shinran 750th anniversary - bco buddhist church of oakland · churches of america, we sup-port the...

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Shinran 750th AnniversaryBY REVEREND SEIGEN YAMAOKA


The 750th Anniversary Servicecommemorating the life

Shinran, the founder of ShinBuddhism, will be held in Kyoto,Japan in May of 2011. In preparationfor that auspicious event, the BCA isasking each local temple to have a750th Proclamation Service this year, adistrict sponsored service in 2009,and a BCA sponsored service in 2010.

On Sunday, May 18, the BuddhistChurch of Oakland will conduct the750th Proclamation Service from 10a.m. Our guest speaker will be theRev. Ron Kengu Kobata, ExecutiveAssistant to the Office of the Bishop.He will speak in English and Japanese.

Shinran is highly regarded for open-ing the doors of Buddhism for theeveryday people. Up until his time,Buddhism was for the special peoplewho could leave home, enter amonastery, and do prescribed prac-tices of meditation. For the house-holders, caught within the issues ofeveryday life, it was impossible forthem to do the Buddhist practicewhich was prevalent at that time. Theemphasis for the practitioner was tomove towards enlightenment by doingprescribed practices.

Shinran, seeing the work of the his-torical Buddha and hearing his teach-ing, felt that Buddhism had anotherapproach. The teaching was found inthe words of the Buddha and how he

Minister’s Message 1

Message From the President 1

Temple Tidbits 2

In Memoriam 2

BCA 21st Century Campaign 2

BCA Letter to All 2

Nikkoland Bazaar 3

Cemetery Visitation Schedule 3

BCO Directory 4

Ashland Howakai 4

Gotan E/ Fujimatsuri Service 4

Youth Club News 4

Nippongo Gakuen News 5

Hanamatsuri 6

Newsroom OBWA 7

Dharma School News 7

Shotsuki Memorial Service 9

Japanese Section


IN THIS ISSUEmoved within the lives of the people.The Buddha, as the dynamic move-ment of Wisdom and Compassion ofEnlightenment Truth-Itself, constantlymoved and touch the ordinary beingswithin their life processes.

Shinran realized that even as the his-torical Buddha entered Nirvana, thismovement of Wisdom andCompassion continued to move andwork within the lives of the people. Asrevealed by the historical Buddha, thedynamic movement of Enlightenment-Truth Itself was given the name ofAmida.

Shinran taught that the ord i n a ryhouseholders need only to entrust inthe name of Amida, utter the Name ofAmida, and feel the connection withthe universal truth of life. In this way,Enlightenment Truth Itself constantlyand dynamically moves within our lifeprocess even though we find our livesmuddled with all of our attachments,frustrations, and pain.

Shinran turned the movement ofEnlightenment Truth known to us asAmida Buddha moving towards usrather than us trying to move towardsAmida or enlightenment.

Thus, we honor Shinran and the750 years of the teaching touching thelives of the ordinary householders.

Reflection: Which is the true life? “I do”or “I am helped to do?”




Flowers and OsonaeFlowers and Osonae donations

from the following persons for thememorial services of their familymember are gratefully accepted.Their generosity and thoughtful-ness is appreciated.

Mrs. Janet Tsukahira for hermother Kiyo Kuwahara’sMemorial/Funeral Service

Mrs. Helen Harada for her hus-band Jack’s Memorial Service

Mr. Sam Tsujimoto for his moth-er Grace and son Darry l ’sMemorial Service

Mrs. Mary Teshima for hermother Michiko Nehira’s 49th DayMemorial Service

Mrs. Shigeko Yamaoka for fatherR e v. K Masuyama, not motherSachi, as in last month

Ms. Gloria Fujimoto for herb rother Ken Fujimoto 1 Ye a rService

BCA Letter to AllA Peaceful Resolution to the Tibetan Conflict

As leaders of the BuddhistChurches of America, we sup-

port the efforts of the Dalai Lama tobring the recent conflicts between thepeople of Tibet and the Chineseauthorities to a non-violent resolution.His stature as an intern a t i o n a l l yrespected religious leader is widelyacknowledged. We admire thepatience and dedication that he hasbrought to his role as the societal andspiritual leader of the Tibetan peoplein maintaining a stance of peacefuldiplomacy.

The use of violence in this conflict isunacceptable and we urge the Chineseauthorities to quickly find a peacefulresolution. Justice and human rightsare not realized through oppressionand brutality.

With world attention directed toyour country as you host the OlympicGames, we appeal to the Chinese gov-ernment to demonstrate the characterof a world leader that respects thebasic rights of all people to live a freeand safe existence. The teachings ofthe Buddha makes us realize that a truesociety exists where all people aremindful of the universal truth of theirinterdependence, appreciating thingsin common while aspiring to a harmo-ny of differences.


Koshin Ogui, SochoBishopBCA

Billy Saeki, PresidentBCA National Board of Directors

BCA 21st CenturyCampaign

The members and friends of theBCO have given so far a total of

$652,165 towards the various pro-grams laid out by the CampaignCommittee. Some 245 members haveparticipated in the campaign so far out376 registered BCA members. That is65.16% of our membership. Somehave given more than their initial giftand some continue to give.

The BCO is grateful to its member-ship who is willing to take the respon-sibility for the future of the BCA. Inall things there are dark sides andbright sides to any endeavor, however,we need to look to the future andmove forward. We hear much aboutthe dark side of the BCA programs,but there are a lot of bright and hope-ful things happening.

The Institute of Buddhist Studieshas a total of 50 students taking springsemester classes at IBS. Of the 50, 18are IBS students of which 7 are minis-terial aspirants working towards agraduate degree. One is a ministerialassistant taking courses. 32 studentsa re students from the GraduateTheological Union taking a variety ofcourses at IBS to better understandBuddhism.

The Center for Buddhist Educationcontinues to have a variety of seminarsand events which responds to theneeds of the general public as well asour own membership. One major pro-gram is the start of the Shin BuddhismCorrespondence Course that anyonecan apply for. It can create interestt h roughout the English speakingworld.

Many visitors come from through-out the world and are in awe as towhat the BCA is doing and attemptingto do.

What makes all this possible is theJodo Shinshu Center. It is the campus

In Memoriam

The Buddhist Church extendsits deepest condolences to thefamilies of the following mem-bers who have recently passedaway.

Mrs. Kiyoko KuwaharaMarch 9, 2008

Mrs. Michiko NehiraMarch 2, 2008

May the families find solaceand comfort in the Nembutsu,NamuAmidaButsu.

Continued on next page



for the IBS and CBE and all the cre-ative programs that can be initiated.

It is time to come out of the darkthoughts of the existing debt and lookat the bright future that is already inmotion.

We ask the BCO members to contin-ue to support the 21st CenturyCampaign. We ask those who have yetto give, please be a part of this greatendeavor to secure the future of ourreligious tradition in America.

21st Century Campaigncontinued from last page


It’s Bazaar time soon!

The Bazaar Planning Committee hasbeen actively preparing for theupcoming annual Nikkoland Bazaar.With 8 weeks to go, much of the long-range planning items are in placethrough the dedicated efforts of manyof our members who are the chairs ofthe bazaar committees. We have muchyet to do!

We are in the process of developingthe Work Schedules which will bepublished in the May Busshin. In thenext few weeks members of the BazaarPlanning committee will be trying tocontact you to confirm your availabil-ity for the weekend of June 14/15. Ifyou know you will be unavailable, orotherwise have difficulty in volunteer-ing for certain hours or jobs for theBazaar weekend, please e-mail SteveTe rusaki at:s t e v e _ t e ru s a k i @ m b a . b e r k e l e; orleave a message in the church office byMonday, April 28. That informationwill greatly assist us in making theWork Schedules operational.

This year we are encouraging abroader outreach for donation itemsfor both the Raffle as well as for theSilent Auction. Last year’s SilentAuction was well-received due in largepart to the active request for dona-tions. We encourage you to consider

donations of tickets that you might bein a position to offer if you hold sea-son’s tickets to sporting, or culturalevents; frequent flier miles;vacation/time-shares; original artwork;gift baskets; gift certificates tos t o re s / restaurants that you fre q u e n tand can be solicited for a donation,etc. Information is available fro mGloria Fujimoto, or through the formfound in this month’s Busshin. If youknow of a potential donor, please con-tact Sam Yoneyama in the churc hoffice or e-mail me at the above e-mailaddress so that we can generate a let-ter request.

Finally, dinner tickets and raffle tick-ets will be mailed in the next fewweeks. Please use them as an opportu-nity to engage our larger communityin supporting the bazaar. Additionaltickets are always available by requestfrom the church office.

The success of the bazaar is restswith all of our members, organizationsand affiliated friends and the largercommunity who come out to supportthe church. It is an enormous effortand only achievable because of theefforts of each and every one of you. Ilook forward to personally thankingyou for your support.

Cemetery Visitation Schedule

Over the Memorial Day week-end, the church will be mak-

ing its annual cemetery visitation onFriday the 23rd, Saturday the 24thand Sunday the 25th of May. Inremembrance of our families, set asideone of these days to clean our families’resting places and gassho to expressour gratitude.

The following is the schedule forthese three days:

Friday, May 23rd:9:30 am: Colma CemeterySaturday, May 24th:10:15 am: Vallejo Cemetery11:00 am: Mt. View Cemetery2:30 pm: Hayward Chapel of

Chimes4:00 pm: Joint Memorial Service5:00 pm: Mt. Eden CemeterySunday, May 25th:9:30 am: Oakmont Cemetery10:15 am: Martinez & Pacheco

Cemeteries11:35 am: Concord Memorial

Garden 2:15 pm : Sunset View Cemetery*4:15 pm: Piedmont Chapel of

Chimes5:50 pm: Memorial Day Service at

church*Families with niches in the

Piedmont Chapel of Chimes who wishto have a service performed, pleasewait near the entrance gate to the Mr.View Cemetery for the church group.The group should be at Piedmontsometime between 3:45 and 4:15 pm.The church will go on the roundswhether it rains or shines. For thosewho would like to go along with thec h u rch group, please contact thechurch office at 510 832-5988.

Is there anyone who would like tovolunteer to sit in the office on

Saturday or Sunday to let people intothe Nokotsudo while we are makingthe rounds of the cemeteries? A signup sheet is pinned on the office door.Thank you.




Ashland HowakaiNewsBY YUTAKA KOBORI



A rticles submitted after thisdate may not be printed. Senda rt i c l e s to Joyce Yokomizo:

email: fax: (415) 970-0810 You can also send articles to

Sam Yo n e y a m a at the churc hoffice.

BUSSHIN COLLATION by theB o a rd on Thursday, May 15t h a t7:30 p.m.

Efforts are currently underway toupdate the Membership

Directory. We would like to include e-mail addresses in this upcoming ver-sion as e-mail has become a commoncommunications vehicle with oursangha members. Please e-mail thec h u rch office by June 1 from your pre-ferred e-mail account.

Please include the following in youre-mail:

Provide your first and last name inthe body of the e-mail.

In the Subject Line please input:BCO Directory – email

If you have any questions or con-cerns please e-mail Steve Terusaki at:

s t e v e _ t e ru s a k i @ m b a . b e r k e l e y. e d u(please note the “_” between the firstand last name)

BCO Directory

Gotan-E /Fujimatsuri Service& Hanamatsuri-Infant PresentationCeremony

Le t ’s celebrate the birthday ofShinran Shonin by attending

the GotanE/Fujimatsuri Service. Ourguest speaker is the Rev. Ron KenguKobata, Executive Assistant to theBishop of BCA.

In conjunction with the GotanES e rvice, we will again have the InfantP resentation Ceremony for those chil-d ren 12 months and younger to bep resented to the Amida Buddha. If youknow of any babies, please notify thefamilies of this program. An applica-tion form is included in this Busshin.

As a convenience to our membersand friends, a dana envelope hasbeen attached to the Busshin for yourthoughtful consideration. Thankyou.

The BCO Youth Club hosted itsannual Appreciation dinner on

March 21. Reverend Yamaoka gave atalk on the relationship of Buddhismand Basketball and then after gassho,we all enjoyed a delicious meal con-sisting of barbequed chicken, chowmein, tofu, broccoli beef, papaya saladand various desserts. Thanks to MetaOrens for chairing the event. After din-ner, the teams were introduced on thestage by their respective coaches.(Thank you church board members forcleaning up the stage area.)

The Youth Club portion of the BCO

website has been updated. The 2008-2009 version of the basketball registra-tion form is now available for down-load. Youth Club board meeting min-utes for last season are also up. Thewebsite address is

Any members interested in playingbasketball next season should fill outthe new registration form and submitit to David Hirota, Linda Nakamura orHollis Chin.

Deadline for registration forms isAugust 1, 2008. Finally, Bazaar andObon shift signups will be done byemail on a first come first served basis.Team managers will be distributing thes p readsheet to club members verysoon. Please help us give back to thechurch by fulfilling your service com-mitment.

Rev. Seigen Yamaoka conductedthe Spring Ohigan Service on

Sunday evening, March16th, at theEden Township Japanese CommunityC e n t e r. Mrs. Dorothy Yanagi w a schairperson for this service. The serv-ice was followed by our usual month-ly potluck dinner. Our next meeting,Hanamatsuri, will be held on Saturdayevening, April 5th.

Receipt of dana from the followingindividuals is acknowledged withappreciation:

Mrs. Matsue Harada M/M Don KaneshigeMr. Yutaka KoboriMrs. Ruby KuritsuboM/M Fred MiyamotoM/M Shig NaitoMrs. Jean NakaoM/M Ben NakayaMrs. Sylvia NomuraM/M Dick SasakiMrs. Jane TsushimaMrs. Dorothy YanagiM/M Shichiro Yokomizo



The second trimester of theGakuen has flown by. There has

been much activity in the classroomsas the students are nearing their finalchapters for the spring semester,preparing for their end-of-year presen-tations and anticipating the next classlevel.

Yamada sensei teaches the beginningJapanese class of students from ages 5-8, and re p o rts that her class hasfocused on a variety of fun activities toincrease their vocabulary and to prac-tice writing common and frequentlyused words in Hiragana. The studentshave started reading Katakana and willcontinue until all the students feelcomfortable in reading both Hiraganaand Katakana. They are also construct-ing simple short sentences. All stu-dents are doing very well in class andYamada sensei is very impressed withtheir accomplishments.

Aizawa sensei teaches the beginningclass of students from ages 8-12. Theclass is using the textbook, “Japanesefor Young People”. They have finishedlesson 9 and have begun lesson 10.They have been practicing the use ofadjectives and verbs in forming sen-tences, as well as reading and writingin Hiragana. Some of the students havestarted to learn Katakana.

Adams sensei teaches the beginningstudents from ages 13-18. Her stu-dents are using the Genki 1 textbookand have finished chapter 4. The stu-dents continue to master theirHiragana skills and will soon beginworking with Katakana. By the end ofthe school year, her class will completechapter 7 in the Genki 1 textbook.

Yamagishi sensei teaches the inter-mediate students who range in age

Nippongo Gakuen NewsBY EUNICE ASHIZAWA

from 10-15. Her students are using theGenki 1 textbook and have completedchapter 11. They are currently learn-ing the “tai-form” which is used toexpress “want.” They have also learnedhow to connect two or more actionverbs in a sentence to express theirschedule of the day. They will spendthe next month completing chapter12, the last chapter of Genki 1, andcontinue to spend time building theirvocabulary.

Turner sensei teaches the advancedJapanese class which ranges in agefrom 15-18. They are currently work-ing on Genki 2, chapter 23, which isthe last chapter. At the end of thist r i m e s t e r, they will be re v i e w i n gimportant chapters by doing class-room activities and using diff e re n tl e a rning re s o u rces. Students workhard to study their new Kanji charac-ters every week. In addition, Turnersensei has introduced several funda-mental characters such as “hen” radi-cals that are important to learn Kanji.She is hopeful that this will facilitatelearning Kanji and its usage.

Meanwhile, the adult language class-es have made much progress. Thebeginning adult class taught byKataoka sensei started on February 22and meets every Saturday between10:30- noon. The six enthusiastic stu-dents and their instructor enjoy learn-ing basic grammatical concepts andv o c a b u l a ry together with a livelyexchange of cultural experiences andconversation. So far, the class haslearned useful daily phrases for greet-ings: hello, thank you, etc., and “itte-rasshai, itte-kimasu”. The class hasalso learned the vocabulary for familymembers, numbers, countries and

occupations, together with sentencestructures for simple declarative andinterrogative sentences. The studentsare able to talk about themselves andtheir family members, as well as ask-ing questions of their classmates andtheir families. They use the Genki 1textbook and are on their way to chap-ter 2.

The advanced adult class meetse v e ry Thursday evening from 6-8:30pm. Yamagishi sensei reports thatshe is impressed by her students’ abil-ity and their seriousness. Her classuses primarily Genki 2 and is current-ly working on both review and newmaterial from chapters 6, 11, 12, 13&14. Yamagishi sensei has studentsmaster their skills by talking morethan listening; they will often haveconversational situations amongstthemselves like talking on the tele-phone, asking for directions, orderingfood in a restaurant, etc. In addition,Yamagishi sensei has her students lis-ten to Japanese pop music so they canlearn new vocabulary and interpret ashort drama from the songs. Theyalways have a fun time and she con-tinues to be amazed at how skillfulthey are becoming.

If anyone is interested in joining anyof our language classes, please do nothesitate to contact Reiko Kataoka orJon Takagaki.

Reiko KataokaKataoka@berkeley.eduPhone: 510 526-0499

Jon TakagakiJon.takagaki@unitedcb.comPhone: 510 769-2975 (home)



We appreciate the efforts of thefollowing members to plant

the Lumbini Garden for theHanamatsuri Service:

Michael EndoChieko EndoDana HiramotoRuby HiramotoMaya LawrenceLou MinamotoNamie NaitoShig NaitoYosh NakanoKeiju TeradaDaisy TsujimotoThe flowers for the Lumbini Garden

were donated by Mr. Takeshi ‘Gish’Endo.

The Hana Mido, Flower Pavilion,was made by Ashland Howakai fortheir Hanamatsuri Service on Saturdayand was brought to Oakland for ours e rvice. Tr a n s p o rtation to Oaklandwas done by Dick Sasaki, D o nKaneshige and Agnes Sasaki.

Thank you everyone for your gener-ous donation of time and labor.

HanamatsuriLumbini GardenPlanters




Highlights from the AprilMeeting:

OBWA thanks Kimiye Ozawa forher generous donation.

Thank you to Dick Sasaki for desig-nating the OBWA as the recipient ofthe JASEB bingo proceeds.

We also thank Toban C for the deli-cious tonkatsu otoki for Ohigan and forShotsuki set up and cleanup; R u b yK u r i t s u b o, Namie Naito, Chieko Endo,and Lou Minamoto for cleaning theHondo; Gloria Fujimoto, Yosh Nakano,Jean Kawata, S t e v e and Kathy Terusakifor collating the Busshin and a specialthank you to C h i e k o and Michael Endofor staying late to complete the job. Allof your help is much appre c i a t e d .

On March 18th, Chieko Endo,Setsuko Furuta, Reverend Yamaoka,and Carol Thunen made the OBWA’ssemi-annual hospital and home visita-tions. Everyone enjoyed the visits.

As our annual Bazaar nears, arequest for items for the Silent Auctionwas made. Tickets for sporting events,artwork, gift certificates, items for agift basket—any and all would beappreciated.

Some dates to mark on your calen-dars: April 11, Hondo cleaning; April13, Shotsuki preparation by Toban A;April 27th, Spring and New MembersLuncheon; May 16, card-making work-shop from 10:00 a.m- 2:00 p.m.; May11, Toban B, Shotsuki preparation; May18, Toban B, otoki for Fujimatsuri.

PLEASE NOTE: Because there willbe no service on May 4th and May11th is Mother’s Day, we will have avery short meeting at our April 27thluncheon.


Dharma School News…BY JANET UMEZU

Happy Hanamatsuri! I hopeeveryone has finally adjusted

to daylight savings time and enjoyingthe longer evening. The Dharm aSchool families had a chance to enjoyFamily Night held on March 22. Afterservice and learning the proper way tooffer incense taught by Michael Sensei,the families enjoyed a delicious pizzaand salad dinner put together by Mrs.Daisy Tsujimoto and Mrs. MollieYoneyama. Once everyone’s appetiteswere satisfied, the fun began with stu-dents making Buddha lantern s ,Japanese styled greeting cards and lastbut not least a Daruma-san. Thankyou to Joni Hiramoto and D o n n aCastro for chairing the event and to allthe teachers and parents who helpedduring the evening.

No sooner had Family Nightended, the Dharma School studentshad to start preparing for theirHanamatsuri perf o rmance. Under thed i rection of Mrs. Maya Lawrence, thestudents sang three gathas onHanamatsuri held April 6. Also K y l eW o n g, Ryan Wong and Colin Chunggave a great rendition on their altosaxes of “Ganjin Journey” and the“Pink Panther”. The JR YBA tre a t e de v e ryone to a Buddhist play based on“ H o rton Hears a Who”.

As a reminder, the Dharma Schoolwill observe Pets’ Memorial on April20. Anyone interested in rememberingtheir pet who has passed away is askedto contact the office, so their pet’sname can be read at the service and aname card printed up.

The Dharma School Teachers havealso been busy planning theFederation Dharma School LeagueConference to be held in San Mateo on

May 2, 3, & 4, 2008. In March,Oakland hosted a facilitators work-shop meeting. A special thank you toMrs. Daisy Tsujimoto, Mrs. MollieYoneyama, Mrs. Dora Negoro and Ms.Lou Minamoto for preparing a deli-cious dinner for the facilitators inattendance. Oakland has hosted sev-eral workshops and they have gra-ciously prepared meals for the groupeach time. Thank you. Thank you foralways being there.

Happy Birthday tothe May Babies.They are: M a s a oM a c M a s t e r, M i y aM a r t i n e z, B e nM o r g a n, K a i l aNeishi and Michelle

U m e z u. Due to the FederationDharma School Teachers’ Conference,Birthday Sunday will be celebrated onMay 11th. Also, because of theDharma School Teachers’ Conference,there will be no Service or DharmaSchool on May 4.

The Dharma School would like togratefully acknowledge the followingdonations:

M/M Peter Nakaso - Kevin Nakaso’sbirthday

M/M Jon Takagaki - Lynne’s birth-day

Ms. Lou Minamoto - birt h d a yappreciation

M/M Tosh Shibata - grandchildrenNicole and Kevin Nakaso’s bithday

Kathy Aoki - Niece Stacy Kawabata’sbirthday

Mrs. Mary Takagaki - granddaugh-ter Lynne Takagaki’s birthday

Ron Fujii - Fujii Melon for straw-berries & grapes for teachers’ dinnerand for Family Fun Night



Learn How to MakeYour Own Clothing


If you would like to learn thisuseful skill, call Carol Thunen formore information on classes beingtaught by Mary Mitsuda.

Carol Thunen(510) 594-1800


Buddhist Church of OaklandAnnual Benefit Golf Tournament

Monday, October 6, 2008

Play a round of golf with family, friends andchurch members. AND you will be

supporting the church at the same time!!!

More details about the golf tournament willcome in future Busshins!


Email Call Outs

Would you like to receive yourcall out information via emailinstead of telephone? Memberswithout internet access or whowish to be notified by telephonewill still have that option.

If you’re interested in receivingEmail Call outs, please contactCarol Thunen at:



May Shotsuki Memorial ServiceService: Sunday, May 11, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. Sermon by Reverend Seigen Yamaoka

Family and relatives are invited to attend this monthly memorial service for those listed below. If any errors appear in thelist below, please notify the church office at (510) 832-5988 at your earliest convenience. Next month’s Shotsuki

Service will be held on June 1, 2008 at 10:00 a.m.

Mrs. Eki AkahoshiMrs. Tsune AkataniMr. Hideo AjariMrs. Fumiko ArimotoMrs. Ada BabaMr. Kikuzo EndoMr. Roy EndoMr. Heisaku FujiiMr. Ikutaro FujiiMrs. Kimino FujiiMrs. Toshie FujiiMrs. Tsue FujiiMrs. Yuki FujiiMr. Kenzo FujimoriMrs. Dorothy Fujino – 7th YearMr. Frank FujinoMs. Elnora Sonoe FukuyaMrs. Nui FurutaMr. Soemon FurutaMr. Rokutaro HanamotoMr. Kenji Harada Mrs. Kuno HatakeyamaMrs. Yasu HayashidaMr. Daikichi HazamaMr. Tamotsu HenmiMr. Kihachi HirabayashiMrs. Nasuko Hirasawa – 3rd YearMr. Kyushiro HoriMr. Minoru HoriuchiMrs. Iyo Ide – 50th YearMr. Masami IsonoMrs. Yasu IsonoMrs. Hatsue IwataMrs. Yasu Kanagaki Mr. Frank Mikio KanekoMr. Aisaku KasaiMr. Nobue KawabataMiss Tamiko KawabeMr. Marvin Kawamoto – 25th YearMr. Zenroku KeiunjiMrs. Matsuye KimuraMrs. Sei KimuraMrs. Tsuna KinoshitaMr. Iwao Kishi Mr. Kichinosuke Kobata

Mr. George KoizumiMr. Tamejiro KonoMrs. Tsutae MakitaMrs. Koito MatsumotoMrs. Kosuzu MatsumotoMrs. Matsuno Matsumoto – 25th YearMr. Takinojo MatsumotoMr. Gitaro MatsutaniMr. Jun MatsutaniMrs. Ito MisakiMr. Yeichi Mitani – 1 YearMrs. Marian MiyamotoMrs. Komume MizusakiMrs. Iso MoriMr. Jotaro MoriMrs. Kinue MoriMr. Hiroshi Morimoto – 50th YearMrs. Yoshi Morimoto Mrs. Minako Morita – 25th YearMr. Takeshi NakagawaMrs. Rubie Ruriko NakanoMiss Mary NakashimaMrs. Yoi NakashimaMrs. Miyoko Nakatani Mrs. Tatsuno NakayaBaby NarasakiMrs. Kimino NarasakiMrs. Yone NeishiMrs. Ayako NishiyoriMrs. Tai Ochikubo -50th YeaInfant Tatsuko OkaMr. Tetsuo OkaiMrs. Chieko OkanoMrs. Hide OkanoMr. Kikujiro OkanoMr. Hikotaro OkanoMr. Tsunetaro OkawachiMrs. Kazue OtaMrs. Masako OtaMr. Yasuo OhtaniMiss Donna OtoMrs. Asano Otsuka – 33rd YearMrs. Rui OtsukaMr. Toyoshichi OtsukaMrs. Taeko Robinson – 7th Yea

Mr. Otojuro SakaiMr. James SakamotoMrs. Kishi SasajimaMrs. Natsuyo SasakiMr. Shosuke ShintakuMr. Umeji ShintakuMr. Tadao SumimotoMrs. Mitsuko TachikiMr. Shizuo TakataMr. Masao TakedaMr. Kumeo Tamori – 25th YearMr. Robert TanakaMrs. Yukino TanakaMrs. Nao TaniMiss Kazue TanizawaMr. Jinsuke TojiMrs. Kumi ToriyamaMrs. Suma TsuchidaMr. Eimatsu TsuchidaMr. Darryl Tsujimoto – 3rd YearMr. Kusuo TsujimotoMr. Chikao TsukimuraMrs. Eiko TsukimuraMr. Tokusuke TsukimuraMr. James UchiyamaMrs. Tei UgaiMrs. Hisano UmemotoMrs. Sugae UmemotoMr. Moshichi UrushibataMrs. Moto UrushibataMrs. Sato UrushibataMrs. Helen UshijimaMr. Jack WongMr. Yoshio YamabeMr. Michisuke YamamotoMrs. Naono Yamamoto Mr. Yutaka Jim YamamotoMr. Shotaro YasudaMrs. Hatsumi YokomizoMrs. Ise YokomizoMr. Motohachi YokomizoMr. Yoemon YoshidaMrs. June Yoshioka – 3rd YearMr. Sato YoshiokaMr. Ross Yoshisato


1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29` 30 31

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

May 2008

No Service

8:30 a.m. Jr YBA Parents Day


10:00 a.m. Family Dharma &Shotsuki Service.

10:00 a.m.OBWA CypressHouse Project

BusshinArticles Due!

FDSTL Conference


7:30 p.m. BusshinCollating by the


10:00 a.m.Wanto Shodo Kai

1:00 p.m.Line Dance

7:30 p.m.Karaoke

1:00 p.m.Line Dance

7:30 p.m.Karaoke

HolidayOffice Closed

10:00 a.mWanto Shodo Kai

1:00 p.m.Line Dance

7:30 p.m.Karaoke

10:00 a.mMomiji Kai

10:00 a.mBD Ministers’

Meeting, Palo Alto

6:30 p.m.BD Council


9:00 a.m.Japanese School

2:00 p.m Ikebana

9:00 a.m.Japanese School

10:00 a.m.442nd MemorialService, Roberts


9:00 a.m.Japanese School

9:30 a.m.Colma Cemetery


10:00 a.m.Vallejjo, Mt. View,

Chapel of theChimes Cemetery


9:30 a.m.Oakmont, Martinez,Pacheco, concord,

Chapel of theChimes Piedmont,

Sunset View,Cemetery Visitation

5:30 p.m.BCO

9:00 a.m.Japanese School

7:00 p.mConcordHowakai

7:00 p.mEBYAL

10:00 a.m.OBWA CypressHouse Project

10:00 a.m.OBWA CypressHouse Project

10:00 a.m.Gotan E /

FujimatsuriService, InfantPresentation

6:00 p.m.Ashland Howakai

7:00 p.mYouth Club


7:00 p.mFukuoka Sister

City Ass’n

Scheduled BoardMeeting held on

April 30.


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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

June 2008

9:00 a.m.Bazaar


9:00 a.mOBWA Mtg

10:00 a.m.Family Dharma &Shotsuki Service.

Graduation &Promotion,Attendance


No Service

No Service

7:30 p.m.Collate Busshin


BCA ministers’ Summer Seminar

Rev Yamaoka onVacation 4/20-23

10:00 a.mMomiji Kai

10:00 a.mMomiji Kai

10:00 a.m.Bazaar


4:00 p.m.Nikkoland


12:00 p.m.Nikkoland


9:00 a.m.Last Day of


2:00 p.m.Ikebana

BusshinArticles Due!

ObonSchedules Due

10:00 a.m.Wanto Shodo Kai

1:00 p.m.Line Dance

7:30 p.m.Karaoke

1:00 p.m.Line Dance

7:30 p.m.Karaoke

10:00 a.m.Wanto Shodo Kai

1:00 p.m.Line Dance

7:30 p.m.Karaoke

7:30 p.m Board Meeting

7:00 p.m.ConcordHowakai

10:00 a.m.OBWA CypressHouse Project

10:00 a.m.OBWA CypressHouse Project

7:00 p.mEBYAL Meeting

7:00 p.mBazaar Clean


7:00 p.mYouth Club


7:30 p.mBazaar Critique &



7:00 p.m.Bazaar


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