signal flow in-depth. there are two sources of sound in the recording studio. 1. the musicians you...

Post on 16-Dec-2015






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Signal Flow In-Depth

There are two sources of sound in the recording studio.

1. The musicians you are recording.

2. Tracks already recorded

INPUT vs. MONITOR channels

The INPUT channels are for listening to individual live channels

The MONITOR channels control playback on your control room loudspeakers.

SPLIT Console

We learned how there are SPLIT and IN-LINE consoles…

Remember, a SPLIT console has SEPARATE Input & Monitor channels

This is very SIMPLE to see and understand

Split Console (Trident)Split Console (Trident)

Input SideInput Side Monitor SideMonitor Side

Input Side

IN-LINE Consoles

Monitoring is incorporated into the channel strips

Therefore: Each channel has INPUT control AND MONITOR control

There are TWO SIGNAL PATHS for each channel

This can be more confusing…

There will be two faders in the channel strip - one for the input path and one for the monitor path.

It might also be a FADER and a POT


The fader for the Input controls the level of the signal going to the multitrack.

The fader for the monitor controls the level you hear of the track that has already been recorded.


Many consoles have groups that give more routing options

You can send each TRACK to a GROUP or to the MAIN MIX (L/R)


Example…. Mackie MixerExample…. Mackie Mixer,85/brand,zzounds/Studio32-0b43c1eba65934b39a2097bfd5e0946c.jpg


Outboard PRE AMPS can be used

This way, the console is only for MONITORING

CONTROLLERS with motorized faders allow for total recall

Using your DAW

DAW software is basically a MONITOR MIXER

A recording INTERFACE simply has a monitor level control and the mix is done using software

Split Mode: sometimes called English consoles by American engineers. The split console uses separate modules for the inputs and outputs. Usually the input modules are placed to the left of the master modules on

the console and are used for the microphone and line input signals while recording and then again for machine returns when mixing.

The group/monitor modules are usually to the right of the master module. The group/monitor module has 2 signal paths. Like the input modules, the group/monitor modules are equipped with a

fader which is used to set the group level and a monitor fader ( or pot ) to control the level of the monitor signal being sent to the stereo bus which also feeds the control room outputs to the monitor speakers.

The monitor section often has a limited EQ which is less extensive than the equalizer on the input channels.

The monitor section can be switched to listen to the group output or the multitrack output.

Split Mode Examples; early Neve consoles, most Trident and Soundcraft consoles and all Soundtracs consoles prior to the IL & Quartz, most DDA's and most Mackie analogue models

Some Interesting Info…Some Interesting Info…

In Line Originated in the USA. Each module carries 2 signal paths, the microphone or line input

and the group/tape monitor signal. The upper part of the module caters for the Mic or Line input when

in the recording mode, it looks very similar to the Split Mode mic/line channel apart from the fact that is has 2 additional controls to handle the monitor signal, these are level ( sometimes a fader sometimes a pot ) plus a pan pot.

There are also additional switches required, because both signal paths are on the same module they have to share the auxiliary sends so switches are required to switch the send pots, usually in pairs, between the mic line path and monitor path.

There will also find a 'Mix' button on an In Line module, this is the best feature of the design, this button reverses the inputs so that the machine return will come into the main signal patch and the Mic or line signal will come through the monitor path. This features allows engineers to mix recorded tracks while they are overdubbing

In Line Examples, all SSL's current Neve's, Soundtracs Jade & Solitaire consoles, TLA VTC's, MCI's & most Sony consoles.

Advantages & Disadvantages:  The main advantages of the In Line console is

more inputs in a smaller space and the reduced cost of production. As a single module is used for the input and output signals fewer modules are required; a 24 buss Split Mode console will have 24 more modules than an In Line console.

Generally a Split Console has more facilities than an In Line, it has a fader on the group output which the In Line does not have although some manufacturers provide a pot to adjust the group output level, also the aux sends and EQ on an In Line module has to be shared between the mic/line input and the monitor signal

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