short film analysis: the black hole

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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By Dorcas Viela

Short film analysis : The Black Hole

Plot overview

A man is at work late into the early hours of the morning, while at work he discovers a piece of paper with a black hole on it that enables him to pass through walls and vending machines. The Man finds the safe full of money and tries his luck


Setting /Location

The setting that is shown in the film is a typical office setting which symbolises. By using a very average, everyday setting this enables an audience to relate to the setting while also making the setting more believable. The setting is a believable setting as most people in today society go to or work in an office, the office is a familiar setting with almost any type of audience. It creates a normality of a situation, and with the added props this makes the whole setting/location believable. The director used a very stereotypical office setting. From the setting the audience can tell that the era is present time, the audience can see this through the use of the up to date office equipment as well as the clothes that the actor wears. In the picture above, this demonstrates the location and setting.


The main actor is a typical man that works in an office but you can tell that he doesn't have a really important role in the office as he only wears a tie, a white shirt, black trouser and black shoes. This outfit is world wide icon of someone that works in an office and the director has used this to convey this to the audience. His clothes also show the time era he is set in, his clothes is modern and up to date. This shows the audience that the time era of this film is set in the present time because the type of clothing that he is wearing is worn by people who go to office work today. Although the actor is wearing a suit, he doesn't come across as smartly dressed as his top but isn't done up and hes shirt not tucked in properly he also across as tired and this is also conveyed in his clothes.


The colour used in the film is dull a grey and black around the edges with only the light bit in the middle where the main actor was. This shows the audience that the short film is not set during the day and that he could be at work after hours. The director has used a dark lighting to create a mood of loneliness for the actor as well as a time setting of at night. Using the dark setting it adds to the dramatic side to the short film.


The lighting used in the film is very dull and dark, the lightest part in the frame is the main actor. The dull lighting shows the audience that the time of the short film, is set late at night this is also confirmed with the clock in the background showing that it is 3am in the morning. The dull lighting also reflects the grumpy mood of the character it is also shown through the position of his body and facial expressions. The dark and dull lighting adds to the factor that the actor is alone late in the office and aids the audience to anticipate that something might happen to him. The dull lighting creates a mood of loneliness and solitude, as well as reflecting the mood of the actor.


The director has used equipment that you would typically find in an office, such as one of the main focuses ofthe short film, the photocopier. The director uses other office equipment such as computers and printers. This creates a verisimilitude for the audience, as the idea of the props is to make a believable setting/location.



From the photo copying machine the editor has cut from close up of the character to an overall view of the office, this is to highlight that he is completely alone in the office. When the character is at the photo copier, the editor uses the cutting method. It is cut to the character pushing the buttons on the photo copier. This is to show the audience that the main character is tired and grumpy. Again the cutting method is used to show him kicking the photo copier to show that he is restless, and tired. The technique of eye line match is used to show the character looking at the black hole. The first shot of him looking at the paper is a very confused look, with also a bit of wariness. Again the eye line match is used to sow the audience the characters next mission; the vending machine. After successfully getting the chocolate bar, the character looks for something more outrageous to do. He looks to the door of the where the safe with all the money is stored. This is shown through a shot reverse shot . The first shot shows the characters face looking very determined and with a greed look on his face. The second shot that is shown is the door of the room where the safe with all the money is kept, and the last shot shown is the of the characters face again. The final scene uses lots of different shots but the editor has added fast pace to it, to make this final scene more intense as to whether he will get away with it.



The medium close up shot that is used is show the audience the main character instantly. It shows that hes tired, and you see this by the way his shoulders are positioned. In the medium close up shot you can also see that is shirt is very scruffy as well as how he has done his tie, which all link to the characters feelings of being tired. In the first shot of the main actor he looks tired and the director has conveyed this to the audience through a medium close up . This is also supported by the usage of a cut in shot of his feet that show him kicking the photo copying machine; this action is closely linked to being grumpy and tired. When the black hole comes out of the photo copier the director uses a close up to the show the surprise on the actors face. This is then supported by the actor opening up the photo copier to see hat is happening in the machine, and to try to work out why the machine copied a black hole, this conveyed through a mid shot. To show the audience that the piece of paper with the black hole on is not just a piece of paper, the director uses a low Angle, to give an impression that the black hole is watching him and waiting for him, although still giving the impression that he is alone in the office. Again the director uses a mid Shot when the actor pulls out the cup from the black hole to show a surprise on his face, and this is also conveyed to the audience. To show that the actor is getting braver with his new discovery, the director uses a wide Shot to show the actor having a go at trying to get a chocolate bar from the vending machine. The actor looks around his office to make sure that no body is there, this can tell the audience that the main actor knows that he is being sneaky, as wells that he does not want anyone finding out about his black hole. This is also supported by another cut in of his hands showing the audience, him getting pulling out a chocolate bar. The director uses a close up of the characters face, to show that he is completely compatible about the process of the black hole and is looking for something bigger to try, more advantages and personal gain then chocolate bar. To show the braver character side, the director uses a cutaway shot to show a door, behind this door something important or valuable must be here as the director is making the uses a close up of the characters face, to show that he is completely compatible about the process of the black hole and is looking for something bigger to try, more advantages and personal gain then a chocolate bar. to show his braver character side, the director uses a cutaway shot to show a door,behind this door something important or valuable must be here as the director is making the character seem braver. The director shows the character pulling out money form a safe, in this final scene the director uses range quick paced shots, including Close up, Medium Close up as well as a low angle . The face of the character is of surprise and shock, as well as greed. As the character gets into the safe and the paper gets blown off by the fan.



In the opening scene of the short film, a distinctive sound of a photo coping machine is heard. From this first sound it conveyed to the audience that the setting is an office. Also by having this sound effect it also makes the setting a believable setting to the audience as well. The diegetic sound of the photo copying machine is the first sound heard, so this can also be implied to the audience that this main object/prop in the machine. The second diegetic sound that is heard is a supernatural type sound, a bit like a whooshing sound. Can also be described a magnetic force type sound, which links to the theme of the short film. This sound can show the audience that the black hole has unnatural force to it, and also even powerful. The sound of a magnetic sound gets louder as the main actor gets more confident and puts his hand then arm into it. When he goes to the vending machine, the sound of the chocolate wrappings is louder than average. This is done to show the audience what the black hole can do, and even to show the possibilities of what he can do with the black hole. To the end of the short film there is a continues sound of magnetic force sound, and the sound of the photo copier. When he goes into the safe room, an ambient sound of fan is there, and this foreshadows to the audience that the fan will have something to do with how the story ends. The ambient sound of the photo copier is still there, as it gives reality to unrealistic situation, as well as constant reminder of the location. There is little sound in the short film, and what sound there is loud to exaggerate it, because it has a significant meaning.


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