shrink-wrapped in our own thinking: non-positional problem...

Post on 07-May-2020






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Non-Positional Thinking: !!

Thinking Beyond the Obvious!

Today you’ll see!

§  that you don’t really know what you think you know!


…and you’ll learn!

§  how to “see” what you’ve never been able to see before!

Shrink-Wrapped in Our Own Thinking: Thinking That Transforms

Presented by Ariane David, PhD Senior Partner The Veritas Group Senior Lecturer California State University, Northridge

Non-Positional Problem Solving


Ariane  David,  PhD  THE VERITAS GROUP

California  State  University,  Northridge                                                

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

The Life of Organizations!

§  Why we think the way we do and why that’s a problem!

§  Principles of non-positional thinking – a better way!

§  Non-positional problem solving!

Today we’ll focus on…!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

The Life of Organizations!

Non-Positional Thinking is Based on !Four Principles!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Principles of Non-Positional Thinking!

Uncertainty > Intellectual Humility!

Curiosity > Intellectual Openness!

Discernment > Wisdom!

Courage > Commitment!!

and Intellectual Virtues!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

The Science of the Brain!

How we think, and why.!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Max Wertheimer’s Stroboscope!

The whole is more than the sum of the parts.!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Sir Frederick Bartlett!

§ The War of the Ghosts – Sydney !

§  “Asian” Mask *!

§ Schemas!

Making Memory, Meaning, & Schemas !

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Sir Frederick Bartlett!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Sir Frederick Bartlett!

Making Memory, Meaning, & Schemas !

§ The War of the Ghosts – Sydney !

§  “Asian” Mask *!

§ Results: Schemas!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Elizabeth Loftus!

§  Pre-existing knowledge!

§  Post-event information and language!

Eyewitness Testimony!

Memory is affected by:!

What we remember might never have happened.!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                


§  Millions of bits of information every minute; we can perceive only a tiny number.!

§  We focus only on what is relevant, what moves us emotionally NOW. The rest is lost. !

§  Present perception is shaped by the past: what we believe is so, not what actually is so. !

The Neurobiology of Thinking!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Emotions Are:!

§  Body reactions to what’s happening.!

§  Paired with each sensory impression as an !emotional tag at the moment of perception.!

§  The pair become memory.!

Antonio Damasio – Neurobiology!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                


§  Purpose: rapid response.!

§  Function: govern decision-making (myth of rational decision-making).!

The Neurobiology of Thinking!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Have you ever wondered what memory is?!

The Neurobiology of Thinking!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                


§  NOT a video. !

§  NOT stored complete anywhere in the brain.!

§  Is “a trick of timing”! (Demasio)!

§  Neurons carry only the pattern code (think TV).!

The Neurobiology of Thinking!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                


§  Memories are a subjective and creative fabrication.!

§  Memories change every time we recall them.!

§  We can never be certain about what we remember. !

§  Confidence doesn’t mean accuracy: memories can be completely fabricated and seem absolutely real.!

The Neurobiology of Thinking!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

As a result…!

You can never be certain that what you remember

happened the way you remember it.

In fact, you can be certain that it didn't!

The Neurobiology of Thinking!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Organizing Patterns!

§  Organizing patterns are templates, constructed of beliefs, which allow us to organize everything.!

§  Every thought MUST fit into an organizing pattern.!

§  We start making them at birth; the first are the most persistent, resilient, and powerful.!

§  All future organizing patterns are formed within the first.!

A working model of the brain.!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Organizing Patterns!

§  The totality of all our organizing patterns creates our constructed universe – our entire reality. !

§  We each live in a universe of our own making. !

§  Its organizing patterns and logic are perfect for physical survival but often hamper good thinking.!

A working model of the brain.!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Organizing Patterns!

§  No impartial evidence needed. !

§  What we perceive is taken as proof that our position/beliefs are right.!

§  Organizing patterns (beliefs) dictate what we see, what we see reinforces the organizing patterns.!

Reinforce themselves.!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Organizing Patterns!

Reinforce themselves.!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Organizing Patterns!

Examples of Simple Organizing Patterns!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Organizing Patterns!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Organizing Patterns!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

View from Apollo 17!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Organizing Patterns!

§ Tyranny of Knowledge!

§ Tyranny of Emotion!

§ Tyranny of Logic!

Positional Thinking … The Tyrant Brain !

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Positional Thinking!

§  Choosing existing knowledge because it’s what we have.!

§  Doing what worked in the past only because it worked in the past.!

§  Assuming the future will be like the past.!

§  Assuming OUR knowledge is better than others’ knowledge.!

Tyranny of Knowledge!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Positional Thinking!

§  Everything we do and think is permanently grounded in emotions not reason. !

§  Emotions affect logic, but cannot be dealt with logically.!

§  We confuse emotional commitment to an idea with reason.!

Tyranny of Emotion!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Positional Thinking!

Examples: !

Cognitive shortcuts help us make sense quickly (survival); are often inaccurate.!!

Shortcut errors:!§  Biases!§  Stereotyping!

Tyranny of Emotion!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Allport & Postman 1942

Tyranny of Emotion!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Positional Thinking!

Tyranny of Logic!

§ What is logic?!

§ What determines if something is logical?!

§ Can anything be illogical?!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Positional Thinking!

Tyranny of Logic!

§  Logic is the rules you’ve made up for your constructed universe!!

§  There are as many different systems of logic as there are beings.!

§  Logic is subjective like taste: nothing is ever illogical, !just differently-logical. !

Why does this matter?!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Positional Thinking!

Tyranny of Logic!

Zero Sum Illusion!!§  It’s either one way or the other.!

§  Life’s a pie. !

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Non-positional Thinking in a Box!


How many “right” points of view/positions are there for any issue?!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Positional Thinking!

Tyranny of Logic!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Positional Thinking!

Tyranny of Logic!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Positional Thinking!

Tyranny of Logic!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Positional Thinking!

Tyranny of Logic!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Non-positional Thinking in a Box!

It’s never either/or;!

it’s always both.!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Principles of Non-Positional Thinking!

Uncertainty > Intellectual Humility!

Curiosity > Intellectual Openness!

Discernment > Wisdom!

Courage > Commitment!


and Intellectual Virtues!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Uncertainty Principle!

§  Uncertainty means realizing our constructed universe is not the world, just a good-enough representation of it that allows us to survive(ish).!

§  Certainty that our constructed universe is the world leads to almost all of the world’s problems.!

§  Humility means acknowledging all of this.!

Uncertainty doesn’t mean being paralyzed by doubt, but rather being aware of the fallibility of our knowledge.

Uncertainty Principle!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Uncertainty Principle

The uncertainty principle makes us realize that we can’t be certain what color the ball actually is no matter how obvious it seems. !


The curiosity principle makes us want to find out. !


Uncertainty Principle!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                


Curiosity Principle!

§  Being eager to discover what we don’t know, and…!

§  Being determined to see the merit in the other’s point of view.!

§  Leads to the impartial gathering of relevant information.!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Skills: The Ability To…!

Curiosity Principle!

§  Enthusiastically and impartially gather information.!

§  Be open-minded with respect to our own beliefs, and the assertions of others. !

§  Honestly answer, “Do I really want to know?” !

§  Honestly ask, “What is it that I am not seeing the seeing of which might change everything?” !

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Wisdom !

Discernment Principle!

§  Attempting to see things truly rather than looking for confirming evidence; the desire to weigh evidence impartially.!

§  Recognizing/questioning our own assumptions and biases, and seeking to go beyond them.!

§  Judging the merits of others’ points of view by the same standards we use to judge our own.!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Skills: The Ability To…!

Discernment Principle!

§  Be truthful with ourselves, and weigh information fairly.!

§  Recognize when information is factual, provable, anecdotal, or opinion. !

§  Assess the credibility of the all sources. !

§  Identify and question all assumptions. !

§  Seek an impartial solution.!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Commitment Principle!

§  Being determined to move beyond our own point of view, even in the face of our own fear, and!

§  Having the courage to acknowledge and act on those discoveries, and being willing to change our dearly held position, and !

§  Having tolerance for differing, even opposing, points of view. !

§  Because learning can be pain!

Courage: The Overarching Principle!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Commitment Principle!

§  Be open new evidence even if it conflicts with our beliefs; have courage to acknowledge it. !

§  Discard inadequate hypotheses. !

§  Adapt oneself to new the facts.!

§  Persevere even when it is uncomfortable.!

§  Operate in a demonstrably fair and tolerant way.!

Skills: The Ability To…!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Problem Solving!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

The Bridge Bat Problem!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Bridge-Bats Bind!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Bridge-Bats Bind!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Problem:!§  What is the issue or problem?!

Solution:!§  What are the decision criteria? How important are

each of those criteria?!

§  What are possible solutions? What are pros and cons of each solution?!

§  Decide on the best solution!

§  Implement; measure what’s easy to measure!

How we usually solve problems:!

Bridge-Bats Bind!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

The Problem With Rational Problem Solving Method: !

Assumptions of this model:!§  Problem clarity!§  All relevant options are known!§  Preferences are clear and unchanging!§  Maximum payoff is unambiguous and known!

Doesn’t work for a complex problem; never has!!

Bridge-Bats Bind!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Non-positional Problem Solving: !

Managers fail to solve problems not because they don’t know how, but because

they don’t know what the problem is.

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Non-positional Problem Solving!

Beneath every apparent problem is a condition that enables the problem.!

§  It is usually hard to see. !§  Solving only the apparent problem (symptom) leads to

worse problems.!§  The actual problem involves culture, people, how they think

about the problem. !

Discovering the actual problem is the most important part of finding the solution!

A new way of solving problems.!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Conventional!Problem Solving!

Non-positional!Problem Solving!

Conventional vs Non-position!

Thinking: Certainty reinforcement of positions no organization learning.

People: Seen as the problem; BLAME

Focus: Finding solution (symptoms; parts)

Action: a) superficial investigation of symptoms and parts

b) seek solutions to symptoms

Result: a) Solutions are short term;

b) problem recurs often worse

Thinking: Uncertainty curiosity organization learning.

People: Seen as the solution; ACCOUNTABILITY.

Focus: Understanding the problem (underlying conditions; whole system)

Action: a) Deep investigation of underlying condition and whole system

Result: a) Problems stayed solved.

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Conventional vs Non-position!



Identify Symptoms

Find Solutions

Define the Issue

Define Enablers

Understand the System

Examine Personal Dynamics

Design the Solution

Measure What


Conventional!Problem Solving!

Non-positional!Problem Solving!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

§  What is the issue or problem?!

The Solution!

§  What are the decision criteria? How important are each of those criteria?!

§  What are possible solutions? What are pros and cons of each solution?!

§  Decide on the best solution!

§  Implement; measure what’s easy to measure!

How we usually solve problems:!

Bridge-Bats Bind!

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Parting Thoughts…!

It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble,!!it’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so. !!

– Mark Twain

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Non-Positional Thinking: !!

Thinking Beyond the Obvious!

Today you’ll see!

§  that you don’t really know what you think you know!


…and you’ll learn!

§  how to “see” what you’ve never been able to see before!

Shrink-Wrapped in Our Own Thinking: Thinking That Transforms

Presented by Ariane David, PhD Senior Partner The Veritas Group Senior Lecturer California State University, Northridge


California  State  University,  Northridge                                                

Non-Positional Problem Solving

Ariane  David  PhD                                                                        Non-­‐posiDonal  Thinking                

Non-Positional Thinking: !!

Thinking Beyond the Obvious!

Today you’ll see!

§  that you don’t really know what you think you know!


…and you’ll learn!

§  how to “see” what you’ve never been able to see before!

Shrink-Wrapped in Our Own Thinking: Thinking That Transforms

Presented by Ariane David, PhD Senior Partner The Veritas Group Senior Lecturer California State University, Northridge

Thank You!!      

California  State  University,  Northridge                                                

Non-Positional Problem Solving

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