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January 6, 2018 19 of Teves 5778 Shabbos Parshas Shemos Vol. 8 No. 13

Shomre i Emunah Week ly Bu l le t in



410-358-8604 FAX 410-358-0664 RABBI BENJAMIN BAK, RABBI EMERITUS (1972-1989) , ל׳זצ


Bais Medrash New Lending Initiative

The Bais Medrash at Shomrei will be starting a new lending initiative to enhance Talmud Torah opportunities for Daf Yomi learners (and others) that find themselves on the road traveling and do not necessarily want to shlep a heavy gemara.

We have started the project by purchasing the paper "Travel" volumes Shevuos, Avoda Zara, Horiyos, Zevachim, Menachos and some of Chulin.

These volumes are available on a first come first serve basis to Shomrei members.

Anyone interested in borrowing a sefer or underwriting the purchsae of future travel editions should please contact Shlomo Shulman at or the Shomrei office.

We are excited to introduce this new initiative and we hope that you make use of it!

Rabbi Sklare's weekly shiur in halachic sugyos will begin a new stimulating topic

בענייני הלכות קידושין

A series of four shiurim is planned:

Sunday January 7th: Legal Mechanism

Sunday January 14th: Mutual Consent

Attain newfound meaning for the sanctity of Jewish marriage, as developed by Rabbi Sklare's characteristic combination of creativity,

passion, and lomdus.

The shiur will take place in Shomrei Emunah classroom one at 8:00pm followed by maariv at 9:00pm

Mazel Tov • Miriam and Myron Froehlich on the birth of a granddaughter born to Rachel and Simcha Silverstein of Monsey.

There will be a kiddush this Shabbos after davening at the home of Stuie and Lisa Schabes at 6225 Berkeley Ave. in honor of their newest Granddaughter Ahuva Esther born to their children Yaakov Menachem and Adena Wachtel.

A Taharas Mishpacha Refresher Course for Men given by Rabbi Marwick

9:00pm in classroom 1

Shiur 1 Tuesday January 16: Hilchos Niddah

Shiur 2 Tuesday January 23: Hilchos Niddah

Shiur 3 Tuesday February 13: Shalom Bayis

Maariv to follow at 10 PM

Welcome New Members Eliyahu and Chaya Wiener

Note Date Change

Shomrei Emunah is excited to host and sponsor Torah Together!

DAVENING TIMES This Week 1/7 - 1/11


4:50pm (MS)

Sunday Mincha:


Additional Maariv:

7:15pm (BM)

8:15pm (MS)

9:00pm (MS)

MS - Main Shul, BM - Bais Medrash, SH - Social Hall, ETT - Earliest Talis/Tefilin 10:00pm (BM)

Rosh Chodesh Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sunday Weekday

ETT: 6:27am ETT: 6:27am ETT: 6:27am ETT: 6:26am ETT: 6:26am ETT: 6:26am

6:20 (MS) 6:20 (BM) 6:30 (BM) 6:30 (BM) 6:20 (BM) 6:30 (BM) 6:05 (MS) 6:10 (BM)

6:50 (MS) 7:00 (MS) 7:00 (MS) 6:50 (MS) 7:00 (MS) 6:40 (MS)

7:15 (BM) 7:20 (BM) 7:30 (BM) 7:30 (BM) 7:20 (BM) 7:30 (BM) 7:15 (BM) 7:15 (BM)

8:00 (MS) 8:00 (MS) 8:00 (MS) 8:00 (MS) 8:00 (MS) 8:00 (MS) 8:00 (MS) 8:00 (MS)

8:30 (BM) 8:30 (BM) 8:30 (BM) 8:30 (BM) 8:30 (BM) 8:30 (BM) 8:30 (BM) 8:30 (BM)

9:00 (MS) 9:00 (MS) 9:00 (MS) 9:00 (MS) 9:00 (MS) 9:00 (MS) 9:00 (MS) 9:00 (MS)


Shabbos Parshas Shemos January 6 2018/19 of Teves 5778

Mincha: 4:40pm Candle Lighting: 4:39pm

Shacharis: 7:00am (Main Shul) Parshas

8:15am (Bais Medrash) HaShavuah: 8:30am

8:45am (Social Hall)

9:00am (Main Shul) Krias Sh'ma: 9:49am

Mincha: 2:00pm

3:00pm Shiur: 3:30pm


Maariv: 5:42pm Daf Yomi: After Havdallah

Shabbos Afternoon Shiur: will be given by Rabbi Marwick, on the topic: Shabbos 55a: The Mitzva of Tochacha Part II.

Shalosh Seudos Sponsors: • Werner Cohen in memory of his parents, Albert and Hedwig Cohen 10 of Teves.

• David and Michelle Anflick on the occation of the 5th yahrzeit of David’s father Moshe Yaakov ben Betzalel HaKohen, 20 of Teves.

• Layne and Mike Lowenstein in memory of Mike’s father, Richard Lowenstein, 23 of Teves, and his grandmother, Grete Meyer, 24 of Teves.

• Sam and ZC Press in memory of Sam’s mother Shirley Press, 20 of Teves.

Notes for this week:

⇒ Chaburah following the 8:15am davening.

⇒ The 8:45am Minyan will take place in Classroom 3/4 this week.

The Teen Minyan will take place in Classroom 1.

Next Week: Parshas Va’era Mincha: 4:50pm Candle Lighting: 4:46pm


The 2017-2018 Winter Lecture Series in Jewish History by Rabbi Dovid Katz continues this Motzei Shabbos, 8:00pm at Shomrei Emunah.

Hubris and Atonement: The State of Israel and the Jewish People 1972-1975

Lecture 10: Israeli Political Earthquake: The Fall of Golda, the Rise of Rabin

Sponsored by Dovid and Chanie Katz, in appreciation of the many history lectures we have attended; and by Yisrael Markowitz, in honor of Rabbi Katz's education

of the community

Sympathy • Dr. Tommy Azman, Dr. Irwin Azman, and Ms. Eva Fine on the loss of their mother, Elizabeth Azman.

May the families be comforted amongst the mourners of Tzion & Yerushalayim.

Donations • Peter and Rosemary Warschawski in honor of the birth of a granddaughter to Myron and Miriam Froehlich, donation to Shomrei Emunah.

Memorial Donations • David and Michelle Anflick on the occasion of the 5th yahrzeit of David’s father Moshe Yaakov ben Betzalel HaKohen, donation of a Stone Chumash.

• Fred and Paula Minsk in memory of Fred's grandfather, Samuel Minsk, 21 of Teves, donation to Shomrei Emunah.

• Mindy and Marvin Pazornick in memory of Shmil Kushir, husband of Sima Kushir, donation to Job Katif.

David Anflick 20 Teves Father Martin Anflick

Elchonon Oberstein 20 Teves Brother Herman Oberstein

Simcha Kossman 20 Teves Mother Evelyn Kossman

Joseph Pollak 20 Teves Father Lipot Pollack

Sam Press 20 Teves Mother Shirley Press

Sharon Zuckerbrod 21 Teves Mother Ruth Goldstein

Fred Minsk 21 Teves Grandfather Samuel Minsk

Celia Neuman 21 Teves Brother Ralph Z. Glixman

Brian Spern 22 Teves Father Cantor Lawrence Spern

Ruth Zabludowski 23 Teves Mother Zipporah Steinmetz

Michael Lowenstein 23 Teves Father Richard Lowenstein

Suri Goldfeder 24 Teves Father Label Kutoff

Michael Lowenstein 24 Teves Grandmother Grete Meyer

Betty Rashbaum 24 Teves Mother Dora Feinholtz

Moshe Y. Rosenfeld 24 Teves Father Esriel Rosenfeld

Nechama Batt-Michelson 24 Teves Mother Pearl Henry

David Cain 25 Teves Mother Sarah Cain

Diane Hawk 25 Teves Father-in-law Isaiah Hawk

Howard Kaplan 25 Teves Mother Toby Kaplan

Elly Lasson Meeting with JobKatif Staff in Israel

Shalom Rav Rimon.

Today JobKatif’s professional staff met with Elliot Lasson, who himself is a high level employment professional and o r g a n i z a t i o n a l psychologist from Baltimore.

Elliot is a member of Shomrei Emunah shul, very closely connected to JobKatif, and he chose to come and share his expertize with us as an expression of his support for our work.

The meeting was very successful, and we learnt a lot from Elly’s extensive and varied experience.

Thank you Elly, and once again….there’s no other shul as supportive as Shomrei Emunah! B’ezrat haShem, we shall continue our cooperation in the future.

Kol tuv, Judy Lowy, Executive Director

The Men's Chabura in Shmiraas HaLashon continues its study of Hilchos Lashon HaRah, a text based experience that is changing lives. Replete with real life examples and challenges, each Sunday is a new moment of growth. Come join us. Sunday's, after the 8am minyan in Classroom 1. Shmiras HaLashon--it's a life changer.


Shabbos Youth Programs • Babysitting (12mo. to 3 years) - Board Room , Time: 8:45 - end of Shul • Preschool Group (4-5 year olds) - Classroom 2, Time: 8:45 - end of Shul • Beginner’s Minyan (1st-3rd Grade) - Shul next door, 8:45 - end of Shul • Younger Girls Groups (1st-3rd Grade) - Kallah Room, 10:00 - end of Shul • Junior Congregation (4th-6th Grade Boys) - Begin and End in main minyan 9:00 - end of shul (Classroom 1 for Kiddush and activities).

• 4th-6th Grade Girls - Tower Classroom 1, 10:00 - end of Shul • Teen Minyan - Classroom 3, 9:15. Hot kiddush following davening dedicated in memory of Gilad Schwartz.

**Note: Girls’ groups officially begin at 10:00, but there will be a supervised games/hang-out room available from 8:45-10:00 (Kallah Room)

The youth department would like to remind all parents to remain on the shul premises if your children are participating in youth groups.

Happy Birthday to all Shomrei Youth with January Birthdays!!

Is your child’s birthday in January and not on this list? Fill out the youth survey on the Shul web site!

Shul Notes • Aliyos If you have a Bar Mitzvah or Aufruf coming up, please contact David Bienenstock at to arrange your Aliyos.

• Message From The Chessed Committee: A family in the community is in need of Shabbos meals. Please see "take a meal" form or contact or Rochel Katz at or call 410-292-4113.

• Did you know? Gifts can be made to Shomrei Emunah with a stock donation? Shomrei has an account with Morgan Stanley and Vanguard to accept all stock gifts. Check the donations tab at for more information or call Shira at (410) 358-8604.

• Special Chessed Opportunities: Larry Soltz is in Tudor Heights and would appreciate visitors. For more information contact Rabbi Marwick at

Please Daven for a Refuah Sheleimah for:

Yeshaya Shalom ben Malka Gittel Yaakov Mordechai ben Chana

Chaya Masya bas Tova Mordechai Leib ben Mira Leah

Rafoel Chayim Yoel ben Shayna Golda Tuvia Avraham ben Chaya Zeesha Yechezkel Avrohom ben Shoshana Fraida

Reuven Halevi ben Masha Yosef Aryeh ben Miriam Shmuel ben Devorah

Chaim Yitzchok Yaakov ben Chava Feiga Reuven Yisroel ben Tzippora Rachel

Noach ben Chaya Ronit bas Hadassa Esther

Aidel bas Ettel Yehoshua ben Devorah Chava bas Chaya Masha

Moshe Simcha ben Genendal Emes Reuven Eitan ben Chava Breina

Important Note: To add a name please contact the office by email: The list will be cleared every Rosh Chodesh.

Please take note of updated group times and locations

Rabbi Shlomo Stein zt''l Kol Hanearim Motzei Shabbos Learning Program

All boys are invited to join in the learning! Come with your father, with a chavrusa, or alone.

Pizza! Soda! Raffles! Amazing Prizes! 6:45pm

Sponsorship opportunities available. Email: This Week’s Sponsor: Moshe and Gitty Rosenfeld in commemoration of the 9th yahrzeit of Moshe’s father Esriel ben Moshe, 24 of Teves, sponsorshp of the Kol HaNearim learning program.

Last Week’s Sponsors: Rivkah and Yossi Horowitz in honor of Avraham ben Moshe as a refuah sheleihma.

Please join Shomrei in partnership with ACHI (American Communities Helping Israel) to spread ACHI's message of "Think Israel--Buy Israeli." Thank you to the following people who have donated towards this project by sponsoring an Israeli product at Seuda Shlishit.

If you would like to sponsor an Israeli product for Seuda Shlishit, or any other Shomrei function, in future weeks, please send an $18 check made out to ACHI to Tova Taragin at 6600 Baythorne Road 21209. If you sponsored last year, and would like to sponsor again, feel free to do so. We will soon need more sponsors.

Please continue in the ACHI spirit. Fill a dish (KLEE) every week with Israeli products and spread the message of "Think Israel-Buy Israeli" at your Shabbat table. Fill it and refill it every week. Klee cards are available in the shul lobby.

Jechiel and Hadassah Jusko wicz Murray and Baila Jacobson Ari and Inbal Elman Mike and Layne Lowenstein Murray and Baila Jacobson Sonney Taragin Jechiel and Hadassah Juskowicz Mike and Layne Lowenstein

Murray and Baila Jacobson Jechiel and Hadassah Juskowicz Marvin and Mindy Pazornick Murray and Baila Jacobson Donna and Shimshon Wach Jechiel and Hadassah Juskowicz Murray and Baila Jacobson

Aura Avrunin Ami Roth

Yehoshua Avrunin Gavriel Meir Siff

Binyamin Bernstein Eliora Shore

Rafi Feldman Atara Sobol

Aidan Feirestein Shalom Stein

Nava Goldenhersh Ayala Traub

Shoshana Jacobs Eli Wolf

Shaindel Reitberger Shira Zahtz

Zahava Rosenbaum Avi Zakharin

Ezra Rosenbaum

Daf Yomi • Werner Cohen in memory of his parents, Albert and Hedwig Cohen 10 Teves.

• Simcha Kossman in memory of his mother, Chava bas Yisrael, 20 of Teves.

• Jay Piliponskiy in the Zechus of a Refuah shlaimah for his father Moshe ben Zlatah.

Community Notes •SHARE YOUR RIDE GMACH 410-358-RIDE (7433) when you or your visitors travel. Offer a ride for a person or a small item [forgotten laptop, tefillin, medicine, wallets, cell phones.] Last month there was an elderly man, who said to me that he is too elderly to drive any more! Who was asking for a ride to Flatbush to attend his grandchild's wedding.

•The Jewish Caring Network Invites the Women of Our Community to a Tehillim Gathering and a Shiur of Chizuk given by Rebbetzin Tehila Jaeger: “Nurturing Emunah In times of Darkness – Illumination Through Tefillah” Opening Remarks by Rabbi Daniel Rose - Rabbi of Seasons Jewish Hospice Service Jan. 7, 2018 - 8pm at Shomrei Emunah Free of Charge. This Shiur is for a Zechus Refuah Shleima for Mrs. Chaiya Drabkin, Chaya Masya bas Tova, Co-Founder of the JCN and all of the Cholim of Our Community.

•PJ Library invites all grandparents and grandchildren to explore the concept of dreams in Judaism through crafts, storytelling and giving to others. Join us Monday, January 15 10:00-11:30am at the Myerberg Center. Not a grandparent? All are welcome! REGISTER AT JVCBALTIMORE.ORG/MLK-DAY * Aleph-Bet Yoga - Twist your body into the shapes of Hebrew letters & themes at the CJE Library every month! $5 per child for ages 2-6 years old. Monday, January 22- 4:30pm to 5:15pm. Go to to register and for additional upcoming dates. * Ahava Family Craft Night - Spend the evening with other first-time parents making your own mezuzah cover for your baby's nursery. $15/person Thursday, January 25- 7-9:00pm at the Center for Jewish Education. For more info and to register,

•The Chesed Fund & Project Ezra present Simply Tsfat in concert this Motzoei Shabbos, January 6th. Concert will be at Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah Hebrew Congregation at 7000 Rockland Hills Drive. Concert begins 8:30 pm and doors open at 8:15. Tickets are $10.00 and available at the door or at B’Dazzle, Hats to Hose, and Shabsi’s Judaica Center.

•As a Zechus Refuah Shleima for Mrs. Chaiya Drabkin and all cholim in our community, Jewish Caring Network, The Chesed Fund & Project Ezra, present two shiurim by Rebbitzen Nechama Karlinsky from Yerushalayim. Topics are “Emunah & Bitachon” on Tuesday, January 9th, 2018 at 8:00 p m a n d “ U n a n s w e r e d T e f i l l o s ” o n W e d n e s d a y , January 10th at 8 : 0 0 pm . B o t h lectures to be held at 3209 Fallstaff Road, Rear Building. $8.00 suggested donation for each shiur.


• Shomre i Pos t - Ca rpoo l Sh iu r f o r Women a week ly d i s c u s s i o n o f con temporary i s sue s connec ted to the Parsha . Mee ts Tue sdays at 9:30am . P lease con tac t Rabb i Marw ick w i th any quest ion s .

• T h u r s d a y M o r n i n g S h i u r o n Contemporary Halachic I ssues at 9:30am. ( note t ime change) Fo r more in fo rmat ion con tac t Dav id B ienen sto ck at Ze idy12@ao l .com .

• “Pizza & Parsha” fo r S tudents & Young Profess ionals ages 17-29 th i s program i s ded icated L ’ i lu i N ishmas Gi lad Schwar tz and sponsored by the Mayer Fam i ly . Takes p lace at 7 :30pm on Thur sdays .

• Thursday Nights in the Knish Shop Par ty Room 9 :15pm, 11th and 12 th grade boys Parsha D i scu s s ion .

• Halachi c Themes f rom the Parsha Shiur Thuarsdays a t 10 :15pm. Th i s pas t week ’s top i c was : Baruch Hu Uvaruch Shemo.

• Shabbos Af ternoon Shiu r wi l l be g iven by Rabbi Marw ick , on the top i c : Shabbos 55a : The Mi tzva of Tochacha .

• The Rav’s Mishnayos Shiur ! At ten t ion Boys in 5 th , 6 th g rade . The sh iu r w i l l take p lace in Rabb i Marwick ’ s o ff i ce a t 3 :00pm . Learn ing Maseches Shabbos . Sponsored by Aaron and R isa Lev i . Refre shmen ts w i l l be served!

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