shrinkwrap: efficient sql query processing in ...private data federation provides a sql query...

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Shrinkwrap: Efficient SQL Query Processing inDifferentially Private Data Federations

Johes BaterNorthwestern University

Xi HeUniversity of Waterloo

William EhrichNorthwestern University

wdehrich@gmail.comAshwin Machanavajjhala

Duke University

Jennie RogersNorthwestern University

ABSTRACTA private data federation is a set of autonomous databasesthat share a unified query interface offering in-situ evalua-tion of SQL queries over the union of the sensitive data ofits members. Owing to privacy concerns, these systems donot have a trusted data collector that can see all their dataand their member databases cannot learn about individualrecords of other engines. Federations currently achieve thisgoal by evaluating queries obliviously using secure multi-party computation. This hides the intermediate result car-dinality of each query operator by exhaustively padding it.With cascades of such operators, this padding accumulatesto a blow-up in the output size of each operator and a pro-portional loss in query performance. Hence, existing privatedata federations do not scale well to complex SQL queriesover large datasets.

We introduce Shrinkwrap, a private data federation thatoffers data owners a differentially private view of the dataheld by others to improve their performance over obliviousquery processing. Shrinkwrap uses computational differen-tial privacy to minimize the padding of intermediate queryresults, achieving up to a 35X performance improvementover oblivious query processing. When the query needs dif-ferentially private output, Shrinkwrap provides a trade-offbetween result accuracy and query evaluation performance.

PVLDB Reference Format:Johes Bater, Xi He, Willi Ehrich, Ashwin Machanavajjhala, Jen-nie Rogers. Shrinkwrap: Differentially-Private Query Processingin Private Data Federations. PVLDB, 12(3): 307-320, 2018.DOI:

1. INTRODUCTIONThe storage and analysis of data has seen dramatic growth

in recent years. Organizations have never valued data morehighly. Unfortunately, this value has attracted unwanted

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. To view a copyof this license, visit Forany use beyond those covered by this license, obtain permission by Copyright is held by the owner/author(s). Publication rightslicensed to the VLDB Endowment.Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, Vol. 12, No. 3ISSN 2150-8097.DOI:

attention. Data breaches litter the news headlines, creat-ing fear and a hesitance to share data, even among trustedcollaborators. Without data sharing, information becomessiloed and enormous potential analytical value is lost.

Recent work in databases and cryptography attempts tosolve the data sharing problem by introducing the privatedata federation [4]. A private data federation consists ofa set of data owners who support a common relationaldatabase schema. Each party holds a horizontal partition(i.e., a subset of rows) of each table in the database. Aprivate data federation provides a SQL query interface toanalysts (clients) over the union of the records held by thedata owners. Query evaluation is performed securely frommultiple data owners without revealing unauthorized infor-mation to any party involved in the query and without theassistance of a trusted data curator.

A private data federation must provably ensure the fol-lowing guarantee: a data owner should not be able to re-construct the database (or a part of it) held by other dataowners based on the intermediate result sizes of the queryevaluation. One way to achieve this without a trusted datacurator is to use secure computation protocols, which pro-vide a strong privacy guarantee that intermediate resultsleak no information about their inputs.

Current implementations of private data federations thatuse secure computation have a performance problem: state-of-the-art systems have slowdowns of 4–6 orders of magni-tude over non-private data federations [4, 56]. This slow-down comes from the secure computation protocols used byprivate data federations to securely evaluate SQL querieswithout the need of a trusted third party. A query is ex-ecuted as a directed acyclic graph of database operators.Each operator takes one or two inputs, applies a function,and outputs its result to the next operator. In a typical(distributed) database engine, the execution time needed tocompute each intermediate result and the size of that resultleaks information about the underlying data to curious dataowners participating in the secure computation. To preventthis leakage, private data federations insert dummy tuplesto pad intermediate results to their maximum possible size,thereby ensuring that execution time is independent of theinput data. With secure evaluation, query execution runsin the worst-case, drastically increasing computation costsas intermediate result sizes grow. While performance is rea-sonable for simple queries and small workloads, performanceis untenable for complex SQL queries with multiple joins.


Several approaches attempt to solve this performance prob-lem, but they fail to provably bound the information leakedto a data owner. One line of research uses Trusted Exe-cution Environments (TEEs) that evaluate relational oper-ators within an on-chip secure hardware enclave [54, 56].TEEs efficiently protect query execution, but they requirespecialized hardware from chip manufacturers. Moreover,current TEE implementations from both Intel and AMDdo not adequately obscure computation, allowing observersto obtain supposedly secure data through widely publicizedhardware vulnerabilities [9, 17, 28, 31, 49]. Another ap-proach selectively applies homomorphic encryption to evalu-ate relational operators in query trees, while keeping the un-derlying tuples encrypted throughout the computation (e.g.,CryptDB [45]). While this system improves performance, itleaks too much information about the data, such as statisticsand memory access patterns, allowing a curious observer todeduce information about the true values of encrypted tu-ples [15, 26, 39, 7].

In this work, we bridge the gap between provable securesystems with untenable performance and practical systemswith no provable guarantees on leakage using differentialprivacy [14]. Differential privacy is a state-of-the-art tech-nique to ensure privacy, and provides a provable guaranteethat one can not reconstruct records in a database basedon outputs of a differentially private algorithm. Differen-tially private algorithms, nevertheless, permit approximateaggregate statistics about the dataset to be revealed.

We present Shrinkwrap, a system that improves privatedata federation performance by carefully relaxing the pri-vacy guaranteed for data owners in terms of differential pri-vacy. Instead of exhaustively padding intermediate resultsto their worst-case sizes, Shrinkwrap obliviously eliminatesdummy tuples according to tunable privacy parameters, re-ducing each intermediate cardinality to a new, differentiallyprivate value. The differentially private intermediate re-sult sizes are close to the true sizes, and thus, Shrinkwrapachieves practical query performance.

To the best of our knowledge, Shrinkwrap is the first sys-tem for private data sharing that combines differential pri-vacy with secure computation for query performance opti-mization. The main technical contributions in this work are:

• A query processing engine that offers controlled informa-tion leakage with differential privacy guarantees to speedup private data federation query processing and providestunable privacy parameters to control the trade-off be-tween privacy, accuracy, and performance

• A computational differential privacy mechanism that se-curely executes relational operators, while minimizing in-termediate result padding of operator outputs

• A novel algorithm that optimally allocates, tracks, andapplies differential privacy across query execution

• A protocol-agnostic cost model that approximates thelarge, and non-linear, computation overhead of securecomputation as it cascades up an operator tree

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Sec-tion 2 we define private data federations, outline our privacygoals and formally define secure computation and differen-tial privacy. Section 3 describes the problem addressed byShrinkwrap. Our end-to-end solution, Shrinkwrap, and itsprivacy guarantees, is described in Section 4. We show howto optimize the performance of Shrinkwrap in Section 5.


End User

SQL query q

output of qover all DBs

secure query plan q

secret shares of q’s output (1/data owner)

Secure Computation

Private Data Owner

Figure 1: Private data federation architecture

Section 6 describes how we implement specific secure com-putation protocols on top of Shrinkwrap’s protocol agnosticdesign. We experimentally evaluate our system implementa-tion over real-world medical data in Section 7. We concludewith a survey of related work and future directions.

2. PRIVATE DATA FEDERATIONIn this section, we formally define a private data feder-

ation (PDF), describe privacy goals and assumptions, anddefine two security primitives – secure computation and dif-ferential privacy.

A private data federation is a collection of autonomousdatabases that share a unified query interface for offering in-situ evaluation of SQL queries over the union of the sensitivedata of its members without revealing unauthorized infor-mation to any party involved in the query. A private datafederation has three types of parties: 1) two or more dataowners DO1, . . . ,DOm that hold private data D1, . . . , Dmrespectively, and where all Di share a public schema of k re-lations (R1, . . . , Rk); 2) a query coordinator that plans andorchestrates SQL queries q on the data of the data owners;and 3) a client that writes SQL statements to the query co-ordinator. The set of private data D = (D1, . . . , Dm) ownedby the data owners is a horizontal partition of every tablein the total data set D.

As shown in Figure 1, the client first passes an SQL state-ment q(·) to the query coordinator, who compiles the queryinto an optimized secure query plan to be executed by eachdata owner. Once the data owners finish execution, theyeach pass their secret share of the output to the query coor-dinator, who assembles and returns the result to the client.

2.1 Privacy Goals and AssumptionsTable 1 summarizes the privacy goals for all parties in-

volved in this process and the necessary assumptions re-quired for achieving these goals.

Privacy Goals: Data owners require a privacy guaranteethat the other parties (data owners, query coordinator andthe client) are not able to reconstruct the private data theyhold based on intermediate results of the query execution.In particular, we require data owners to have a differentiallyprivate view over the inputs of other data owners (formallydefined in Def. 2). We aim to support two policies for clients.Clients may be trusted (output policy 1) and allowed tosee true answers to queries but must not learn any otherinformation about the private inputs held by data owners.Clients may be untrusted (output policy 2), in which casethey only are permitted a differentially private view over theinputs. The query coordinator is an extension of the clientand has the same privacy requirements.


Table 1: Privacy Goals and Assumptions

Client SeesTrue Answers

Client SeesNoisy Answers

Privacy Goalfor DOs

Differentially private (DP) view overdata held by other DOs

Privacy Goalfor Client

Learns onlyquery answer

DP view overdata held by DOs

Client & DOAssumption

Semi-honest & Computationally Bounded

DOs Colludeswith Client

Not allowed Allowed

Client Colludeswith some DOs

Not allowed Allowed

Assumptions: To achieve the privacy goals presented above,a private data federation assumes that all parties are com-putationally bounded and work in the semi-honest setting.Hence, the query coordinator honestly follows the protocolsand creates a secure plan to evaluate the query. All partiesfaithfully execute the cryptographic protocol created by thequery coordinator, but may attempt to infer properties ofprivate inputs held by other parties by observing the queryinstruction traces and data access patterns. The query co-ordinator is also assumed to be memory-less as it destroysits contents after sending query results back to the client.When the client sees the true answers (output policy 1), weassume that the client is trusted to not collude with dataowners; otherwise, if the client shares the true answer witha data owner (or publishes the true answer), the data ownerwho colludes with the client can use their own private dataand the true query answer to infer the input of the otherdata owners. Similarly, we assume the data owners do notshare their true input with the client; otherwise, the clientcan infer the other data owners’ input and gain more in-formation than just the query answer. When the client isnot trusted, we assume that the client may collude with (asmany as all but one) data owners. Our guarantees hold evenin that extreme case.

2.2 Security PrimitivesSecure Computation: To securely compute functions ondistributed data owned by multiple parties, secure compu-tation primitives are required. Let f : Dm → Rm be afunctionality1 over D = (D1, . . . , Dm) ∈ Dm, where fi(D)denotes the i-th element of q(D). Let Π be an m-partyprotocol for computing f and VIEWΠ

i (D) be the view ofthe i-th party during an execution of Π on D. For I ={i1, . . . , it} ⊆ [m], we let DI = (Di1 , . . . , Dit), fI(D) =(qi1(D), . . . , qit(D)), and VIEWΠ

I (D) = (I,VIEWΠi1(D), . . . ,

VIEWΠi1(D)). We define secure computation with respect to

semi-honest behavior [19] as follows.

Definition 1 (secure computation). We say an m-party protocol securely computes f : Dm → Rm if there ex-ists a probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm denoted S andnegl(κ) such that for any non-uniform probabilistic polyno-mial adversary A and for every I ⊆ [m], every polynomial

p(·), every sufficiently large κ ∈ N, every D ∈ Dm of size atmost p(κ), it holds that

|Pr[A(S(I,DI , fI(D)), f(D)) = 1]− (1)

Pr[A(VIEWΠI (D),OUTPUTΠ(D)) = 1]| ≤ negl(κ),

1Functionality f can be both deterministic or randomized

where negl(κ) refers to any function that is o(κ−c), for allconstants c and OUTPUTΠ(D) denotes the output sequenceof all parities during the execution represented in VIEWΠ

I (D).

Various cryptographic protocols that enable secure compu-tation have been studied [5, 10, 11, 18, 46, 33, 52, 55] andseveral are applicable to relational operators [4, 8, 50].

Differential Privacy (DP): Differential privacy [14] is anappealing choice to bound the information leakage on the in-dividual records in the input while allowing multiple releasesof statistics about the data. This privacy notion is utilizedby numerous organizations, including the US Census Bu-reau [34], Google [16], and Uber [27]. Formally, differentialprivacy is defined as follows.

Definition 2 ((ε, δ)-Differential Privacy). A ran-domized mechanism f : D → R satisfies (ε, δ)-differentialprivacy if for any pair of neighboring databases D,D′ ∈ Dsuch that D and D′ differ by adding or removing a row andany set O ⊆ R,

Pr[f(D) ∈ O] ≤ eε Pr[f(D′) ∈ O] + δ. (2)

The differential privacy guarantee degrades gracefully wheninvoked multiple times. In the simplest form, the overall pri-vacy loss of multiple differentially private mechanisms canbe bounded with sequential composition [13].

Theorem 1 (Sequential Composition). If M1 andM2 are (ε1, δ1)-DP and (ε2, δ2)-DP algorithms that use inde-pendent randomness, then releasing the outputs M1(D) andM2(D) on database D satisfies (ε1 + ε2, δ1 + δ2)-DP.

There exist advanced composition theorems that give tighterbounds on privacy loss under certain conditions [14], but weuse sequential composition as defined above as it is generaland easy to compute.

3. PROBLEM STATEMENTOur goal is to build a system that permits efficient query

evaluation on private data federations while achieving prov-able guarantees on the information disclosed to clients anddata owners. As discussed in Section 1, prior work is dividedinto two classes: (i) systems that use secure computation toanswer queries, which give formal privacy guarantees butsuffer 4–6 orders of magnitude slowdowns compared to non-private data federations [4, 56], and (ii) systems that usesecure hardware [54, 56] or property preserving encryption[45], which are practical in terms of performance, but haveno formal guarantee on the privacy afforded to clients anddata owners.

While secure computation based solutions are attractive,and there is much recent work in improving their efficiency [6,24, 25], secure computation solutions fundamentally limitperformance due to several factors: 1) a worst-case runningtime is necessary to avoid leaking information from earlytermination; 2) computation must be oblivious, i.e., the pro-gram counters and the memory traces must be independentof the input; 3) cryptographic keys must be sent and com-puted on by data owners, the cost of which scales with thecomplexity of the program.

In particular, applying secure computation protocols toexecute SQL queries results in extremely slow performance.A SQL query is a directed acyclic graph of database oper-ators. Each operator in the tree takes an input, applies a





σdiag=hd σmed=aspirin

diagnosis medication



[n2] [n]

[n] [n]



FROM demographic de, diagnosis di

medication m

WHERE di.diag="hd" AND = "aspirin"

AND di.code = m.code AND =

Figure 2: Exhaustive padding of intermediate results in anoblivious query evaluation

function, and outputs its result to the next operator. Theexecution time needed to calculate each intermediate resultand the array size required to hold that result leaks infor-mation about the underlying data. To address this leakage,private data federations must insert dummy tuples to padintermediate results to their maximum possible size and en-sure that execution time is independent of the input data.We demonstrate this property in the following example.

Example 1. Figure 2 shows a SQL query and its corre-sponding operator tree. Tuples flow from the source relationsthrough a filter operator, before entering two successive joinoperators and ending at a distinct operator. To hide the se-lectivity of each operator, the private data federation padseach intermediate result to its maximum value. At the fil-ters, the results are padded as if no tuples were filtered out,remaining at size n. This is a significant source of addi-tional computation. If the selectivity of a filter is 10−3, ourpadding gives a 1000× performance overhead. As the tu-ples flow into the first join, which now receives two inputs ofsize n, exhaustive padding produces an output of n2 tuples.When this result passes through the next join, the result sizethat the distinct operator must process jumps to n3. If weonce again assume a 10−3 selectivity at the joins, we nowsee a 109× computation overhead. Such a significant slow-down arises from the cumulative effect of protecting cascad-ing operators. By exhaustively padding operator outputs, wesee ever-increasing intermediate result cardinalities and, asa function of that growth, ever-decreasing performance.

To tackle this fundamental performance challenge, we for-malize our research problems as follows.

• Build a system that uses differentially private leakage ofintermediate results to speed up SQL query evaluationwhile achieving all the privacy goals stated in Section 2.

• Given an SQL operator o and a privacy budget (ε, δ),design an (ε, δ)-differentially private mechanism that ex-ecutes the operator with a smaller performance overheadcompared to fully oblivious computation.

• Given a sequence of operators Q = {o1, . . . , ol}, designan algorithm to optimally split the privacy budget (ε, δ)among these operators during query execution.

In the following sections, we present our system for effi-cient SQL query processing, starting with the differentiallyprivate mechanisms and overall privacy analysis used for op-erator evaluation (Section 4), and then our budget splittingalgorithm that optimizes performance (Section 5).

4. SHRINKWRAPIn this section, we present the end-to-end algorithm of

Shrinkwrap for answering a SQL query in a private data fed-eration, the key differentially private mechanism for safelyrevealing the intermediate cardinality of each operator, andthe overall privacy analysis of Shrinkwrap.

4.1 End-to-end AlgorithmAt its core, Shrinkwrap is a system that applies differential

privacy throughout SQL query execution to reduce interme-diate result sizes and improve performance. The privatedata federation ingests a query q as a directed acyclic graph(DAG) of database operators Q = {o1, . . . , ol}, followingthe order of a bottom up tree traversal. The query coordi-nator decides the output policy based on the client type andassigns the privacy parameters (ε, δ) for the correspondingprivacy goals. To improve performance, a privacy budgetof (ε1→l, δ1→l) will be spent on protecting intermediate car-dinalities of the l operators. When the client is allowed tolearn the true query output (output policy 1), then ε1→l = εand δ1→l = δ; when the client is allowed to learn noisyquery answers from a differentially private mechanism, thenε1→l < ε and δ1→l < δ, where the remaining privacy budget(ε− ε1→l, δ − δ1→l) will be spent on the query output.

Algorithm 1 outlines the end-to-end execution of a SQLquery in Shrinkwrap. Inputs to the algorithm are the queryQ, the overall privacy parameters (ε, δ), the privacy budgetfor improving the performance (ε1→l, δ1→l), and the pub-lic information K, including the relational database schemaand the maximum possible input data size at each party.

First, the query coordinator allocates the privacy budgetfor improving performance (ε1→l, δ1→l) among the operatorsin Q such that


εi = ε1→l and


δi = δ1→l (3)

where (εi, δi) is the privacy budget allocated to operatoroi. If εi = δi = 0, then the operator is evaluated oblivi-ously (without revealing the intermediate result size). Whenεi, δi > 0, Shrinkwrap is allowed to reveal an overestimate ofthe intermediate result size, with larger (εi, δi) values givingtighter intermediate result estimates. The performance im-provement of Shrinkwrap highly depends on how the budgetis split among the operators, but any budget split that satis-fies Equation 3 satisfies privacy. We show several allocationstrategies in Section 5 and analyze them in the evaluation.

Next, the query coordinator compiles a secure query planto be executed by the data owners. The secure query plantraverses the operators in Q. For each operator oi, dataowners compute secret shares of the true output using securecomputation over the federated database and the output ofother operators computed from D. We denote this securecomputation for oi by SMC(oi, D). The true outputs (ofsize ci) are placed into a secure array Oi. The secure arrayis padded (with encrypted dummy values) so that its sizeequals the maximum possible output size for operator oi.

Then, Shrinkwrap calls a (εi, δi)-differentially private func-tion Resize() to resize this secure array Oi to a smaller arraySi such that a subset of the (encrypted) dummy records areremoved. Resizing is described in Section 4.2. Once all theoperators are securely evaluated, if the output policy allowsrelease of true answers to the client (policy 1), the last secure


Algorithm 1: End-to-end Shrinkwrap algorithm

Input: PDF query DAG with operators Q = {o1, . . . , ol},the federated database D, public information K,privacy parameters (ε, δ), privacy budget forperformance (ε1→l ≤ ε, δ1→l ≤ δ)

Output: Query output R

//Computed on query coordinator

P = {(ε1, δ1), . . . , (εl, δl)|∑li=1 εi = ε1→l,

∑li=1 δi = δ1→l}

← AssignBudget(ε1→l, δ1→l, Q,K) // (Sec. 5)

//Computed on private data ownersfor i← 1 to l do

(Oi, ci)← SMC(oi, D) //with exhaustive paddingSi ← Resize(Oi,ci,εi,δi,∆ci) // DP resizing (Sec. 4.2)

endif ε = ε1→l and δ = δ1→l then

Send query coordinator Sl //output policy 1else

Query output budget ε0 ← (ε− ε1→l), δ0 ← (δ − δ1→l)Send query coordinator M(ε0,δ0)(Sl) //output policy 2


//Computed on query coordinatorR← Assemble(Sl)return R to client

function Resize(O, c, ε, δ, ∆c)c← c+TLap(ε, δ, ∆c) // perturb cardinalityO ← Sort(O) //obliviously sort dummy tuples to the endS ← new SecureArray(O[1, . . . , c])return S

array Sl will be directly returned to the query coordinator;otherwise, the data owners jointly and securely compute adifferentially private mechanism on Sl with the remainingprivacy budget (ε0 = ε − ε1→l, δ0 = δ − δ1→l), denoted by

M (ε0,δ0)(Sl), and return the output of M (ε0,δ0)(Sl) to thequery coordinator. For instance, one could use a Laplacemechanism to perturb count queries using a multiparty pro-tocol for generating noise as in [38]. Finally, the query co-ordinator assembles the final secure array received from thedata owners Sl, decrypting the final result R and returningit to the client.

4.2 DP Resizing MechanismFor each operator oi, Shrinkwrap first computes the true

result using secure computation and places it into a exhaus-tively padded secure array Oi. For example, as shown inFigure 3, a join operator with two inputs, each of size n,will have a secure array Oi of size n2. This is the exhaustivepadding case shown on the left side of the figure, with theprivate data federation inserting the materialized interme-diate results into the secure array and padding those resultswith dummy tuples. The Resize() function takes in the ex-haustively padded secure array Oi, the true cardinality ofthe output ci, the privacy parameters (εi, δi), and the sen-sitivity of the cardinality query at operator oi, denoted by∆ci. The cardinality query ci(D) returns the output of theoperator oi in the PDF query q. The sensitivity of a queryis defined as follows.

Definition 3 (Query Sensitivity). The sensitivity ofa function f : D → R∗ is the maximum difference in its out-put for any pairs of neighboring databases D and D′,

∆f = max{D,D′ s.t. |D−D′|∪|D′−D|=1}

‖f(D)− f(D′)‖1

Based on these inputs, the Resize() function runs a (εi, δi)-differentially private truncated Laplace mechanism (Def. 4)to obtain a new, differentially private cardinality ci > ci forthe secure array. Next, this function sorts the exhaustivelypadded secure array Oi obliviously such that all dummytuples are at the end of the array and then copies the firstci tuples in the sorted array into a new secure array Si ofsize ci. This new secure array Si of a smaller size than Oiis used for the following computations.

Noise Generation: Shrinkwrap generates differentially pri-vate cardinalities by using a truncated Laplace mechanism.Given an operator o, with a privacy budget (ε, δ) and thesensitivity parameter for the cardinality query ∆c, this mech-anism computes a noisy cardinality for use in Algorithm 1.

Definition 4 (Truncated Laplace Mechanism).Given a query c : D → N, the truncated Laplace mechanismTLap(ε, δ,∆c) adds a non-negative integer noise max(η, 0)to the true query answer c(D), where η ∈ Z follows a distri-bution, denoted by L(ε, δ,∆c) that has a probability density

function Pr[η = x] = p · e−(ε/∆c)|x−η0|, where p = eε/∆c−1


η0 = −∆c·ln((eε/∆c+1)δ)ε

+ ∆c.

This mechanism allows us to add non-negative integer noiseto the intermediate cardinality query which correspondingto the number of the dummy records. The noise η drawnfrom L(ε, δ,∆c) satisfies that Pr[η < ∆c] ≤ δ, which enablesus to show the privacy guarantee of this mechanism.

Theorem 2. The truncated Laplace mechanism satisfies(ε, δ)-differential privacy.

Proof. For any neighboring databases D1, D2, let c1 =c(D1) ≥ 0 and c2 = c(D2) ≥ 0. W.L.O.G. we considerc2 ≥ c1. It is easy to see that Pr[TLap(D1) ∈ (−∞, c1)] = 0and Pr[TLap(D2) ∈ (−∞, c2)] = 0. By the noise property,

for any o ≥ c2 ≥ c1, it is true that | ln Pr[TLap(D2)=o]Pr[TLap(D1)=o]

| ≤ ε.

However, when the output o ∈ [c1, c2), Pr[TLap(D2) =o] = 0, but the Pr[TLap(D2) = o] > 0, making the ra-tio of probabilities unbounded. Nevertheless, we can boundPr[TLap(D2) ∈ [c1, c2)] by δ as shown below.

Without Shrinkwrap

With Shrinkwrap

n2= |R|・|S|Exhaustive Padding

|R⋈S|True Cardinality

Lap(𝜀,δ, Δc)DP Noise





Figure 3: Effect of Shrinkwrap on Intermediate ResultSizes When Joining Tables R and S


Let O∗ = (−∞, c2). We can show that for any output setO of query c(), we have

Pr[TLap(D1) ∈ O]

= Pr[TLap(D1) ∈ (O ∩O∗)] + Pr[TLap(D1) ∈ (O −O∗)]≤ Pr[TLap(D1) ∈ [c1, c2)] + eε Pr[TLap(D2) ∈ (O −O∗)]= Pr[η1 < ∆c] + eε Pr[TLap(D2) ∈ O]

= δ + eε Pr[TLap(D2) ∈ O] (4)

Hence, this mechanism satisfies (ε, δ)-DP.

Sensitivity Computation: In order to create our noisycardinalities using the truncated Laplace mechanism in Defi-nition 4, we must determine the cardinality query sensitivityat the output of each operator in the query tree. An interme-diate result cardinality, ci, is the output size of the sub-querytree rooted at operator oi. The sensitivity of ci depends onthe operators in its sub-query tree, and we compute this asa function of the stability of operators in the sub-query tree.The stability of an operator bounds the change in the outputwith respect to the change in the input of the operator.

Definition 5 (Stability [36]). A transformation op-erator is s-stable if for any two input data sets A and B,

|T (A) T (B)| ≤ s× |AB|

For unary operators, such as SELECT, PROJECT, the sta-bility usually equals one. For JOIN operators, a binary op-erators, the stability is equal to the maximum multiplicityof the input data. The sensitivity of the intermediate car-dinality query ci can be recursively computed bottom up,starting from a single change in the input of the leaf nodes.

Example 2. Given a query tree shown in Figure 4, thebottom two filter operators each have a stability of one, givinga sensitivity (∆c) of 1 at that point. Next, the first join hasa stability of m for the maximum input multiplicity, whichincreases the overall sensitivity to m. The following join op-erator also has a stability of m, which changes the sensitivityto m2. Finally, the DISTINCT operator has a stability of 1,so the overall sensitivity remains m2.

DISTINCT[∆c5 = m2]

./pid[∆c4 = m2]

demographics./pid[∆c3 = m]

σdiag=hd[∆c1 = 1]

σmed=aspirin[∆c2 = 1]


Figure 4: Sensitivity analysis for running example

Using these principles, Shrinkwrap calculates the sensitivityfor each operator in a query tree for use in Laplace noisegeneration during query execution. More details can be seenin PINQ [36] for computing the sensitivity of SQL queries.

Secure Array Operations: Each time Shrinkwrap addsor removes tuples, it normally needs to pay an I/O costfor accessing the secure array. We avoid paying the fullcost by carrying out a bulk unload and load. To start the

Resize() function, Shrinkwrap takes an intermediate resultsecure array and sorts it so that all dummy tuples are atthe end of the secure array. Next, Shrinkwrap cuts off theend of the original secure array and copies the rest into thenew, differentially-private sized secure array. Since the newsecure array has a size guaranteed to be larger than thetrue cardinality, we know that cutting off the end will onlyremove dummy tuples. Thus, we avoid paying the full I/Ocost for each tuple. However, we do pay an O(n log(n))cost for the initial sorting, as well as an O(n) cost for bulkcopying the tuples. This algorithm is an extension of theone in [21] and variants of it are in [40, 41, 56].

4.3 Overall Privacy AnalysisGiven a PDF query DAG q with operators {o1, . . . , ol} and

a privacy parameter (ε, δ), Algorithm 1 achieves the privacygoals stated in Section 2.

Theorem 3. Under the assumptions in Section 2, Algo-rithm 1 achieves the privacy goals: data owners have a (ε, δ)-computational differentially private view over the input dataof other data owners; when true answers are returned to theclient, the client learns nothing else; when noisy answers arereturned the client, the client has a (ε, δ)-computational dif-ferentially private view over the input data of all the dataowners.

Proof. (sketch) We prove that the view of data own-ers satisfies computational differential privacy [37, 48] byshowing that the view of any data owner is computationallyindistinguishable from its view in an ideal simulation thatoutputs only the differentially private cardinalities of eachoperator output.

Let Sim be a simulator that takes as input the horizontalpartitions held by the data owners (D1, ..., Dm), and out-puts a vector S⊥i for operator oi such that: (a) |S⊥i | is drawnfrom ci + TLap(), and (b) S⊥i contains encryptions of 0 (ofthe appropriate arity). It is easy to see that a function com-puted by Sim satisfies (ε1→l, δ1→l)-DP: (a) at each operator,the release of |S⊥i | satisfies (εi, δi)-DP, and (b) By sequen-tial composition (Theorem 1) and Equation 3, releasing allthe cardinalities satisfies (ε1→l, δ1→l)-DP. When the outputitself is differentially private, there is an additional privacyloss to data owners (since the client could release the outputto the data owners), but the overall algorithm still satisfies(ε, δ)-DP by sequential composition.

The real execution outputs secure arrays Si at each opera-tor oi using secure computation. This ensures that the viewof a data owner in the real execution is computationallyindistinguishable from the execution of Sim, which satis-fies (ε, δ)-DP. Thus, we can show that the view of any dataowner satisfies (ε, δ)-computational DP. The privacy guaran-teed to the client and query coordinator can be analogouslyargued.

4.4 Multiple SQL QueriesThe privacy loss of Shrinkwrap due to answering multi-

ple queries is analyzed using sequential composition (Theo-rem 1). There are two approaches to minimize privacy lossacross multiple queries: (i) applying advanced compositiontheorems that give tighter bounds on privacy loss under cer-tain conditions [14] or (ii) optimizing privacy budget alloca-tion across the operators of a workload of predefined SQL


queries (e.g. using [35]). These two approaches are orthog-onal to our work and adapting these ideas to the context ofsecure computation is an interesting avenue for future work.

5. PERFORMANCE OPTIMIZATIONA key technical challenge is to divide the privacy budget

for performance (ε1→l, δ1→l) across the different operatorsso the overall runtime of the query execution is minimized.

Problem 1. Given a privacy budget (ε1→l, δ1→l), a PDFquery DAG q with operators Q = {o1, . . . , ol}, and public in-formation K which includes the sensitivities of the interme-diate cardinality queries {∆c1, . . . ,∆cl} and the schema in-formation, compute the share (εi, δi) assigned to oi such that:

(a) the assignment ensures privacy, i.e.,∑li=1 εi = ε1→l,

and (b) the overall run time of the query is minimized.

5.1 Baseline Privacy Budget AllocationWe first consider two baseline strategies for allocating the

privacy budget to individual operators.

Eager: This approach allocates the entire budget (ε1→l, δ1→l)to the first operator in the query tree. In Figure 2, thisequates to minimizing the output cardinality of the filter ondiagnoses and executing the rest of the tree obliviously. Abenefit of this approach is that since the intermediate resultsof the first operator flow through the rest of the tree, everyoperator will see the benefit of minimizing the output cardi-nality. On the other hand, in some trees, certain operators,like joins, have an output-sized effect on the total queryperformance. Not allocating any privacy budget to thoseoperators results in a missed optimization opportunity.

Uniform: The second approach splits the privacy budget(ε1→l, δ1→l) uniformly across the query tree, resulting inequal privacy parameters for each operator. The benefithere is that every single operator receives part of the bud-get, so we do not lose out on performance gains from anyoperator. The drawback of the uniform approach, like theone-time approach, is that some operators produce largereffects, so by not allocating more of the budget to them, welose out on potential performance gains.

5.2 Optimal Privacy Budget AllocationWe design a third approach which uses an execution cost

model as an objective function and applies convex optimiza-tion to determine the optimal budget splitting strategy.

Cost Model: The execution cost of a query in Algorithm 1mainly consists of (a) the cost for securely computing eachoperator and (b) the I/O cost of handling each intermediateresult by Shrinkwrap. We model these costs as functions ofthe corresponding input and output data sizes. The cost ofsecure computation at operator oi is represented by a func-tion costoi(Ni), where Ni is the set of the cardinalities ofthe input tables. The I/O cost of Shrinkwrap handling eachintermediate result of operator oi is mainly the cost to sortthe exhaustively padded array of size n′ and the cost of copy-ing the array of size n to the new array of size n′, denoted bycosts(n) and costc(n, n

′) respectively. In particular, the sizeof the exhaustively padded array also depends on the sizesof the input tables, represented by a function oi(Ni). Mostof the time, the size of the exhaustively padded array is theproduct of the input table sizes. For example, if operator oitakes one input table of size n1, then oi(N = {n1}) = n1;

if operator oi takes two input tables of size n1 and n2, thenoi(N = {n1, n2}) = n1 · n2. The number of tuples n′ copiedto the new array depends on the noisy output size ni.

The input tables to an operator can be a mix of base ta-bles and the intermediate output tables. Given a database ofk relations (R1, . . . , Rk), there will be an additional l num-ber of intermediate output tables generated in a query treeof l operators. The public knowledge K contains the ta-ble sizes for the original tables, but the output cardinalitiesof the operators are unknown. In the private setting, wecannot use the true cardinality for the estimation. Instead,Shrinkwrap uses the naive reduction factors from [47] toestimate the output cardinality of each operator, denotedby estimate(ci,K). The noise ηi added to the cardinalitydepends on the noise distribution of the truncated Laplacemechanism and we use the expectation of the distributionTLap(εi, δi,∆ci) to model the noise. Putting this together,the output cardinality ni at operator oi is estimated byestimate(ci,K) + E(TLap(εi, δi,∆ci)).

With this formulation, the cost of assigning privacy bud-get P = {(εi, δi)|i = 1, . . . , l} to operators Q = {o1, . . . , ol}in the query tree is modeled as

C(P,K) =


costoi(Ni)+costs(oi(Ni))+costc(oi(Ni), ni)

(5)where ni = estimate(ci,K) + E(TLap(εi, δi,∆qi)).

Optimization: Using this cost model, we find the optimalsolution to the following problem as the budget allocationstrategy for Algorithm 1.

minP C(P ) s.t.


εi ≤ ε1→l,l∑i=1

δi ≤ δ1→l,

εi, δi ≥ 0 ∀i = 1, . . . l (6)

We show the detailed cost model including the unit costfunction costoi(Ni, ni), costs(oi(Ni)), and costc(oi(Ni), ni)for two different secure computation protocols in the nextsection. Using a convex optimization solver, we determinethe optimal budget split that minimizes the cost objectivefunction. We evaluate how it performs against the baselineapproaches in Section 7.

6. PROTOCOL IMPLEMENTATIONShrinkwrap is a flexible computation layer that supports a

wide range of private data federations and database engines.The only requirements are that the private data federationprocess queries as operator trees and that the underlyingdatabase engine supports SQL queries. Shrinkwrap imple-ments a wide range of SQL operators for PDF queries, in-cluding selection, projection, aggregation, limit, and somewindow aggregates. For joins, we handle equi-joins and crossproducts. At this time we do not support outer joins or setoperations. For output policy 2 where client sees noisy an-swers released from differentially private mechanisms, wesupport aggregate queries like COUNT for the final operator.

The fundamental design pattern of secure computationprotocols is the circuit model, where functions are repre-sented as circuits, i.e. a collection of topologically orderedgates. The benefit of this model is that by describing howto securely compute a single gate, we can compose the com-putation across all gates to evaluate any circuit, simplifying


the design of the protocol. The downside is that circuitsare difficult for programmers to reason about. Instead, thevon Neumann-style Random Access Machine (RAM) modelhandles the impedance mismatch between programmers andcircuits by creating data structures, such as ORAM, thatutilize circuit-based oblivious algorithms for I/O. With theRAM model, programmers no longer have to write programsas circuits. Instead, they can think of their data as residingin secure arrays that can be plugged into their existing code.The downside of the RAM model is that since the data struc-tures are more general purpose, performance lags behind di-rect circuit model implementations of the same function. Inthis work, we use Shrinkwrap with both RAM model andcircuit model protocols, providing a general framework thatcan easily add new protocols to the query executor.

6.1 RAM ModelWhen integrating a new protocol, we first create an op-

erator cost model that captures the execution cost of eachoperator. For a RAM based protocol, we model the cost ofsecure computations costo(N) for commonly used relationaloperators in Table 2, where N is the set of cardinalities ofinput tables of operator o. The cost function considered inthis work focuses on the I/O cost of each relational operatorin terms of reads and writes from a secure array.

We let cread(n) and cwrite(n) be the unit cost for readingand writing of a tuple from a secure array of size n respec-tively. Secure arrays protect their contents from attackers byguaranteeing that all reads or writes access the same num-ber of memory locations. Typically, the data structures willshuffle either their entire contents or their access path oneach access, with different implementations providing per-formance ranging from O(logn) to O(n log2(n)) per read orwrite [2, 53]. This variable I/O cost guarantees that an ob-server cannot look at memory access time or program tracesto infer sensitive information.

Given the unit cost for reading and writing, we can rep-resent the cost of secure computation for each operator asthe sum of reading cost and writing cost. For example, thecost function for a Filter operator costFilter(N = {n1}) isthe cost of reading n1 number of input records and writ-ing n1 number of output records. For a Join operator overtwo input tables, the cost function costJoin(N = {n1, n2})equals to the sum of n1 number of records reading from thefirst secure array of size n1, (n1 ∗n2) number of record read-ing from the second array of size n2, and (n1 ∗ n2) numberof record writes, i.e. n1 ∗ cread(n1) + n1 ∗ n2 ∗ cread(n2) +n1 ∗ n2 ∗ cwrite(n1 ∗ n2). The other operators are modeledsimilarly in Table 2. The cost function for copying froman array of size n to an array of size n′ can be modeled ascostc(n, n

′) = n′ ∗ cread(n) + n′ ∗ cwrite(n′).In this work, we use ObliVM [32] to implement our RAM

based relational operators, under a SMCQL [4] private datafederation design. We chose ObliVM due to its compiler,which allows SMCQL to easily convert operators written asC-style code into secure computation programs. However,Shrinkwrap can support more recent ORAM implementa-tions such as DORAM [12] by summarizing their cost behav-ior as in Table 2 and using those operator costs in our costmodel. In SMCQL, private intermediate results are held insecure arrays, i.e., oblivious RAM (ORAM), and operatorsare compiled as circuits that receive an ORAM as input,evaluate the operator, and output the result ORAM to the

Table 2: Operator I/O cost

Operator costo(N = {n1, n2, . . .})Filter n1 ∗ cread(n1) + n1 ∗ cwrite(n1)Join n1 ∗ cread(n1) + n1 ∗ n2 ∗ cread(n2)

+n1 ∗ n2 ∗ cwrite(n1 ∗ n2)Aggregate n1 ∗ cread(n1) + cwrite(n1)Aggregate, Group By n1 ∗ cread(n1) + n1 ∗ cwrite(n1)Window Aggregate n1 ∗ cread(n1) + n1 ∗ cwrite(n1)Distinct n1 ∗ cread(n1) + n1 ∗ cwrite(n1)Sort n1 ∗ log2(n1) ∗ (cread(n1) + cwrite(n1))

next operator. With Shrinkwrap, we resize the intermedi-ate ORAM arrays by obliviously eliminating excess dummytuples, reducing the intermediate cardinalities of our resultsand improving performance. Any ORAM implementation iscompatible with Shrinkwrap, as long as its I/O characteris-tics can be similarly defined as in Table 2.

6.2 Circuit ModelAlternatively, if a private data federation uses a circuit

based protocol to express database operators, we can esti-mate the cost of an operator o, costo(N), with ngates gatesin its circuit, a maximum circuit depth of dcircuit, nin ele-ments of input, and an output size of nout as:

costop(N) = cin ∗nin+ cg ∗ngates+ cd ∗dcircuit+ cout ∗nout,

where cin and cout account for the encoding and decodingcosts needed for a given protocol, cg and cd account for thecosts due to the gate count and circuit depth respectively,the number of input element is nin =

∑nj∈N nj and the

number of output element is nout =∏nj∈N nj .

The generic nature of this model allows us to capture theperformance features of all circuit-based secure computa-tion protocols. For example, in this work we utilize EMPtoolkit [51], a state of the art circuit protocol, in conjunc-tion with Shrinkwrap. As EMP has not been used in privatedata federations, we implemented EMP with SMCQL. In-stead of compiling operators into individual circuits, EMPcompiles a SQL query into a single circuit, though it stillpads intermediate results within the circuit. In this setting,we can still apply Shrinkwrap as we did in the RAM model,where we minimize the padding according to our differentialprivacy guarantees. Instead of modifying the ORAM, wedirectly modify the circuit to eliminate dummy tuples.

For both our RAM model and our circuit model imple-mentations, Shrinkwrap uses a cost model to estimate theexecution cost of intermediate result padding. With themodel, we can carry out our privacy budget optimizationand allocation as seen in Section 5. Shrinkwrap’s protocolagnostic design allows it to optimize the performance of se-cure computation, regardless of the implementation.

6.3 M-Party SupportIn this work, we implement Shrinkwrap using two party

secure computation protocols, meaning that we run our ex-periments over two data owners. However, Shrinkwrap sup-ports additional data owners. By leveraging the associativ-ity of our operators, we can convert all m party computa-tions into a series of binary computations. For example,assume we want to join to tables R and S, which are hor-izontally partitioned across 3 data owners as R1, R2, R3,and S1, S2, S3. We can join across the 3 data owners as:(R1 ./ S1) ∪ (R1 ./ S2) ∪ (R3 ./ S3) ∪ (R2 ./ S1) ∪ (R2 ./S2)∪ (R2 ./ S3)∪ (R3 ./ S1)∪ (R3 ./ S2)∪ (R3 ./ S3). We


Table 3: HealthLNK query workload.

Name QueryDosage Study SELECT DISTINCT FROM diagnoses d, medications m WHERE = AND medication = ’aspirin’ AND

icd9 = ’circulatory disorder’ AND dosage = ’325mg’Comorbidity SELECT diag, COUNT(*) cnt FROM diagnoses WHERE pid ∈ cdiff cohort ∧ diag <> ’cdiff’ ORDER BY cnt DESC LIMIT 10;

Aspirin SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT pid) FROM diagnosis d JOIN medication m on = m.pidCount JOIN demographics demo on = WHERE d.diag = ’heart disease’ AND = ’aspirin’ AND d.time <= m.time;

3-Join SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT pid) FROM diagnosis d JOIN medication m on = m.pidJOIN demographics demo on = JOIN demographics demo2 ON = demo2.pidWHERE d.diag = ’heart disease’ AND = ’aspirin’ AND d.time <= m.time;

can execute this series of binary joins using two party securecomputation then union the results. With this construction,we can scale Shrinkwrap out to any number of parties. How-ever, this algorithm is not efficient due to naively carryingout m2 secure computation operations for every m partieswe compute over. We can use m party secure computationprotocols [3, 5, 20], which have fewer high-level operatorsand made large performance strides, but these protocols arestill expensive. We leave performance improvements in thissetting for future work.

7. RESULTSWe now look at Shrinkwrap performance using both real

world and synthetic datasets and workloads. First, we coverour experimental design and setup. Next, we evaluate theend to end performance of our system and show the per-formance vs privacy trade-off under both true and differ-entially private answer settings. Then, we look at howShrinkwrap performs at the operator level and the accuracyof our cost model, followed by a discussion of our budgetsplitting strategies. Finally, we examine how Shrinkwrapscales to larger datasets and more complex queries.

7.1 Experimental SetupFor this work, we implemented Shrinkwrap on top of an

existing healthcare database federation that uses SMCQL [4].This private data federation serves a group of hospitals thatwish to analyze the union of their electronic health recordsystems for research while keeping individual tuples private.

A clinical data research network (CDRN) is a consortiumof healthcare sites that agree to share their data for research.CDRN data providers wish to keep their data private. Weexamine this work in the context of HealthLNK [44], a CDRNfor Chicago-area healthcare sites. This repository containsrecords from seven Chicago-area healthcare institutions, eachwith their own member hospitals, from 2006 to 2012, total-ing about 6 million records. The data set is selected from adiverse set of hospitals, including academic medical centers,large county hospitals, and local community health centers.

Medical researchers working on HealthLNK develop SQLqueries and run them on data from a set of healthcare sites.These researchers are the clients of the private data federa-tion and the healthcare sites are the private data owners.

Dataset: We evaluate Shrinkwrap on medical data fromtwo Chicago area hospitals in the HealthLNK data repos-itory [44] over one year of data. This dataset has 500,000patient records, or 15 GB of data. For additional evalua-tion, we generate synthetic data up to 750 GB based on thissource medical data. To simplify our experiments, we use apublic patient registry for common diseases that maintainsa list of anonymized patient identifiers associated with theseconditions. We filter our query inputs using this registry.

Query Workload: For our experiments, we chose threerepresentative queries based on clinical data research proto-cols [23, 43] and evaluate Shrinkwrap on this workload us-ing de-identified medical records from the HealthLNK datarepository. We also generate synthetic versions of AspirinCount that contain additional join operators. We refer tothese queries by the number of join operators, e.g., 3-Joinfor 3 join operators. The queries are shown in Table 3.

Configuration: Shrinkwrap query processing runs on topof PostgreSQL 9.5 running on Ubuntu Linux. We evalu-ated our two-party prototype on 6 servers running in pairs.The servers each have 64 GB of memory, 7200 RPM NL-SAS hard drives, and are on a dedicated 10Gb/s network.Our results report the average runtime of three runs per ex-periment. We implement Shrinkwrap under both the RAMmodel (using ObliVM [33]) and circuit model (using EMP[51]).For most experiments, we show results using the RAM model,though corresponding circuit model results are similar. Un-less otherwise specified, the results show the end-to-end run-time of a query with output policy 1, i.e., true results.

7.2 End-to-end PerformanceIn our first experiment, we look at the the end to end per-

formance of Shrinkwrap compared to baseline private datafederation execution. For execution, we set ε to 0.5, δ to0.00005, and use the optimal budget splitting approach.

In Figure 5, we look at the overall performance of fourqueries under Shrinkwrap for both RAM model and circuitmodel secure computation. For Comorbidity, the executiondoes not contain any join operators, meaning that there is noexplosion in intermediate result cardinality, so Shrinkwrapprovides fewer benefits. Dosage Study contains a join op-erator with a parent distinct operator. Applying differen-tial privacy to the output of the join improves performanceby close to 5x under the RAM model, but sees fewer ben-efits under the circuit model. Aspirin Count contains twojoins and sees an order of magnitude improvement under theRAM model and a 2x improvement under the circuit model.Finally, 3-Join has an enormous cardinality blow-up, allow-ing Shrinkwrap to improve its performance by 33x under theRAM model and 35x under the circuit model. In Section 7.6,we examine this effect of join operators on performance. Al-though implementation in the circuit model outperforms theRAM model by an order of magnitude, Shrinkwrap givessimilar efficiency improvements in both systems.

7.3 Privacy, Performance, and AccuracyWe consider the performance vs privacy trade-off provided

by Shrinkwrap and evaluate the effect of the execution pri-vacy budget on query performance. For this experiment, weuse the 3-Join query with the optimal budget splitting ap-proach, fix the total privacy budget ε = 1.5 and δ = 0.00005,









Comorbidity Dosage Study Aspirin Count 3-Join





n Ti

me (



Without ShrinkwrapWith Shrinkwrap

(a) RAM Model (ObliVM),





Comorbidity Dosage Study Aspirin Count 3-Join





n Ti

me (



Without ShrinkwrapWith Shrinkwrap

(b) Circuit Model (EMP)

Figure 5: End-to-End Shrinkwrap Performance for AllQueries at ε = 0.5, δ = .00005.

and use output setting 2, i.e. differentially private final an-swers. We vary the privacy budget for performance δ1−lfrom 0.1 to 1.5 and fix δ1→l = δ. The remaining privacybudget ε−ε1→l is spent on the query output using a Laplacemechanism.

In Figure 6a, we see the execution time as a function ofthe privacy budget for performance (ε1→l). As the privacybudget for performance ε1→l increases, the execution timedecreases. A lower budget means that more noise must bepresent in the intermediate result cardinalities, which trans-lates to larger cardinalities and higher execution time vari-ance. We know that I/O cost dominates the Shrinkwrapcost model, so larger cardinalities mean more I/O accesses,which causes lower performance.

In Figure 6b, we show the accuracy versus privacy trade-off by varying the privacy budget for performance ε1→l. Wereport the execution time and the error introduced to thefinal query answer at various privacy budget for performanceε1→l < 1.5. Out of a total possible output size of 5500 tuples,the query output is 10/5500 = 0.18% of the total possibleoutput size. If we allow additive noise of 0.36% (20/5500),we get a 100x performance improvement. Since the totalprivacy ε is fixed, the more we spend for performance (largerε1→l), the less privacy budget we have at the output, i.e., asour execution time improves, our output noise increases.

7.4 Evaluating Budget Splitting StrategiesWe first examine the relative performance of the three

budget splitting strategies introduced in Section 6: uni-form, eager, and optimal. Recall that uniform splits the







0 0.5 1 1.5



n Ti

me (


Privacy Budget, 𝜖1→l

(a) Performance v.s. ε1→l.







0 20 40 60 80



n Ti

me (

s)Final Result Error (# of tuples)

(b) Performance v.s. Error.

Figure 6: Privacy, Performance, and Accuracy Tradeoffs.Computed using different levels of privacy budget for per-formance ε1→l ∈ {0.1, ..., 1.5}. Executed using RAM Model,3-Join, ε = 1.5, δ = 0.00005.

budget evenly across all the operators, eager inserts the en-tire budget at the first operator, and uses the Shrinkwrapcost model, along with cardinality estimates, to identify anoptimal budget split. We also include an oracle approachthat shows the performance of Shrinkwrap if true cardinal-ities are used in the cost model to split the budget insteadof cardinality estimates. Note that oracle does not satisfydifferential privacy, but gives an upper bound on the bestperformance achievable through privacy budgeting. For thisexperiment, we use the Aspirin Count and 3-Join queriessince they contain multiple operators where Shrinkwrap gen-erates differentially-private cardinalities and set the privacyparameters usable during execution to ε = 0.5 and δ =.00005.

Figure 7 displays the relative speedup of all three ap-proaches and the oracle for both queries over the baseline,fully padded, private data federation execution. All threeShrinkwrap approaches provide significant performance im-provements, ranging from 3x to 33x. As expected, opti-mal performs best for both queries. We also see that eagerperforms better for Aspirin Count, while uniform performsbetter for 3-Join.

The benefits of minimized intermediate result cardinali-ties cascades as those results flow through the operator tree.By using the entire budget on the first join operator in As-pirin Count, the eager approach maximizes the effect of theintermediate result cardinality reduction, and as a result,outperforms the uniform approach. However, for the 3-Join



















Aspirin Count 3-Join





l Pad



Uniform Eager Optimal Oracle

Figure 7: Shrinkwrap execution speedup over baseline us-ing different budget strategies. Executed using RAM model,ε = 0.5, δ = .00005

query, the presence of the additional join operator overridesthe cascading cardinality benefit of the first join operator.The uniform approach outperforms the eager approach byensuring that all three of the join operators receive differ-entially private cardinalities. The optimal approach outper-forms both eager and uniform by combining the best of bothworlds. Optimal applies differential privacy to all operators,like uniform, but it uses a larger fraction of the budget onearlier operators, like eager.

Looking at the oracle approach, we can evaluate the accu-racy of our cost model. For privacy reasons, our cost modeldoes not use the true cardinalities. Here, we see that theoptimal approach, which uses estimated cardinalities, andthe oracle approach, which uses true cardinalities, providesimilar performance. In experiments using Aspirin Count,we calculate the correlation coefficient between the true ex-ecution time and the estimated execution time based on ourcost model as .998 for the circuit model and .931 for theRAM model, given a ε = 0.5, δ = .00005. We see thatthe Shrinkwrap cost model provides a reasonably accurateprediction of the true cost.

7.5 Operator BreakdownNow, we look at the execution time by operator to see

where Shrinkwrap provides the largest impact. We includeonly private operators in the figure. For this experiment weuse the Aspirin Count query with ε = 0.5 and δ = 0.00005.We show the execution times for the baseline, fully paddedapproach for intermediate results, as well as the uniform,eager, and optimal budget splitting approaches.

Figure 8 shows the execution times of each operator in theAspirin Count query. Note that Shrinkwrap does not applyany differential privacy until the output of Join M. (Join onMedications), so we see no speed-up in the actual Join M.operator, only in the later query operators.

The first operator to see a benefit from Shrinkwrap isJoin D. (Join on Demographics), the second join in thequery. Shrinkwrap generates a differentially private car-dinality for the output of the previous join, Join M., ac-cording to the selected budget splitting approach. For uni-form, the allocated budget is not large enough to generatea differentially-private cardinality that is smaller than thefully padded cardinality. In fact, the overhead of calculat-ing the differentially-private cardinality actually causes theoperator runtime to go above the baseline runtime. For ea-ger, Shrinkwrap spends the entire budget on the output of






Join M. Join D. Distinct Total





n Ti

me (


Query Operator

Baseline Uniform Eager Optimal Oracle

Figure 8: Per operator performance using different budgetstrategies. Executed using Aspirin Count, RAM model, ε =0.5, δ = .00005

the first join and reduces the intermediate cardinality byan order of magnitude. The optimal approach uses enoughbudget to reduce the intermediate cardinality, but not asmuch as eager.

The next operator, DISTINCT, also sees a large perfor-mance benefit. All three budget splitting approaches reducethe runtime for DISTINCT by about an order of magnitude.Since the baseline intermediate cardinality for DISTINCT ismuch larger, the uniform approach generates a differentially-private cardinality that reduces the intermediate result sizeand improves performance. The eager approach does nothave any additional budget to use, but the effect of the pre-vious intermediate cardinality cascades through the querytree and reduces the execution time for DISTINCT as well.Finally, the optimal approach applies its remaining budgetto see a significant performance improvement.

In the Aspirin Count query, the three budget splitting ap-proaches allocate the budget between three operators andprovide an insight into the trade-off between early and latebudget allocation. We see wildly varying execution times foreach of the operators, with different operators providing thebulk of the performance cost depending on the budget strat-egy. Here, the optimal strategy gives the best performance.The substantial variance in execution for these operatorsdemonstrates the value of the added accuracy that our I/Ocost model provides.

7.6 Join Scale UpWe now look at how Shrinkwrap scales with more com-

plex workloads. From our experiments, we know that thenumber of joins in a query has an extremely large impact onexecution time. More complex workloads typically containmore nested statements and require more advanced SQLprocessing, but can be broken down into a series of simplerstatements. This work focuses on complexity as a functionof the join count in order to target the largest performancebottleneck in a single SQL statement.

In our experiment, we scale the join count and measure theperformance. Since Shrinkwrap applies differential privacyat the operator outputs, we measure the performance impactof join operators by looking at the execution time of theirimmediate parent operator. For consistency, we truncate thenumber of non-inherited input tuples of each join to equalmagnitudes and use ε = 0.5 and δ = 0.00005 for all runs.

From Figure 9, we see how execution time scales as afunction of the join count. As the number of joins increases,









1 Join 2 Joins 3 Joins



n Ti

me (


Number of Joins

Baseline Shrinkwrap

Figure 9: Aspirin Count with synthetic join scaling. Exe-cuted using RAM model. ε = 0.5, δ = .00005






1x 5x 10x 15x 20x 25x 30x 35x 40x 45x 50x



n Ti

me (


Synthetic Data Size, Above Baseline

Without Shrinkwrap With Shrinkwrap

Figure 10: Aspirin Count with synthetic data scaling. Ex-ecuted using Circuit model. ε = 0.5, δ = .00005

the execution time also increases. To find the source of theperformance slowdown, we can look at the Shrinkwrap costmodel. For each join operator, the baseline private data fed-eration fully pads the output. If the join inputs were bothof size n, then the output would be n2. As the number ofjoins increase, the cardinality rises from n to n2 to n3. Theexponential increase in output cardinality requires signifi-cantly more I/O accesses, which cause the large slow downin performance. Shrinkwrap applies differential privacy toreduce the output size at each join, reducing the magnitudeof each join output. While Shrinkwrap still sees a significantgrowth in execution time as a function of the join count, theoverall performance is orders of magnitudes better.

7.7 Data Size Scale UpWe evaluate the performance of Shrinkwrap with increas-

ing data sizes. We leverage the higher efficiency of ourcircuit model protocol, EMP [51], to examine the effect ofShrinkwrap on larger input data sizes. Without Shrinkwrap,the RAM model protocol, ObliVM [33], needs 1.3 hours torun the Aspirin Count query and at 50x, 65 hours to com-plete. Instead, we use EMP which completes in 15 minutes.

Figure 10 shows the execution time with and withoutShrinkwrap using an implementation of EMP [51] on ourAspirin Count reference query. We generated synthetic databased on the original tables, giving us an effective maximumdata size of 750 GB. In Figure 10, we see that Shrinkwrapprovides a significant improvement during execution. Asthe data size grows, our performance improvement grows aswell, reflecting the power and flexibility of Shrinkwrap.

8. RELATED WORKWithin the literature, different approaches exist to im-

prove query processing in private data federations, such asdatabases based on homomorphic encryption, TEEs, differ-ential privacy, and cloud computation [1, 29, 30, 36, 45, 54].Shrinkwrap, on the other hand, provides general-purpose,hardware-agnostic, in-situ SQL evaluation with provable pri-vacy guarantees and exact results.

PINQ [36] introduced the first database with differen-tial privacy, along with privacy budget tracking and sen-sitivity analysis for operator composition. We extend thiswork by applying its privacy calculus to private data fed-erations. Follow on work in differential privacy appears inDJoin [38], where the system supports private execution ofcertain SQL operators over a federated database with strongprivacy guarantees and noisy results. Shrinkwrap supportsa larger set of database operators for execution and insteadof using noisy results to safeguard data, Shrinkwrap usesnoisy cardinalities to improve performance.

He et al. [22] applied computational differential privacyin join operators for private record linkage and proposed athree desiderata approach to operator execution: precision,provability, and performance. Shrinkwrap incorporates thisstyle of join execution and approach to execution trade-offs.

Pappas et al. [42] showed that by trading small bits of pri-vacy for performance within provable bounds using bloomfilters, systems can provide scalable DBMS queries over ar-bitrary boolean queries. Shrinkwrap applies this pattern ofprovable privacy versus performance trade-offs to the largerset of non-boolean arbitrary SQL queries.

Both Opaque [56] and Hermetic [54] use cost models toestimate performance slowdowns due to privacy-preservingcomputation. In both cases, they use secure enclaves tocarry out private computation, which provides constant-cost I/O. As such, their cost models cannot account for thevariable-cost I/O present in Shrinkwrap.

9. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORKIn this work, we introduce Shrinkwrap, a protocol-agnostic

system for differentially-private query processing that sig-nificantly improves the performance of private data federa-tions. We use a computational differential privacy mecha-nism to selectively leak statistical information within prov-able privacy bounds and reduce the size of intermediate re-sults. We introduce a novel cost model and privacy budgetoptimizer to maximize the privacy, performance, and accu-racy trade-off. We integrate Shrinkwrap into existing pri-vate data federation architecture and collect results usingreal-world medical data.

In future research, we hope to further improve the per-formance of private data federations and the efficiency ofShrinkwrap. We are currently investigating novel secure ar-ray algorithms and data structures to improve I/O accesstime, privacy budget optimizations over multiple queries,and extensions of private data federations using additionalsecure computation protocols and cryptographic primitives.

Acknowledgments: We thank Abel Kho, Satyender Goel,Katie Jackson, and Jess Joseph Behrens for their guidanceand assistance with CAPriCORN and HealthLNK data. Wealso thank the HealthLNK team for sharing de-identifiedelectronic health record data for this study.


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