, teachers, staff, classmates, parents, and honored guests:

T.S Eliot once said “For last year’s words belong to last year’s language. And next year’s words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning.”

In the past, Fort Logan was a very important military base. The soldiers who came here, first entered through the North Gate. They served and dedicated themselves for the freedom of our country. Eventually, this became a place for education. Not just any place, but a home.

In Sheridan School District we know each other quite well. We are a small, but unique community. The extraordinary teachers dedicate their free time grading and planning. Even if we don’t show it as much, we very much appreciate it. Moving into the new campus will only enhance that privilege. With new equipment and an inspiring environment, we will grow even more! As for other staff, you play a significant role in making Sheridan... Sheridan. You help us become more organized and disciplined.

As an eighth-grader I’ve seen so much change and improvement over the years. Being part of this historic moment in our district’s legacy is extremely meaningful to

me. I grew up here and have always been in Sheridan schools.

This moment is unforgettable. To me, it means more opportunities to go above and beyond. This moment isn’t only for us. It’s for the next generations that have the wonderful opportunity to attend Fort Logan Northgate. Even if we are moving to this beautiful new campus, we will never forget the experiences we had in Fort Logan Elementary and Sheridan Middle School. Those are memories that will always be with us.

Today, I invite and encourage you to make Fort Logan a place to build an institute.

An institute of knowledge and wisdom, of respect and responsibility to create and realize our dreams with pride for the future. Let’s make Fort Logan Northgate an institute where we appreciate and increase values of society, in order to make it a better one. An institute where we appreciate and enrich cultural diversity. But overall, let’s make an institute where every single one of us, has the opportunity to make our dreams come true and grow up with the certainty and security that in the near future, we will be a great contribution to society!

We can and will be responsible for making society better through the learning and achievements that will happen here. Our dreams will become reality, in part, because of what happens here. Someday, I will be proud and honored to say, “I was one of the first to attend and graduate from Fort Logan Northgate.”

One Student’s Perspective

Karla C’Devaca

Sheridan School District Teach it. Learn it. Demonstrate it.


Superintendent Michael Clough – Letter to the Community

In the middle of a busy winter and many time-consuming issues (including opening our gorgeous new Fort Logan Northgate School!) it’s time for a break.

Herewith a quiz that might send you on a little mission to ask around for the answers.

Have some fun!

1. What two school-based instructional leaders in Sheridan School District 2 once faced each other on the soccer field in high school—and remember the encounter vividly?

2. What instructional leader (in the district office) once worked as a summer grounds crew worker for the Denver Broncos training camp?

3. What instructional leader wrote the screenplay for a major Hollywood movie?

4. What school principal was once a force as a college soccer player?

5. What teacher is a major ultra-marathoner and has raced in the desert of California’s Death Valley?

6. What OTHER teacher is a major ultra-marathoner who has run races in the Colorado mountains?

7. What teacher has known her husband since they met … in third-grade?

8. What teacher has served as a student representative on the school board for one of the largest cities in the United States?

Go ahead, find the answers. (I’ll give you a month to work on these; perhaps I’ll print the answers in the next newsletter.)

It’s so important to get to know each other as people first. We all have interesting lives outside of the school district—other pursuits—and these interests make our schools so much more interesting as places to learn, because we all bring our many, varied experiences to school! The same is true for students—all the varied experiences they bring every day. Why else would we ask “what did you do this summer?”

Thank you for all you do. We are in the middle of a year of major transitions in Sheridan School District 2. There are new buildings and new patterns to our daily routines. But you are still the same terrific people who make our district so special.

So let me know about something remarkable or interesting about any of our staff members. I’m interested to learn more! Even better, let me know about what staff members might have done for our community, society or, if you’re a parent, for your child. We just called out a few. Send comments to me at and let’s recognize even more of our great staff!

It’s so important to get

to know each other as people first. We all have interesting lives outside of the school


Sheridan School District Teach it. Learn it. Demonstrate it.


TriCity Charter Application School Update

Almost as soon as Sheridan Middle School closed its doors to students for the last time in mid-December, construction crews started renovations to transform the building into the new home for the Early Childhood Center.

The space is being converted to serve much younger learners (three- and four-year-olds). The work will be complete in time for the ECC students to move after Spring Break. At that point, the ECC building (formerly Ora Oliver Elementary School) will be razed to make room for an athletic field for Fort Logan Northgate School. Asbestos abatement work has already started at Fort Logan Elementary School and demolition is set to begin in early March.

Renovation Begins at Former Middle School Building

At press time for this newsletter, the future of the TriCity Academy Charter application remained uncertain. The Sheridan Board of Education was scheduled to consider a revised proposal on Tuesday, Feb. 3. That decision followed a decision in early January when the Colorado Board of Education voted 4-to-3 to require that the Sheridan board reconsider the application.

The state board order remanding the decision included four stipulations:

1. That Sheridan and TriCity develop plans for a “smooth start” for opening next August.

2. That Sheridan and TriCity “negotiate and work together on a plan to promote awareness, understanding and support” for the proposed school.

3. That the district and charter applicants develop a plan to address the district’s budget concerns.

4. That a plan be developed to address the district’s attendance and enrollment concerns.

Superintendent Michael Clough told the Sheridan Board of Education at its meeting Jan. 13 that the district would negotiate with the charter applicants in good faith and would bring a new recommendation forward.

TriCity Charter plans a K-8 school featuring the Core Knowledge curriculum. If the Sheridan board turns the proposal down again, the applicants could appeal again to the state board for a final decision. For the latest news about TriCity and other events, look for “Sign Up for Sheridan News” on the home page of the school district website at

Board of Education President Ron Carter at Jan. 13 meeting.

Sheridan School District Teach it. Learn it. Demonstrate it.


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Sheridan High School Chamber Chorale Heading to Carnegie Hall

The Sheridan High School Chamber Chorale is getting ready for a performance in May at Carnegie Hall in New York City.

On Sunday, Jan. 25, the chorale held a spaghetti dinner and silent auction at Fat Fenders Restaurant (2490 W. Hampden Ave.) as part of its fundraising efforts.

The chorale will perform at Carnegie Hall on Monday, May 25 at 8:00 p.m.

The students will be in New York City from May 22 through May 26 and the trip will include rehearsals with the conductor, the orchestra and other choir members from across the country.

Four Sheridan High School students will make the trip. The performance will include a mass choir of approximately 300 voices comprised of professional singers, college and university singers, and various adult choirs.

This mass choir, assembled to perform at Carnegie Hall, will be directed by noted conductor and composer John Rutter. The choir will perform two of Rutter’s works, “Gloria” and “Te Deum.”

“This is quite an honor for these students and we’re trying to make sure it becomes a reality for them,” said Sheridan High School music teacher Mary Lewis, who directs the chorale. “It truly is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for these students.”

Donations to support the cause are welcome; contact Mary Lewis at Sheridan High School.

The performance

will include a mass choir of approximately 300 voices comprised of professional

singers, college and university singers, and various

adult choirs.

Second Place for Sheridan High School Pom Team!

Sheridan School District Teach it. Learn it. Demonstrate it.


Congratulations to the Sheridan High School Pom team for earning a second place trophy in the State Spirit Competition in December.

From left to right, Marelin Carbajal, Leslie Gomez, Alexis Martinez, Lesley Cordova, Lexi Valdez, Vanessa Robles, Janie Lopez, Amy Myskiw (kneeling in front). Coaches: Amber Beck and Linda Elliot.

David Debus, who heads up the district’s efforts on behalf of gifted and talented students, told the board at its Jan. 13 meeting that the district had received a small grant from the Colorado Department of Education to support programming for gifted and talented students.

Debus also told the board that a program called GATES (Gifted and Talented Englewood and Sheridan) benefitted from generous support of Broken Tee Golf Course, which reduced rates and provided snacks for the group, and from Englewood student George Younger, who has helped start a Math Counts team at Fort Logan Northgate School.

Debus thanked Sheridan family liaison Carla Granados for all her efforts to reach out to Spanish-speaking parents and for her support of the gifted and talented program.

He also recognized Sheridan High School juniors Julisa Granados and Naya Ziegler for their efforts learning foreign languages. Using a Rosetta Stone

software purchased by the district, Naya is learning French and Julisa is learning Arabic (Julisa’s

third language after English and Spanish). Both students posted

high scores on the language acquisition program.

Gifted and Talented Recognitions

Julisa Granados (left) and Naya Zigler (right) with Dave Debus

Dave Debus with Carla Granados

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