shier--hole's human anatomy & physiology 13e-1

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  • 8/10/2019 Shier--Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology 13e-1


    Ch01 - Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology


    Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology

    Multiple Choice Questions

    1. Most of the terminology to name and describe body parts and their functions comes from

    A. Latin and ree!.". #nglish and Italian.

    C. picture dra$ings on the ca%e $alls of our ancestors.

    &. the language of hunter-gatherers.

    Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

    Learning Outcome: 01.01Topic: Body Orientation

    '. An in%estigator $ho conducts an e(periment to determine ho$ temperature changes affectthe rate at $hich the heart beats is most li!ely a)n*

    A. anatomist.

    B. physiologist.C. chemist.&. biochemist.

    Bloom's Level: 3. ApplyLearning Outcome: 01.0

    Topic: Body Orientation


  • 8/10/2019 Shier--Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology 13e-1


    Ch01 - Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology

    +. Anatomy and physiology are difficult to separate because

    A. physiological functions depend on anatomical structures.

    ". physiological functions in an organism are ongoing.C. body parts ta!e up space.

    &. our understanding of physiology is changing more than our understanding of anatomy.

    Bloom's Level: . !nderstand

    Learning Outcome: 01.0Topic: Body Orientation

    ,. he acti%ities of an anatomist consist of / $hereas those of a physiologist consist of.

    A. obser%ing body parts studying functions of body parts

    ". conducting e(periments ma!ing microscopic e(aminations

    C. studying molecules obser%ing forms of the body parts&. s!etching dissecting

    Bloom's Level: . !nderstandLearning Outcome: 01.0

    Topic: Body Orientation

    . he origin of the term 2anatomy2 is related to

    A. the ree! $ord for 2function.2". the name of the first anatomist.

    C. the ree! $ord for 2cutting up.2

    &. the function of internal organs.

    Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

    Learning Outcome: 01.0

    Topic: Body Orientation


  • 8/10/2019 Shier--Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology 13e-1


  • 8/10/2019 Shier--Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology 13e-1


  • 8/10/2019 Shier--Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology 13e-1


    Ch01 - Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology

    1'. :imple s

  • 8/10/2019 Shier--Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology 13e-1


    Ch01 - Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology

    1. he remo%al of $astes produced by metabolic reactions is

    A. metabolism.

    ". absorption.C. assimilation.

    D. e(cretion.

    Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

    Learning Outcome: 01.0"Topic: Body Orientation

    13. 6hich of the follo$ing characteristics of life and their descriptions are correct7A. =esponsi%eness-obtaining and using o(ygen to release energy from food

    ". Assimilation-sensing changes inside or outside the body and reacting to them

    C. =espiration-changing absorbed substances into forms that are chemically different from

    those that entered the body fluidsD. Circulation-the mo%ement of substances in body fluids

    Bloom's Level: . !nderstandLearning Outcome: 01.0"

    Topic: Body Orientation

    14. Metabolism is defined as .

    A. the remo%al of $astes produced by chemical reactions". the brea!do$n of substances into simpler formsC. the ta!ing in of nutrients

    D. all the chemical reactions occurring in an organism that support life

    Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

    Learning Outcome: 01.0"

    Topic: Body Orientation


  • 8/10/2019 Shier--Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology 13e-1


    Ch01 - Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology

    15. 6hich of the follo$ing processes does not help to maintain the life of an indi%idual


    A. =esponsi%eness". Mo%ement

    C. =eproduction

    &. =espiration

    Bloom's Level: . !nderstandLearning Outcome: 01.0#

    Topic: Body Orientation

    18. 6hich of the follo$ing processes is most important to continuation of the human


    A. =esponsi%eness

    ". Mo%ementC. =eproduction

    &. =espiration

    Bloom's Level: . !nderstand

    Learning Outcome: 01.0#

    Topic: Body Orientation

    '0. Homeostasis is theA. inability to !eep body $eight $ithin normal limits.". room temperature decreasing because a $indo$ is open.

    C. ingestion of more food than you need to eat.

    D. tendency of the body to maintain a stable internal en%ironment.

    Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

    Learning Outcome: 01.0#Topic: Body Orientation


  • 8/10/2019 Shier--Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology 13e-1


    Ch01 - Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology

    '1. 6hich of the follo$ing is not an e(ample of a homeostatic mechanism in the human


    A. :hi%ering $hen body temperature falls belo$ normal.". Increasing heart rate and force of contraction $hen blood pressure falls.

    C. =etaining fluid leading to retaining more fluid.

    &. :ecreting insulin after a meal to return blood sugar concentration to$ard normal.

    Bloom's Level: 3. ApplyLearning Outcome: 01.0#

    Topic: Body Orientation

    ''. Li%ing organisms use o(ygen to .

    A. reduce heat production

    ". donate electrons for cellular metabolism

    C. release energy stored in the molecules of food&. remo%e metabolic $astes

    Bloom's Level: 1. RememberLearning Outcome: 01.0#

    Topic: Body Orientation

    '+. Maintaining a stable internal en%ironment typically re

  • 8/10/2019 Shier--Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology 13e-1


    Ch01 - Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology

    ',. A blood clot stimulating further clotting is an e(ample of

    A. a positi%e feedbac! mechanism.

    ". a negati%e feedbac! mechanism.C. a process turning itself off.

    &. ner%ous system communication.

    Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

    Learning Outcome: 01.0#Topic: Body Orientation

    '. 6hich of the follo$ing must the human body obtain from the en%ironment in order tosur%i%e7

    A. >itrogen

    ". 6astes

    C. 6ater&. Carbon dio(ide

    Bloom's Level: 1. RememberLearning Outcome: 01.0#

    Topic: Body Orientation

    '3. Homeostasis e(ists if concentrations of $ater/ nutrients/ and o(ygen in the body and heat

    and pressure .A. decrease steadily

    B. remain $ithin certain limited ranges

    C. increase $hen the body is stressed

    &. fluctuate greatly bet$een %ery high and lo$ %alues

    Bloom's Level: . !nderstand

    Learning Outcome: 01.0#Topic: Body Orientation


  • 8/10/2019 Shier--Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology 13e-1


    Ch01 - Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology

    '4. In negati%e feedbac! mechanisms changes a$ay from the normal state

    A. stimulate changes in the same direction.

    ". inhibit all body reactions.

    C. stimulate changes in the opposite direction.

    &. stimulate a reduction in all re

  • 8/10/2019 Shier--Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology 13e-1


    Ch01 - Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology

    +0. Positi%e feedbac! mechanisms usually produce

    A. changes returning %alues to$ard a set point.

    ". stable conditions around a set point.

    C. unstable conditions.

    &. long-term changes.

    Bloom's Level: . !nderstand

    Learning Outcome: 01.0#Topic: Body Orientation

    +1. 6hich of the follo$ing is true concerning the female reproducti%e system7A. It produces female se( cells.

    ". It transports the female se( cells.

    C. It can support the de%elopment of an embryo.

    D. All of the abo%e.

    Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

    Learning Outcome: 01.0$Topic: Body Orientation

    +'. 6hich of the follo$ing organs is in the abdominopel%ic ca%ity7

    A. he heart

    ". he tracheaC. he thymus

    D. he li%er

    Bloom's Level: 3. ApplyLearning Outcome: 01.0$

    Topic: Body Orientation


  • 8/10/2019 Shier--Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology 13e-1


    Ch01 - Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology

    ++. he membrane on the surface of a lung is called the

    A. %isceral pleura.

    ". parietal pleura.C. %isceral pericardium.

    &. parietal pericardium.

    Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

    Learning Outcome: 01.0$Topic: Body Orientation

    +,. 6hich action is the main function of the digesti%e system7A. @ormation of cells

    ". Mo%ement of body parts

    C. Absorption of nutrients

    &. Pro%iding o(ygen for the e(traction of energy from nutrients

    Bloom's Level: . !nderstand

    Learning Outcome: 01.0$Topic: Body Orientation

    +. 6hich of the follo$ing is not part of the female reproducti%e system7

    A. he uterus

    ". he uterine tubeC. he %ul%a

    D. he bulbourethral gland

    Bloom's Level: 1. RememberLearning Outcome: 01.0$

    Topic: Body Orientation


  • 8/10/2019 Shier--Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology 13e-1


    Ch01 - Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology

    +3. he thoracic ca%ity lies the abdominopel%ic ca%ity.

    A. dorsal )posterior* to

    ". %entral )anterior* to

    C. superior to

    &. inferior to

    Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

    Learning Outcome: 01.0$Topic: Body Orientation

    +4. "lood cells are produced in the organs of the system.A. endocrine

    B. s!eletal

    C. respiratory

    &. muscular

    Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

    Learning Outcome: 01.0$Topic: Body Orientation

    +5. A parietal layer of a serous membrane / $hereas a %isceral layer of a serous

    membrane .

    A. co%ers organs lines ca%itiesB. lines ca%ities co%ers organsC. secretes serous fluid secretes mucus

    &. secretes mucus secretes a serous fluid

    Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

    Learning Outcome: 01.0$

    Topic: Body Orientation


  • 8/10/2019 Shier--Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology 13e-1


    Ch01 - Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology

    +8. Cell death first occurs

    A. at age 30.

    ". at age 0.C. at puberty.

    D. in the fetus.

    Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

    Learning Outcome: 01.0%Topic: Body Orientation

    ,0. An obstetrician tells a ,'-year-old patient that she can ha%e a healthy baby/ but that she isof 2ad%anced maternal age.2 he patient is so upset that she fails to listen to the rest of the

    doctors ad%ice/ goes home in a huff/ and immediately dyes her hair/ buys a minis!irt/ and

    signs up for boto( inBections to smooth the tiny lines near her eyes. :he is misinterpreting the

    doctors statement because it referred toA. the age of the sperm.

    B. the age of her eggs.

    C. her ris! of de%eloping diabetes.&. her cholesterol le%el/ not her appearance.

    Bloom's Level: 3. ApplyLearning Outcome: 01.0%

    Topic: Body Orientation

    ,1. 6rin!led and sagging s!in results from

    A. drin!ing too much $ater.

    ". heredity only.

    C. loss of subcutaneous fat and less elastin and collagen.

    &. e(cess subcutaneous fat.

    Bloom's Level: . !nderstand

    Learning Outcome: 01.0%Topic: Body Orientation


  • 8/10/2019 Shier--Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology 13e-1


    Ch01 - Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology

    ,'. :igns of aging at the cellular le%el are

    A. graying hair/ $aning strength/ and $rin!les.

    ". unrepaired &>A and abnormal proteins.

    C. impaired cell di%ision and the ability to brea! do$n and recycle $orn cell parts.

    &. a fatty li%er and clogged blood %essels.

    Bloom's Level: . !nderstand

    Learning Outcome: 01.0%Topic: Body Orientation

    ,+. 9ne characteristic that centenarians share isA. a high le%el of e(ercise throughout life.

    ". long-li%ed relati%es.

    C. follo$ing the Mediterranean diet.

    D. ne%er ha%ing smo!ed.

    Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

    Learning Outcome: 01.0%Topic: Body Orientation

    ,,. An anatomical section that separates the body into right and left portions is a


    A. frontal". trans%erseC. coronal

    D. sagittal

    Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

    Learning Outcome: 01.0&

    Topic: Body Orientation


  • 8/10/2019 Shier--Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology 13e-1


    Ch01 - Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology

    ,. he upper midportion of the abdomen is called the region.

    A. hypochondriac

    ". iliacC. hypogastric

    D. epigastric

    Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

    Learning Outcome: 01.0&Topic: Body Orientation

    ,3. 6hen the body is placed in the anatomical position/ $hich of the follo$ing is not true7A. he head is facing to the front.

    B. he palms are facing bac!$ard.

    C. he body is erect.

    &. he upper limbs are at the sides.

    Bloom's Level: . !nderstand

    Learning Outcome: 01.0&Topic: Body Orientation

    ,4. Paired organs/ such as the !idneys or lungs/ are said to be

    A. bise(ual.

    ". bilingual.C. bilateral.&. bi%alent.

    Bloom's Level: 1. RememberLearning Outcome: 01.0&

    Topic: Body Orientation


  • 8/10/2019 Shier--Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology 13e-1


  • 8/10/2019 Shier--Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology 13e-1


    Ch01 - Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology

    1. Magnetic resonance imaging uses

    A. D rays.

    B. a radio antenna.C. radioisotopes.

    &. high-fre

  • 8/10/2019 Shier--Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology 13e-1


    Ch01 - Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology

    ,. Patterns of gro$th in preser%ed bones and tooth decay reflect the health of the people of

    $hich they $ere a part.


    Bloom's Level: 3. ApplyLearning Outcome: 01.01

    Topic: Body Orientation

    . he field of medicine arose as early healers abandoned superstition and ideas about magic

    and started using natural chemicals and $ondering $hy they $ere effecti%e at treating illness.


    Bloom's Level: 3. ApplyLearning Outcome: 01.01

    Topic: Body Orientation

    3. Cada%er dissection is against the la$ in the ?.:.


    Bloom's Level: 3. ApplyLearning Outcome: 01.01

    Topic: Body Orientation

    4. he anatomy of a body part is closely related to its physiology.


    Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

    Learning Outcome: 01.0Topic: Body Orientation


  • 8/10/2019 Shier--Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology 13e-1


    Ch01 - Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology

    5. 6e !no$ all there is to !no$ about the structure and function of the human body.


    Bloom's Level: . !nderstand

    Learning Outcome: 01.0Topic: Body Orientation

    8. Cells $ith similar functions aggregate into organelles.


    Bloom's Level: . !nderstandLearning Outcome: 01.03

    Topic: Body Orientation

    30. Macromolecules are built of atoms.


    Bloom's Level: . !nderstand

    Learning Outcome: 01.03

    Topic: Body Orientation

    31. 9rgan systems consist of organs/ $hich consist of tissues.


    Bloom's Level: . !nderstand

    Learning Outcome: 01.03Topic: Body Orientation


  • 8/10/2019 Shier--Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology 13e-1


    Ch01 - Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology

    3'. A cell is the basic unit of structure and function of an organism.


    Bloom's Level: . !nderstand

    Learning Outcome: 01.03Topic: Body Orientation

    3+. Metabolism refers to all of the chemical reactions in an organism that support life.


    Bloom's Level: . !nderstandLearning Outcome: 01.0"

    Topic: Body Orientation

    3,. Absorption is the ability to e(hale carbon dio(ide.


    Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

    Learning Outcome: 01.0"

    Topic: Body Orientation

    3. =eproduction is the change in body characteristics o%er time.


    Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

    Learning Outcome: 01.0"Topic: Body Orientation


  • 8/10/2019 Shier--Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology 13e-1


    Ch01 - Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology

    33. 9(ygen is the primary ra$ material for ne$ li%ing material.


    Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

    Learning Outcome: 01.0#Topic: Body Orientation

    34. emperature is a form of energy/ $hereas heat is a measurement of the intensity of thetemperature.


    Bloom's Level: . !nderstand

    Learning Outcome: 01.0#Topic: Body Orientation

    35. Homeostasis is the bodys maintenance of an unstable internal en%ironment.


    Bloom's Level: . !nderstand

    Learning Outcome: 01.0#

    Topic: Body Orientation

    38. he maintenance of a steady body temperature in the face of fluctuating en%ironmentalconditions illustrates homeostasis.


    Bloom's Level: . !nderstand

    Learning Outcome: 01.0#

    Topic: Body Orientation


  • 8/10/2019 Shier--Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology 13e-1


    Ch01 - Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology

    40. he diaphragm separates the thoracic and the abdominopel%ic ca%ities.


    Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

    Learning Outcome: 01.0$Topic: Body Orientation

    41. he parietal pericardium is attached to the surface of the heart.


    Bloom's Level: 1. RememberLearning Outcome: 01.0$

    Topic: Body Orientation

    4'. he organ systems responsible for integration and coordination are the ner%ous and

    endocrine systems.


    Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

    Learning Outcome: 01.0$

    Topic: Body Orientation

    4+. Eidneys are part of the lymphatic system.


    Bloom's Level: 3. ApplyLearning Outcome: 01.0$

    Topic: Body Orientation


  • 8/10/2019 Shier--Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology 13e-1


    Ch01 - Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology

    4,. he muscular system is responsible for body mo%ements/ maintenance of posture/ and

    production of body heat.


    Bloom's Level: 3. ApplyLearning Outcome: 01.0$

    Topic: Body Orientation

    4. he digesti%e system filters $astes from the blood.


    Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

    Learning Outcome: 01.0$Topic: Body Orientation

    43. he parietal pleura is a %isceral membrane.


    Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

    Learning Outcome: 01.0$

    Topic: Body Orientation

    44. he oral/ nasal/ orbital/ and middle ear ca%ities are in the dorsal ca%ity.


    Bloom's Level: 1. RememberLearning Outcome: 01.0$

    Topic: Body Orientation


  • 8/10/2019 Shier--Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology 13e-1


    Ch01 - Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology

    45. Aging begins in the fetus.


    Bloom's Level: . !nderstand

    Learning Outcome: 01.0%Topic: Body Orientation

    48. Chromosomes get longer as a cell ages.


    Bloom's Level: . !nderstandLearning Outcome: 01.0%

    Topic: Body Orientation

    50. Ceroid pigments and lipofuscin accumulate $ith aging/ impairing a cells ability to

    $ithstand the damaging effects of o(ygen free radicals.


    Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

    Learning Outcome: 01.0%

    Topic: Body Orientation

    51. he ears are lateral to the eyes.


    Bloom's Level: 3. ApplyLearning Outcome: 01.0&

    Topic: Body Orientation


  • 8/10/2019 Shier--Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology 13e-1


    Ch01 - Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology

    5'. he elbo$ is distal to the $rist.


    Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

    Learning Outcome: 01.0&Topic: Body Orientation

    5+. he anatomical position is lying do$n/ as a cada%er $ould be positioned.


    Bloom's Level: 3. ApplyLearning Outcome: 01.0&

    Topic: Body Orientation

    !ill in the Blan' Questions

    5,. Agriculture began in some countries as recently as years ago.


    Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

    Learning Outcome: 01.01Topic: Body Orientation


  • 8/10/2019 Shier--Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology 13e-1


    Ch01 - Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology

    5. &issection of human bodies became part of medical education in the century.

    t*entieth or


    Bloom's Level: 1. RememberLearning Outcome: 01.01

    Topic: Body Orientation

    53. he branch of science that deals $ith the structure of human body parts is called .


    Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

    Learning Outcome: 01.0Topic: Body Orientation

    54. he branch of science that deals $ith the functions of human body parts is called .


    Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

    Learning Outcome: 01.0Topic: Body Orientation

    55. A group of cells $ith common properties that are organi;ed into a layer or mass is a)n*



    Bloom's Level: . !nderstand

    Learning Outcome: 01.03Topic: Body Orientation


  • 8/10/2019 Shier--Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology 13e-1


    Ch01 - Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology

    58. A subcellular structure built of assemblies of macromolecules that carries out a particular

    function is a)n* .


    Bloom's Level: . !nderstandLearning Outcome: 01.03

    Topic: Body Orientation

    80. he process by $hich food substances are chemically changed into simpler forms that

    can be absorbed is called .


    Bloom's Level: 1. RememberLearning Outcome: 01.0"Topic: Body Orientation

    81. he term refers to an increase in body si;e $ithout o%erall shape change.


    Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

    Learning Outcome: 01.0"Topic: Body Orientation

    8'. he most abundant substance in the human body is .


    Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

    Learning Outcome: 01.0#

    Topic: Body Orientation


  • 8/10/2019 Shier--Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology 13e-1


    Ch01 - Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology

    8+. :elf-regulating control mechanisms usually operate by a process called feedbac!.


    Bloom's Level: 1. RememberLearning Outcome: 01.0#

    Topic: Body Orientation

    8,. he potential space bet$een the membranes is called the pleural ca%ity.


    Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

    Learning Outcome: 01.0$Topic: Body Orientation

    8. he chemicals endocrine glands secrete are called .


    Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

    Learning Outcome: 01.0$

    Topic: Body Orientation

    83. he heart is part of the system.


    Bloom's Level: . !nderstandLearning Outcome: 01.0$

    Topic: Body Orientation


  • 8/10/2019 Shier--Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology 13e-1


    Ch01 - Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology

    84. Indi%iduals $ho li%e more than 100 years are called.


    Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

    Learning Outcome: 01.0%Topic: Body Orientation

    85. :tanding erect $ith face and palms for$ard and upper limbs at the sides describes the position.


    Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

    Learning Outcome: 01.0&Topic: Body Orientation

    88. A length$ise cut that di%ides the body into right and left portions is termed .


    Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

    Learning Outcome: 01.0&Topic: Body Orientation

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