shutter island magazine cover analysis 1

Post on 09-Aug-2015



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Magazine AnalysisThe cover of Total Film

October 2009

You can see from this picture the full cover of the shutter island issue of total film magazine. Its shows a full body shot of Leonardo DiCaprio allowing us to view his costume, lighting and to be able to create an idea surrounding his character. The costume he is wearing portrays a smart businessman, however the costume looks slightly bedraggled as if the character has been through an adventure or some kind of danger or distress this intrigues the audience as they want to find out what has happened. The lighting of the picture allows a mysterious air to be created surrounding the character this to adds to the audiences intrigue, the lighting of the picture is extremely important. This picture very accurately portrays the film which is essential for a magazine cover featuring a film.

Magazine Cover

The masthead is clear and to the point allows you to quickly and effectively identify the genre of the magazine. The font they have chosen to use is simple and easy to read this is essential for a magazine cover. The word ‘total’ in the heading shows they include a wide range of films within the magazine, because they keep the interests wide this allows many audiences to be attracted to their product. This is the banner from the magazine cover they have very effectively edited it so it fits in with the theme of the magazine as well as still being recognizable as ‘Total Film’. They way they have position the picture of DiCaprio means that people will immediately see his face when identifying the magazine. It may also operate in another way that means that you look at DiCaprio and then notice the name of the magazine identifying it. The mysterious figure at the end of the banner is lit up across the face so to ensure you can’t identify the figure, it also emitted a yellow light which can be seen as a warning. The theme of the magazine cover is generally dark so the white of the title really stands out making it easy to notice.

Mast Head

This slide focuses of the cover lines of the magazine cover. I have included 3 examples; The first is the cover line which runs across the top of the magazine ‘greatest movie art ever’ this is in a contrasting red which stands out against the dark colour palette of the magazine cover. This also advertises one of the features within the magazine attracting the audience. The second example is the avatar feature ‘its got everything’ by including an opinion it quickly allows you to see that is a review. By including an opinion it also makes it seem more personal which would entice they audience to find out what someone thinks about a certain film. The third example includes 3 separate cover lines, they have continued the colour theme of using the dark red and white as a contrast against the dark colour theme. They are also playing with the boldness and sizes of the fonts allow-people to be attracted to the coverline. Use of words such as ‘plus’ and ‘inside’ are words that attract the reader to insidethe magazine to read the features.

Cover lines

This is the main coverline I have chosen to analyse as is the main coverline as well as being the one which advertises shutter island. By clearly creating the link with the film it allows the audience to create the connection between the magazine and the film. It also creates a link with the cover person ‘Leo takes over the asylum’, by using a familiar name to address Leonardo DiCaprio makes the audience film as if the magazine is friendly with him and the may get more of an inside scoop. This also plays on the celebrity obsession within society today. It also creates a comedic element with the use of the words ‘takes over’ playing on the horror idea of something supernatural or in control, this comedic element continues with familiar connection the magazine has with Leonardo DiCaprio. It continues to follows the colour scheme of the film the deep red as well as the font used on the film posters. By running similar themes between the film poster and the magazine cover allows the connection between the magazine and film to be made quickly and clearly for the audience.

Main Coverline

Essentials There is many essentials in which you have to include when creating a magazine cover. These are often elements that you wouldn’t choose to have on your magazine as they are not ascetically pleasing however you have to include them. These essentials include; the barcode, the date. These essentials are located in different places on different magazines. This issue is quite uncommon as the date and issue number is positioned in the ‘M’ of the mast head, normally these details are tucked away often at the bottom of the page or right in the corner of the cover.

Comparison BetweenYou can quickly identify similarities between the film poster and magazine cover this allows you to create the connection between the two. Firstly is the title of the film is written in very similar fonts to allow you to create an identity which can be recognised by many audiences. Secondly both have highlighted they same features on Leonardo DiCaprio the face however they have used lighting differently to create mystery though different ways. The are both dark colour palettes but different intensities of darkness.

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