signed and encrypted email 2010 - wisc enterprises · importing certificate into outlook 2010 email...

Post on 28-Jun-2020






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This article provides instructions for the following:

• Obtaining an SSL Certificate

• Exporting Certificate from Explorer

• Importing Certificate into Outlook Email

• Configure and test Outlook.

Obtaining an SSL Certificate

From your Laptop PC only, use Internet Explorer, browse to this location of click to follow the link.

Click on the big button, this will bring you to the Application page.

An Alert box will ask for Web Access Confirmation - Click YES

Fill in your name, your WiSC email address and create a strong password.

Uncheck the “Opt in?” for newsletter. And Accept the Agreement.

Once completed, an email will be sent to your outlook account.

Follow the instructions to obtain you certificate.

Paste the link into Internet Explorer and then copy/paste your Code to obtain the Certificate.

Comodo, will Auto-Install the Cert and you will be prompted twice to allow. Click (Yes/Ok)

Exporting from Explorer

We can now confirm the successful installation and the export it.

In Internet Explorer, click on the Tools icon at top right. (Gear)

Select Internet Options, then Content tab, then Certificates – Note the “Issued By” field

Your Cert should be there with the Comodo designation and expiration in one year

Highlight your Cert and click on the Advanced button.

Confirm “Secury Email” is checked in Certificate purposes (click OK)

Click on Export and Follow the Export wizard.

When requested, select 'Yes, export the private key', and 'Include all certificates in the certification path, if possible’ and

'Enable strong protection' under the "Personal Information Exchange - p12/pfx".

Save to your chosen backup location (WiSC recommends “Documents\Outlook Files” and name as

“@@-WiSCemail-Cert” where @@ is your initials), but leave the 'Type' as 'Personal Information Exchange (*.pfx)'.

Choose a password which you can remember later, or use your strong revocation password created in the first step.

Once finished, the certificate and associated private key is saved as a .pfx file. You can import this into other browsers

and mail clients as required.

If using Firefox: Select "Preferences|Options" -> "Advanced" -> "Encryption" -> "View Certificates", choose the "Your

Certificates" tab and locate your client certificate from the list. The certificate will be listed under Comodo. Select the

certificate and click on "Backup", then follow the Save to instructions above.

Importing Certificate into Outlook 2010 Email Client

Open Outlook 2010, click on File then Options, then Trust Center at the bottom left.

In Trust Center, select E-mail Security, then the Import/Export button.

Browse to the saved Certificate file you just exported. (Documents\Outlook Files)

Enter your Password and a descriptive Digital ID name: (WiSC recommends – Comodo-FirstLast names) Click OK.

When complete, Click “Publish to GAL”.

Configure and test Outlook.

The first time you want to send a message, you may need to sign it manually. (no Buttons yet)

Start an Email, select Options, then select more options to open the Security Settings button.

Select the settings you want to use and complete sending the email.

When sending a message you will be asked to Grant or Deny using the Cert. Select Grant.

Congratulations! You’re done.

Now copy the Certificate to a backup drive or USB flash drive and delete it from your laptop.

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