
Post on 09-Mar-2016






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What’s inside?

PART I Introduction, registration and basic rules:

1. What's this all about?2. I want to start! Where do I sign?3. Referral links4. Where to put shortened links?

PART II Our mighty shortening tools and tips on how to use them right

1. Quick link2. Developer API3. Scripts4. monetization plugin5. Sample uses6. A few facts about in a nutshell7. Where to find us

This guide is prepared for both beginners as well as power

users. If you know basic rules of ad networks and link shorte-

ning services, you can skip the first part and start with part two.

This guide is prepared for both beginners as well as power

users. If you know basic rules of ad networks and link shorte-

ning services, you can skip the first part and start with part two.

PART IIntroduction, registration and basic rules

What's this all about?

Every site, blog and fanpage has links. These are links which bring visitors to your subpa-

ges - and it’s ok - but you also have external links leading to other sites. You can’t stop

visitors from following those. What you can do is monetize your traffic.

The idea of is very simple - we are an ad network, but we don’t take up your

pixel space on your website. is based on links that spread over the Internet. So if

you are interested in earning money without ads on your blog, fanpage or website, you

have found your solution!

Our system works in a few short steps:

1. Shorten and share links.

Your link will take on a new shorter form. For example:

before cut:

after cut:

2. New links include an intermediate page (a page with an ad and a 5 second wait to skip

button). We pick only the best ads, so don’t worry about that.

3. You get paid every time someone clicks on a shortened link. I think there is no need to

explain that. :)

This is just the beginning. What you still don’t know is that we have a set of easy-working

tools for you. We want you to feel satisfied, comfortable and what’s the most important -

we really want you to earn because when you do - so does

I want to start! Where do I sign?

Go to There are two ways to create an account: register on the site or connect with Facebook. This is all up to you. You will receive an activation

email. Before you start shortening, please click the activation link.

Remember to fill in all settings and choose a payment system. Without that you can’t get

any money. At the moment you can choose between two payment systems: PayPal and

Payoneer. The payout is on the 10th of each month, with the minimal withdrawal of 5$ for

PayPal and 10$ for Payoneer.

In the Statistics tab you can see all the links you shortened and the money they have

generated. Keep in mind that sometimes our data collection has a delay of up to one day,

so if your statistics seem wrong, don’t panic- in the end everything will be accounted for.

Not getting your money from us in not an option.

It is important for you to know that the list of your links won’t disappear in time. No link,

even unused, will become invalid. Using shortest is safe and won’t break your website.

Referral links

You could consider recruiting your friends by using your own referral link. Your earnings

will be increased by 20% of what each of your referrals earns every month. Be the first,

share it with your friends and earn with them! You can share link by social media, email,

your website or by web communicators (like Skype).

To reach more potential recruits you can use a banner. We created banners in

many colors and sizes, so I’m sure you will find something for yourself. The HTML code for

a banner already includes your referral link.


Your visitors will be more enthusiastic about the program if you share your proofs of

payment. You can write about that right after earning your first payout - it can help

convince them. In a situation when your friend doesn’t understand what it is all about -

just show them this Guide.

It is important for you to know that the list of your links won’t disappear in time. No link,

even unused, will become invalid. Using shortest is safe and won’t break your website.

Where to put shortened links?

There are many places where you can share shortened links. If you have a website or a

blog it’s quite simple - just put one of the scripts there. If you don’t, no problem -

there are other solutions, like those below.

First, you can use a wide range of social media. I’m sure you have an account on Facebo-

ok, Twitter, maybe on Tumblr or somewhere else. Just make it useful! On Facebook, for

example, you could try creating a fanpage. Sharing links that way is fast and easy.

The second solution is uploading files. Users who want to download your data won’t mind

waiting a while longer - and every download brings money to you. Also, if you moderate a

mailing list, you can put links there.

Lastly, we also accept traffic from adult sites. It could be helpful for you. :)

That’s only a few solutions. I’m sure you can think of many more. Don’t limit yourself. If you

find a great way to share shortened links, you can tell us and we will add it to this guide.

We will tell you more about sharing channels in Part II of the guide.


For some of your basic users the intermediate page can be confusing. When you decide

to start using, you can add some information about the program. It will calm

visitors who don’t know the idea behind shortening links. Here’s some examples, you can

use one if you want:

I have just started using! Sometimes you can see a page with ads - don’t be

alarmed and don’t turn it off. Just wait 5 seconds and click the “skip ad” button. You can

also join me in shortening and earn real money. Click here to register.

You can link the last part with your referral link.

I’m using and earning money on my website/blog. Join me here! There are no

ads on my site, but you can come across an intermediate page. It is fine, just wait 5

seconds. I’m waiting for you in the Ninja Club!

You can link the second sentence with your referral link.

This site is using By clicking our links you can sometimes see an intermediate

page. It is intended and take you only 5 seconds more. Thank you for understanding.

Don’t mind the intermediate page- it keeps the free stuff flowing.

PART IIOur mighty shortening tools and tips on how to use them right

You can always visit the mainpage and shorten some links. This method could

be the easiest, but it also takes a lot of time. This is why we have created a set of tools for

you. When you use them right, you won’t have to shorten your links - the tools will do that

for you. Don’t worry! It isn’t difficult. Just read the guide and pick something for you.

Quick link

You don’t have to go to to short just a few links. You can use Quick link. This

is a unique link assigned to your account which works as our shortener.

It usually looks like this:<your IP token>/<your destination link>

instead of <your destination link> insert the address you want to shorten and click enter.

For example this:

Become this:

You don’t have to remember your whole IP token - you can use the short version of Quick

link which is:<your destination link> will ask you once for your login credentials and after that will redirect you to

your shortened link.

Developer API

We have prepared an API which returns responses in JSON format. This is tool for advan-

ced user. You can reed more about it on our website:

Instead, you can use the scripts.


You don't need to know html to use our scripts, spend lots of time figuring them out or

pay anybody anything. These are basic rules on how to add scripts to your website. Later

in this guide you will find specific descriptions of each script we designed for you. At the

end there will also be five examples on how to set tools together on your site. For now,

just read the steps below and when you learn how the scripts work, you will be ready to

use them.

1. Login to

2. Go to the tools tab and click website monetization. When you're done picking your

favourite script just copy it to clipboard for later.

3. Now we're going to your blog or website. You have to open html editor.

4. Don't worry, you just need to find the spot with the </head> and <body> tags. Do you

have it?

5. Paste your script after the <body> tag, and you're done.

Links monetization aka. Full Page Script

This script allows you to short all links you have on your site. You can use it in two modes:

Include Domains or Exclude Domains.

Include Domains.

You can choose the domains that will earn money for you. When you use it, no other links

will be shortened. To do it, you have to write domains you want in to form.

For example:,,

Now, when someone clicks any sort of Youtube link on your site, they will see an interme-

diate page and after that they'll be taken to the destination URL.

But when they click any link to twitter, they will go straight to Twitter (no ads) because that

domain isn’t on the list. You don’t have to shorten every link, and if you want, parts of your

link don’t have to be shortened either. It is all up to you.

Exclude Domains

That script can shorten every link on your site besides the domains from the list. Just write

in the form all domains you don’t want to shorten. It’s most commonly used to exclude

your own domain. Like so:

For example:

Now, when someone clicks on your subpage, they won’t see any ads.

So, you can do it in two ways. First one includes ads with just a few chosen domains, while

the second will shorten everything except the listed domains


For both versions you can also turn on Capping Capability. It will limit the number of ads a

single user will see. If you don’t want to disappoint someone, you can turn it on with the

desired value. There are two parameters to be changed:

Capping limit - how many times an intermediate page will be shown to a single user.

Capping timeout (hours) - time during which they will see the page.

For example: Capping limit - 4, Capping timeout - 1 means that everyone will see the

intermediate page maximum four times in one hour.

Entrance monetization aka. the Entry Script

That is most useful when you have large traffic and low number of external links. This

script runs an intermediate page on your own site. There are two options when it hap-


1. Trigger type: on entry

The intermediate page will turn on once after specific time the user spends on your site.

For example:

timeout (milliseconds) - 3000

This means the script will start after 3 seconds. When we set the timeout at 6000, the

script will turn on after 6 seconds. Easy.

Exclude Domains

That script can shorten every link on your site besides the domains from the list. Just write

in the form all domains you don’t want to shorten. It’s most commonly used to exclude

your own domain. Like so:

For example:

Now, when someone clicks on your subpage, they won’t see any ads.

So, you can do it in two ways. First one includes ads with just a few chosen domains, while

the second will shorten everything except the listed domains


For both versions you can also turn on Capping Capability. It will limit the number of ads a

single user will see. If you don’t want to disappoint someone, you can turn it on with the

desired value. There are two parameters to be changed:

Capping limit - how many times an intermediate page will be shown to a single user.

Capping timeout (hours) - time during which they will see the page.

For example: Capping limit - 4, Capping timeout - 1 means that everyone will see the

intermediate page maximum four times in one hour.

Entrance monetization aka. the Entry Script

That is most useful when you have large traffic and low number of external links. This

script runs an intermediate page on your own site. There are two options when it hap-


1. Trigger type: on entry

The intermediate page will turn on once after specific time the user spends on your site.

For example:

timeout (milliseconds) - 3000

This means the script will start after 3 seconds. When we set the timeout at 6000, the

script will turn on after 6 seconds. Easy.

2. Trigger type: on click

The script won't start automatically, it will start on a click instead - a user has to click

somewhere to activate it.


The script won't start automatically, it will start on a click instead - a user has to click

somewhere to activate it. For both script you can use capping. It works the same like in

Full Page Script.

For example:

Capping limit - 1

Capping timeout - 1

If the user spends a lot of time on you Tumblr, they have to “skip ad” every hour. Not very

difficult, but you get money from that.

Capping limit - 1

Capping timeout - 1

Exit script

The newest and the hottest thing we have. It is useful for everyone who has a website,

blog, internet shop or any other place on the web. If you aren’t sure that our script could

suit you, just start with exit script!

How does it work? It monetizes your bounce rate. An ad will be shown only to visitors who

decide to leave your site within a few seconds - when they use the “go back” browser

button. Every time someone goes back and sees an intermediate page, you get money!

You don’t have to worry about your users. If a visitor clicks something on your site or stays

there for a while and then goes back, they won’t see an ad.


There are several places where you can find what bounce rate your site has. Just go to and write your site adress there. In statistics you will see the field “Bounce

Rate”. That number means how many of your visitors click back or close window during

first 14 seconds on your blog.

2. Trigger type: on click

The script won't start automatically, it will start on a click instead - a user has to click

somewhere to activate it.


The script won't start automatically, it will start on a click instead - a user has to click

somewhere to activate it. For both script you can use capping. It works the same like in

Full Page Script.

For example:

Capping limit - 1

Capping timeout - 1

If the user spends a lot of time on you Tumblr, they have to “skip ad” every hour. Not very

difficult, but you get money from that.

Capping limit - 1

Capping timeout - 1

Exit script

The newest and the hottest thing we have. It is useful for everyone who has a website,

blog, internet shop or any other place on the web. If you aren’t sure that our script could

suit you, just start with exit script!

How does it work? It monetizes your bounce rate. An ad will be shown only to visitors who

decide to leave your site within a few seconds - when they use the “go back” browser

button. Every time someone goes back and sees an intermediate page, you get money!

You don’t have to worry about your users. If a visitor clicks something on your site or stays

there for a while and then goes back, they won’t see an ad.


There are several places where you can find what bounce rate your site has. Just go to and write your site adress there. In statistics you will see the field “Bounce

Rate”. That number means how many of your visitors click back or close window during

first 14 seconds on your blog. monetization plugin

If you run a wordpress blog, you can use our plugin. You will find out that it is an easy and

really convenient tool. The plugin can be download from here:

You install it on your wordpress blog like any other plugin.

For the plugin to run, you have to register on the website first.. If you did it earlier,

now you just need to log in. In the Tools tab you can find your API token - copy it.

Now back in plugin settings in the wordpress admin panel, paste the API token in the

required field. Congratulation, your plugin is now ready to use. But before it shortens any

link, you have to turn the scripts on.

The monetization plugin gives you the same options like the scripts, you were

reading about. You just need to decide:

- do you want to set up include domains or exclude domains?

- do you want to use capping for domains?

- do you want to turn on the entry script?

- do you want to use capping for the entry script?

- do you want to use entry script?

In the next chapter you will find examples on how to combine scripts for the best effect. If

you finished deciding, your job with the plugin is done. Enjoy earning money.

Sample uses

Here are a few sample set-ups for our scripts depending on different conditions. If you

think that one of the examples resembles your website or blog, feel free to use the same

settings. You can use it on websites, blogs, tumblr and wordpress (the last has own


1. Cooking blog


Jessie is writing a blog about cooking. She has solid audience and she often links to other

blogs or shops. She also has fanpage and twitter where she can write about her posts. monetization plugin

If you run a wordpress blog, you can use our plugin. You will find out that it is an easy and

really convenient tool. The plugin can be download from here:

You install it on your wordpress blog like any other plugin.

For the plugin to run, you have to register on the website first.. If you did it earlier,

now you just need to log in. In the Tools tab you can find your API token - copy it.

Now back in plugin settings in the wordpress admin panel, paste the API token in the

required field. Congratulation, your plugin is now ready to use. But before it shortens any

link, you have to turn the scripts on.

The monetization plugin gives you the same options like the scripts, you were

reading about. You just need to decide:

- do you want to set up include domains or exclude domains?

- do you want to use capping for domains?

- do you want to turn on the entry script?

- do you want to use capping for the entry script?

- do you want to use entry script?

In the next chapter you will find examples on how to combine scripts for the best effect. If

you finished deciding, your job with the plugin is done. Enjoy earning money.

Sample uses

Here are a few sample set-ups for our scripts depending on different conditions. If you

think that one of the examples resembles your website or blog, feel free to use the same

settings. You can use it on websites, blogs, tumblr and wordpress (the last has own


1. Cooking blog


Jessie is writing a blog about cooking. She has solid audience and she often links to other

blogs or shops. She also has fanpage and twitter where she can write about her posts.


Full page script - exclude domains (with her own domain) with capping - 2 times for 1

hour., Exit script

Now, when someone decide to leave her blog using links, he will see an intermediate

page - but only once per 30 minutes.

2. Photography page


Tim has a page with his own pictures. There aren’t many visitors and he uses few external

links, but people spend a lot of time on his site watching photos.


Entry script Customize, capping - limit 3, time 1., Exit script

3. Ringtone downloads site.


Chris and Amy have site with free ringtones. Every day they have many visitors, but the

site generates costs, so they already have banners with ads. Now they decide to use


Full page script Include Domains (with the domain where they have the downloads)

Without capping, Exit script

Every time users want to download songs, they will see an intermediate page. It won’t

discourage them because the songs are free anyway.

4. Clothes shop.

Situation:Michael runs an online clothes store. the money from is enough to

cover his own marketing campaign. There are many visitors on his site, but he doesn’t

want to discourage any potential new customers.


Full page script Exclude Domains (with his own domains), Exit script

People will see an intermediate page only if they decide to leave and click any link to

another site. If someone visits Mike’s shop and then press back after a few seconds, he

will also see an intermediate page.

5. Facebooking about weddings.


Anna runs a very popular wedding fanpage. There, she links wedding articles and inspira-

tions from other sites. Many users follow her on the social media: facebook, twitter and



Quick Link

Anna doesn’t have to login to every time she wants to post something. She has

the Quick Link always on hand and can just copy it.

I’m sure you have noticed that I recommend Exit Script to everyone. There is no specific

situation when you should use it - every page has bounce rate.


Before you start monetizing your website, Just remember that user has to feel comforta-

ble with your ads, so often less is more. Getting paid a lot might seem tempting, but the

most important thing for a webmaster should be visitors!

A few facts about in a nutshell:

payment day: always the 10th of the month.

minimum payout: 5$ for PayPal and $20 for Payoneer

bonus from referral: 20% earning

CPM - depends on country. You can find the full list here:

intermediate page: we add it to shortened links. It’s a page with an ad and a 5

second wait for a skip ad button.

Where to find us

We are still working on some really great tools for you. These are the places where you

can look for news. You can also use them to write to us with any problems and sugge-

stions. We want to get in touch with you!



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